Something About Nothing............ #14

Pretty light, Julie.

With such nice weather, even warmer than yesterday, grill lit and steak was delicious. Made my own lumpy mashed taters and corn rounded out the meal.

Decided I’d better write my cards out. Seems Saturday, we got quite the number of them.

All trash out, wash finished, as well as dinner. Time to chill and my early bedtime. Older one has his last classes tomorrow and little one’s last final is at lunchtime tomorrow. Gosh, even though both did not attend any live classes, this semester did fly by.

Made some chocolate chip cookies this afternoon, so that and my evening cup of tea will be called dessert.

Serene Sunday night to you.

And yeah Charade, I’ll watch the Tuesday evening weather news or early Wednesday morning too. May be more accurate than just we know we will get both snow and rain in my tri- state area. It is where that line between rain and snow is to fall, will determine if we get any snow. Right now saying, where I live, will be inches of snow. We will see. At least this clipper of a system will only dump about an inch or less tomorrow.

And a goodbye to this wonderful warm weekend. Was so nice to not wear a jacket today.

Hope you don`t get too much snow. It`s never nice to see warmer weather leave us and winter appears.

Good evening homies! Also, good to see you @keishashadow. I do not know about specifically which part of WV historically wise, but currently they're in the Morgantown area. We have some roots I think in PA as well. @Lynne G love the photos!

Tomorrow having a spur of the moment trip to the Dark side. I have that extra ticket since we didn't have HHN this year and finally managed to make plans with a friend before the big holiday rush.

Hope you have a wonderful day today Disxuni.......

guess I'll try to go back to sleep now since I have to work tomorrow.

Darn, I missed you Vicki.........hope you`re doing ok.....and lovely to see you time hope I don`t miss you!

And Keisha its lights outs for youse too !

morning comes early and I will be back

Will be waiting for you........with bacon!!

Well, a Monday morning of heavy rain that`s finally stopped and still quite windy......but strangely it`s supposed to be quite mild. Around 50F which for this time of year is not bad.

Popping out this morning for some bits, so I`m glad the rain is easing. And the sun is making an appearance finally.....enjoyed some cherry and vanilla muffins for breakfast this morning, don`t mind doing that an odd time. Bacon sandwiches have been requested for lunch........maybe chicken in a pepper sauce for tonight. I`ll check before I go out I have enough cream and everything else to make the sauce. I usually do, but once I`m home today, no plans to go back out.




Have a good Monday

Ah yes, a break from reading that other screen. An early bird I am.

Dix, yay for Dark Side fun! Enjoy! Oh, and a picture or two. 😊

Yeah, Schumi, time of year that a Nor’Easter gives us snow.

How much snow, who really knows? Our weather gang is still saying could be thoughts. Guess will see by Thursday morning, as storm will pass by Wednesday afternoon until early Thursday morning. Choices this morning’s forecast are a mix of snow and freezing rain, with a few inches to 6 or more inches in my area. Where McK lives, she probably has the same chances, though the 6 or more inches may be her better chance than me. I am hoping for the low snow totals and more just cold rain, not that icy freezing kind. Either way, for the US East Coast, from DC area North, here comes what weather guy has earlier said, a powerful storm is coming.

That Elsa, being so nice as to share her snowy forecasts. Hope you are doing well.

Tink, hope you got back to sleep. Yeah, that evening nap makes you wide awake in the early hours. I have done that before. Guess body needed that nap.

Well wishes to Keisha, and sending lots of mummy dust the swelling is going down quick. Yeah, saw quite the puffy hand when little one cracked and broke bones in her hand and wrist. Not fun. So sending well wishes your way, and not the snow. Take care, friend.

Ah, both Schumi and Julie were busy this morning. Me, up well before the sun, and enjoying my tea. No cookies left, so would enjoy that muffin Schumi had. The flavors are ones I would enjoy in a muffin. But, since no baked goods survived the weekend, cereal is the plan. Somehow waffles did not make the cut with the weekend grocery shopping, so unless someone wants to make pancakes or use my waffle griddle, cereal it will be.

And, quite the not nice day, not only much cooler, but snow and rain. As stated by my weather guy this morning, at least it will be above freezing, so the roads should stay clear. Grassy areas, not as lucky. Will be white before the day is over. But with a just above freezing and sunny day tomorrow, that grass will loose it’s white coat. And grass, no doing that Elsa chant, let it snow, let the cold winds blow. Sadly, I think that mid week storm has heard that chant. But hey, a pep in my step, as no need to be commuting yet, and two days off for Christmas. Woot!

That most marvelous Monday homies. Ah yes, F20458B7-D206-4CB4-B65A-AA87726E2A68.jpeg

Tea time! Later homies. Be good, you know Santa is coming to town. 🎅

:wave2: Good Morning!
For those still in the Xmas shopping game, it’s Green Monday, the hunt is on :). Helped one DS snag the elusive PS5 console a few weeks ago. Hoping to find one for middle DS today online. Really hoping to not get stuck paying for it
Tomorrow having a spur of the moment trip to the Dark side. I have that extra ticket since we didn't have HHN this year and finally managed to make plans with a friend before the big holiday rush.
Have a wonderful time! Please post some pics, we are starved here

Trying to adult and not keep thinking about where we could be during the mr’s round up vacation time off comin up wednesday until 12/28. Failing miserably, suck it up buttercup

Mac - good night Irene, haven’theard That in years

Choices this morning’s forecast are a mix of snow and freezing rain
That was my wakeup call this am. Looked worse than it was. Figure all the salty tears re last night’s steeler’s game pretreated the roads:rolleyes1
Well wishes to Keisha, and sending lots of mummy dust the swelling is going down quick. Yeah, saw quite the puffy hand when little one cracked and broke bones in her hand and wrist. Not fun. So sending well wishes your way, and not the snow. Take care, friend.
I forget, was that soccer related? how long did it take your DD to heal up from that?

Aside from my tongue in cheek whining above, do wonder how the young adults are coping with the social isolation. Has to be really wearing on most of them. At least social media & gaming is an outlet of sorts to connect. I’m fascinated watching GD build a beach house on one of the sites. My sort of game, might need to check that out to help pass the long winter.
Yep, Keisha, night time soccer game. I think about 6 weeks, with 2 different casts. First one was the hard kind, second was not as hard. Was happy, as X-ray showed all were repaired. That wrist was broken years ago and the hand injury happened a few years ago. Those senior high games were physical. While little one was scrappy, she was on the short size, so got tangled with the taller kids quite often. She was nimble though, as had a gymnastic background. By middle school, told her gym or soccer. Soccer won. She did play one season of basketball in her high school years, though I think she did it because friends asked her to join. Otherwise, until she graduated, she only played for a local club and school soccer teams. At college, she just does pick up soccer games, as they had a soccer club for anyone who wanted to play.

Ah, yes this generation is so screen based. How my kids play YouTube music through my car, at first amazed me. Still cannot type with my thumbs like they both do. And really quickly too.

Tea. Cereal was had. Eh.

And a hehe,
Lynne I do remember when little one broke her wrist.
Good she had a complete recovery
It’s as hard for the mom besides the daughter when that happened

Keisha, if getting snow today, it puts you more in the mood for Christmas!

good catch on that PSI system!
You have always been a quick shopper for finding deals
Hope you score again for other son!
Just when I think we're getting a handle on Covid, it throws us for another loop. One of my son in law's friend died last night from it in Philly. She was only 31, the age of my eldest dd and son in law and was at their wedding. I'm so upset.

Yeah, Schumi, time of year that a Nor’Easter gives us snow.

How much snow, who really knows? Our weather gang is still saying could be thoughts. Guess will see by Thursday morning, as storm will pass by Wednesday afternoon until early Thursday morning. Choices this morning’s forecast are a mix of snow and freezing rain, with a few inches to 6 or more inches in my area. Where McK lives, she probably has the same chances, though the 6 or more inches may be her better chance than me. I am hoping for the low snow totals and more just cold rain, not that icy freezing kind. Either way, for the US East Coast, from DC area North, here comes what weather guy has earlier said, a powerful storm is coming.
We'll be getting the snowblower ready tonight. Yep, we always get dumped on and so far it's predicted to be "greater than 10 inches" of snow with some estimates between 16 and 24 inches so far. I'm realllllyyyy hoping the forecast changes. We have had that much snow before, but it really is a pain to deal with. We're also the "higher elevations" you hear about when the forecasters say "with more expected in the higher elevations". :sad2: Hope everyone stays safe!

I know I'm missing a lot on the boards and I'm sorry I don't know what happened to you Keisha, but I hope you recover quickly.
Oh no McK, such sad news. Hugs, so hard to hear. Yeah, asked my DH if the shovels were in the front of the garage. These winter storms can really bring the snow totals. If you ever need just to talk, let me know. You are not that far away. Plus, if you get just below Coopersburg, may be smelling our baking at my sister’s place this weekend.

Ack, when kids don’t know what for lunch, so they ended up wanting to try a pizza place we have not tried before. Will let you know if I like it when they get back. Bonus, they are dropping my cards in the mail. One advantage of having kids that can drive. Paying them to drive, not an advantage until they turn at least they turn 25.

Ooh, rainy, so more tea while I wait.
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For those still in the Xmas shopping game, it’s Green Monday, the hunt is on :). Helped one DS snag the elusive PS5 console a few weeks ago. Hoping to find one for middle DS today online. Really hoping to not get stuck paying for it

Have a wonderful time! Please post some pics, we are starved here

Trying to adult and not keep thinking about where we could be during the mr’s round up vacation time off comin up wednesday until 12/28. Failing miserably, suck it up buttercup

Mac - good night Irene, haven’theard That in years

That was my wakeup call this am. Looked worse than it was. Figure all the salty tears re last night’s steeler’s game pretreated the roads:rolleyes1

I forget, was that soccer related? how long did it take your DD to heal up from that?

Aside from my tongue in cheek whining above, do wonder how the young adults are coping with the social isolation. Has to be really wearing on most of them. At least social media & gaming is an outlet of sorts to connect. I’m fascinated watching GD build a beach house on one of the sites. My sort of game, might need to check that out to help pass the long winter.

I think Kyle is doing alright with the whole thing....he`s not a party animal in any sense, but he is missing work colleagues as well as some friends. he has his gf, but he doesn`t do any social media, nor is he really into computer games, but he is finding it ok. I agree some youngsters are struggling.

His father however, did ask for a PS5 for Christmas :rolleyes:....I think the look was enough of an can count on one hand how many times he`s gone on a games consul.....another site I used to belong to had an amazing game one of the folks found was so ridiculous, but we all got addicted to it, wish I could find it, but can`t.

I think we`re all entitled to a little bit of a pity party now and again......

Just when I think we're getting a handle on Covid, it throws us for another loop. One of my son in law's friend died last night from it in Philly. She was only 31, the age of my eldest dd and son in law and was at their wedding. I'm so upset.

We'll be getting the snowblower ready tonight. Yep, we always get dumped on and so far it's predicted to be "greater than 10 inches" of snow with some estimates between 16 and 24 inches so far. I'm realllllyyyy hoping the forecast changes. We have had that much snow before, but it really is a pain to deal with. We're also the "higher elevations" you hear about when the forecasters say "with more expected in the higher elevations". :sad2: Hope everyone stays safe!

I know I'm missing a lot on the boards and I'm sorry I don't know what happened to you Keisha, but I hope you recover quickly.

I`m so sorry to hear of your son in law`s friend. How truly dreadful. Of course you`re upset, 31 is so incredibly young :hug:

We had sunshine today for a little while......but by that time we were back for the day. But, did pick up some ideal little stocking fillers for several friends and some for Kyle. Got a couple of parcels late in the day too. We have a wonderful post lady who if something needs a signature, will always come back even after her route is done. She`s lovely and we`re always grateful.

Spent last night watching The Christmas Chronicles 1 & 2.....Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell.....didn`t expect to like them but they were fun. Both on Netflix.

And finished my book group choice.....After the End it`s called. It was one of the hardest books I`ve ever had to emotional, I was glad to finish it actually. Won`t ever read it again, but it was an amazing book. Settling down to read The Miniaturist group isn`t getting together through zoom till after Christmas now.....

Two days before Christmas I always read Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. I have many different copies of it, and read a different one every year...ach most of you know that.....I`m sure I tell you every year.

Not decided which Christmas movie we`ll watch tonight........will decide after I have this sweet mince pie and a cup of tea.

Hope everyone`s having a lovely Monday......
Can anyone guess what I’m doing right now? If you guessed sitting on hold with an insurance company, you win. I am so ready to go home right now.
Tomorrow having a spur of the moment trip to the Dark side.
Hope you have a great time.

Well, a Monday morning of heavy rain
That was us today too.

How much snow, who really knows?
So far I have seen everything from 1 inch to 5-8 inches. The forecast changes every time I look at it.

do wonder how the young adults are coping with the social isolation.
B is doing okay so far, but I wonder how she will be after finals are over and she doesn’t have that distraction.

Just when I think we're getting a handle on Covid, it throws us for another loop. One of my son in law's friend died last night from it in Philly. She was only 31, the age of my eldest dd and son in law and was at their wedding. I'm so upset.
I am so sorry. Way too young.

Hope everyone`s having a lovely Monday......
Not the word I would use, but hey, at least I still have a job.

On hold and the internet is out. We just got a internet upgrade this morning. Argh!
Yeah, a few more minutes for me, so I feel for ya Charade.

Pizza was okay, the red sauce tasted too tomato tasting to me, as I like mine more with spices. But cheese and crust very good. Most likely would order a cheesesteak next time. Older one got that, and it looked really good.

And so, with a later filling lunch, I guess diner will later. Hey, rain seemed to have stopped and brighter out now.

Ah, that Monday night feeling. No football watching though, as game was yesterday.
@mckennarose thinking of you all and the family of the young lady. So sad to hear that news.

London and the South East have now been placed in our highest tier. Should have happened a while ago. Pictures of packed streets, restaurants and bars. Up here in the north west we’ve been restricted for much longer and actually where we live numbers are now so low as to not be recorded which is fantastic news.

Can only hope the vaccines work and bring us all back to some normality.

We had a busy day getting jobs done and a nice meal with the family then settled in our lounge with a movie while they did their last homework of the year.

@schumigirl we have booked for lunch tomorrow at the newly opened “Churchill Tree” in the old tenants hall on the Alderley Park site. (It was our conference centre). Looking forward to seeing what they have done with it. Dog friendly too.
Aw, Julie a maybe with Louie visit tomorrow.

With such a filling late lunch, no one hungry. Hence, made a milkshake for dinner for me. DH saw it and made a bowl of ice cream for himself. Older one saw a half of an Italian hoagie, so his dinner. And little one I don’t think had anything yet.

And ack, as of news this evening, expecting 6 to 10 inches of snow. But I’m in the hmm area, as there is the sure where McK is, will get over a foot of snow, and shore area mostly just rain. That middle area is still like where is the sleet/ freezing rain line will tell how much snow we really will get. For now, saying will stay just enough South of us, will get around the 10 inches. Eh, either way, gloves, hat, boots and shovels ready. And another eh, barely above freezing as the storm moves on.

But tomorrow will be clear, so will certainly get out to enjoy before that unwelcome winter blast happens. My one item finally arrived at the store, so will try to get to store to pick up tomorrow. Glad, as last I saw, was delayed.

Time for tea. It’s that quiet time, as all in separate rooms enjoying their choice of screen.

Light from the little zoo the other night:


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