The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I desperately want to stay at Wilderness Lodge one day.
I love the theming and the atmosphere.
My next trip, whenever that is, I really need to look at a night or two, if my bank account does not protest too much.

Each deluxe is so very different. Totally different vibes at them all and this one more than any other is a "RELAXING" one. Very chill and slow down. ::yes::

I have never once been sorry for a splurge at a deluxe and have enjoyed every minute at each one. The pools are just so much better, the rooms bigger, the grounds FAR nicer, the decor a LOT more interesting and of course, better dining options.

I also need to keep the tour in mind. I would enjoy it. Not sure the ladies in my life would. I'll have to let them get some beauty sleep one morning and do the tour solo.

That's a great plan. I know they do like to sleep in and take their time and this would be a perfect morning to grab a muffin, do the tour, and then all of you do Whispering Canyon afterwards. :)

Very cool! I don't think I ever noticed the different layers in the chimney in the pictures I've seen. I love that detail.
I think I may have mentioned it before, but my degree is in Earth Science. I didn't know that was your minor.

Isn't it cool?! And yes, I don't think you'd be in your industry without that degree, although for some reason, I thought it was Geology?
Congratulations Liesa!! I am sure you will do so well. :)

I sure hope so!!!
I am sorry to hear about your trip. I saw you announce it on FB too. Regardless of individual beliefs, it is not an easy time in the world right now and the only thing that will get us through is working together for the common good. I hope your trip happens sooner than later, my friend.

I am guessing it'll be NEXT summer as an addition to the Cruise. But I"m going to (since I have an unexpected day off today) write a farewell (for now) chapter on my Italy TR going into more detail.
That is great motivation.

$$ talks.

Just what I needed this morning, thank you!

Aww, you're welcome!
Definitely doing that tour next summer!

You need to!! You can Bill would LOVE it!

That's my lovely home resort of Boulder Ridge. Copper Creek is in the south wing of the main lodge building. I adore the Carolwood Room, so many awesome details to take in.

I know!! I adored this space and can see a family (or couple) sitting with a cocktail or morning coffee playing boardgames on those big tables on a non-park day.
I was thinking of you when I heard that Europe was closing its borders to people from the US. Is your trip truly cancelled or are you waiting to see if Europe opens its borders by the time of your trip?

Such a sad thing. Someday it'll all re-open and we can go. Hopefully it will be next summer and we can add a bunch of time to the cruise and Anara can join us then. I will not make a hard and fast decision until September 1st, but it's certainly not hopeful right now. I know of all the EU countries, Italy is pushing hardest as their economy does draw a lot of tourist dollars. But, they are at the mercy of the other EU states and will have to abide.

We love the Wilderness Lodge and have stayed there many times. I can never get enough pictures of it. :)

Dreamy isn't it?!

We were staying in the WL when they were updating these gorgeous chandeliers. They were removing the leather coverings and replacing them with painted canvas. I had spoken with a cast member who told me that the leather had become very brittle and needed to be replaced with something more durable. I had posted pictures on the WL forum thread and posted the link below. :) We watched the progress during the day and it was almost impossible to tell the difference between the chandeliers with original leather and the new replacement covers.

Oh!!! Then I misunderstood. There was so much information and I probably was too busy taking photos to get it all accurate. :) Thanks so much for the additional information!!

I love this room. The fireplace screen is very whimsical and the big leather chairs are super comfortable. :)

Someday I can see myself renting points and staying here. ::yes:: Such a calming area!

These pictures were taken Jan 29, 2015


Neato!! Better than seeing SM with the lights on! :laughing:

I'll take a peek!!
No worries. We all get that life happens. It's not like we're paid writers who can devote all of our time here.
We're happy when you put up an update, and waiting understandably when you don't.

:) I chug along as I can.

Saw that. Congrats again. :)

Thanks!! I am pretty anxious to start on the 15th and pound this silly thing out.

I presume that's because you already are a nurse.

I think moreso because I already had many of the courses they require (that transferred) from my 1st Bachelors.

That's not too bad, but... I can see how the weather would certainly be a factor in your enjoyment, there.

I am starting to think that the best option is to postpone until next Sept after the cruise. I just don't know. I really don't.

No wonder you aren't writing as much!

With an impending move I want to save up so when I do I can take a couple of months off work and travel a bit before I start the new job- wherever that might be.

I miss that. A lot.

A. Lot.

Me too. I have people I want to see, places I want to go, and things I want to do.

Such a gorgeous resort. Been a couple times, but for dinner.

And of all the deluxes, the most relaxing I think.

Yes! That's exactly it!
The first time I went, my jaw dropped. The subsequent time, I knew what to expect, but... my jaw dropped anyways. It's like your brain can't hold that much impressiveness inside.

For sure!! I do that with AKL too, but the vibe is decidedly more upbeat and energetic over there. Totally different feel but no less... grand.

I might, if I had any idea what CCC was.
I Googled, but only found Canadian Competitions Catalogue and City Colleges of Chicago.

Civilian Conservation Corps.


While not a minor, I did take an Earth Science course at University... about 100 years ago.

Yeah, mine was about that long ago too. Makes me feel old and decripit.


Lucky. In all my travels across the US (at least 29 States), I've yet to set eyes on it.

I am confident you will get to during your lifetime.

Wow! Really! I'm surprised and impressed.

Well, I've been corrected! Not as authentic as I thought I'd heard...

Huh! Then again, I'm not surprised that Disney would take care like that.

They did originally but they got crumbly. :(

What a cool shot! Where is that??

Out by the Copper Creek Pool. Pretty area!


Thanks for another fact filled, interesting update!

(And have the WL web article open and will read that next. :))
You're very welcome! I really loved my stay at WL and would again in a heartbeat. :cloud9:
This makes me very excited for our stay at Copper Creek Canyon, fingers crossed, in January.
I would love to do the tour and I know Andi would love it.
Sorry about the Italy trip having to be postponed! Hope it works out for later in the year.
Good!! I'm glad this chapter was inspiring!

I think you two would enjoy it a lot knowing how much you've enjoyed other tours on Disney Property. ::yes::

More on Italy on the Italy thread later today...
I really hope your trip can happen. I can give you some more info about the thinking behind the travel restrictions, which might help you in assessing the likelihood of your trip.

While every country in Europe sets their own entry restrictions during the pandemic, there is also the Schengen cooperation. Normally all travel is free between the Schengen countries. But there is a clause for restrictions for emergencies. And that clause was used heavily starting in March. Each country went their own way and it was very confusing. Some restricting all travels, others restricting certain countries etc. Then at some point the European countries got together and at least agreed on how to deal with travel from outside the EU. That was quite a bit later than when travel from EU to the US was banned.

Then, when lock downs were started to be lifted, it was obvious that travel within the Schengen area and the rest of EU needed to become possible as well. Within Schengen, we are just not set up for constant border controls. No country has the man power nor the infrastructure for it. And it is also against the idea of Europe and created far too many difficulties because of the integration of the economies. However, there was a need for some kind of mechanism as to what should be allowed and what not.

A couple of weeks earlier Germany had decided to start easing out of the lock down (which was mild compared to other European countries like Italy and France) and had found a rule as to when new lock down measures needed to be implemented. The reasoning behind that is that a lock down is necessary if there is too much community spread for efficient contact tracing and quarantine. So, it's a manpower limitation in the local health authorities. Once you cannot efficiently trace the contacts of every infected person anymore, you will have uncontrolled spread of the disease. The idea here in Germany was that our health authorities are (now, we got extra) staffed to be able to trace 50 new infections per week per 100,000 inhabitants. And the rule here is that if any county goes over that number they need to take special measures. We recently had a massive outbreak at a meat factory (they found 700 people infected in the factory) which actually resulted in a two week lockdown of that county.

So, somehow that 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants over the last 7 days has made its way into the European agreements. Maybe because Germany as a federal state had come to this through negotiation between its states and therefore had already done a lot of debate on it at a point where other countries were just thinking about easing the lock down. The number was first installed for allowing travel between the EU countries. Sweden was (and maybe still is) above that threshold and therefore most EU countries still have a ban against travel from Sweden.

The next step was trying to coordinate how to ease travel from abroad into the EU. Again, the 50 per week per 100,000 number was vital. I think by then it had morphed into an indicator of how prevalent the number of infected are in a country and with that how likely it is that a traveler will start a new chain of infections. But, it is actually combined with a second test, which can be called: Do we believe those numbers. There are countries who are just not able to test enough people and then there are those countries who are known to lie about everything. North Korea supposedly doesn't have a single infection... The list of countries who are allowed and prohibited will be monitored on a constant basis (I think they will change their recommendations every two weeks).

Which leads to the next step: When will the US move to the list of permitted countries. I am certain that the US is considered a trustworthy countries when it comes to its statistics, so it will only be the 50 per week per 100,000. So, it is easy math: 328,200,000 inhabitants, so that would be 164,100 cases a week, or an average of about 23,450 cases a day. Obviously the US is far from that number at the moment and unless it comes down to that I don't think there will be a change in the travel rules.

Ultimately, nearly all EU countries have decided to go for a suppression strategy (meaning getting as little infections as possible until either treatment of vaccine are possible) against the SARS-CoV-2, not just a containment strategy (meaning just trying to not let the hospitals be overwhelmed). The reason for that is that there is a consensus that the toll for herd immunity is far too large to pay. With 447 million inhabitants in the EU even a death rate of 0.5% (which scientists seem to think is likely in a scenario where every sick person gets the best treatment available now) and heard immunity after 50% of the population is immune would mean that nearly one million people could die from this. And that's kind of a best case scenario. Most of the deaths would be of the generation who rebuilt Europe after the devastation of WW II.

The lockdown was used to get back to the point where suppression is possible. Therefore there is a very strong motivation to not damage that. In comparison to other countries (like New Zealand) it is far more difficult to do this here in Europe with it being a large continent with so many borders and so much interconnectivity in itself on so many levels (not just economic, but also with regard to education, personal life etc.). So, the dangers of new infection chains coming in from outside of Europe will be continued to be taken very seriously.

Sorry that this got so long, but I thought the better you understand the why of the restrictions, the better you can figure out what it means for your travel plans. To be honest, my advice would be: spring is beautiful in Italy...

Again, thank you for this detailed explanation! It does help and it does seem like it's not reasonable to expect to travel this Summer/Early Fall to Europe. Sad, but reality. As I said, as long foreign trip in Spring just isn't going to work for me as it'll put us too close to the Cruise in Sept, 2021. I am inclined, although loathe, to admit defeat and keep my travels to domestic places this year and just add on some extra time to the cruise and have Anara meet us over there after the cruise dates. I won't make any cancellations until Sept 1st, but I think it's just not looking hopeful. At all.
I've been thinking of you - I hope you are holding up ok with all of the uncertainty.

Well, tbh, with the upcoming BSN progam and the hope of at least SOME domestic travel this year, I will keep myself sufficiently busy and happy. I hope that I can start to put some fun things on the calendar soon for some places to visit in the US or even Canada soon!

Also - as far as actual TR commenting - I love all the photos of the Wilderness Lodge! I'm happy to hear they worked with Native American consultants, too - I was a little nervous when I first saw it, because I know that I'm certainly not an expert about what would be appropriate.

Thanks! It was a fun chapter to write as I re-lived some very wonderful memories. I think for the most part Disney does make the extra effort to be senstive. :)
That’s a shame that you can’t transfer the time off into the next year (here all vacation days are valid until end of April of the following year, so I didn’t even think of that). I think you will need to monitor travel restrictions a lot this year. As far as I know Thailand still has a ban on all tourist travel. I am really not sure if foreign travel will be really possible this year. We have become very accustomed to having the world open to us, but the virus has changed this a lot.

Not a fan of 2020...

I know!! It totally sucks.

So, I don't know if this is true for every employer here, but at my company, we can max out our Paid Time Off and if we don't use it, we lose it. I am very close. So if I don't go somewhere, I'll have to start cashing it out. (Need to check on this today!) If I have to cash it out, I'll just set the money aside for future travels. :( I'd so much rather be able to GO somewhere.

When I checked Thailand is allowing Americans, but with a Health document/form of some sort. I didn't investigate very well but that's what my preliminary look-see showed. But, I'm leaning on just tacking on extra time in 2021. Just seems easier.
Congrats on taking the plunge and signing up for more education. I think it will really pay off for you.
I'm really sorry things are looking good for the Italy trip. I have loved all the plans you've been making. I hope something works our for you.

I'm sure something will even if we have to postpone until 2021. Just too much uncertainty right now. It's a LOT of work planning and re-planning, and re-planning again to keep going. I've poured literally weeks of making plans only to see them go up in smoke. And my heart breaks a little more each time. I need to face the reality of it not happening this year and move on.

The A to Z quest was lots of fun. You really got creative. It helped me to see things I've never noticed before.

It was a lot of fun! But now I'm running out of A-Z ideas! LOL!

LOVE the Wilderness Lodge update. I've been there twice but haven't had the time to really explore and get to see all the details. I think it's going to have to be something I do on my own to really see it.
There is so much to see there just like at all of the deluxe resorts. :) You won't be sorry!
I have registered and paid for my first, of what I hope is my only, 6 month term for my BSN- Bachelors of Science in Nursing.

6 months! That would be awesome if you could pull that off.

While I am not convinced it will make me a better nurse, I AM sure it will open more doors to me.

So it's worth it, then.

In addition, my 'tude has been dismal as we got the news that Europe won't be having Americans enter.

Yeah...I totally understand that. Having the same struggles with our Alaska trip. I really thought we'd be coming out of it by now.

I know all of you work too but still manage to make it here and update and all.... I just can't.

Well, I'm really slow. I just can't get here all the time.

Sometimes pretty pictures and happy memories can really lift the spirit. Let me take you back to a time when no one could have ever guessed life would be as we know it today. When travel was carefree, borders were open, and people came and went as they pleased.

This feels like ages ago.

The place was the incredibly majestic, stately, and beautiful Wilderness Lodge.

:love: I love that place so much.

The tour starts out in the lobby and it is packed full of history, architecture of the Lodge Era, (think CCC), Mission-style deco, and a ton of commentary on the art all around the resort. I won’t go into the deluge of the details our guide shared, it would be just too much, but suffice to say, I learned a lot!

I know of this tour, but have never done it. I feel like I'd love it, though.

Another interesting fact… the layers of various colored stone that comprise the chimney mirrors that of the layers of the Grand Canyon stratigraphically.

Now that I did know!

One theme that carries throughout the resort, both at Boulder Ridge and Copper Creek, is trains. Walt, as most of you know, was a train fanatic, but this resort lends itself perfectly to the theme of railroads as they were the backbone of transportation of people and goods in that era.

So cool! And yes, it fits in very well there.

The Carolwood Room highlights and displays Walt’s love of trains and features one of the cars from his personal railroad, the Carolwood Pacific Railroad. Another, as I showed you in a previous TR is in the Disney Family Museum in San Francisco.

I'm proud to say I've finally seen them both!

Random shots I didn't know where else to put


Tools of my trade....
Well, tbh, with the upcoming BSN progam and the hope of at least SOME domestic travel this year, I will keep myself sufficiently busy and happy. I hope that I can start to put some fun things on the calendar soon for some places to visit in the US or even Canada soon!
Yeah, that should keep you plenty busy. I'm finding it way too stressful to try planning much at all, with the way things keep changing. Thankfully, we still have work.
Thanks!! I am pretty anxious to start on the 15th and pound this silly thing out.
I'm sure you'll do great! I remember cheering you on when you were studying for nursing. You did great then, you'll do great now. :)
I think moreso because I already had many of the courses they require (that transferred) from my 1st Bachelors.
I am starting to think that the best option is to postpone until next Sept after the cruise. I just don't know. I really don't.
That's not so bad. I think a lot of us here on the DIS are used to waiting years between trips (usually to Disney). So having to give up the uncertainty and possible inconveniences that may come up for a more certain and hopefully less inconvenient trip a year from now... not so bad. :)
Me too. I have people I want to see, places I want to go, and things I want to do.
For sure!! I do that with AKL too, but the vibe is decidedly more upbeat and energetic over there. Totally different feel but no less... grand.
Good point. I do like AKL and find it quite incredible, but... not nearly as relaxing as WL.
Civilian Conservation Corps.
Ah, okay! Thanks. :)
Yeah, mine was about that long ago too. Makes me feel old and decripit.

I am confident you will get to during your lifetime.
Actually... I am too. :)
They did originally but they got crumbly. :(
Isn't it cool?! And yes, I don't think you'd be in your industry without that degree, although for some reason, I thought it was Geology?
It may be what different institutions (universities) call their programs, I'm not sure.
My degree is a Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences. You could do a focus in the courses you completed for the degree, mine was plain old geology, you could also focus on geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, minerology, etc. but that focus would never end up on your degree.
I originally thought I would end up in mining, but things don't always go the way you plan.
Hello again! Very excited for you as you think about heading into your classes very soon! But so sorry to hear that the Italy voyage will need to be postponed. Stupid covid!

What a difference a few months can make.

Oh my gosh, totally! Hard to believe how different things are these days.

I purposely arrived in time for the daily tour of the resort which begins at 9:00. If you haven’t done this… you really must.

This is a great tip! We love Wilderness Lodge and have been to stay/visit/dine a fair number of times in the last few years and we've never done this!
C is for: Canteen Chronicles

My first meal after returning from UniLand was at Skippers. I'd wanted to go to this place to do some more exploring (it's what Explorers do) as I knew from previous visits this place is a veritible treasaure trove of Disney props and theming goodies. Disney is first and foremost a storytelling company which Walt felt was paramount to the success and underpinning of his company. Skippers is one of those places that excels at this at the top levels of storytelling...

Let's take a walk, shall we?

I don't know about y'all, but Adventureland as a whole, while it works, seems a bit disjointed and haphazard. One minute, you're in the Middle East with spitting camels (yes, I have firsthand experience with these vile, spitting, disgusting creatures), and the next you're somewhere in the Caribbean sailing with marauding pirates, and the next somewhere in British Colonial Africa hearing drums and chanting. I honestly don't know how, but, as the patchwork whole that is Adventureland, it works.

In this Victorian Era-inspired building that stood empty for years, Alberta Falls, granddaughter of Dr. Albert Falls, opened a restaurant. Here is a short blurb about its origins: "The backstory of Skipper Canteen is that it is owned and operated by Alberta Falls, granddaughter of Dr. Albert Falls. In the (sic) storyline, Dr. Falls established the Jungle Navigation Company (the company behind the Jungle Cruise.) One of the best (worst?) jokes of the Jungle Cruise is when you approach the famous Schweitzer Falls, which is revealed to be named after Dr. Falls instead of Dr. Schweitzer, a physician whose work includes setting up hospitals in Africa. With business on the Jungle Cruise doing so well, Alberta opened up the restaurant in order to serve hungry travelers."


But, let's head on in and start with a cocktail. I mean, in the steamy jungles of interior Africa, one needs refreshment, no?

A word about the restaurant and its layout. From the writings of another blog "Fandom", here is a quite good description of the 3 areas of the restaurant:

"The Skipper Canteen has 222 seats spread across three main areas. The first of these areas is the main mess hall, which retains much of the original 1971 design. The main waiting area features portraits of the Falls family, with a traditional depiction of Doctor Albert Falls and a cubist portrait of his granddaughter (and current Jungle Navigation Co. president) Alberta Falls. Artifacts and ephemera from the Jungle Navigation Company's history can be found along the walls and in the balconies above, offices for different Skippers can be seen, including references to Disney Imagineers Marc Davis, Harper Goff and Bill Evans.

The second area is a meeting room for the Society of Explorers and Adventurers, accessed through a secret library doorway now permanently open. Bookshelves along the entryway feature references to Society members and numerous Disney films and attractions and several SEA club fezes are on display in a glass case. Within the SEA room are large maps of mythological creatures charted by SEA members, a display wall of butterfly specimens, and a painting of Doctor Albert Falls discovering the Cambodian Temple seen in the Jungle Cruise attraction.

The third area is the Jungle Room, the Falls family parlor, which features wood carvings of attraction scenes made from wood once used on the attraction's docks, stained glass chandeliers in the form of the Enchanted Tiki Room's birds, and one of the miniature boats from the Shrunken Ned's Junior Jungle Boats game on display in a glass case."

I was escorted through the (once) secret-entrance-bookcase/hidden doorway and was thrilled to get to finally sit in the S.E.A Room. I've eaten at Skippers a couple of other times and both had me dining in the Skipper's Mess Hall. It's ok, but not where REAL Explorers and Adventurers sit. ;) My next life goal is to sit in the Butterfly booth.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you are only there at Skippers to eat, you are missing out on an incredibly rich abundance of Disney nuggets and theming trinkets. Whether you are seated in the Skipper's Hall, or just passing through it, take some time to check out the walls that are chockfull with Jungle Cruise references. The Skipper's Lost and Unfound shelf has a pretty sweet hattip to Jock Lindsay as well who seems to have lost his pet snake "Reggie" here. Just like on Main Street, there are also some very nice memorials to past Imagineers, including Marc Davis, Harper Goff, and someone I'd sure would have loved to have met: Bill Evans, the horticulturalist who worked on the landscaping of Jungle Cruise.




But, back to the S.E.A. Room where my Compass Rose inlaid table found me relaxing. A Disney-strong drink was set before me, which while pretty and refreshing, did not invoke the silliness required to fully pretend I was a bona fide Adventurer as one might have while at the sadly defunct Adventurer's Club... RIP. This is perhaps #1 on my I'll-Never-Forgive-Disney-for-That List. A simple, yet clever, napkinfold greeted me as I ordered up my Primi: Pork Dumplings in a basket. I just checked the new menus and whoa... um, WAY pared down right now. These were both amazing, and... not on the menu right now. Bummer. #stupidcovid

It is in the Steppe Rulebook that every single meal ever will be interrupted by a trip to the bathroom at least once. The good news is that Disney provides never-ending entertainment in their bathrooms by means of beautiful sinks and fixtures. Some, of course, are far better and less industrial than others, but the Skippers fixtures make taking a trip almost enjoyable.

My Secondi was this (which does happen to still be on the abbreviated menu right now):

Curried Vegetable Crew Stew, served with coconut rice, seasonal vegetables and house-made curry sauce $19.00

Very flavorful and nice. Not signature amazing, but much better than your average themepark fare.

Our waiter was a kindly older gentelman, probably about my age, who appreciated my enthusiasm for the props and theming and, with a gleam in his eye after my lunch, offered to take me on a little tour. I love tours. Especially free ones. First, he took me to The Parlor where the really UBER cool stuff is. Well, I mean the butterfly collection of Lillian Disney is pretty cool in the S.E.A. Meeting Room, but what about the helmet from the 20,000 Leagues movie? Or the tea set from one of the Disney classics. Sorry, Folks, I can't remember which one, and now have this primal urge to return so I can ask again. Then, again, I could also probably just write an email and ask as well. If I hear, I'll let you know. Anyway, the Tiffany-style fixtures kinda rock my world and are so reminescent of the ones in Salon 1901 in Cali Adventure. I would love one of these in my house!

And how about one of the original boats from Shrunken Neds Junior Jungle Boats? Pretty cool, no?

But, I think my favorite piece of art of all was this painting that, like the painting of Walt in the Carolwood Room, I'd love equally as much hanging in my living room. Look carefully. Does the Cambodian Temple look familiar? The snake?

Here's the source I used a few photos from as I didn't have them. of the Jungle Cruise,to be named after Dr.

And another source of fun stuff:

And if you're interested in vintage Disney/Adventureland history, this is very thorough!

Now, it's YOUR turn! What scene on the Jungle Cruise is your favorite? What joke or sight gag? If there was a tour of just the Jungle Cruise with lunch to follow with Imagineers at Skippers, would you do it? Or if it included Tiki Room and Pirates as well, would you? Do you have a favorite memory from JC that you can share with us?
I've started the process of applying to school for starting my BSN.

Yay, Congrats! That's a big commitment and won't be easy, but you got this!

The place was the incredibly majestic, stately, and beautiful Wilderness Lodge.

So beautiful! We have a CCV reservation for October and it will be our first time staying there. I can't wait to see your room pics!

Skipper's Canteen looks awesome but it's definitely not our favorite kind of food. I could probably convince Mike to try it with me someday, but not the kids.

Sorry about your Italy trip, but hopefully it's just a postponement and not a cancellation. 🙏


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