Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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An odd thing to spend your money on if you intend to bring FPs back. Not odd if you intend to announce a new program complete with a new name and would really prefer people forget (free) FastPasses ever existed.

It’s certainly strange. Will be interesting to see if more of these start changing.
Just FYI, Space is one of the rides that I think they have been using an “alternative access entrance” for those eligible to use the FP line. You also see this at EE and a few other rides, usually where they’ve deemed they need the FP line space for distancing or it creates congestion at the entrance when the standby lines spill out, etc.

I took a quick glance at some vlogs, here’s a screen shot of EE from the holidays which has the FP sign covered up.

I don’t know for a fact that’s why they covered the FP sign at Space, but I suspect that could be a possible reason.

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It wouldn’t have to be on a phone. It could be a card or on paper for those without smartphones. Most people who could do digital would opt for digital. Not a big deal, there’d be a way.

So essentially in the new normal that's apparently inevitable... you will not be able to travel anywhere in the country without "papers?" Amazing how many freedoms this country is willing to sacrifice. There is no end to the madness.

If Disney ever requires "vaccine passports" for entry or the QR code crap they do in China. I'm done. I will sell my DVC. I will never go back again. I'm sure Disney doesn't need my money. I don't have to spend it either.
So essentially in the new normal that's apparently inevitable... you will not be able to travel anywhere in the country without "papers?" Amazing how many freedoms this country is willing to sacrifice. There is no end to the madness.

If Disney ever requires "vaccine passports" for entry or the QR code crap they do in China. I'm done. I will sell my DVC. I will never go back again. I'm sure Disney doesn't need my money. I don't have to spend it either.

To be fair, you cannot fly without photo Identification, nor can you drive without a license.
So essentially in the new normal that's apparently inevitable... you will not be able to travel anywhere in the country without "papers?" Amazing how many freedoms this country is willing to sacrifice. There is no end to the madness.

If Disney ever requires "vaccine passports" for entry or the QR code crap they do in China. I'm done. I will sell my DVC. I will never go back again. I'm sure Disney doesn't need my money. I don't have to spend it either.

Relax. Take a deep breath. This is a totally hypothetical scenario and not very relevant to the thread topic anyway.
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To be fair, you cannot fly without photo Identification, nor can you drive without a license.

And unless you are a terrorist or something, you probably won't be denied boarding a plane. (And I personally have been very much against no-fly lists and a lot of the stuff in the Patriot Act. But that's a different debate).

What some here are talking about is theme parks, airlines, hotels, sports stadiums, and movie theaters, etc, requiring health documents for admittance. That's insane. If someone wants the vaccine... That's fine! Get it! No one is going to stop them! But beyond that, they need to mind their own business and stop trying to control the personal health decisions of others.
And unless you are a terrorist or something, you probably won't be denied boarding a plane. (And I personally have been very much against no-fly lists and a lot of the stuff in the Patriot Act. But that's a different debate).

What some here are talking about is theme parks, airlines, hotels, sports stadiums, and movie theaters, etc, requiring health documents for admittance. That's insane. If someone wants the vaccine... That's fine! Get it! No one is going to stop them! But beyond that, they need to mind their own business and stop trying to control the personal health decisions of others.

Private property/businesses, right? They can ask for whatever they like. You don't have to patronize them, as you have pointed out.
Private property/businesses, right? They can ask for whatever they like. You don't have to patronize them, as you have pointed out.

Exactly. They don't want my money, I don't have to spend it. I'll just keep and save it. It's not my loss.

Lots of people are the same way. Travel and tourism is never going to go back to normal for as long as COVID restrictions are in place. You think people are going to sit in the sun on the deck of a cruise ship with a mask on? Plus show vaccination papers? Plus socially distance? Plus show negative tests? Plus have your temperature checked every time you go to eat? I'd like to see how many people they can get to go on the ship with those restrictions. I know people are booking but they don't know the restrictions. When they do, they will be canceling in droves. Why the heck would I pay thousands of dollars for that? How is that a vacation? Would you pay that? How much is a Disney Cruise going for if you booked right now? I haven't looked lately. But pre-pandemic it would cost $8,000+ for a typical family. Would you go and pay that with COVID restrictions? When I go on vacation, I want to relax. I want to have fun. I don't want it to be like I'm entering a Bio Level 4 laboratory. That's not a vacation. If the travel industry thinks they can survive in the new normal, they got another thing coming.
Exactly. They don't want my money, I don't have to spend it. I'll just keep and save it. It's not my loss.

Lots of people are the same way. Travel and tourism is never going to go back to normal for as long as COVID restrictions are in place. You think people are going to sit in the sun on the deck of a cruise ship with a mask on? Plus show vaccination papers? Plus socially distance? Plus show negative tests? Plus have your temperature checked every time you go to eat? I'd like to see how many people they can get to go on the ship with those restrictions. I know people are booking but they don't know the restrictions. When they do, they will be canceling in droves. Why the heck would I pay thousands of dollars for that? How is that a vacation? Would you pay that? How much is a Disney Cruise going for if you booked right now? I haven't looked lately. But pre-pandemic it would cost $8,000+ for a typical family. Would you go and pay that with COVID restrictions? When I go on vacation, I want to relax. I want to have fun. I don't want it to be like I'm entering a Bio Level 4 laboratory. That's not a vacation. If the travel industry thinks they can survive in the new normal, they got another thing coming.

Why are you so worried about these hypotheticals? No one knows what Disney cruising will look like when it comes back. Depends on vaccinations and lowering the transmission rate significantly. On the way there, but there’s still a ways to go.

Also, I know you’re against showing proof of vaccine, but that would be potentially one way to get closer to no restrictions on board.

It’s all hypothetical anyway, no point in getting stressed out about it right now. There’s not even a sail date yet.
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covering up fast pass signage...
The FP+ queues are currently being used for DAS, VIP tours and some who are give a FP to ride due to a challenge they’ve had. I’m guessing covering it up just signifies that FP is not currently available rather than CMs being asked about it often.

We on the boards know FP isn’t currently available but I’m not sure that’s the case for many other guests.
No one knows what Disney cruising will look like when it comes back.

Of course we do. Look at the parks. And no end in sight with the restrictions in the parks. In WDW they are still installing more plexiglass all over the place and on attractions now. You think they are spending money to do that now just to take it down in a few months? It wouldnt surprise me at all if these COVID restrictions go into next year and many of them even beyond. Some will be permanent. Disney World and Disneyland will be the very last places on this planet that relax COVID restrictions. They were the last theme park to re-open. Universal, Busch Gardens, and Sea World all opened before Disney even allowed the DVC hotels to resume operations. They won't be the first cruise line to reopen either. They will be the last one. I guarantee it.

And no, the vaccine doesn't get us anywhere closer to normal. We are now being told even with the vaccine, you have to continue to wear masks and socially distant. Not only that, but recently you got Disney cracking down even HARDER on mask wearing. There is no end in sight.
The FP+ queues are currently being used for DAS, VIP tours and some who are give a FP to ride due to a challenge they’ve had. I’m guessing covering it up just signifies that FP is not currently available rather than CMs being asked about it often.

We on the boards know FP isn’t currently available but I’m not sure that’s the case for many other guests.
It seems kinda late in the game to be doing this just to alert the public you can’t use FP.
And no, the vaccine doesn't get us anywhere closer to normal. We are now being told even with the vaccine, you have to continue to wear masks and socially distant. Not only that, but recently you got Disney cracking down even HARDER on mask wearing. There is no end in sight.

First of all, Disney is cracking down more on mask wearing because people are being bolder and pushing the limit more. Lots of conversation about this from CMs on Facebook and Twitter. And the plexi is likely being added as we approach Easter and the summer months so they can increase ride capacity. I think it’s a leap to say it’ll be permanent.

Second, experts say that people who are fully vaccinated can gather together unmasked. So you’re not totally accurate there.

In public is a different story. Yes, you must wear a mask and distance in public for now. Disney is not going to say oh, you’re vaccinated you can take your mask off and go stand closer to those people. Remember, you don’t want them to ask for proof of vaccination, right? It’s going to be a blanket policy until the vaccine is available to anyone who wants it AND transmission is minimal. We still don’t know if people can transmit the virus after being vaccinated (although, research is looking good on this), so ... of course they are waiting until anyone who wants a vaccine gets one. And when everyone who wants one can get one, then the downward trajectory will continue and eventually restrictions can be lifted.

People are so impatient. Lifting restrictions now would be like stopping an antibiotic 5 days early because you’re feeling better. Then your infection inevitably comes back.

It all banks on shots in arms and minimizing transmission.

And that’s all I have to say about that. Probably best for the thread to move on from mask and vaccine talk, so I won’t be discussing any further :)
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Exactly. They don't want my money, I don't have to spend it. I'll just keep and save it. It's not my loss.

Lots of people are the same way. Travel and tourism is never going to go back to normal for as long as COVID restrictions are in place. You think people are going to sit in the sun on the deck of a cruise ship with a mask on? Plus show vaccination papers? Plus socially distance? Plus show negative tests? Plus have your temperature checked every time you go to eat? I'd like to see how many people they can get to go on the ship with those restrictions. I know people are booking but they don't know the restrictions. When they do, they will be canceling in droves. Why the heck would I pay thousands of dollars for that? How is that a vacation? Would you pay that? How much is a Disney Cruise going for if you booked right now? I haven't looked lately. But pre-pandemic it would cost $8,000+ for a typical family. Would you go and pay that with COVID restrictions? When I go on vacation, I want to relax. I want to have fun. I don't want it to be like I'm entering a Bio Level 4 laboratory. That's not a vacation. If the travel industry thinks they can survive in the new normal, they got another thing coming.

I wouldn't have booked a cruise before Covid was a thing. So you are asking the wrong person.

If WDW asked me to show my vacc card to book a stay at my DVC resort I would show it.
But that begs the question. If they are required, for how long? Poor people watch Disney channel just like other income levels. Poor kids beg to have a mickey stuffy from the Walmart toy aisle because they don’t understand they’re poor. Those parents might try to figure out a budget vacation. I’m not trying to be defensive, just realistic. Would Disney truly be only for an “elite class”?
I appreciate your diplomacy, refreshing :)

I don’t necessarily associate “elite” with a WDW trip, expensive, yes. I often gasp when I read how much many people state they spend on their decidedly over-the-top trips. Touring styles definitely do differ, to each their own.

all of my vacations have been within whatever entertainment budget I’ve had in place at that particular time in my life. The earliest ones, when my kids were young were absolutely on a dime.

Needed to save up for years to make that 1st disney trip happen for my kids. sure didn’t have the disney channel in our cable line up as it was a premium/add on cost that I couldn’t afford at the time

I worked two jobs to buy my first DVC contract & continued that methodology going forward. Where there is a will, there generally can be a way. However, a vacation is definitely a want, not a need. If that line of thinking is elitist, well, then I’m guilty as charged.:confused3

While many people desperately needed the stimulus checks to survive, a large percentage of people (especially those working from home) have been able to save $$$$. Once the skies clears, revenge travel will explode. At that point, don’t think travel deals will be exactly forthcoming.
To be fair, you cannot fly without photo Identification, nor can you drive without a license.
how many of us have compliant DLs that enable us to fly? Not a huge leap to add vaccination status as an option, if desired by the individual.

Private property/businesses, right? They can ask for whatever they like. You don't have to patronize them, as you have pointed out.

said businesses are exactly that, businesses; who need to stay solvent thru a crisis in order to stay operating. Would be nice to see many of the features that have disappeared via the current safety/cost cutting implementations reappear but, quite doubtful of that happening. They may be back but, believe as an add-on, per fee sort of thing.
And no, the vaccine doesn't get us anywhere closer to normal. We are now being told even with the vaccine, you have to continue to wear masks and socially distant. Not only that, but recently you got Disney cracking down even HARDER on mask wearing. There is no end in sight.
Well, this would be one reason why: COVID-19 outbreak declared at another B.C. care home where more than 80% of residents were vaccinated | CBC News

I just feel like cruising was already a higher-risk environment due to its nature. So I wouldn't be comfortable with it. Then again, I'm coming from an area of very low transmission so limiting my exposure just seems reasonable to me.
This article is why mask wearing will continue for a while (kids aren't vaccinated), and probably why vaccine passports might be the only way forward for the travel industry. The article fails to mention that only 65% of the staff were vaccinated, even though it was offered to all of them. Couple that with only 80% of residents and you get an outbreak. There are too many people who do not want a vaccine and this is probably the biggest hurdle to getting back to normal.

If there aren't enough people vaccinated for herd immunity not much will change and outbreaks will still be everywhere. Travel industries have a responsibility to keep people safe but I'm not sure about their liability in these cases. It could be another possible reason for wanting vaccine passports if a large percentage aren't vaccinated.

I'm kind of indifferent on vaccine passports. I really don't see how I could go to WDW without them but also understand the unfairness to people who can't access or are unable to get vaccines.
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