Could the reopening be pushed back?

7000 Cast Members have already signed a petition and the Actors Equity Union has asked Disney to delay opening. We need to see what happens with the other WDW unions (Unite Here! 737 and 362, IATSE 631, Teamsters 385, TCU 1908, and UFCW 1625) Workers do not need to need to die so we can see the mouse.
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just not accurate. By all indications, Disney fully intends to open WDW as scheduled. True many do not want to take the risk, and Disney is accommodating a very reasonable cancellation policy. However, it is not “quite likely Disney will not be opening”.

You quoted only part of what the person said, which was, "it is quite likely Disney will not be opening as planned if these cases continue." I mean, we can all speculate and have our opinions, but I don't that is an unreasonable assertion.

There are plenty of people on here who claimed WDW would never close up until a day or two before they actually closed. There are people on here who claimed that WDW would be closed for only a few days, maybe a few weeks, maybe a month, and yet here we are.
I'm in Pennsylvania. The governor has a mask required rule in place. I went to Walmart. Walmart has a great big sign that says "no mask no entry". They have an employee standing there making sure that everyone is wearing a mask when they come in. However, fully 20% of the people immediately removed their masks as soon as they got in the store! I even saw an employee with no mask whatsoever walking around the store.
You must have been in a ‘classy’ Walmart

I’ve noticed the more rural ones are (have been searching for a penny board for my GD), the less mask wearers. PS gave up & wound up ordering one off amazon, being delivered Saturday lol

Even though I have an early august MCO trip in place, really wish they had been a bit slower to take their feet off the brakes. After Labor Day would’ve been more prudent IMO, for all 3 of the major parks in the area.
It's probably not coincidental that cases in central Florida have been trending upwards since the June 1 grand reopenings and it's reasonable to assume further increases once WDW opens and even more people are out and about. I have reservations at CCV in early August but I will certainly be monitoring the trends closely as my trip approaches.
You must have been in a ‘classy’ Walmart

I’ve noticed the more rural ones are (have been searching for a penny board for my GD), the less mask wearers. PS gave up & wound up ordering one off amazon, being delivered Saturday lol

Even though I have an early august MCO trip in place, really wish they had been a bit slower to take their feet off the brakes. After Labor Day would’ve been more prudent IMO, for all 3 of the major parks in the area.
Our Orange County, Fl Walmart prior to Mayor Demings Executive Order of mandatory masks in public places, only about 75 percent of shoppers were wearing masks..A very LARGE VISIBLE sign speaks about wearing masks inside and I haven't seen any shoppers without masks. Wish that the Executive Order was in place two months ago, we were on a suggested mask wearing order, not mandatory. Perhaps the spike would not have been so bad. What is Governor DeSantis waiting for to make the entire state of Florida MANDATORY mask wearing in public places?
Our Orange County, Fl Walmart prior to Mayor Demings Executive Order of mandatory masks in public places, only about 75 percent of shoppers were wearing masks..A very LARGE VISIBLE sign speaks about wearing masks inside and I haven't seen any shoppers without masks. Wish that the Executive Order was in place two months ago, we were on a suggested mask wearing order, not mandatory. Perhaps the spike would not have been so bad. What is Governor DeSantis waiting for to make the entire state of Florida MANDATORY mask wearing in public places?
Please God, no.
You quoted only part of what the person said, which was, "it is quite likely Disney will not be opening as planned if these cases continue." I mean, we can all speculate and have our opinions, but I don't that is an unreasonable assertion.

There are plenty of people on here who claimed WDW would never close up until a day or two before they actually closed. There are people on here who claimed that WDW would be closed for only a few days, maybe a few weeks, maybe a month, and yet here we are.

I included that full sentence that says if these cases continue. I did not misrepresent the person I quoted at all.

but the entire quote came off to me as fear mongering the op, who wanted to know if the park might still be open, and the reply was “I’m so sorry, but Disney won’t open and your vacation is not going to happen”.Every indication from Disney and Florida are that everything is proceeding on schedule.

I felt like the person I quoted was the emperor.
with no basis in fact.
I’m basing it on what I see here in PA - north of Philly. It’s usually the middle aged white males who I see walking around stores with no masks on. In one instance the guy and his kids were in like fake coughing and sneezing mocking those around them.

Most of the HS & college kids here in the suburbs where I am are the ones always wearing the masks - though I truly think for many it’s for Instagram likes as much as anything.

yep. I’ve officially become an old man.

There is just no accounting for the ignorance of some people. That's a real nice lesson that adult was teaching those children. That's a big part of the problem with our world today, people are no longer teaching their children respect for their fellow man...very sad state of affairs. Wish it were different.

Is it possible that the large spikes we are seeing in many areas of the country due to the protesting and riots that have been going on across the country? I know that doesn't solve the problem of whether or not WDW will open as scheduled but it would be nice to put the blame for the spikes at the source. JMHO...
Is it possible that the large spikes we are seeing in many areas of the country due to the protesting and riots that have been going on across the country? I know that doesn't solve the problem of whether or not WDW will open as scheduled but it would be nice to put the blame for the spikes at the source. JMHO...

From what epidemiologists & doctors have said, it's usually 4-6 weeks following any event that the increase (or decrease) is seen in new cases. States like Texas & Florida were among those aggressively opening before meeting guidelines as set by the White House task force, and I think we're seeing the result of that. I suspect that in another few weeks places like Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia (which is where I'm near) will see a resurgence of cases due to the protests.

All of this does make me feel like I have no right to be disappointed that I would have been going to WDW with my son 2 weeks from today. Things could be much worse for me and my family. We're healthy, still employed through all of this, and able to talk about Disney with people like you and everyone else on these boards.

Still, I'd give anything to be standing in a 200 minute wait for Thunder Mountain (which is the hottest queue I can think of) in the 95 degree Florida heat right about now.
From what epidemiologists & doctors have said, it's usually 4-6 weeks following any event that the increase (or decrease) is seen in new cases.
My take is since incubation period after exposure is 2 - 14 days, any initial spike will generate more likely in 2 - 3 weeks.

If we see a large jump by end of July, the US is collectively in deep doo doo.
Just under 9000 cases in Florida reported today with over 1000 in Orange County

Texas just pulled back on bars (closed) and restaurants (back to a smaller percent), wondering if other states were just waiting for someone to be first on the rollbacks???


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From what epidemiologists & doctors have said, it's usually 4-6 weeks following any event that the increase (or decrease) is seen in new cases. States like Texas & Florida were among those aggressively opening before meeting guidelines as set by the White House task force, and I think we're seeing the result of that. I suspect that in another few weeks places like Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia (which is where I'm near) will see a resurgence of cases due to the protests.

All of this does make me feel like I have no right to be disappointed that I would have been going to WDW with my son 2 weeks from today. Things could be much worse for me and my family. We're healthy, still employed through all of this, and able to talk about Disney with people like you and everyone else on these boards.

Still, I'd give anything to be standing in a 200 minute wait for Thunder Mountain (which is the hottest queue I can think of) in the 95 degree Florida heat right about now.

Interesting but this doesn't make much sense to me. If it takes 4-6 weeks to see the infections go up why do we only have to quarantine for 14 days? Seems to me there is something wrong with this thinking...I'm no epidemiologists or doctor but still using common sense and logic it doesn't seem to add up. :sad2:
NYC here - mask compliance is over 90% here (at or close to 100% on the subway), and does not skew in any demographic. BLM protestors wore masks. If you'd been through, and seen with your own eyes, what we've been through, you would too.

I live 90 minutes south of NYC. Those who have been through it know the horrific reality of what COVID is. It's not fake news. It's not just the flu. It has not gone away. It has not been defeated.

Personally, as much as I want WDW to reopen, it has shaken my confidence in Disney that they have their guests well being at heart that they're going ahead with the reopening.
Interesting but this doesn't make much sense to me. If it takes 4-6 weeks to see the infections go up why do we only have to quarantine for 14 days? Seems to me there is something wrong with this thinking...I'm no epidemiologists or doctor but still using common sense and logic it doesn't seem to add up. :sad2:
I think it takes 4-6 weeks to NOTICE that they are really increasing. I know quite a few people who have tested positive in the last 3 weeks--they all were CERTAIN they had allergies, sinus infection, just tired from work---welp they all had it and all passed it (mathematically) to one another person in their "circle". It wasn't until that second round started getting sick that people started "caring" and getting tested
Interesting but this doesn't make much sense to me. If it takes 4-6 weeks to see the infections go up why do we only have to quarantine for 14 days? Seems to me there is something wrong with this thinking...I'm no epidemiologists or doctor but still using common sense and logic it doesn't seem to add up. :sad2:

I get that too, but the asymptomatic period of the virus is inside that 14 day quarantine. People will start showing some signs of the virus, like having a temperature, sneezing, coughing, etc. outside of that quarantine period and the thought is if they do they will get tested. That doesn't always happen.

The devastating aspect of the virus is that asymptomatic period. The virus can be spread by people who even had their temperature checked earlier.
I think it takes 4-6 weeks to NOTICE that they are really increasing. I know quite a few people who have tested positive in the last 3 weeks--they all were CERTAIN they had allergies, sinus infection, just tired from work---welp they all had it and all passed it (mathematically) to one another person in their "circle". It wasn't until that second round started getting sick that people started "caring" and getting tested

All dependent upon whether testing is available and being utilized. In the north, we’ve been on it. Live too close to NYC to not recognize the beast for what it is

This link may describe it better:
I assure you what is described here is absolutely happening in some areas. My wife is affiliated with a hospital which used their ICU as a Covid unit. At one point during the April spike, she was told that they had "10 patients in ICU but only 5 really needed to be there." It was more convenient for the hospital to keep all of the Covid patients isolated. However, if those 5 ICU beds were needed for critical care patients, they had the capacity to relocate the 5 non-critical admissions.

If hospitals are simply counting bodies in beds, all 10 would have been counted as being in the ICU. But only half were receiving ICU-level care. It's not data manipulation to make sure that the counts accurately reflect the care that's being provided.


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