Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I once went on Buzz 9 times in a row. Only stopped due to hand cramps 🤣 I plan to break that record this trip. GALACTIC HERO FOREVERRRRR

Honestly, that is pretty genius though! However, I would have loved to be in the meeting to watch people's faces when that idea got thrown out. "okay guys hear me out... what if....." :rotfl2:

I agree that Disney has a plan. It would be silly and irresponsible for Disney to not have a plan in the event that the parks are required to close. It is IMO unlikely, but not out of the realm of possibility. I'm sure there is a detailed plan for this case (probably with a really cool codename) that hopefully, we will never get to see.

Sounds like a cranky, hot, overtired CM caught at a bad moment. Also, who is to say the CM even saw what Carlye saw, or what it looked like from her angle. The amount of power some of these vlogger people have taken on does not sit well with me, but I'm probably in the minority on that. I appreciate the information greatly, but it almost seems power trippy to me at times now. Just look at what resulted from Carlye's picture/video from the guest relations debacle the other day, the interiors of MK were nothing like what was posted but a dozen+ websites picked it up and suddenly she was on CNN? I'm looking forward to when the parks being open is older news to the media and people can just go enjoy themselves without appearing on 832 livestreams and coming home to nightly news reports.

That said, it was definitely an inappropriate response from the CM, but we never get to hear from the CM side of things in these cases, only the vloggers... which isn't entirely fair :duck:

She’s a journalist, not a vlogger. And I give her high praise for raising the alarm if it resulted in Disney putting markers out to prevent future crowding in that space.
After the MK tweet from Saturday and wearing three masks at the same time, I think it is clear that Carlye isn’t the best judge of how things are actually going. This isn’t to say that Disney has been perfect. Far from it. Letting sick people back into the parks is inexcusable, they need to start punishing those taking off mask on rides and it sounds like they have some big issues at DS. That said, it is obvious Carlye’s own issues are making it impossible to objectively judge what is actually going on.

Exactly. I think this is going to be true with everyone, we are each coming into the parks with our own levels of bias, concern, and different anxieties, which is why it is so important to look at multiple sources and not just take one as gospel. The lens that each person is viewing the experience through is really going to impact their overall assessment of how "well things are going" at Disney.
But today they came out saying that if you don’t have one on in your ride photo they won’t release the photo to you. So which is it?
we were told if you or someone in your party took a picture it was ok to unmask if you were outside. Photopass will not. I would guess the ride photo goes along with that. They don't want any official Disney picture to not have a mask )I would guess).
This is why I’m glad people like Carlye are there. Hearing from people who have a vested interest in everything being absolutely fine that things are great is not entirely helpful.

I also feel as someone who is “anxious“ about this, she is watching for things others may not be or just don’t care about. She is getting so much crap all over the place from both sides, people who think she shouldn’t have gone for safety reasons and people who think she shouldn’t have gone because she’s negative/scared, but again I’m glad she did.

Agreed. People are gonna be checking out a lot of this commentary to determine whether or not they want to follow through with their plans and I think it's good for those with anxiety about the situation seeing content from someone who's probably paying extra attention to compliance. Even though realistically you should expect there to be some non-compliance, if you hear nothing but people saying that they saw fully-compliant guests the whole time, someone who is reassured by that and expects that might have some issues when they go and find out that's not the case.

She'll probably wind up helping some people determine that they're not really ready to make the trip.
just got back home, my plan to stay park opening to closing got thwarted by the unbearable heat.
All this might already be known, here's my quick report
Arrived to the parking lot being closed, they started letting cars through the toll around 9:25, in waves, I parked around 9:35. Temp check and bag check same as MK.
Entered the park and went straihght to MMRR while everyone headed to RotR. You have to understand these are CM that have been blocked out from DHS since RotR opened so for many this was their one and only chance for a while.
MMRR was a walk on, went to TSLand, SDD and AS2 walk ons, into SWGE from that back entrance, MFSR was a walk on
The 3 cavalcades are cute and seem to come every 30 min with a midday break, like from 12:30 to 2pm there were none
Photopass was very slim, they came out later in the day but not in full force, I'm assuming on Wed it'll be a different story
DD was alive and well and very popular, Savi was only selling legacy lightsabers, the experience is not available cause of the actors conflicts with WDW
Build a lightsaber at Tatooine Traders was open
Mobile Order was fast and efficient at Backlot Express but I ate around noon. It does close early, so make sure to check restaurant times for later in the day
And here comes something that I never thought I would write, ever. DHS was sad, the CM just didn't seem as happy and excited and pumped as the MK ones, even during previews. I hope that this changes for Wednesdays, they all seem to be going through the motions and not very excited. Lots of closed stores which doesn't help either. IDK I hope Wednesday I come back with a different experience. Crowd levels were non existent everywhere except around RotR
And yes you can use cash or any other forms of payment f you wish they are just really pushing Mobile Ordering through MDE
Mask compliance was surprisingly almost at 100% through out the day, seriously I was impressed, social distancing also great except around RotR
Since compliance and enforcement looks to be for the most part pretty good, I think a lot of people are going to come away being able to say that everyone/near everyone they saw was wearing their mask properly, distancing, etc.

Nothing is perfect though, and I think that is the point that needs to be driven home. Especially to counter all the people who swear it’s the safest place to be and by doing that encourages people to travel there. That is my take away from what people like Carlye are reporting (vs a DFB situation with the 7DMT line). I really feel for her and the way she’s getting torn apart. I also think much of her precautions are being taken because she is aware of the risk she herself brings to others, given that she travelled on a plane to get there, which makes it all the more crappy to mock.
just got back home, my plan to stay park opening to closing got thwarted by the unbearable heat.
All this might already be known, here's my quick report
Arrived to the parking lot being closed, they started letting cars through the toll around 9:25, in waves, I parked around 9:35. Temp check and bag check same as MK.
Entered the park and went straihght to MMRR while everyone headed to RotR. You have to understand these are CM that have been blocked out from DHS since RotR opened so for many this was their one and only chance for a while.
MMRR was a walk on, went to TSLand, SDD and AS2 walk ons, into SWGE from that back entrance, MFSR was a walk on
The 3 cavalcades are cute and seem to come every 30 min with a midday break, like from 12:30 to 2pm there were none
Photopass was very slim, they came out later in the day but not in full force, I'm assuming on Wed it'll be a different story
DD was alive and well and very popular, Savi was only selling legacy lightsabers, the experience is not available cause of the actors conflicts with WDW
Build a lightsaber at Tatooine Traders was open
Mobile Order was fast and efficient at Backlot Express but I ate around noon. It does close early, so make sure to check restaurant times for later in the day
And here comes something that I never thought I would write, ever. DHS was sad, the CM just didn't seem as happy and excited and pumped as the MK ones, even during previews. I hope that this changes for Wednesdays, they all seem to be going through the motions and not very excited. Lots of closed stores which doesn't help either. IDK I hope Wednesday I come back with a different experience. Crowd levels were non existent everywhere except around RotR
And yes you can use cash or any other forms of payment f you wish they are just really pushing Mobile Ordering through MDE
Mask compliance was surprisingly almost at 100% through out the day, seriously I was impressed, social distancing also great except around RotR


I wonder if CMs are starting to feel defeated from the beating they and WDW are getting in the press.
It can't feel good to read.

Maybe when they see the excited guests, they will feel better!!

I wonder if CMs are starting to feel defeated from the beating they and WDW are getting in the press.
It can't feel good to read.

Maybe when they see the excited guests, they will feel better!!
there was also a crazy amount of CM just standing everywhere, they might be missing their attractions and actual work since some have been transfered
But today they came out saying that if you don’t have one on in your ride photo they won’t release the photo to you. So which is it?
My understanding is that masks are required at all times, except when eating or swimming. That includes when taking pictures. How Disney is enforcing this is that photos during the rides and from Photopass require a mask or they won’t be included in your account. Now, if someone takes off their mask and takes their own picture, that’s on them not on Disney.

I wonder if CMs are starting to feel defeated from the beating they and WDW are getting in the press.
It can't feel good to read.

Maybe when they see the excited guests, they will feel better!!

100% true. The repeated posts, media coverage, click bate articles, prefers negative stories.

I don't understand why people don't get your exact point. What about all the CM who WANT to be there and feel like they are getting beaten down on a daily basis being told how bad they are doing?? It's not right.
Imagine if we had to wait for Disney themselves to release all bits of information (especially during March to July 2020) and didn’t have the lowly “twitter bloggers” to give us what they could with the news that we were all waiting for.

Imagine if we had to rely on Disney’s own phone CM’s, or often incorrect website to gather information about our trips. Instead of being able to turn to one of the many unofficial sources for Disney info online.

The way this is going feels gross.
there was also a crazy amount of CM just standing everywhere, they might be missing their attractions and actual work since some have been transfered
I feel for them. I imagine with the transfers many aren't with their usual work friends, new assignments, new locations, new regulations, there is just so much change. Add the stress of well, the world the right now, to everything, and yeah that is a lot!
I feel for them. I imagine with the transfers many aren't with their usual work friends, new assignments, new locations, new regulations, there is just so much change. Add the stress of well, the world the right now, to everything, and yeah that is a lot!
Plus the added stress of seeing all the bad media attention that they could get if they are that CM in the wrong place at the wrong time, hearing from media that they are "supposed" to enforce things but knowing that really a guest has the very real potential to get them fired. That is a stress I do not envy, and honestly anyone visiting needs to make sure to be extra extra kind and thankful that these CMs are risking their own health for OUR enjoyment, AND the risk they have of losing their jobs at an irate guest reporting them.
Imagine if we had to wait for Disney themselves to release all bits of information (especially during March to July 2020) and didn’t have the lowly “twitter bloggers” to give us what they could with the news that we were all waiting for.

Imagine if we had to rely on Disney’s own phone CM’s, or often incorrect website to gather information about our trips. Instead of being able to turn to one of the many unofficial sources for Disney info online.

The way this is going feels gross.

I was just giving thought to possible reasons CMs didn't seem as enthused at DHS today. It's valid, WDW is getting bad press and I'm talking national news, not social media. I would read it and feel bad. Not saying things shouldn't be reported. If people reading my post want to put their own spin on that, I can't help it.

Didn't say people shouldn't be reporting on experiences, good and bad. Didn't say only Disney should release sugary-sweet information.

I feel for them. I imagine with the transfers many aren't with their usual work friends, new assignments, new locations, new regulations, there is just so much change. Add the stress of well, the world the right now, to everything, and yeah that is a lot!
They might also have been low energy b/c it was hot...brutal heat can make anyone miserable, especially on an 8 hour outdoor shift...
All the CM are amazing, they have to work day and day out with people that quiet frankly treat them with disrespect and any common sense of courtesy or empathy. I always make sure to thank and engage them when I'm there, even if I'm recording or live streaming, they are all superstars in my book
Unless you are accusing and have proof of these people of lying, the people sharing negative experiences should be listened to just as much as the people giving positive experience. You can't just pick and choose who has the "correct" account of how things are going based on how much positivity they have. I'm loving watching all the vlogs and live streams and how positive people have been. I'm also appreciating hearing about the bad and hope Disney listens to those people as well.
Plus the added stress of seeing all the bad media attention that they could get if they are that CM in the wrong place at the wrong time, hearing from media that they are "supposed" to enforce things but knowing that really a guest has the very real potential to get them fired. That is a stress I do not envy, and honestly anyone visiting needs to make sure to be extra extra kind and thankful that these CMs are risking their own health for OUR enjoyment, AND the risk they have of losing their jobs at an irate guest reporting them.
Absolutely. Also, the parks crawling with media and "Big Disney" people has got to have them feeling a bit like they are under a microscope... that isn't fun for anyone. Even when you are doing your honest best to follow all rules and regulations at your job, nobody likes being watched like that.
100% true. The repeated posts, media coverage, click bate articles, prefers negative stories.

I don't understand why people don't get your exact point. What about all the CM who WANT to be there and feel like they are getting beaten down on a daily basis being told how bad they are doing?? It's not right.

I can relate to this a bit. I work in Orlando, I work at a front desk guest relations type job. But it does wear down on you when 1) dealing with guests to put on masks, explain why we have certain protocols in place etc. 2) Dealing with people who call who are mad at you for even being open 3)Dealing with people on forums (this and many others included), who just want to shut everything down without understanding economics . If FL shutdowns again, i'm screwed. I'll probably have to move back home 6 hours away and live with my parents. I barely made it through the previous shutdown. This has been very exhausting for my mental health.

I've come to the point, I don't care what happens to the parks, I don't care if any sports are played this year, I just want to be able to go to my job, earn my paycheck, and make a living.
All the CM are amazing, they have to work day and day out with people that quiet frankly treat them with disrespect and any common sense of courtesy or empathy. I always make sure to thank and engage them when I'm there, even if I'm recording or live streaming, they are all superstars in my book

One of my favorite memories from quite a few years ago was when we were walking through Epcot at rope-drop and all the CMs we saw had giant Mickey hands on waving to everyone that walked by!

It was the greatest!!!
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