this is such a sad sick world

I get some of what you said but sorry we cannot compare Saddam Hussein, who murdered thousands of people to generals in an army, which is part of our American history, right or wrong!!!
Hitler is part of Germany's history. Do you think they have statues of him in town squares?
I am confident that Germany also does not have memorials or statues to remember and honor Doenitz, Rommel, Goering, Himmler or all the other dregs of WWII Germany.
Hitler is part of Germany's history. Do you think they have statues of him in town squares?

Again, I never said I was against removing the statues. I am against the violence and destruction which is so much!!! I have video's of NYC, blocks and blocks of stores that was destroyed and people destroying statues of servicemen who have NOTHING to do with slavery. What about that destruction??? Was that right??? How come you don't condemn those acts??? The destruction I have seen in the last few months is beyond disgusting! Sad, some condone it!
I am confident that Germany also does not have memorials or statues to remember and honor Doenitz, Rommel, Goering, Himmler or all the other dregs of WWII Germany.
Somehow I think Rommel made it through.
There might be statures of him and other stuff
I see you ignore all the rioters/violence in the cities and how much they have destroyed. I know your news channels don't show you the true pictures of all the destruction and criminal activities. I never said I was against removing the statues. I said I am against breaking the law and doing it violently and criminally. There will always be bad people in every profession but you need to look at the data instead of an agenda!!! I can tell you are very radical and turn people's words around, so I won't respond to you anymore!!!
I'm not ignoring anything. As a matter of fact, I protested right here in NYC. The first BLM street mural in Brooklyn is in my neighborhood.

What I'm not going to do is allow the actions of a few to distract me.

I dont give a darn about a statue of a racist being destroyed.
Again, I never said I was against removing the statues. I am against the violence and destruction which is so much!!! I have video's of NYC, blocks and blocks of stores that was destroyed and people destroying statues of servicemen who have NOTHING to do with slavery. What about that destruction??? Was that right??? How come you don't condemn those acts??? The destruction I have seen in the last few months is beyond disgusting! Sad, some condone it!
Do you also have videos of stores up and down NYC streets that were not destroyed? Do you have videos of the THOUSANDS of peaceful protesters?
Why can’t you compare both? Hussein was their leader. He is a part of their history. A part I’m sure they’ll never forget, but do not want to celebrate. It’s actually very much the same.

Americans won’t forget our history because a statue came down. Has anybody forgotten who Hitler was because there aren’t any statues in the town square of him? Who actually learns their history from a statue anyway?

The truth is our teaching of history is abysmal in this country and it needs a complete overhaul anyway. Only those doing research on their own have any idea what’s really happened here.

Are there people who just wanted to destroy and know nothing about history apparently- yes, of course as is evident by the Grant statue being taken down. But it’s important to not use the outliers as the explanation for the bigger picture.

Not my family. We brought my children to Gettysburg and they know all about what went on including ALL the innocent lives that were lost fighting for the cause. I think some people see statues as "glorifying" someone and others look at them as "part of history", that is where the disagreement has always been. I admittingly have never thought about it much and TBH, I think if they change Gettysburg, it would be a shame, as it shows our history, good or bad.
The part that most people in this thread are in denial about, is the manner and violent behaviors of these protestors/rioters. If people felt that removing some statues was the right thing to do, how about doing it civilly, reaching out to governors/mayors of the cities where they are??? Why the violence??? Giving a pass to these violent rioters and letting them break the law and watching apparently sane people justify it, is more disturbing then the destructive, law-breaking criminals!
Because every time "they" protested peacefully people criticized it also.

Please stop with the multiple punctuation points also. It doesn't emphasize your point.

I am confident that Germany also does not have memorials or statues to remember and honor Doenitz, Rommel, Goering, Himmler or all the other dregs of WWII Germany.
I'm sure you are correct in what you say.

However, the many German companies that used slave labour from the concentration camps in WWll are still very much with us. The likes of Mercedes, Deutsche Bank, Hugo Boss, Bayer and many more. Most eventually apologised and some even paid reparations. The treatment of those slaves was despicable but, despite only occurring eighty years ago, those crimes against humanity seem to have faded from our collective memory.

So, no sculpted monoliths but many corporate monoliths?

ford family
Again, I never said I was against removing the statues. I am against the violence and destruction which is so much!!! I have video's of NYC, blocks and blocks of stores that was destroyed and people destroying statues of servicemen who have NOTHING to do with slavery. What about that destruction??? Was that right??? How come you don't condemn those acts??? The destruction I have seen in the last few months is beyond disgusting! Sad, some condone it!
I am sure we can all agree that the destruction of the stores etc. is not right. But those who did that, are not the same who protest the symbols of suppression. Those are two separate things.

And I think we can only react emotionally to your outcry because of your tone of voice and your excessive use of ? and !, doesn't help. You start by saying why don't they protest peacefully and do it civil, and you want to have the discussion. Okay, let's discuss, what are the rational reasons you are against changing the mascot of your child's highschool, besides the money. If you want to convince your highschool that it's the wrong way, what are you going to tell them, telling them they are irrational or biased will not work. Cowboys are not racist and sexist because...

Let's start here and see how we can get to removing statues and for what reasons (there can be others next to supporting slavery or owning slaves).


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