You deal with the pandemic your way, I’ll deal with the pandemic my way.

Perhaps you could keep your way of dealing with it to yourself on a public forum at least. You're talking to people who may have had a love one die of this and making jokes about making food from their bodies might just be terribly offensive and hurtful to them. Just a thought, but it seems a little insensitive to say the least.
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I get it. Some people here find me disrespectful. That's fine. But I'll not pause anywhere near people when it can be helped.

Last week was in a small ice cream shop. 1 family at a time. We wait our turn and go in. The next family doesn't want to wait. But they are told they can't come in. So they block the door. Now we can't leave. All I said excuse me to the mom. Apparently that was enough to have her shove me out the way so she can go in. Similar thing happened to me at autozone. Guy would not move and ignored every employee trying to get him out of the way.

Those are the people I find disrespectful. I can't even count the number of service workers who went out of their way to thank those who treat them like they are alive and are in this too. Apparently it isn't a common thing in Ohio and our numbers are showing the results of this.

Let's all try to stay as safe as we can out there.

I live in small-town Ohio and the attitudes of a large portion of the population are stunning. The active cases in my county have more than quadrupled in the last three weeks, and they still don’t get it.

My own brother and his girlfriend are at home right now recovering from COVID, which they contracted by going to a funeral and then a benefit afterward at a bar. Luckily they both seem to be recovering well.

I’m planning to go to Disney in September, and frankly am looking forward to being somewhere I can go out and about and not be shamed for wearing a mask, using hand sanitizer in public, and physical distancing. A normal errand around here includes being glared at and called a sheep. It’s crazy.
Another terrible record day for deaths in Florida - 216.

Everything else is nearly the same as yesterday:

New cases - 9448 today, 9226 yesterday
Tests reported - 88,252 today, 90,217 yesterday
% pos new cases - 12.26% today, 11.68% yesterday
New hospitalizations - 532 today, 585 yesterday

Here is a rundown of the past 2 weeks for new cases and % positive - it really seems like they have plateaued. Deaths generally lag cases by about 2 weeks (though we still regularly see double digit death numbers here in MA despite our new cases being at or under 300 for the last month - some people seem to fight it off for a long while before finally succumbing). Florida's death rate has been pretty steadily around 1.4% - with these kinds of new case numbers over the last two weeks, we could expect to see close to 2084 deaths just from these cases. :worried:

cases% pos
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216 dead in FL. Looks like the deaths are starting to catch up to the increase in cases.

I’m avoiding FL for now.
I’d say many are. I’ve said before we are doing half decent here presently, but it is not fun waiting for the inevitable - when it passes through again :(. Hope it’s easier for Florida from today on and they soon get some relief before it moves on somewhere else.
The hard part seeing this is the infection rate is not coming down below 10% and below 8% which is general target set by many places as an acceptable controlled status.

Remember all these stats have a typical 2-4 week lag. Infection to testing to admission to death. So not surprised unfortunately that deaths now finally creeping upwards with those who put up the good fight but succumbing to COVID and complications of it. :(
I’d say many are. I’ve said before we are doing half decent here presently, but it is not fun waiting for the inevitable - when it passes through again :(. Hope it’s easier for Florida from today on and they soon get some relief before it moves on somewhere else.

it’s already heading towards the mid west
it’s already heading towards the mid west
It's been there in the Midwest for a month to month and a half. A good amount of places around the nation started sharply increasing mid to late june with some being late june to early july.
It's dangerous to go to Florida. There's no doubt about that.
How is it dangerous?

Week ending date in which the death occurredAll Deaths involving COVID-19 (U07.1)1Deaths from All CausesPercent of Expected Deaths2Deaths involving Pneumonia, with or without COVID-19, excluding Influenza deaths
Deaths involving COVID-19 and Pneumonia, excluding Influenza
(U07.1 and J12.0–J18.9)3
All Deaths involving Influenza, with or without COVID-19 or Pneumonia
(J09–J11), includes COVID-19 or Pneumonia4
Deaths involving Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID-19
(U07.1 or
Total Deaths135,5791,529,621108144,28158

As you can see the number of COVID deaths are on the steady decline. The continued fear mongering is more harmful than the disease. The United States has a population of about 328.2 million people as of latest census. That is a 0.00044 percent death rate per population right now. Heart disease kills more people than COVID. The death rate among infected is .0343 percent. On average 8000 Americans die each and every day of something other than COVID.

please stop the panicking, be informed.
Now let the character assignation begin.
How is it dangerous?

As you can see the number of COVID deaths are on the steady decline. The continued fear mongering is more harmful than the disease. The United States has a population of about 328.2 million people as of latest census. That is a 0.00044 percent death rate per population right now. Heart disease kills more people than COVID. The death rate among infected is .0343 percent. On average 8000 Americans die each and every day of something other than COVID.

please stop the panicking, be informed.
Now let the character assignation begin.

It's not just those who die from COVID, there are serious longterm health implications that we're only starting to understand. Be informed.
How is it dangerous?

Week ending date in which the death occurredAll Deaths involving COVID-19 (U07.1)1Deaths from All CausesPercent of Expected Deaths2Deaths involving Pneumonia, with or without COVID-19, excluding Influenza deaths
Deaths involving COVID-19 and Pneumonia, excluding Influenza
(U07.1 and J12.0–J18.9)3
All Deaths involving Influenza, with or without COVID-19 or Pneumonia
(J09–J11), includes COVID-19 or Pneumonia4
Deaths involving Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID-19
(U07.1 or
Total Deaths135,5791,529,621108144,28158

As you can see the number of COVID deaths are on the steady decline. The continued fear mongering is more harmful than the disease. The United States has a population of about 328.2 million people as of latest census. That is a 0.00044 percent death rate per population right now. Heart disease kills more people than COVID. The death rate among infected is .0343 percent. On average 8000 Americans die each and every day of something other than COVID.

please stop the panicking, be informed.
Now let the character assignation begin.

I am fully with you and have been saying this from the beginning. So much perspective has been lost. Many of those every day deaths can also be classified as preventable, not all.
please stop the panicking, be informed.
Now let the character assignation begin.

No character assignation. Just wanted to let you know that your error is in looking at the wrong place to shore up your argument. The Florida Department of Health isn't reporting accurately.

They omit people who die in Florida that haven't "officially" declared Florida has their state of residence. Also, their numbers of deaths can increase, sometimes by quite a lot, once all of the deaths are reported. There is often a discrepancy, especially in the span of a week as the counties file their reports.

If you want to better informed, follow this epidemiologist. He is compiling the information for Florida. He's usually a day behind but I trust his information more than FDOH.
I am fully with you and have been saying this from the beginning. So much perspective has been lost. Many of those every day deaths can also be classified as preventable, not all.

According to the CDC, COVID 19 will end in the top ten causes of death in 2020. They won't know exactly where until we finish the year, but based on data from 2018, it looks like it'll come in around #3. I can't catch heart disease or cancer from other people. But I can catch this virus. And I also may end up with long term health implications from the virus. To me, that's pretty darned serious. I'm keeping everything in perspective.

  1. Heart disease (655,381)
  2. Cancer (599,274)
  3. Unintentional injury (167,127)
  4. Chronic lower respiratory disease (159,486)
  5. Stroke (147,810)
  6. Alzheimer's disease (122,019)
  7. Diabetes (84,946)
  8. Flu and pneumonia (59,120)
  9. Nephritis (51,386)
  10. Suicide (48,344)
According to the CDC, COVID 19 will end in the top ten causes of death in 2020. They won't know exactly where until we finish the year, but based on data from 2018, it looks like it'll come in around #3. I can't catch heart disease or cancer from other people. But I can catch this virus. And I also may end up with long term health implications from the virus. To me, that's pretty darned serious. I'm keeping everything in perspective.

  1. Heart disease (655,381)
  2. Cancer (599,274)
  3. Unintentional injury (167,127)
  4. Chronic lower respiratory disease (159,486)
  5. Stroke (147,810)
  6. Alzheimer's disease (122,019)
  7. Diabetes (84,946)
  8. Flu and pneumonia (59,120)
  9. Nephritis (51,386)
  10. Suicide (48,344)

The unemployment rate is also likely to drive up the number of suicides this year as well.
I am fully with you and have been saying this from the beginning. So much perspective has been lost. Many of those every day deaths can also be classified as preventable, not all.
Blah, blah, blah, blah. It still doesn't mean measures shouldn't be in place. Mandatory masks and physical distancing should still be in place. Had those been enforced at the beginning a lot of these deaths would be saved.
Blah, blah, blah, blah. It still doesn't mean measures shouldn't be in place. Mandatory masks and physical distancing should still be in place. Had those been enforced at the beginning a lot of these deaths would be saved.
In the beginning we were told we didn't need to wear masks and the ill should be the ones to wear them (as in if you were exhibiting symptoms). We know they could have gone about it a different way and advised to make homemade masks and my guess is a lot of issues surrounding masks would probably have been mostly muted right now. It wasn't about being enforced it was about what we had been advise at least in the beginning. Now once that tune was adjusted yes more places should have jumped on board to at least really encourage masks and then later made them mandatory especially in May into June.

This whole thing has a been a "learn as you go"; things we thought were really high risk turns out not so much, things we didn't realize would be such a high risk turns out they were.
In the beginning we were told we didn't need to wear masks and the ill should be the ones to wear them (as in if you were exhibiting symptoms). We know they could have gone about it a different way and advised to make homemade masks and my guess is a lot of issues surrounding masks would probably have been mostly muted right now. It wasn't about being enforced it was about what we had been advise at least in the beginning. Now once that tune was adjusted yes more places should have jumped on board to at least really encourage masks and then later made them mandatory especially in May into June.

This whole thing has a been a "learn as you go"; things we thought were really high risk turns out not so much, things we didn't realize would be such a high risk turns out they were.

That’s how science works. It changes over time.

I think, the reason masks weren’t pushed initially was because there wasn’t an adequate supply.
In the beginning we were told we didn't need to wear masks and the ill should be the ones to wear them (as in if you were exhibiting symptoms). We know they could have gone about it a different way and advised to make homemade masks and my guess is a lot of issues surrounding masks would probably have been mostly muted right now. It wasn't about being enforced it was about what we had been advise at least in the beginning. Now once that tune was adjusted yes more places should have jumped on board to at least really encourage masks and then later made them mandatory especially in May into June.

This whole thing has a been a "learn as you go"; things we thought were really high risk turns out not so much, things we didn't realize would be such a high risk turns out they were.
Well said.


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