The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I was wondering, I saw the photo on the Quiditch broom and was wondering, do they do those photos at Universal Orlando or was that done somewhere else? It is an awesome photo and would like to do if the parks ever open up again. Thank you
If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be? Tell me about a scenario you might find yourself in and use that trick up your sleeve and at the tip of your wand!
Now that I've had a moment to look into this...

I'd choose Anapneo. For obvious reasons.
It clears a target's airway. I think that might come in handy for those suffering from a severe case of COVID-19.

But what I'm not happy about is that someone has obviously cast an Engorgement charm on me!
Update soon... as I spend nights in a row at the hospital doing multiple shifts in a row interspersed with night shifts. Ugh!

But soon...

Meanwhile... sneaking on and not sure what’s for dinner. Looking for ideas!
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If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be? Tell me about a scenario you might find yourself in and use that trick up your sleeve and at the tip of your wand!

OK this time I'll play. I would want the "beam me up" spell, is that apparition in HP terms? I have no idea. But the one where you can just instantly travel to anywhere in a millisecond. Like as soon as this pandemic is over to be able to beam me to a beach in Thailand for a few weeks and then WDW lol.
Now that I've had a moment to look into this...

I'd choose Anapneo. For obvious reasons.
It clears a target's airway. I think that might come in handy for those suffering from a severe case of COVID-19.

But what I'm not happy about is that someone has obviously cast an Engorgement charm on me!

Sucking a virus out... huh! I like that one.
Hi Leisa, just wanted to let you know I caught up on your report.
I haven't been on the DIS much at all lately. I've had some personal stresses to keep me away (who doesn't these days, I guess).
I hope you, and everyone else on the DIS, are doing OK in these strange times.
Your DA pics are gorgeous. I do think it was the most immersive land I had ever seen…right up until I saw SWGE. The problem with DA is that once you leave that area, the rest of the park is….nice. It's fine. But it's not Disney :love:

If I could cast a spell it would be to make everyone healthy so we can go back to living somewhat normal lives.

Hope you're staying well :hug:
If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be? Tell me about a scenario you might find yourself in and use that trick up your sleeve and at the tip of your wand!
Right now, I'd love to be able to use "Accio!" when we need things, so none of us are in danger of contracting anything from the stores we visit to pick things up! (It would also be helpful since we can't seem to find toilet paper ANYWHERE!)

In my regular life, I'd love to be able to apparate because my commute is downright dreadful!!!!!
U is for: Until I Get to Hogsmeade- UniWorlds Pt. 4.

Let’s take a break from all things Harry Potter and saunter our way around the other areas UniWorld has to offer. I can use a lot of words to describe what I found around the parks: zany, quirky, fun, and even in some places, exotic. But, let’s cut to the chase, it’s not Harry Potter, or even Disney, “amazing”. Nevertheless, a first-time visitor such that I was, is obligated to tour the entirety of both parks and I admit with full conviction I did enjoy it- some parts more than others. Perhaps, I should include the opinion that I think the degree to which one enjoys each “land” or area depends greatly on how connected you are and, more importantly, familiar with the source material in general. Let me elaborate from my own experience…

In no particular order, because I have NO idea at this point which order I explored them over the 2 days I was there, nor am I very familiar with the areas each park has beyond the 2 HP lands. So please, Dear Readers, forgive my extreme lack of knowledge and excessive laziness… especially those who have gone many more times than myself. I’ll simply present the photos I took and give some brief commentary of my tour.

While not a land per se, I did ride the Minions, a fun, but not mind-blowing simulator ride based on the Despicable Me Movie. I LOVE the movie and have watched it several times. I enjoyed the experience and had fun in the gift shop afterwards being super silly dancing to Boogie Fever and trying on my some ridonculous headwear.

Somewhere during the day(s), not sure which, but suspect it was on my US day- Day 1 of my UniStay- I went to a post-race celebration where honestly the story and characters were completely lost on me. I have never watched any of the 4 zillion nearly identical movies of Fast and Furious (this, 2nd hand from others who warned me of their likely unappealing content to me and somewhat unflattering reviews) so had no idea who the characters were and sadly even the plot is unmemorable as I can’t even remember more than that we loaded a “bus” and were supposed to be on the way to a party, but some people were chasing us around on freeways and stuff. Sorry, that’s the best I can do for you. I can say the ride itself was okay, and fun in the moment despite my lack of emotional connection to the plot, story, or characters. What I did like equally were the cars and the Garage-themed pre-show area. I’m a sucker for a nice ‘vette any day of the week.

I do apologize for the lack of photos outside of the Potter areas. Generally, because this was my first visit to UniWorld, I was more focused on taking it all in and racing from ride to ride so I could cram as much in as I could. That aside, I can still give my thoughts on the things I did and saw with the few photos I did manage to snag…. Strolling on…

Men in Black was probably in my top 3 rides outside of the HP areas. I have only watched the movie once when it came out in 1997, so again, some of the original source material was lost on me. Nevertheless, it was an incredibly fun, interactive ride. Even though I sucked at this one just like I do on Buzz and TSMM and every other shooting ride. But the animatronics are REALLY well done, the soundtrack is a good one, and who doesn’t love to shoot stuff- even if you suck?

Eventually, I found my sarcastic and cynical self in Springfield, where the Simpsons and I shared a laugh or two over the human condition. They also took me on a nausea-inducing spin with Krusty, Bart, and Lisa. While this land, along with the Suess area, were probably my faves for overall theming (other than the HP areas, of course), the ride itself was a bit much for my tender tummy and after my spin through Springfield (pun intended) I was pretty much done with simulator rides for the day. But I really did enjoy the area as a whole quite a lot. I was far too full from my lunch at The Leaky Cauldron to pig out at Lard Lads or Krusty Burger, but thought in general they did a great job at re-creating Homer’s Homeland. It also reminded me of how funny the series is, and I watched a few episodes last night during my night shift to refresh myself. (I wrote that bit last week, so... there's that.)

Somewhere during the day, not even sure which day to be honest, I caught a showing of the Horror Makeup Show. Fun fact: Growing up in SoCal, my family was fortunate enough to have season tickets to the Pantages Theater and while I remember many of the stage plays and musicals there, the one that stands out most vividly is seeing Yul Brenner play The King of Siam in The King and I. The mini-museum of old photographs and movie props of old Hollywood horror movies in the pre-show/foyer area was fantastic and helped to pass the time before they let us in for the show. Having MaxPass, I enjoyed a front row seat which came with a gentle warning of being in the “splash zone” I mean what could possibly go wrong at a show that featured fake blood?

Haha, you just thought I was spattered and slimed, didn’t you? No, I couldn’t get any wetter because I was already drenched from head to toe from the Jurassic Park ride earlier in the day. Word to the wise: You will never dry out from that one for an entire day. So, if you enjoy IBS (Itchy Butt Syndrome) for hours and hours, please, by all means, that is the ride for you! Anywho, I enjoyed the Makeup Show a lot, mostly because the jokes and one-liners were decidedly just on the outside of Disney-friendly. At one point, they even blatantly poke fun at Disney, which was almost as refreshing as the mist from the backside of water.

Wandering on I waltzed through the Lost Continent area which I honestly enjoyed quite a lot- for SURE more than the Toon or Marvel areas. Probably because I loved adventure stories growing up (still do, especially Jules Verne, Stevenson- Treasure Island, and Haggard- King Solomon’s Mines). To this day, I still think Adventureland is my favorite at MK. I had thought about eating at Mythos, once voted Best Themepark Dining Experience, but opted for the Leaky Cauldron instead. Must be about time for another visit. Skipping the rides, I instead took a few photos.

(Apparently, I still fixated on light fixtures and palm trees.)

I’ll end with a couple of random shots of no significant importance. But I love how when I finally get around to editing my photos, I get a nudge to watch oldies but goodies and Betty Boop is always a win.

Bonus points for anyone who can tell what this train is and why it’s in the middle of the parks? I have no clue and really don’t have the time right now to research it.

I almost forgot to mention what my favorite ride was. Because I'm a nostalgia freak and adore the dark-ride style most, I'd have to go with E.T. as my favorite. Rode that one twice, in fact. Sorry, I was busy flying on a bike, so no photos. ;)

Hope you are all weathering this storm well. When this all began, I thought I’d be out of work entirely, but fortunately that has not been the case. A year ago I picked up a 2nd job at a nearby hospital in the Surgical Services area where I admit patients and get them ready for their procedures, and then finish recovering them after they are stable enough to progress out of the Phase 1 Recovery Room. I then make sure everything is done to safely discharge them home. Additionally, last winter at that same hospital, I started picking up on-call Phase 1 Recovery Room shifts and have every Saturday and Saturday night (24-hours) on-call shift from now through July. About half the time I get a call which is good and easy money for me. Additionally, my dept. is loaning us out during this time when there is basically NO surgery happening to other departments. So, I oriented to the Senior Psych Unit and have been picking up shifts there for some extra income. On top of that, I have also been filling in the shifts of screening every person who comes through the door, but the only ones available (well, that are being offered to per diem staff like myself) are from midnight- 4:00AM. If I said I’m exhausted, I’d be lying. I basically slept or worked at the hospital from Wednesday- Monday. My own bed never felt better last night. Given the choice, however, I’d take too much work over not enough any week of the year. I don’t know how long these extra, open shifts will be available to me, and as they say, “May hay while the sun shines.” My primary full-time job is paying me a portion of my average hours so that certainly helps as well, but that runs out in 3 more weeks. At that point, I’ll be more than grateful for any hours or income I can find. Meantime, I hope that that regular job resumes sooner than later! I definitely have some professional opinions on the extent of the lockdown that reaches into “elective” and “non-urgent” procedures. I can say for certain, there will be collateral “damage” (yes, you can read that deaths, and it will very likely far exceed the total number of deaths due to Covid) because people aren’t getting the screenings and procedures they could have had to save their life. But, for fear of getting (more) riled up on my day off, I’ll leave it at that.

Now, it's YOUR turn:

If you've been to Uni, what is your 1) Favorite area? and 2) Favorite ride?


If you've NOT been to Uni,what is your 1) Favorite WDW park? 2) Area? and 3) Ride
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Hey, Alicia! So good to "see" you!

I agree. It's one of the best themed lands in all the parks. It's even more impressive than the Diagon Alley at the Warner Brothers Studio in London. (The sets stopped three fourths of the way up.)

They just... stop? 3/4 of the way up? That's just bizarre!
Again, I think this is spot on. The immersive experience of walking through Gringotts, drinking a butterbeer, perusing shops is worth the entry price.

Beautiful photos from Diagon Alley. Made me feel like I was back there, only better, because it seemed like your early morning paid off and it wasn't unbearably crowded yet.

I really hope to go again someday. Maybe if everything does actually indeed open again.

Does knowing how to Apparate count? Because if so, I would definitely pick that one. Only, without the fear of splinching. I hate driving and living overseas that trick would be really convenient. ::yes::

OH yeah, I can see that. I never did drive in Crapistan either. It was just too terrifying! I can see how the apparate would be the perfect solution!
I was wondering, I saw the photo on the Quiditch broom and was wondering, do they do those photos at Universal Orlando or was that done somewhere else? It is an awesome photo and would like to do if the parks ever open up again. Thank you
Well, hello there!! And welcome! :welcome:

I just sat on one of the brooms in a Gift Shop and one of my readers (@pkondz ) turned it into that fun piece of art for me!! Thanks, PK!!!! I do think UO would make a killing off of doing that, and they've missed the boat with that opportunity.
Now that I've had a moment to look into this...

I'd choose Anapneo. For obvious reasons.
It clears a target's airway. I think that might come in handy for those suffering from a severe case of COVID-19.

But what I'm not happy about is that someone has obviously cast an Engorgement charm on me!
Oh, you've done your research!! Good one!

As for the Covid-19Pounds... it's a real thing. :rolleyes:
OK this time I'll play. I would want the "beam me up" spell, is that apparition in HP terms? I have no idea. But the one where you can just instantly travel to anywhere in a millisecond. Like as soon as this pandemic is over to be able to beam me to a beach in Thailand for a few weeks and then WDW lol.
You and me think alike, Girl! Anywhere warm and tropical and sandy!
Hi Leisa, just wanted to let you know I caught up on your report.
I haven't been on the DIS much at all lately. I've had some personal stresses to keep me away (who doesn't these days, I guess).
I hope you, and everyone else on the DIS, are doing OK in these strange times.
Hey, Jeff!!! So good to see you again! I had wondered where you've been hiding. Now I know... and thanks for the PM! These are indeed strange times for sure. Hang in there, Friend!
Your DA pics are gorgeous. I do think it was the most immersive land I had ever seen…right up until I saw SWGE. The problem with DA is that once you leave that area, the rest of the park is….nice. It's fine. But it's not Disney :love:

And that's where I think they are both very interactive, HIGHLY themed and detailed, etc.. the one that appeals personally to each comes down to which one you feel more attached to in terms of source material. While I like SWs in general, I enjoyed the HP content a LOT more. I could watch those over and over, whereas the SW movies don't hold my attention quite as much. Less relatable, maybe?

And you are totally right. Once outside those lands, the others areas are okay, but not amazing. Entertaining, but that's about it.

If I could cast a spell it would be to make everyone healthy so we can go back to living somewhat normal lives.

I want my normal life back. And it doesn't matter when we start doing that people are going to get sick. This virus isn't going anywhere, so at some point we need to make a start at doing that.

Hope you're staying well :hug:

So far, so good. Exhausted, but doing ok! :)
Right now, I'd love to be able to use "Accio!" when we need things, so none of us are in danger of contracting anything from the stores we visit to pick things up! (It would also be helpful since we can't seem to find toilet paper ANYWHERE!)

In my regular life, I'd love to be able to apparate because my commute is downright dreadful!!!!!
LOL!! Yeah, toilet paper. OY! I scored some industrial stuff through work today so am rejoicing in cleanliness! I hope you and all of us get back to our regular lives very soon! My commute stinks too, but I'd take it over going on and on with this much longer.
Bonus points for anyone who can tell what this train is and why it’s in the middle of the parks? I have no clue and really don’t have the time right now to research it.

That looks likes the train from Back to The Future 3 - Notice the ELB stands for Emmett L Brown (Back To The Future movie character).
There used to be a Back to the Future ride which has since been replaced with the Simpsons ride but they kept the train.
If you've been to Uni, what is your 1) Favorite area? and 2) Favorite ride?
I was at Uni in 2011 before the big Harry Potter experience happened so I guess my favourite area would be the old Harry Potter section and my next favourite area would be the city streets. I was lucky twice to experience the Blue Brothers singing in the streets. Oh when I was there in 2011 my sister and I got to be balloon handlers in the evening parade. Sorry no pictures to share because it poured rain that night and the pictures that my brother took are blurry from the wetness.
Favourite ride - I loved the ET ride.
Hi Judy!! :)

That looks likes the train from Back to The Future 3 - Notice the ELB stands for Emmett L Brown (Back To The Future movie character).
There used to be a Back to the Future ride which has since been replaced with the Simpsons ride but they kept the train.

Thanks for clearing that up! I had no idea and it seemed so out of place and strange. Espcially with Hogwarts Express there too. I don't think I"ve ever seen Back the Future 3, so it was lost on me. And it makes sense then that it was over near the Simpsons area too. :)

I was at Uni in 2011 before the big Harry Potter experience happened so I guess my favourite area would be the old Harry Potter section and my next favourite area would be the city streets. I was lucky twice to experience the Blue Brothers singing in the streets. Oh when I was there in 2011 my sister and I got to be balloon handlers in the evening parade. Sorry no pictures to share because it poured rain that night and the pictures that my brother took are blurry from the wetness.
Favourite ride - I loved the ET ride.

The city streets were pretty nice. Totally reminded me of DHS when they still had the Streets of America. I remember doing all of the silly photos like the Kung-Fu pose by the Chinese restaurant and stuff. Sad that's all gone. That's incredible stroke of luck to have gotten to see the Blue's Brothers! Nice!!!

Isn't the ET ride fun? So nostalgic and cute. A bit like the old GMR that I miss terribly!
Even though I sucked at this one just like I do on Buzz and TSMM and every other shooting ride. But the animatronics are REALLY well done, the soundtrack is a good one, and who doesn’t love to shoot stuff- even if you suck?
I totally concur with your explanation of the ride! We had such a blast on it, too, even though we sucked and the other car kept us spinning through the entire ride LOL

While this land, along with the Suess area, were probably my faves for overall theming, the ride itself was a bit much for my tender tummy and after my spin through Springfield (pun intended) I was pretty much done with simulator rides for the day
Agreed. Next to the Wizarding World parts of the parks, Seussville and Springfield were our favorites, as well. Almost made me forget I was "just" in a theme park. I had read in several places that the Simpsons ride was a doozy for causing we skipped it. I thought I might regret it, but I see from your experience, we may be safer just missing out on that one!

No, I couldn’t get any wetter because I was already drenched from head to toe from the Jurassic Park ride earlier in the day. Word to the wise: You will never dry out from that one for an entire day.
Oh, no! We had the same problem on our first Universal trip a couple summers ago. We rode in the first row, front and center for the splash. UGH. We were completely soaked for the entire day, despite the heat!

Bonus points for anyone who can tell what this train is and why it’s in the middle of the parks? I have no clue and really don’t have the time right now to research it.
I don't know exactly where it fits into the story, but that train is from the Back to the Future movies. It's parked near the Delorean from those movies, as well. Doc Brown sometimes wanders in that area, too!

Because I'm a nostalgia freak and adore the dark-ride style most, I'd have to go with E.T. as my favorite.
I LOVE the E.T. ride, as well. Most definitely a favorite of mine!
Hey Friends... I'm almost all caught up on everyone's threads that I know about. But I'm sure some of you who are here have a PTR or TR going I might have missed? If so, especially if it's not in the WDW TR forum, please PM me with the link, ok?



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