this is such a sad sick world

I get some of what you said but sorry we cannot compare Saddam Hussein, who murdered thousands of people to generals in an army, which is part of our American history, right or wrong!!!

Those U.S. generals were also responsible for slaughtering thousands of people. An an underestimated 620,000 men, lost their lives on both sides, fighting over the belief system that a group of people have the right to enslave human beings, (forget color,) and treat them as property and breed them as trained pets to do as their bidding. That's deplorable. That's not even getting into the tortures and abominable practices done to those human beings.
I'll age myself too. We tried to see this exhibit when it came to Washington DC. The line was so long and not moving, we ended up leaving.

Tut storms America. When the exhibition opened at the National Gallery on November 17, 1976, the line wrapped around the three-block-long building.
I think we are all lucky (and old). The plan is that when the new museum finally opens (so far it has been delayed by 10 years considering Egypt's woes), it won't travel anymore. That's a challenge as the trend is to return looted items back to countries. Germany started to do this but is one of the worst offenders, along with the UK.

The hope of course is that people will travel to Egypt to see the artifacts, but the reality is that more people would travel locally. But then Egypt doesn't get the tourist revenue....
To the logical/rational people on this thread (which don't seem to be too many), please pray for NYC and look at what is happening to this once safe, great city!!! The crime is going way up due to radical people running it!!! Look at the video's of innocent people (many elderly) getting punched in the face by thugs, just doing it because they are violent! I have family that lives there and they cannot believe what is happening to this once great city due to the radicals running it!!! It's beyond sad to watch it's demise!!!
Those U.S. generals were also responsible for slaughtering thousands of people. An an underestimated 620,000 men, lost their lives on both sides, fighting over the belief system that a group of people have the right to enslave human beings, (forget color,) and treat them as property and breed them as trained pets to do as their bidding. That's deplorable. That's not even getting into the tortures and abominable practices done to those human beings.

OMG, calm down. NO one said the generals were right or should be glorified!!! It's the history of our country and sorry but you can't change it!!!
I am confident that Germany also does not have memorials or statues to remember and honor Doenitz, Rommel, Goering, Himmler or all the other dregs of WWII Germany.
We well know about forced labour. There are as I noted memorials and plaques and artistic honourings all around the country. Just around the Reichstag alone along with the holocaust memorial there are memorials to the Sinti and Roma, and a very well done memorial to 'homosexuals persecuted under Nazism' (along with memorials to those killed trying to escape the DDR, which is another thing we discuss and remember) Every major city in Germany has a permanent museum to discuss what happened. The documentation centre in Munich is very clear of why that city embraced National Socialism, and there are pictures with faces clearly displayed, and names, so that we can see our own people who participated.

The museum to resistance in Berlin doesn't just show who resisted, or why it wasn't easy, but talks about the lack of resistance amongst much of the population.

It's virtually impossible to walk anywhere in Germany without seeing something that acknowledges our recent past (both the times of National Socialism, and what came after ie the times of the DDR) We are fully aware and we acknowledge this in literature, television, film, museums, memorials, and random street art.
OMG, calm down. NO one said the generals were right or should be glorified!!! It's the history of our country and sorry but you can't change it!!!

What else is a statue for but to glorify the person in the statue? Removing statues is all about no longer glorifying them, not about changing history (unless your only source of history is reading plaques on statues).
Again, I never said I was against removing the statues. I am against the violence and destruction which is so much!!! I have video's of NYC, blocks and blocks of stores that was destroyed and people destroying statues of servicemen who have NOTHING to do with slavery. What about that destruction??? Was that right??? How come you don't condemn those acts??? The destruction I have seen in the last few months is beyond disgusting! Sad, some condone it!

New Yorker here. From Day 1, the NY Gov. and the NYC Mayor have OPENLY supported the peaceful protests over George Floyd and the BLM movements. They have been very clear that there is a HUGE difference between the violent LOOTERS and criminals who exploited the protests and marches to do their own criminal activities at the same time and as a cover for their own activities. They condemed those people saying they have nothing to do with either George Floyd or the BLM movement.

Here is one of the power point slides the NY. Gov. used during one of his many news briefings on the George Floyd/BLM matter, making it clear that we know the difference between the two groups:


The Gov. encouraged and advised the protestors, so that their protests don't just turn into another protest where, over time it dies down and nothing gets changed, he told them they must name specific agenda to fight for and reform. That even as governor, he only has so much power to create laws. It takes the will of the people telling our legislators what they specifically want changed. He suggested a list. The peaceful protestors listened and became very specific in what they want changed.

All the major cities in NY state as well as many smaller towns joined the peaceful protests. Within a few weeks NY state had enacted 10 new civil rights and police reform laws.
To the logical/rational people on this thread (which don't seem to be too many), please pray for NYC and look at what is happening to this once safe, great city!!! The crime is going way up due to radical people running it!!! Look at the video's of innocent people (many elderly) getting punched in the face by thugs, just doing it because they are violent! I have family that lives there and they cannot believe what is happening to this once great city due to the radicals running it!!! It's beyond sad to watch it's demise!!!
You're being ridiculous.

ONE elderly woman was attacked by ONE jerk. Guess what happened when that was done? EVERYONE was disgusted by it. NO ONE tried to excuse or claim the idiot may suffer from mental illness.

I'm going to wait and see if you request prayers for all of the unarmed black men and women across this country that have been killed by bad police officers.

Surely you will request prayers for the black that have suddenly started hanging themselves across the country.
Oh, so now I am being told not to use punctuation??? Sorry, it's America, I can do what I want!!!
Not if you want to be taken seriously. If you want people to take you and your arguments seriously, proper punctuation is a minimum. The overexcessive use of ! and ? makes one look like a toddler with a tantrum.

Now, you say you want to have a discussion. If you truly want this: bring arguments to the table. Otherwise, save yourself the energy and step out.
OMG, calm down. NO one said the generals were right or should be glorified!!! It's the history of our country and sorry but you can't change it!!!

You are projecting. I'm not the one who needs to calm down. You are the one using three exclamation points after each sentence.

I stated facts. It isn't about changing history. This is about not glorifying certain figures or a previous time period and belief system in the present.
More correctly described as forced labor rather than slave labor. Both are awful, terrible, despicable, but there is a difference.

edited for spelling
And since that poster brought up IG Farben, here is the memorial on that site.

It is really difficult to avoid in daily life what happened in our recent past, and using Germany as a bad example is quite laughable when we are generally seen as one of the best for acknowledging our past. We've moved beyond the generation born at the end of the war who used to say 'why am I to blame? I wasn't born then!' to my generation and younger, who have this as part of our lives.
New Yorker here. From Day 1, the NY Gov. and the NYC Mayor have OPENLY supported the peaceful protests over George Floyd and the BLM movements. They have been very clear that there is a HUGE difference between the violent LOOTERS and criminals who exploited the protests and marches to do their own criminal activities at the same time and as a cover for their own activities. They condemed those people saying they have nothing to do with either George Floyd or the BLM movement.

Here is one of the power point slides the NY. Gov. used during one of his many news briefings on the George Floyd/BLM matter, making it clear that we know the difference between the two groups:


The Gov. encouraged and advised the protestors, so that their protests don't just turn into another protest where, over time it dies down and nothing gets changed, he told them they must name specific agenda to fight for and reform. That even as governor, he only has so much power to create laws. It takes the will of the people telling our legislators what they specifically want changed. He suggested a list. The peaceful protestors listened and became very specific in what they want changed.

All the major cities in NY state as well as many smaller towns joined the peaceful protests. Within a few weeks NY state had enacted 10 new civil rights and police reform laws.

Look at you using facts and data to support your views. Keep it up and you will be accused of showing off your fancy book learning.:rotfl2:
Oh, so now I am being told not to use punctuation??? Sorry, it's America, I can do what I want!!!
I said you should use proper punctuation, not discontinue its use entirely.

You're right, in America we don't have an official language so you can speak whatever language you want. We just generally speak English on this forum so if you would like to participate in a discussion you probably should do the same.


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