The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I totally concur with your explanation of the ride! We had such a blast on it, too, even though we sucked and the other car kept us spinning through the entire ride LOL

Oh man, I'd forgotten that part! I hated that. Just when I started figuring out what the heck I was doing, I'd go whizzing around! 🤣

Agreed. Next to the Wizarding World parts of the parks, Seussville and Springfield were our favorites, as well. Almost made me forget I was "just" in a theme park. I had read in several places that the Simpsons ride was a doozy for causing we skipped it. I thought I might regret it, but I see from your experience, we may be safer just missing out on that one!

I'd ride it again, but would save it for the end of the day for sure, but far enough out from dinner that you could actually eat it. I loved the pre-show jokes Bart was making too. I don't know if there's a chicken exit, but the queue is fun to see.

Oh, no! We had the same problem on our first Universal trip a couple summers ago. We rode in the first row, front and center for the splash. UGH. We were completely soaked for the entire day, despite the heat!


Yeah, that'd do it. LOL!! SPLASH!!!


I don't know exactly where it fits into the story, but that train is from the Back to the Future movies. It's parked near the Delorean from those movies, as well. Doc Brown sometimes wanders in that area, too!

Come to think of it, I think I did see Doc that day as part of a group that came out to the street at some point.

I LOVE the E.T. ride, as well. Most definitely a favorite of mine!

So cute and well done!
We are very much alike, I love HP world, Men in Black, and ET!!
The Simpson’s ride I cannot do, to nausea producing!
The theming in Suess Land and the Simpson areas are really wonderful!
The train is from Back to the Future, years ago where the Simpson ride is was the Back to the Future ride, I loved that one!
I’m glad you have been able to pick up shifts, that is one great thing about nursing, there is always work!!
My favorite ride at Universal is HP Forbidden Journey the best
My favorite area is Diagon Alley!
ET is a close second for a ride. I love when ET says goodbye “Caroline” at the end, so cute!
Favorite Uni area - Harry Potter any part - so immersive

favorite Uni ride - rip ride rocket
We are very much alike, I love HP world, Men in Black, and ET!!

I knew I liked you. ;)

The Simpson’s ride I cannot do, to nausea producing!

I do think I'd go on it again just because it's so much fun visually and the jokes are so funny, but not til the end of the day.

The theming in Suess Land and the Simpson areas are really wonderful!


I love that Suessland is great for little ones and the young at heart, and that the Simpsons Area pulls in the teens. There's really something for everyone there.

The train is from Back to the Future, years ago where the Simpson ride is was the Back to the Future ride, I loved that one!

Sounds like I missed a good one. Sad it's gone. I wish theme parks would add instead of replace.

I’m glad you have been able to pick up shifts, that is one great thing about nursing, there is always work!!

It sure is!! Some of my colleagues are having a much tougher time, but if you're willing to work sucky shifts or travel, there's always something, as you say.

My favorite ride at Universal is HP Forbidden Journey the best
My favorite area is Diagon Alley!
ET is a close second for a ride. I love when ET says goodbye “Caroline” at the end, so cute!

I loved Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure most but all of the others you mentioned are SO MUCH FUN!! :goodvibes
Favorite Uni area - Harry Potter any part - so immersive

favorite Uni ride - rip ride rocket
Very immersive for sure!! Loads to see and do, perhaps moreso than most Disney areas except maybe SWGE.

RRR was a little rough for my poor little neck, so probably won't do that again. Then again, I'm 4 months out now from my surgery, so maybe??
I like the thrill rides but I also like the high in the sky trolley in Seuss. Like the people mover but with fun little rhymes
I am not familiar with many of the movies that are associated with some of the Universal rides. But I did recognize the train from Back to the Future 3. I loved that movie series. :)

My daughter is very concerned with the onslaught of patients that have been waiting to have medical procedures. She is under a lot of stress right now. I can't begin to imagine how hard this is for people in the medical field.
I can use a lot of words to describe what I found around the parks: zany, quirky, fun, and even in some places, exotic.
I use "expensive"... but that's just me.

But, let’s cut to the chase, it’s not Harry Potter, or even Disney, “amazing”.
No, it's not. It's definitely far superior to your local fair. Or probably even most theme parks outside of Disney, but... no. It's not Disney.
Perhaps, I should include the opinion that I think the degree to which one enjoys each “land” or area depends greatly on how connected you are
I'd agree with that. I greatly enjoyed Kong, but my DD didn't think much of it.
So please, Dear Readers, forgive my extreme lack of knowledge and excessive laziness…
This differs from your other writing, how?

I did ride the Minions, a fun, but not mind-blowing simulator ride
I liked Minions quite a lot. Would I stand in line for hours? Definitely not. But... I do think it's one of the better simulator rides there.
I especially like the glasses under the glasses.
I went to a post-race celebration where honestly the story and characters were completely lost on me.
I had to re-read that a couple times (and then give up and read on) before I figured out you were talking about Fast & Furious.
I can’t even remember more than that we loaded a “bus” and were supposed to be on the way to a party, but some people were chasing us around on freeways and stuff.
Yep. That's a pretty accurate description of the ride.
And... it's just... okay. At best. I think they tried too hard with it.
What I did like equally were the cars and the Garage-themed pre-show area.
::yes:: Some of the pre-show actors are pretty funny. :)
Would you still want it if there was no engine or drive train?
(Have no idea if it's road ready or not.)
I was more focused on taking it all in and racing from ride to ride
::yes:: Me too!
Men in Black was probably in my top 3 rides outside of the HP areas.
It's fun. :)
I have only watched the movie once when it came out in 1997, so again, some of the original source material was lost on me.
I don't think it's necessary. Just like TSMM or Buzz. Just shoot stuff.
and who doesn’t love to shoot stuff- even if you suck?
They also took me on a nausea-inducing spin with Krusty, Bart, and Lisa.
Yep. I was one and done with that one too. I didn't feel too badly when I got off... but I sure didn't want to ride anything for a bit.
But I really did enjoy the area as a whole quite a lot.
Um... you talk about Simpsons, but those are all Seuss.
Same starting S.
I caught a showing of the Horror Makeup Show.
That was a fun show! Really enjoyed that one.
the one that stands out most vividly is seeing Yul Brenner play The King of Siam in The King and I.
Wow! Really! Impressed! I would've loved to have seen that!
The mini-museum of old photographs and movie props of old Hollywood horror movies in the pre-show/foyer area was fantastic
I'm a bit sorry I didn't take more time to look around there.
I enjoyed a front row seat which came with a gentle warning of being in the “splash zone”
It did? I don't remember that and I sat in the front row.
Haha, you just thought I was spattered and slimed, didn’t you?
Well, no. (See previous comment) But it would've been pretty funny!
No, I couldn’t get any wetter because I was already drenched from head to toe from the Jurassic Park ride earlier in the day.
Oh, dear.
So, if you enjoy IBS (Itchy Butt Syndrome) for hours and hours, please, by all means, that is the ride for you!
:( Sorry to hear that. Not comfortable.
At one point, they even blatantly poke fun at Disney,
::yes:: That was pretty funny.
I loved adventure stories growing up (still do, especially Jules Verne, Stevenson- Treasure Island, and Haggard- King Solomon’s Mines).
You know... while I've read Verne, I don't remember if I've read Treasure Island! (Maybe?) And I've definitely never read Haggard. I guess I was too busy with H.G.Wells and Mark Twain.
To this day, I still think Adventureland is my favorite at MK.
Hmmm... I've never thought of a fave land...
I think that's mine too!
(Apparently, I still fixated on light fixtures and palm trees.)
Cute photo of you! (Love the raised foot! :laughing:)
Bonus points for anyone who can tell what this train is and why it’s in the middle of the parks? I have no clue and really don’t have the time right now to research it.
I see Judy has already answered that one. :)
I'd have to go with E.T. as my favorite.
It's a very cute ride. I love when you "fly over LA".
When this all began, I thought I’d be out of work entirely, but fortunately that has not been the case.
That's very good!
A year ago I picked up a 2nd job at a nearby hospital in the Surgical Services area where I admit patients and get them ready for their procedures, and then finish recovering them after they are stable enough to progress out of the Phase 1 Recovery Room. I then make sure everything is done to safely discharge them home. Additionally, last winter at that same hospital, I started picking up on-call Phase 1 Recovery Room shifts and have every Saturday and Saturday night (24-hours) on-call shift from now through July.
Wow! You are one busy girl! :worship:
I oriented to the Senior Psych Unit and have been picking up shifts there for some extra income. On top of that, I have also been filling in the shifts of screening every person who comes through the door,
And there's even more??? :faint:
but the only ones available (well, that are being offered to per diem staff like myself) are from midnight- 4:00AM. If I said I’m exhausted, I’d be lying.
Yeah... I totally get this...
I basically slept or worked at the hospital from Wednesday- Monday.
Whoa. That I don't do... but don't blame you. While I live 30 minutes from work, I make the drive. I want to go home. But there's another guy who stays, like you do.
Given the choice, however, I’d take too much work over not enough any week of the year.
I can say for certain, there will be collateral “damage” (yes, you can read that deaths, and it will very likely far exceed the total number of deaths due to Covid)
You think so? Even at 26,000+ deaths in the US? (so far)
If you've been to Uni, what is your 1) Favorite area? and 2) Favorite ride?
Well, the Potter areas of course, but I think you mean outside those areas? Hmmm... That's a very tough question. And I can't answer it. Maybe the City blocks? That look like old NYC?
Fave ride I think would be Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure.
But outside of Potter? Maybe the Mummy? Or Spiderman?
(@pkondz ) turned it into that fun piece of art for me!! Thanks, PK!!!!
Oh, you've done your research!! Good one!
As for the Covid-19Pounds... it's a real thing. :rolleyes:
I don't think I"ve ever seen Back the Future 3
No? You should! But you have to watch #2 first and that one's not that great, tbh.
Nice recap of UNI outside of HP. I've never been so it's all good info for me. I think I would enjoy some of the different areas but HP would be my favorite.

Try not to work too hard. It's really great you can pick up shifts from other areas. Nursing was a really good choice for you.
I like the thrill rides but I also like the high in the sky trolley in Seuss. Like the people mover but with fun little rhymes
I love them all too, but after my surgery things had to change. Plus, I guess the older I get, the more I am content to take things slow. Don't get me wrong, when I'm with folks to like to go-go-go, I can, and am happy with that too, I just can't do the thrill rides quite as much. Having said that, by the time I actually get back to a park, I'll be far enough out from my neck surgery to see if I can do them without too much pain. I did ride the Sky Trolley and it was oh-so-much-fun!! Brought back loads of memories of reading the books to my kids. :)
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I am not familiar with many of the movies that are associated with some of the Universal rides. But I did recognize the train from Back to the Future 3. I loved that movie series. :)

My daughter is very concerned with the onslaught of patients that have been waiting to have medical procedures. She is under a lot of stress right now. I can't begin to imagine how hard this is for people in the medical field.
I guess I'm the only one on the planet who hasn't seen it! LOL!! I'll put it on the list to see someday.

From my involvement since this all began in the medical community it's either feast or famine. And every area and hospital is different. My primary job at the surgery center is closed; we are ALL on furlough, although we are JUST now starting to do a few cases on Fridays. At the hospital job, our med-surg dept went weeks with 8-10 patients out 60 beds. Not many. It blows my mind what now constitutes an "elective" procedure. The woman with a lump might have to wait months for answers? The child with tooth pain that can't eat has to go until it absesses to get care? The lady who is bleeding has to be told to wait until her H&H are too low? It breaks my heart.
I use "expensive"... but that's just me.


100% accurate.

No, it's not. It's definitely far superior to your local fair. Or probably even most theme parks outside of Disney, but... no. It's not Disney.

I'd definitely agree with that. I don't even bother with the carnival side of the fair anymore saving my time for the animal, crafts and art exhibits.

I'd agree with that. I greatly enjoyed Kong, but my DD didn't think much of it.

I liked the KK one too, but it wasn't quite as high as ET and not nearly as high as anything in Potterville including FotH.

This differs from your other writing, how?


Not much. :laughing:

I liked Minions quite a lot. Would I stand in line for hours? Definitely not. But... I do think it's one of the better simulator rides there.

Better than Kong, yes!

I especially like the glasses under the glasses.

Just like a real minion!

I had to re-read that a couple times (and then give up and read on) before I figured out you were talking about Fast & Furious.

Yeah, I was having a hard time with that paragraph. See comments above re: lazy writing. ;)

Yep. That's a pretty accurate description of the ride.
And... it's just... okay. At best. I think they tried too hard with it.

I think they just missed the punch and the storyline is weak.

Would you still want it if there was no engine or drive train?
(Have no idea if it's road ready or not.)

NO. LOL!! Someday maybe I'll start building my car at the Bowling Green plant and have my name stamped on the engine I build. :D

I don't think it's necessary. Just like TSMM or Buzz. Just shoot stuff.

Except when you miss the rather large clue at the beginning of the ride. :rolleyes2

Yep. I was one and done with that one too. I didn't feel too badly when I got off... but I sure didn't want to ride anything for a bit.

Oddly, I feel WAY less ill after Mission: Space than that one.

Um... you talk about Simpsons, but those are all Seuss.
Same starting S.

Oopsies. Did I put the group of photos in the wrong place. I embed my photos last. Forgive my... well, again see the above comments re: lazy writing. ;)

I'm a bit sorry I didn't take more time to look around there.

There were tons of old photos with the vintage actors like Lorre and Price. Loved it!

You know... while I've read Verne, I don't remember if I've read Treasure Island! (Maybe?) And I've definitely never read Haggard. I guess I was too busy with H.G.Wells and Mark Twain.

I've never read War of the Worlds. Guess it ventures too far into Sci Fi for my taste, but LOVE Twain!

Hmmm... I've never thought of a fave land...
I think that's mine too!

It's so great in there! And I'd have to say, at DLR, my favorite land at Disneyland would be NOS. So unique!

It's a very cute ride. I love when you "fly over LA".

A lot like PP in that regard.

That's very good!

Yes, VERY good.

Yeah... I totally get this...

It exhausting, but please don't take that complaining overly much. I need the income and am grateful.

Whoa. That I don't do... but don't blame you. While I live 30 minutes from work, I make the drive. I want to go home. But there's another guy who stays, like you do.

It's just too much to drive home at 4:00 on a lonely, dark stretch of road when it's often raining. Plus, I'd lose a ton of sleep since a lot of the time I have to turn around and go back after 4 or 5 hours. And, there's gas. Not to mention free TP at work. :lmao:

You think so? Even at 26,000+ deaths in the US? (so far)

Yes, I do. I'll be very curious to see the stats of various causes of death including suicide, increases in cancers, overdoses, and such.

Well, the Potter areas of course, but I think you mean outside those areas? Hmmm... That's a very tough question. And I can't answer it. Maybe the City blocks? That look like old NYC?
Fave ride I think would be Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure.
But outside of Potter? Maybe the Mummy? Or Spiderman?

Yes, I did mean outside, but well... I may ask again after the next update when I write about the other rides in Hogsmeade.

Oh, I'd forgotten Mummy. Like that one! Just didn't get any photos. I wish Uni didn't have quite so many simulator rides. Those started to get old after day of mostly that.

No? You should! But you have to watch #2 first and that one's not that great, tbh.

Still trying to make my way through Mandalorian.
Nice recap of UNI outside of HP. I've never been so it's all good info for me. I think I would enjoy some of the different areas but HP would be my favorite.

Try not to work too hard. It's really great you can pick up shifts from other areas. Nursing was a really good choice for you.
Thanks, Vanessa!! I think it's worth getting there once, but I'd go back again just to get into Potterland again; there is that much there!

I am trying, but I'm STILL trying to get that stupid surgery paid off as well as the cruise that may or may not happen. After that, the car. LOL! It never ends. But yes, you're so right, nursing was a great direction to go for sure. I love the variety of roles I can play. :)
If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be? Tell me about a scenario you might find yourself in and use that trick up your sleeve and at the tip of your wand!
I would go for luminos ~ I think the world could use a bit of light right about now.
While this land, along with the Suess area, were probably my faves for overall theming
I know I would love the Seuss area. :)
Anywho, I enjoyed the Makeup Show a lot, mostly because the jokes and one-liners were decidedly just on the outside of Disney-friendly. At one point, they even blatantly poke fun at Disney, which was almost as refreshing as the mist from the backside of water.
o this day, I still think Adventureland is my favorite at MK.
Mine too!
Given the choice, however, I’d take too much work over not enough any week of the year. I don’t know how long these extra, open shifts will be available to me, and as they say, “May hay while the sun shines.” My primary full-time job is paying me a portion of my average hours so that certainly helps as well, but that runs out in 3 more weeks.
That's great that you have been picking up shifts and have some security for the next few weeks. I know everything is secure for me until May 4th but the government has just announced we will not be going back on May 4th as originally planned. We don't know if we will continue with our Google classroom platform or what will happen next. I think they should just call the school year and hope for the best in September but that remains to be seen.
If you've NOT been to Uni,what is your 1) Favorite WDW park? 2) Area? and 3) Ride
My favourite park is AK, my favourite area is the Maharajah Jungle trail and my favourite ride is FoP!
I would go for luminos ~ I think the world could use a bit of light right about now.

Awww, I love that. A lot. :lovestruc
I know I would love the Seuss area. :)

I think they did a fantastic job at recreating what you see in the books. Lots of hardscaping and quirky fun stuff!

That's great that you have been picking up shifts and have some security for the next few weeks. I know everything is secure for me until May 4th but the government has just announced we will not be going back on May 4th as originally planned. We don't know if we will continue with our Google classroom platform or what will happen next. I think they should just call the school year and hope for the best in September but that remains to be seen.

This makes me so sad. :( Kids need to be interacting with other kids and adults and getting trained, qualified educations. I hope they can get back soon and teachers can get back to work. :hug:

My favourite park is AK, my favourite area is the Maharajah Jungle trail and my favourite ride is FoP!
ME TOO!!!! Both! Well, HM is a VERY close 2nd, if not a tie. I mean overall. But in just MK, it's Adventureland.
I'd definitely agree with that. I don't even bother with the carnival side of the fair anymore saving my time for the animal, crafts and art exhibits.
I'm the same. I don't do any of the rides. I mean... they can't compare to a permanent theme park's anyways.
I go for the exhibits, the sights and sounds and some snacks.
I liked the KK one too, but it wasn't quite as high as ET and not nearly as high as anything in Potterville including FotH.
Yes, but I deliberately excluded anything Potter.
Better than Kong, yes!
Hmmm... maybe? Not sure about that. It's a different category, though.
Just like a real minion!
Yeah, I was having a hard time with that paragraph. See comments above re: lazy writing. ;)
NO. LOL!! Someday maybe I'll start building my car at the Bowling Green plant and have my name stamped on the engine I build. :D
Okay, how cool would that be???
Except when you miss the rather large clue at the beginning of the ride. :rolleyes2
Ah. Missed the note about the red button, did you?
Oddly, I feel WAY less ill after Mission: Space than that one.
Hmm... For me, I guess it depends? I've done MS and felt really ill afterwards... and other times, not so much. Weird.
There were tons of old photos with the vintage actors like Lorre and Price. Loved it!
I need to go again and spend more time there. Maybe even not go for the show, but just to look around.
I've never read War of the Worlds. Guess it ventures too far into Sci Fi for my taste, but LOVE Twain!
Probably the same with The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau or The Invisible Man. That last one in particular is fascinating.
It's so great in there! And I'd have to say, at DLR, my favorite land at Disneyland would be NOS. So unique!
I don't have a fave at DL. Not there often enough.
A lot like PP in that regard.
Yes... but not as good. :)
It's just too much to drive home at 4:00 on a lonely, dark stretch of road when it's often raining. Plus, I'd lose a ton of sleep since a lot of the time I have to turn around and go back after 4 or 5 hours. And, there's gas.
Yeah, I can totally see that.
Not to mention free TP at work. :lmao:
Yes, I do. I'll be very curious to see the stats of various causes of death including suicide, increases in cancers, overdoses, and such.
Yes. Although with the death rate climbing so steadily... I dunno. And they're saying that they've probably under counted the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19.
Oh, I'd forgotten Mummy. Like that one! Just didn't get any photos. I wish Uni didn't have quite so many simulator rides. Those started to get old after day of mostly that.
More Mummy (non-simulator) and less Transformers (simulator... and lousy).
If you could have one spell to use at your disposal what would that be?

I always thought the best power to have would be mind control. Because then you could win over any other person with a superpower and basically have all of them at your disposal.

Let’s take a break from all things Harry Potter


But, let’s cut to the chase, it’s not Harry Potter, or even Disney, “amazing”.

Yep. Agree with that one.

Men in Black was probably in my top 3 rides outside of the HP areas. I have only watched the movie once when it came out in 1997, so again, some of the original source material was lost on me. Nevertheless, it was an incredibly fun, interactive ride.

It was also one of the few "big" rides that Drew could go on, so he really loved it.

While this land, along with the Suess area, were probably my faves for overall theming (other than the HP areas, of course), the ride itself was a bit much for my tender tummy and after my spin through Springfield (pun intended) I was pretty much done with simulator rides for the day.

Simpsons messed us up, too. I have some theories on that one.

It also reminded me of how funny the series is, and I watched a few episodes last night during my night shift to refresh myself.

I love that show. Amazing how long it's been on the air.

I enjoyed a front row seat which came with a gentle warning of being in the “splash zone” I mean what could possibly go wrong at a show that featured fake blood?

(goes to buy stock in detergent)

Haha, you just thought I was spattered and slimed, didn’t you?

If by "thought" you mean "hoped", then...well, that's what @pkondz was thinking, anyway.

Bonus points for anyone who can tell what this train is and why it’s in the middle of the parks? I have no clue and really don’t have the time right now to research it.

I'm sure this has already been answered, but it's the train from Back to the Future 3. It was next to the Delorean time machine from the first two movies. The Simpsons ride used to be the Back to the Future ride (this is why the doors to the ride vehicle open up like a Delorean) until it was re-themed, so that's their little tribute to the former ride.

Because I'm a nostalgia freak and adore the dark-ride style most, I'd have to go with E.T. as my favorite. Rode that one twice, in fact. Sorry, I was busy flying on a bike, so no photos.

So...I liked part of that ride.

Hope you are all weathering this storm well. When this all began, I thought I’d be out of work entirely, but fortunately that has not been the case. A year ago I picked up a 2nd job at a nearby hospital in the Surgical Services area where I admit patients and get them ready for their procedures, and then finish recovering them after they are stable enough to progress out of the Phase 1 Recovery Room. I then make sure everything is done to safely discharge them home.

We always say it's better to be busy than bored. Mostly I'm really glad you have a paycheck. So many people have lost theirs! This has been brutal.

I definitely have some professional opinions on the extent of the lockdown that reaches into “elective” and “non-urgent” procedures.

I'm sure there are no shortage of opinions. I think the bottom line is that none of us have ever been through this before. There's not really a playbook. And then there's real division as to which voices should carry the most weight in making decisions.

If you've been to Uni, what is your 1) Favorite area? and 2) Favorite ride?

At the risk of spoiling my upcoming mini-TR, we basically thought of Universal Studios as: 1. The Harry Potter Stuff
2. Everything Else

And Hagrid's coaster was a fantastic ride.

If you've NOT been to Uni,what is your 1) Favorite WDW park? 2) Area? and 3) Ride

1. Favorite park changes depending on the visit. 5-10 years ago, Epcot was hands down my favorite and Hollywood Studios ranked 4th. Now, Epcot needs the makeover, the "upgrades" have made Soarin' and Mission: Space worse, and it's probably ranking 4th. DHS has added more appealing rides and moved up. I'd probably choose AK or DHS as my favorite right now.

2. Hard to pick a favorite area. I loved what they did with Pandora and the Asia jungle trek is amazing in AK. DHS looks so much better since they got rid of the dumb sorcerer's hat. Like you, I really love Adventureland too.

3. Coasters > simulators for me, no matter how good Flight of Passage is. I would choose either Expedition Everest or Rock 'n Roller Coaster. And a sentimental vote for BTMRR.
Cute - you could join our tap class, that's our song for this year! Whether we get to perform it or not is another matter. Video Zoom tap classes are very interesting...

LOL! I could, but have no where to go to practice. My apartment is pretty small and I don't have a non-carpeted place. And while I'd love to meet my downstairs neighbors, I'm not sure that's the best way to do it. :laughing: I really hope you can perform this year!! You've all put so much hard work into it.

Yes, but quite amazing that a ride that is basically stationary can make one so green in the gills. It gets worse for me as I gain experience points, so I'm not sure that I would attempt it again. I even had to close my eyes on Star Tours in November.

I know!! Maybe there is just TOO much going on with it? I really don't know why!

Love me some ET - such a peaceful ride that brings back such good memories. I think I still know all the words to "Heartlight".

Awww, I'd forgotten about that song. Jr. High memories right there! Isn't he the cutest? LIke Baby Yoda 80's style.

Well of course Hogsmeade is my favourite area. I'd have to say my favourite ride is The Mummy, mainly because it's dark and I can't see what is coming up, so I am as relaxed as I get hurtling forwards and backwards.

HAHA! I can see that. I've never seen the movie, but the ride was a blast!

Glad you are getting some shifts and keeping on keeping on. This is a very frustrating time as a front line health care worker, and I find the amount of changing information is very unsettling, and I hate the fact that we won't know what the right choices were until years from now. I don't like this odd thriller movie that I am currently living in and would like to fast forward to the end please!

It is. I am havingto work in a dept that I don't love, with stupid hours all mixed up with night shifts back to back with days and everything in between. Plus the "rules" change almost daily because to be honest, no one knows anything really. It's like they are playing "fad of the day".


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