How close are you to your breaking point?

I'm doing ok. At first when our state started the stay at home order and certain things were closing, it brought back memories of when Isabel 03 happened and I was starting to get upset.

But I got through that and that new normal. This is temporary in the grand scheme of things.
I'm fine with staying in. Huge introvert, so I'm not missing anything social and I'm doing fine with online ordering and grocery delivery. I miss a few things I can't get that way, but on the whole it's NBD.

What I'm starting to struggle with is the feeling of long term futility. Seeing the reports that exposure may not confer any immunity, that perhaps a vaccine cannot be made due to the way the virus works in the body, that the winter will be worse than now, etc., is really getting me down. The complete lack of leadership and uniform response in this country isn't helping, either. Some states want to do one thing, others another, and no one seems to have a real, cohesive plan for how to handle this now, let alone long term if it stretches out for years. (And that's not political. Neither side of the aisle seems much better than the other, at this point.)

I can duck and cover for a while, but at some point I'm going to get this just in the course of going to the store or something, as are my DH and our parents. (He works from home for now, but that won't last because they're already agitating to get everyone back in the office, despite orders to telecommute if you can.) At that point, it seems luck of the draw as to whether I/we die or not. I'm healthy, normal weight, etc. and under 50, but now there are reports of long term damage, strokes, etc. even in the "younger" population. So it feels like a crapshoot as to who has a hard time and who doesn't. And even if you have an easy go this time, if there's no real immunity and no vaccine, it may be the second or third exposure that kills you.

It's all just starting to feel hopeless. That's what I struggle with. I can do the isolation thing forever, but it feels like we as a population are completely screwed. Possibly permanently.
We watch very little news at home. DH is still working, and he can’t deal with the news on in the evening at all. Even ds14 has commented on how much better it is with now news.
Not close to breaking. Only thing that's been upsetting is ruining my hair...cut it myself and "missed". :sad2: We have plenty of activities here where we live: lake to fish or water ski, pool, my glass work room, decks and patios where we sit for meals...not bad at all.
I'm an introvert and I'm OK but it is getting tough for my kids. Video chats aren't going to cut it forever.

I worked from home before all this but I do miss my day time alone time when husband is at the office and the kids are in school, and I could run out and do a quick errand by myself if I needed to, and listen to my music in the house full blast by myself. Now I'm never by myself!

But on the plus side we are fortunate to have a home with a bit of land, woods, creek so we can hike the creek line, get lots of outdoor exercise and fresh air, ride the 4 wheelers, do yard work, etc. If I lived in a city apartment or something I'd probably have lost my marbles weeks ago.
We just bought our home last year. Before that we lived in a 3 bedroom apartment with our two kids. Space wasn’t the issue. But the thin walls were. My kids sleep schedules are all over the place right now (Up all night and sleeping in very late) and my son has started playing video games now that he’s bored out of his mind. And when he plays Late at night, he gets loud with the headset on. In the apartment our bedrooms shared a wall with his. Had we still lived there someone would’ve died by now.
Not all homes are safe and happy homes right now. We need to remember that. Thank you for the reminder, no matter how painful it is.

This is one of the MANY reasons that I dislike the saying, "we are all in this together" that is plastered everywhere!!

In my opinion, we most definitely are NOT! (I have no problem with the SAH order and believe it is necessary. I know once the order is lifted, I will still be staying at home. We are doing great, fantastic really.)

But, we are so NOT in this together and the fact that not all homes are safe and happy homes are a prime example of that. Some folks have lost their jobs/businesses forever while others still work full time either at their office or home. Some folks are waiting in long lines at food banks to feed their families, while others have plenty of food and plenty of money to buy more food. Some, like myself live in the country on many, many acres of land, so going for long walks and not seeing anyone is easy. Others live in apartments in the city with all of the parks around them closed.

So while everyone is dealing with the virus one way or another, so many are on opposite ends of the spectrum, so to me personally, it doesn't feel like "we are in this together", as some people are suffering in heartbreaking situations and others like myself aren't really suffering at all.
I think I have struggles, juggles and worries like most everyone else. I've done much, much harder things than stay at home. I never knew that my years of deployment time waiting on my husband would make me ready for this now. But, I struggle with lack control and wanting to kick something's ***. I'm a fighter by nature and not having a visible enemy to take down has been hard. I also don't like lack control on how to help support people like my mom that lives in a nursing home or my husband's grandma who is so scared but lonely.

My husband has gone back into warrior mode and I worry how this going to affect any PTSD we finally settled down. We are in a daily routine and putting our heads down and doing what we have to do. We limit our news intake to mostly our governor because frankly nothing else matters. I'm gearing up to be working endlessly as more and more people going to need mental health outlet.

Personally, I had surgery Jan 2 and then fairly invasive infection set in. I was just starting back to normal like (like wearing pants that button) and going to an office and my community obligations when everything stopped. I miss my friends who I haven't seen since Dec. I do not like in any shape or fashion being scared. Not at movies, not on rides, not in haunted houses. It just pisses me off and makes me want to fight and being afraid to want to go to grocery store pisses me off.

I do want to say that our state office has been great about giving updates about hospitalizations and deaths and recoveries and giving idea of lethality and whatknot.

Frankly, I think sometimes the here makes it even worse. People grumping on each other and same 8 people fighting over 10 threads. I wish there was one giant blended thread and let the people fight until the horse is dead on it instead the start rinse and repeat over and over. In the end no one knows how this is going to play out and all we can do is wait and control exactly what we can control.
My youngest son is in college and having a lot of problems with distance learning in a couple of his classes, and I'm no help. He's turning 21 soon and instead of the fun he was going to have at college, he's stuck with old mom and dad. He won't have an internship this summer and doesn't even know if the college will have in-person classes in the fall, and he's pretty much at his breaking point with the on-line classes.

My youngest is struggling with on-line classes too. He is definitely the type of kid/learner that needs to go to class. He needs to ask his classmates and teachers questions face to face. On-line learning is a disaster for him.

He was due to graduate in May, but its not going to happen. He already knows that he is not going to be able to pass one of his classes. Before the shut down he was doing great in all of his classes. But, this one has done him in. None of us are stressed about it though. We are just hoping that he can re-take it this Fall and graduate in December.

Best of luck to your son!
My in-laws live in the basement and have been aggressively social distancing. Their only exposure to the outside world is going on walks at the nearby school. There is no one at the closed school.

They mentioned they are getting close to just going out.

One of their friends, an 84 year old woman, on Friday got a pedicure and manicure. She has told their group of friends she is also planning to sit down and eat in a restaurant on Monday and they are all invited. She said she is old and is not going to live like she is in jail.

How about you?

I know I am getting close to breaking. I might be able to make it to mid or late May but no way I will mentally make it until June living like this.
Pretty darn close, but I'm more curious as to where there are nail salons open? Where does she live?
Ahhh...I'm really hoping things go well there and other states can follow. We're in TN and restaurants and retail opens at half capacity this week, but they're holding off on gyms and salons. We're also holding out hope for our rescheduled April trip (supposed to leave Tuesday) that is now in June...really hoping it happens.
For those who have college students that are struggling, PLEASE have them write their counselor and copy every person they can think of (including the dean).

Explain the stress, the disruption, the issues. I know so many students struggling and the ones that reached out either got individual help or had their grade switched to pass/fail (with a promise they would pass).

Don't give up!
Frankly, I think sometimes the here makes it even worse. People grumping on each other and same 8 people fighting over 10 threads. I wish there was one giant blended thread and let the people fight until the horse is dead on it instead the start rinse and repeat over and over. In the end no one knows how this is going to play out and all we can do is wait and control exactly what we can control.

excellent observation!
same 8 people fighting over 10 goodness, you have just nailed it!


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