Will WDW lift mask mandate?

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Totally understand the cautious replies, skepticism, and pessimism in this thread - it's been a ROUGH year. But I'm very optimistic the Disney mask mandates will be gone by the Fall, and even cautiously optimistic they'll be gone by August. Once all adults have had the chance to get vaccinated and hospitalizations and deaths are a bare minimum, mandates across the country will rapidly be lifted (already happening in some places, but let's not get into that). I have a very difficult time seeing Disney as the last holdout when people can go just about anywhere else without a mask. Just my 2 cents.
But they can take the vaccine at this point that we are talking about masks made optional.

That will always be their straw man argument that if you want to enjoy your life your selfish because you don’t abide by their paranoia. You wear 8 masks, no problem, you don’t want to go out to eat, no problem.

Don’t tell me I’m being wreckless or selfish.
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That will always be their straw man argument that if you want to enjoy your life your selfish because you don’t abide by their paranoia. You wear 8 masks, no problem, and don’t go out to eat, no problem. Don’t tell me I’m being wreckless or selfish.
At a certain point after you have done all you can, it's enough already. We are getting to that point once the vaccine is an option for all who WANT it.
I don't recall anyone saying 'wear a mask for two weeks and you'll never have to wear one again'. No one ever said mask requirements were part of the initial push to flatten the curve. The push was for more extreme lock downs for a period of weeks to flatten the curve then we could start opening things up with less extreme measures like distancing and masks. No one ever promised after a few weeks that everything would go back to normal.
This is NOT true. I cannot answer for the rest of the country but I was working in Illinois at the time and it was supposed to be for 4 weeks. There was ZERO talk about masks being required beyond that. But they changed the message and have kept changing it over the months.
They are going to take a conservative approach. I imagine they care more about upping capacity than getting rid of the mask requirement, and in fact, keeping masks could help them justify increasing capacity in a “safe” way. The fact is that they are not having a hard time filling parks right now, despite what the anti-mask people want to think.
Why does it always have to turn into "us vs them"?

The question of whether or not, and when, Disney will drop the mask mandate shouldn't be an argument about who does and doesn't like wearing masks. It should be made based on logistics of the virus and recommendations by experts.

As of today, the CDC lifted a small mask requirement. And more are likely to follow as long as another surge doesn't happen. If a surge does happen, then obviously timelines will be delayed.

Also, I personally think it's a fallacy to assume that "they are not having a hard time filling the parks right now", since capacity is currently severely limited. There is no data available to say how many people will come if capacity increases dramatically based on whether or not mask mandates will be in place. And it is fairly well-agreed-upon that Disney wants to increase capacity. So after increasing capacity, will there still be enough demand with mask requirements (or other Covid restrictions)? - Nobody knows because this has never happened before.
Well I was optimistic for 2022, not so sure anymore with Fauci saying kids won’t be getting vaccines until 2022. Disney will most likely be cautious , so with that being said, the rest of the country would have to be back to normal before they decide to do so as well.
Mask mandate or not, I have zero problems with a private business setting their own mask policies, as long as they are upfront about it and WDW is. I am by no means "anti-mask" but personally, I'd prefer if WDW went to masks required for indoors only, at this point. I understand, however, the logistics of why they haven't though. Americans (yes, I am one too) are, for the most part, entitled. Throw in paying $1000s for a trip and that entitlement gets brought out in a much more frequent manner. In order to combat this, WDW has to go to an all or nothing strategy. Making the CMs enforce these indoor / outdoor all day, would be a nightmare for them. This is 100% the reason WDW had to tighten the mask requirements in restaurants. I have no doubt guests took advantage of the situation and CMs felt uncomfortable being the mask police.

As said here by others, it's not just about the guests. WDW has to look out for it's CMs too. There's always been a ton of talk on here about supporting CMs during this time. Well this is a policy that is in place to protect them. Let's be honest, very few, if any, people will stay in their hotel rooms if showing symptoms after spending WDW kinds of money. So there are likely 100s of people there, daily, who can pass on the virus.

My guess is as the numbers, hopefully, continue to fall AND WDW can offer or help get vaccinations to its CMs, the mask requirements will be lifted.

We have a trip in November and I'd gladly trade wearing a mask a bit longer if it meant a faster return of things like (a revamped) FP, more parades, shows, fireworks and more restaurants being open.
Everyone needs to understand the different between attendance and capacity. Many parks never or extremely rarely approached capacity. I still stand by the idea that Disney needs to open more attractions (especially shows with their huge capacity) and I think the first thing to happen is a rise in capacity, then easing socially distancing, and masks (along with face to face character meet and greets) will be very last.

Keep in mind that with the current crowds lines are really creeping up. I cannot see Disney flinging open the doors on full capacity or masks until the figure out what the plan is for FP. At 50% capacity (which I think they would have no issue getting this summer especially with the stimulus) the lines are going to be brutal and everywhere (many times in direct sun) if they can't loosen the distancing regulations. I think that is the first issue- masks later.
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Mask mandate or not, I have zero problems with a private business setting their own mask policies, as long as they are upfront about it and WDW is. I am by no means "anti-mask" but personally, I'd prefer if WDW went to masks required for indoors only, at this point. I understand, however, the logistics of why they haven't though. Americans (yes, I am one too) are, for the most part, entitled. Throw in paying $1000s for a trip and that entitlement gets brought out in a much more frequent manner. In order to combat this, WDW has to go to an all or nothing strategy. Making the CMs enforce these indoor / outdoor all day, would be a nightmare for them. This is 100% the reason WDW had to tighten the mask requirements in restaurants. I have no doubt guests took advantage of the situation and CMs felt uncomfortable being the mask police.

As said here by others, it's not just about the guests. WDW has to look out for it's CMs too. There's always been a ton of talk on here about supporting CMs during this time. Well this is a policy that is in place to protect them. Let's be honest, very few, if any, people will stay in their hotel rooms if showing symptoms after spending WDW kinds of money. So there are likely 100s of people there, daily, who can pass on the virus.

My guess is as the numbers, hopefully, continue to fall AND WDW can offer or help get vaccinations to its CMs, the mask requirements will be lifted.

We have a trip in November and I'd gladly trade wearing a mask a bit longer if it meant a faster return of things like (a revamped) FP, more parades, shows, fireworks and more restaurants being open.
Yes all businesses should have the right to decide for themselves their mask policy. What I am against is Government Mandating the use of masks. COVID is very dangerous, I do not take it lightly, that is why I received the vaccination. As a country, for the most part there has been solid compliance. The time has come to let go, we will be at one third the entire population with at least one vaccine shot by the end of today, by the end of the month over 50%. Mission accomplished, so let the people (and individual businesses) decide for themselves on what precautions to take.
What I am against is Government Mandating the use of masks
The reason governments did this is to make it easier on private business to enforce theirs. If a business could point to the state, it makes it easier on them. The reason they had to do this is because of the "let everyone decide for themselves argument". That's fine when your decision only affects you, but sorry, when it affects the people around you, government needs to step in and help. The government mandates you don't drive under the influence. Not so much to protect you, but the other people on the road.

Just like it's been said on here...the mask protects others, not you. If the mask offered full protection to the person wearing it, I think you'd have seen more of the "let everyone decide for themselves" approach.

If society was full of responsible people, we wouldn't need to have laws or rules or mandates...but that's just not the case.
Why does it always have to turn into "us vs them"?

The question of whether or not, and when, Disney will drop the mask mandate shouldn't be an argument about who does and doesn't like wearing masks. It should be made based on logistics of the virus and recommendations by experts.

As of today, the CDC lifted a small mask requirement. And more are likely to follow as long as another surge doesn't happen. If a surge does happen, then obviously timelines will be delayed.

Also, I personally think it's a fallacy to assume that "they are not having a hard time filling the parks right now", since capacity is currently severely limited. There is no data available to say how many people will come if capacity increases dramatically based on whether or not mask mandates will be in place. And it is fairly well-agreed-upon that Disney wants to increase capacity. So after increasing capacity, will there still be enough demand with mask requirements (or other Covid restrictions)? - Nobody knows because this has never happened before.

seriously. It gets old. I hate wearing a mask and CANT WAIT until it’s over but I do wear my mask, I know they work and I’m fully vaccinated. I still dream about the day masks are over with and I’m wishing masks are gone by my next trip.
Everyone needs to understand the different between attendance and capacity. Many parks never or extremely rarely approached capacity. I still stand by the idea that Disney needs to open more attractions (especially shows with their huge capacity) and I think the first thing to happen is a rise in capacity, then easing socially distancing, and masks (along with face to face character meet and greets) will be very last.

Keep in mind that with the current crowds lines are really creeping up. I cannot see Disney flinging open the doors on full capacity or masks until the figure out what the plan is for FP. At 50% capacity (which I think they would have no issue getting this summer especially with the stimulus) the lines are going to be brutal and everywhere (many times in direct sun) if they can't loosen the distancing regulations. I think that is the first issue- masks later.

This thread like most others has into anti-masks vs masks are a good idea. With a new guy at the helm, it makes it more difficult to predict what Disney will do.

But I agree with you that the current arrangement may not be sustainable. I have a friend who owns a garden centre, and unlike restaurants there were no restrictions on opening hours but there were restrictions on capacity. She moved half of her stock to the parking lot under a tent and extended her hours so that they were open dawn til dusk, never more than 50 percent capacity but they actually had more customers through the door every day than the previous summer. I guess a lot of people were busy working on gardens last summer. that worked for her staff too because they all got full time hours last summer.
This story doesn’t make any sense. So four people who have all had the vaccine tested positive for COVID? If that is what is happening the vaccine would be worthless.
It’s not worthless. It greatly reduces infection (and hopefully also transmission from those who are vaccinated to others—we don’t have enough data to know by how much yet).

The 95% effectivity rate in the study results submitted to the FDA for emergency authorization was found in healthy volunteers and was found months ago, when more aggressive variants weren’t as widespread as they are now.

A recent Israeli study found 75% effectivity in preventing transmission to those who were vaccinated. So, in that story, a large medical practice with 20 people working with patients could, given that number, still end up with 5 people testing positive (who are likely to only experience mild symptoms). So, no, not useless, but not 100% either.
It’s not worthless. It greatly reduces infection (and hopefully also transmission from those who are vaccinated to others—we don’t have enough data to know by how much yet).

The 95% effectivity rate in the study results submitted to the FDA for emergency authorization was found in healthy volunteers and was found months ago, when more aggressive variants weren’t as widespread as they are now.

A recent Israeli study found 75% effectivity in preventing transmission to those who were vaccinated. So, in that story, a large medical practice with 20 people working with patients could, given that number, still end up with 5 people testing positive (who are likely to only experience mild symptoms). So, no, not useless, but not 100% either.

Anyone who uses "so and so got the vaccine but also got the virus" as a reason to say the vaccine doesn't work....doesn't understand how vaccines work. Vaccines allow you to fight off the virus when you get it. They don't create a force field around your body....

In the trials of Moderna, Pfizer and (I believe) J&J nobody who got the vaccine died. Some got the virus, some got sick.....none died. That's outstanding evidence.
This is NOT true. I cannot answer for the rest of the country but I was working in Illinois at the time and it was supposed to be for 4 weeks. There was ZERO talk about masks being required beyond that. But they changed the message and have kept changing it over the months.
So a leader in Illinois specifically said you only need to wear a mask for 4 weeks and then you won't have to wear one again?
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That will always be their straw man argument that if you want to enjoy your life your selfish because you don’t abide by their paranoia. You wear 8 masks, no problem, you don’t want to go out to eat, no problem.

Don’t tell me I’m being wreckless or selfish.
The problem is that risky behavior doesn’t just affect the person partaking in the risky behavior. People who took more risks are the ones who perpetuated the pandemic in this country because they had more contacts than someone being cautious and had more opportunity to pass the disease on if they caught it.

Anyone who uses "so and so got the vaccine but also got the virus" as a reason to say the vaccine doesn't work....doesn't understand how vaccines work. Vaccines allow you to fight off the virus when you get it. They don't create a force field around your body....

In the trials of Moderna, Pfizer and (I believe) J&J nobody who got the vaccine died. Some got the virus, some got sick.....none died. That's outstanding evidence.

Yes! My DS13 gets the flu shot every year and ended up getting the flu about 3 years ago about 3 months after getting his shot. He had a temp of 99 degrees and was feeling tired - that's it. I just thought he was a little under the weather and really didn't think anything of it until he told me a friend from school was out with pneumonia. That scared me enough to take him to urgent care where, lo and behold, a flu test came back positive (no pneumonia!). The flu shot absolutely diminished his symptoms - he was barely sick and recovered in a day. If that's what the covid vaccine will do - sign me up!
The problem is that risky behavior doesn’t just affect the person partaking in the risky behavior. People who took more risks are the ones who perpetuated the pandemic in this country because they had more contacts than someone being cautious and had more opportunity to pass the disease on if they caught it.
But at what point is it still "risky behavior"? The point of this thread is that places are dropping mask mandates, so to the people who are dropping those mandates, the virus is low enough that it's no longer "risky behavior". When is that time for Disney?

When herd immunity is reached, which is supposedly this summer, will it still be "risky behavior" if some people choose not to be vaccinated? Should that require everyone to continue to wear a mask?

Will it still be "risky behavior" knowing that kids may still be exposed, even though their symptoms are typically much less severe?

Will it only NOT be "risky behavior" when there are absolutely zero cases?

Disney can drop the mask mandate at any of those points, but I think society (and competing theme parks) will likely decide for them at some point.
But at what point is it still "risky behavior"? The point of this thread is that places are dropping mask mandates, so to the people who are dropping those mandates, the virus is low enough that it's no longer "risky behavior". When is that time for Disney?

When herd immunity is reached, which is supposedly this summer, will it still be "risky behavior" if some people choose not to be vaccinated? Should that require everyone to continue to wear a mask?

Will it still be "risky behavior" knowing that kids may still be exposed, even though their symptoms are typically much less severe?

Will it only NOT be "risky behavior" when there are absolutely zero cases?

Disney can drop the mask mandate at any of those points, but I think society (and competing theme parks) will likely decide for them at some point.
The line is when we reach a sufficiently low level of COVID that the CDC declares the pandemic is over and it’s ok to return to normal life. Our case levels in the country are close to what they were in the peak in August. It’s going to take some time. Just because things got better from the disaster around the holidays doesn’t mean that everything is good to go.
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