September Trip.... Thoughts/Opinions...

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Mar 16, 2020
So if Universal Opens June 5th, lets say Disney opens July 1st (or even before)... In September will there still be masks & no fireworks/parades, no character close interactions? I have a September trip booked that is cancelled in my head but I havnt actually done it yet. I have a backup trip booked for end of April for next year. I just want to go when things are normal or close to normal... what do we think?
Until the virus is no longer widely circulating, and until there is little chance of infection from other people, you will still likely to be required to wear a mask and adhere to social distancing requirements. But real-world experience in the coming months will also factor in. If there are virus flare-ups (as are already happening in houses of worship) then you will see another shutdown.
So if Universal Opens June 5th, lets say Disney opens July 1st (or even before)... In September will there still be masks & no fireworks/parades, no character close interactions? I have a September trip booked that is cancelled in my head but I havnt actually done it yet. I have a backup trip booked for end of April for next year. I just want to go when things are normal or close to normal... what do we think?
The masks, I personally will be around for at least a couple of months, maybe even until October.
There has never been confirmation about fireworks, only speculation.
As for the characters, again nothing has been confirmed for Disney Florida but if looking at Shanghai where they stopped this, I think this could carry on even longer just due to lingering bacteria and the virus.
My April trip was cancelled, so I rescheduled for September. I lost my crystal ball, so there's no telling what things will be like in September. But then again, I'm not going to get worked up over these changes, I'll just be happy to leave the house.... and go somewhere. No point in being anxious over something I can't control.

God <Walt>, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change <fastpass availability and security lines>,
courage to change the things I can <ADRs and discount packages>,
and wisdom to know the difference.

I usually save that for unruly employees or ungrateful children, but I think it applies to my Disney obsession as well.

On a related note, my lodge cancelled my Memorial Day trip to the mountains, but my trip to Williamsburg, VA in 3 weeks appears to still be on. The hotel hasn't cancelled yet, so I'm doing a happy dance.... Colonial Williamsburg, Yorktown, Jamestown and Busch Gardens might not be open by then, but I think I'll just be happy to be anywhere other than my own house.
Until the virus is no longer widely circulating, and until there is little chance of infection from other people, you will still likely to be required to wear a mask and adhere to social distancing requirements. But real-world experience in the coming months will also factor in. If there are virus flare-ups (as are already happening in houses of worship) then you will see another shutdown.

there won't be another shutdown. Don't listen to CNN, MSNBC and Fox News.

There's been quite a few data coming out showing there has been very little different between locked down and non locked down places
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there won't be another shutdown. Don't listen to CNN, MSNBC and Fox News.

Do you really think there will not be another shutdown? I keep hearing about that in the fall/winter that there will be a huge surge of covid and we will be in shutdown again. Just wondering what makes you think it won't happen again. I sure hope you are right. I need to step away from the news. It's hard to know what is valid and what is hype.
Do you really think there will not be another shutdown? I keep hearing about that in the fall/winter that there will be a huge surge of covid and we will be in shutdown again. Just wondering what makes you think it won't happen again. I sure hope you are right. I need to step away from the news. It's hard to know what is valid and what is hype.

Because I look at other data and now what the media chooses to tell you. If we shutdown again, we might as well just become a 3rd world country now. Already there's predictions 1 in 4 restaurants will close permanently. We shutdown again? It's game over.

It was just reported in Ohio, 80% of their deaths have come from nursing homes. That means roughly 450 people not in a nursing home have died from it (no idea how many of that were people over 65), out of a population 11.9 million.

you also have this
strange this hasn't been plastered everywhere on CNN, saying they could have 1 BILLION does of a vaccine by early 2021?

But yet, we've been led to believe we're all going to die since March. Remember when they were screaming Florida was going to become worse than New York and Italy? That never happened

All we heard in March was the purpose of this lockdown was not to let the hospitals get overwhelmed. 99% weren't even close. We succeeded in that goal. But now the goalposts have moved to, we're suppose to wait til a cure?!
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I hope people will start doing their own research on numbers and risks from this virus, stop listening to media hype, and that all this insanity will stop before September.
We are in the same boat. Trip for late August but I’ll cancel if the experience is altered too much.
I hope people will start doing their own research on numbers and risks from this virus, stop listening to media hype, and that all this insanity will stop before September.
We are in the same boat. Trip for late August but I’ll cancel if the experience is altered too much.

as you can tell, I get a little frustrated about this lol. Haven't worked since March 15, i'm over it
The only real issue in September is hurricane season and love bugs (which mate 2x a year in April & September. Everything else you will already be accustomed to.

I found the lovebugs over the past month have been nowhere close to as bad as what it was last year.

But that also could be because I wasn't out as much lol
The virus hates heat so as soon as all the states reach a sustained magic temp of at least 77 degrees we will see it fizzle out. September is probably a really good time to go before cold weather start again anywhere and after the hot summer months in the rest of the country.

I'm going in September and the only thing I'm nervous about are hurricanes at this point. I hope Disney relaxes the mask requirement but can't predict with them anymore.
I find the pics of the employees wearing masks creepy lol, just saw one on Instagram. BUT I love Disneys new commercial set to the music of So This Is Love! Goosebumps 🥰 🏰
The virus hates heat so as soon as all the states reach a sustained magic temp of at least 77 degrees we will see it fizzle out. September is probably a really good time to go before cold weather start again anywhere and after the hot summer months in the rest of the country.

I'm going in September and the only thing I'm nervous about are hurricanes at this point. I hope Disney relaxes the mask requirement but can't predict with them anymore.

This is so NOT true since it's been in the 90's here in Florida many many days since March and almost always in upper 80's and it has spread like mad! 77 degrees has nothing to do with it or that would not have been possible.
This is so NOT true since it's been in the 90's here in Florida many many days since March and almost always in upper 80's and it has spread like mad! 77 degrees has nothing to do with it or that would not have been possible.

It has not spread like mad. Positive rates have been going down since April. Finding more cases does not equal spreading. They've been testing more than they ever have, so of course more cases will be positive
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So if Universal Opens June 5th, lets say Disney opens July 1st (or even before)... In September will there still be masks & no fireworks/parades, no character close interactions? I have a September trip booked that is cancelled in my head but I havnt actually done it yet. I have a backup trip booked for end of April for next year. I just want to go when things are normal or close to normal... what do we think?

it will all depend on the number of cases that get reported 14-30 days after the parks reopen. if the numbers are low, they will add more and more amenities back into the experiences slowly. if they remain constant or increase, expect things to regress( shutting back down) or a change in policy regarding compliance.

Disney and Universal can do all the right things, and still have people non-compliant with mask-wearing( just take a look at the people at DS this week who are walking around with a drink in their hand so they can not have to wear a mask) which will negatively impact operations
This is so NOT true since it's been in the 90's here in Florida many many days since March and almost always in upper 80's and it has spread like mad! 77 degrees has nothing to do with it or that would not have been possible.

It has only spread like mad in Miami Dade county and parts of Orlando. my county in the Panhandle..75% of all deaths were from Nursing homes. heck, we just hit double-digit deaths since the lockdown began mid-March.
This is so NOT true since it's been in the 90's here in Florida many many days since March and almost always in upper 80's and it has spread like mad! 77 degrees has nothing to do with it or that would not have been possible.
I'm not making that number up. I can't remember which study it was, maybe Harvard, came out on Sunday saying 77 degrees was the "magic" temperature. This thing is very hard to spread outdoors. Yes there are still + cases but it's not getting spread outdoors. The states that are still having the biggest issues (my state included) are the ones with the tightest restrictions. States that have opened have seen a dramatic drop in cases. Why? Fresh air. You gotta get outside!

Florida has a 3% positive rate (give or take a % point depending on the day) that is NOT spreading like made. We're at around 10% here in IL which is even down from the 25% or so it was in the dead of winter.
I love how when discussing how well or poorly different areas of the country did with lockdown processes, folks completely disregard how geography and concentration of population affect those statistics. Of COURSE places like IA, AZ, etc did better than NYC and Boston areas. Populations that were more spread out needed to do less to socially distance and tended to be more isolated as a matter of course.
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