DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning all. It's time change morning here. While my phone remembered, the rest of me didn't. So, I woke up at my usual time of 6:30 AM, which was actually 5:30.

I read a story where this one family did such a good job decorating their house for Halloween, the neighbors called 911 because they thought the house was on fire. Now I'd say that's decorating.

That is decorating. I wonder how much money they sank into that. There is one of those over-the-top houses that decorates for Christmas in a subdivision about 5 miles away, but I can't think of any that extreme for Halloween.
So I forgot to mention that the subject of a trip to Disney World was brought up in our family, and it wasn't by me....nor did I ask, coach or encourage this person to do it, she did it all on her own: My DD. Yep, my DD brought up to my DW the idea of a family trip to Disney World all on her own. How it happened was my DD and I were watching Broadway show tune videos on the Tube of You. We do this all the time, she'll sit/snuggle up on my lap while I'm sitting in my chair, and I turn on the Tube of You and we go to town. Well, it started off with "Let it Go" from Frozen, then went to "You're in the Band" from School of Rock, 2 different versions actually. The first was the original then the other was a mashup of School of Rock, Cats and Phantom in the same song/video for Good Morning America. We then get to Matilda, forgot the name of the song, and then, and here's where it happened, Newsies, recorded for Disney's Christmas Parade. I SWEAR I had nothing to do with this. My DW knows I've been wanting to get back down to the World, we've even talked about it and how we'd surprise our DD, but I SWEAR I had nothing to do with this. My DD turns and looks at my DW and ask, "Mommy, can we go to Disney world, I've never been?" Now, my DD doesn't always do cute very well because she over does it, but this time it was genuine. My DW looks and me, and because my DD was on my lap looking at my DW, I shrugged my shoulders and mouth, "I didn't ask her to do that?" My DW promised we'd go but not right away. I then had to explain that daddy had to get a job first, and then we had to get over this pandemic. My DW agreed and promised we'd go. Soooo...I guess we're going. No need to broach the subject with the wife now because it's been done. Now I just need a job and for this pandemic to be over with. That's not asking for much, is it?

Was very different. We went from 140 kids to exactly 1/10 of that. 14.
Covid spike in the city plus snow, cold and 50mph winds (nope, not kidding/exaggerating) had an impact.

That a big drop. And I'd stay inside, too, if I we had those temps and winds.

Heh. Next year he’ll expect the same.

Oh you know he will....and I'll be ready.


Morning all. It's time change morning here. While my phone remembered, the rest of me didn't. So, I woke up at my usual time of 6:30 AM, which was actually 5:30.

I was awake at 4:30 am, new time, which meant 3:30 am old time....it's been a very long morning so far.

That is decorating. I wonder how much money they sank into that. There is one of those over-the-top houses that decorates for Christmas in a subdivision about 5 miles away, but I can't think of any that extreme for Halloween.

Not sure, but pkondz has the link if you want to take a look.

That's it! Amazing, isn't it?
Morning, morning, morning! Well, it's a beautiful Monday morning and I know we're all ready for a wonderful day, aren't we? :teeth: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Ok, even I couldn't keep a straight face after saying that. Well, one thing's for sure, it is Monday. Outside that? That's all I've got. I'll be heading into work early for the next two plus weeks, so I've been awake since about 4 o'clock. My internal clock is just too good at times. Oh well, Dis'ing and studying...that's what I'll get done in the morning. Well, gents, have a good day and we'll chat throughout.

Morning folks.

Monday. Moving on.
First early shift in a while. And it’s not as fun as you’d think. Or maybe you would.

Morning, morning, morning! Well, it's a beautiful Monday morning and I know we're all ready for a wonderful day, aren't we? :teeth: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Who let him in the club???
I've been awake since about 4 o'clock. My internal clock is just too good at times.
So your Monday is even more special!
Morning folks.

Monday. Moving on.
First early shift in a while. And it’s not as fun as you’d think. Or maybe you would.

I'm a morning person, so getting up early is easy for me, though I'll admit that sleeping until 5am the last several weeks has been nice.

Who let him in the club???

No one, I snuck in through an open door. Buahahahahaha

So your Monday is even more special!

Yep. As I said above, I'm a morning person, always have been, but I've gotten use to sleeping in until 5 am the last several weeks, so this is going to be a tough day. And because I'm going into work and hour earlier, my body will naturally get me up at around 4:00 - 4:15 am... I hate my internal clock sometimes. Actually, it's because I hate being late, so as a result I wake up early and feel late if I don't.
I'm a morning person, so getting up early is easy for me, though I'll admit that sleeping until 5am the last several weeks has been nice.
I’m a person. I’m not happy no matter when I wake up.
No one, I snuck in through an open door. Buahahahahaha
Dang it. Thought I’d nailed that shut.
Morning All,

Mild and rainy here to be followed by cool and snow later today/tonight. Then back to sun then rain and finish the week with temps in the 60s F. Great week of weather.

Hope you all have a great Monday.
Morning all. First day at new job, maybe. I'll go into the office and do paperwork maybe, assuming they are willing to wait for retirement to make a ruling. So glad my government is here to help.

So I forgot to mention that the subject of a trip to Disney World was brought up in our family, and it wasn't by me....nor did I ask, coach or encourage this person to do it, she did it all on her own: My DD. Yep, my DD brought up to my DW the idea of a family trip to Disney World all on her own. How it happened was my DD and I were watching Broadway show tune videos on the Tube of You. We do this all the time, she'll sit/snuggle up on my lap while I'm sitting in my chair, and I turn on the Tube of You and we go to town. Well, it started off with "Let it Go" from Frozen, then went to "You're in the Band" from School of Rock, 2 different versions actually. The first was the original then the other was a mashup of School of Rock, Cats and Phantom in the same song/video for Good Morning America. We then get to Matilda, forgot the name of the song, and then, and here's where it happened, Newsies, recorded for Disney's Christmas Parade. I SWEAR I had nothing to do with this. My DW knows I've been wanting to get back down to the World, we've even talked about it and how we'd surprise our DD, but I SWEAR I had nothing to do with this. My DD turns and looks at my DW and ask, "Mommy, can we go to Disney world, I've never been?" Now, my DD doesn't always do cute very well because she over does it, but this time it was genuine. My DW looks and me, and because my DD was on my lap looking at my DW, I shrugged my shoulders and mouth, "I didn't ask her to do that?" My DW promised we'd go but not right away. I then had to explain that daddy had to get a job first, and then we had to get over this pandemic. My DW agreed and promised we'd go. Soooo...I guess we're going. No need to broach the subject with the wife now because it's been done. Now I just need a job and for this pandemic to be over with. That's not asking for much, is it?

A job and the pandemic to be over is not asking for much. Here, the KY hospital association released October numbers that show we are using 16% of our ICU beds across KY for COVID. 16% translates to 233 beds. Statewide population exceeds 4 million. Our Governor is threatening to lock down the state again due to the "spike". They usually measure these events in years, so I guess it ends in February or March 2021.

As for your daughter asking for WDW, yeah, that's a tough one. My two girls still get everything they want, three when you count DW. Are you going to start the planning? With DVC, we book 11 months out. Before that, we did the Disney Visa, booked the vacation on it, and paid it off over 6 months. We re-scheduled a few of them over the years. The 13 hour drive was an option for us though.

Who let him in the club???

I demolished any standards years ago. It's good to be a trend setter.

I’m a person.

You're a person? Shut the front door. Who woulda thunk that?
Good morning! Just one day of work before I get tomorrow off to perform my patriotic duty and vote in what is sure to be a peaceful and orderly election.

Halloween was really dead in our neighborhood. I'd say we got easily less than half the usual traffic. We were begging kids to take as much candy as they could.
Well, we put the gross candy out first. Kept the good stuff back for us.

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We got a big ole whopping goose egg for halloween. Granted we live in the portion of the neighboorhood where houses are 100 yards or more apart and we live on the corner in the back, but I was expecting at least a few.

Asked the children's director at church yesterday if she'd be able to use the candy, so at least it won't go to waste (or waist).
Furlough #2 continues...day #6 now. But I did get an email that may get back to work mid-November. But these days, who knows.

I spent most of yesterday in an excess Halloween candy coma.
I promised myself I wouldn’t do that today.
I made it to lunch before breaking my promise.

Did everyone have a good Halloween?
Good but different.
We had 56 trick or treaters, we normally have 70-80. I think it was more the weather than anything keeping kids away, cold and windy.
It was also different because DW and I had the house to ourselves with oldest DD out to a house party and youngest out with friends and having a sleepover.

I do, however, feel we're due for a bad winter
I’m thinking the same for these parts. The weather turned cold very quickly.
I have a bad feeling about this.

Covid spike in the city plus snow, cold and 50mph winds (nope, not kidding/exaggerating) had an impact.
Much the same here. Temps right around freezing and windy. I didn’t notice any snow but DD said there was a few flurries.

Mild and rainy here to be followed by cool and snow later today/tonight. Then back to sun then rain and finish the week with temps in the 60s F. Great week of weather.
Same here, just a day later. No good for getting outside.
Well, it's a beautiful Monday morning
Well, it's at lest a marginally acceptable Monday Evening.
That I'll grant you.

Who let him in the club???
Same fools that let me in.
Character assessment doesn't seem to be a strong suite 'round here.

I get tomorrow off to perform my patriotic duty and vote in what is sure to be a peaceful and orderly election.
Just remember...
No gum chewing on line.
Hedley Lamarr won't tolerate such, ya' know.
And "Nuffin'" won't cut it as an excuse either

Halloween was really dead in our neighborhood. I'd say we got easily less than half the usual traffic.
That's pretty much how it went down here as well.
Way too much left over.

But I did get an email that may get back to work mid-November.
May that be how it goes.
May it actually happen sooner.

I spent most of yesterday in an excess Halloween candy coma.
I promised myself I wouldn’t do that today.
I made it to lunch before breaking my promise.
Been there; done that.

Who am I kidding?
Am there; doing that...


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