Have You Ever Had To Confront Another Guest's Poor Behavior?

I was a witness to this so I wasn't involved but one random day at Epcot some trashy couple decided to light up their cigarettes in World Showcase by the Germany pavilion. Another guest pointed out to them that they're not allowed to smoke in the park and in return the couple hurled every expletive you could think of at them. They almost broke out into a fist fight. I had my 4 year old son with me so we walked away from that mess as fast as we could.

Some people...
I was a witness to this so I wasn't involved but one random day at Epcot some trashy couple decided to light up their cigarettes in World Showcase by the Germany pavilion. Another guest pointed out to them that they're not allowed to smoke in the park and in return the couple hurled every expletive you could think of at them. They almost broke out into a fist fight. I had my 4 year old son with me so we walked away from that mess as fast as we could.

Some people...

With the increased emphasis on alcohol in World Showcase I have seen more of this type of situation there than anywhere else in the parks. Everyone THINKS they can handle their liquor, but unfortunately some of them are wrong.
Only once. We had a lady jump into the buzz lightyear spin ride car with two of our kids (elementary age) when the cast member wasn’t looking. We were already moving so short of standing up and stopping the ride there wasn’t anything we could do. She took over the controls and pushed their hands out of the way the whole ride. When we got off I went straight to the cast member and told them what happened and pointed right at the lady. The cast member apologized and put us right back on the ride but after that I couldn’t get my kids anywhere near the ride. I also filed a report on the incident at guest services, mainly for my kids peace of mind.
If he started beating on his son first, wouldn't that have been a pretty clear case of defending someone else? Last time I looked that was legal.

What if he was very proficient in mixed martial arts? You did the right thing by holding her back. Had she gotten into a physical confrontation she could have faced injury, assault charges and ejection or even being banned from Disney.
I've used my "mean lunch lady" voice a few times in the queues on every trip. And I got to use my special education/can't follow directions body language on Jungle Cruise when a woman and her two kids tried to cross over the seats in the middle to get out, all while the skipper was telling them not to. A well placed arm and a hand gesture and point to the flow of traffic had her headed in the right direction. The skipper even praised me on my ability to get them to move the way they were supposed to. Twenty years of working with special needs kiddos will do that.

Really hope you remembered to do a two-finger Disney point!
back when Tangierine Cafe was open I was in there eating lunch and a couple came in and asked if they could sit at the table I was at (crowded). Sure. Then about two minutes later, they asked when I was going to leave. "When I finish my lunch" and I ate it very slowly after that. They sulked the entire time.
back when Tangierine Cafe was open I was in there eating lunch and a couple came in and asked if they could sit at the table I was at (crowded). Sure. Then about two minutes later, they asked when I was going to leave. "When I finish my lunch" and I ate it very slowly after that. They sulked the entire time.
No good deed goes unpunished.
yesterday I was in line at Toy Story Mania and lady behind me kept stopping so close to me that she tapped my backpack continously. zero sense of personal space. I had to reach back and grab something in my bag and ofcourse bumped her and asked that she please not stand so close to me. she seemed shocked at the request however reluctantly gave me space. I could hear her sarcasticly asking her friend if the space was enough and I turned around and said "yes it is" and flashed a thumbs 👍 up! she didn't expect that but it shut her up.
This is what I thought of when I saw the thread title. As a frequent solo traveler, I have issues with families crowding up behind me and bumping into me. Once I had a family behind me in a long crowded line and at different times I think every family member ran into me. I was patient at first (kids) but after the adults also did it I turned around and asked them to please stop bumping into me. Was only somewhat successful.
I got into it in the lobby of the Dolphin a few years ago with a mom because I "touched" her child for no reason. (What I actually did was put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention, but I'll explain.)

DH had business at the desk, and I was sitting on one of the banquettes waiting for him; the line was quite long. A group of 2-3 families were meeting up nearby before going to a restaurant. The parents had drinks and were having a lovely time chatting, but their children were bored, and it wasn't long before the kids started getting antsy and acting up. For one boy of around 6, this took the form of leaping down the row of banquettes from one to another. (These are curved banquettes, the sort that sometimes have a potted plant in the center.)

So, little boy jumps from one banquette to another, loses his balance and lands face down on the cushion, with his foot flying over the top of the banquette and hitting me in the back of the neck. His mother is laughing and sipping her drink, ignoring the child. The first time it happens, I wince and grit my teeth. The second time, I tell him to stop. The third time, I get to my feet, put my hand on the boy's shoulder, and tell him, "This is not a jungle gym. You need to stop jumping on the furniture right now." At that point, the mom FINALLY decides to notice her child, and rounds on me for daring to touch him. I pointed out that I was tired of being kicked in the head, and that I would not have had to touch him if she had been minding him. I was not about to apologize, seeing as how she thought that kind of behavior in a hotel lobby was perfectly fine.
Besides the two incidents, I posted about already, I have one more that was actually creepy. I had to tell an older man to stop rubbing my son's head as we were walking out of the TOT Library. He didn't say anything but had a disturbing grin on his face. I was too surprised to do anything but pull my son close to me and let other people fill in the space between the guy and my family.
Besides the two incidents, I posted about already, I have one more that was actually creepy. I had to tell an older man to stop rubbing my son's head as we were walking out of the TOT Library. He didn't say anything but had a disturbing grin on his face. I was too surprised to do anything but pull my son close to me and let other people fill in the space between the guy and my family.
That would have elicited a loud “sir, please keep your fingers off my son” from me.
We were waiting to rope drop at HS when TSL was a year old. So of course crush of people and my daughter is holding onto the backpack and I'm trying to keep up and this guy in his 60s keeps trying to cut me off from my daughter, I'm like sir I need to keep up with my daughter and he says "Oh i need to keep up with my wife. " I said my daughter is 9, I'm sure my case is a little more important" He just looked at me like I had 2 heads for not wanting to loose my younger daughter in a crowd of people.

Went this past Feb and we're waiting in line, on actual lines that Disney has put down for social distancing. We told a few people to please not be right next to us, the lines are on the ground for a reason (these people were less then 6 inches away. One couple said"oh we've been doing this all day, we're just excited to get on the next ride, we keep forgetting" I was close to 5 pm, how often had they been told to back up?
Wow so many of these stories are waiting for fireworks/parades to start! I’ve witnessed a lot of quarrels happen myself before the start of a fireworks show. In MK the crowds that trap you in after fireworks begin are a claustrophobic’s nightmare!! God forbid there was ever an emergency, you’re trapped in!l! I’ve been stuck in that situation too many times where I feel I just need to get out. I don’t get how people can enjoy fireworks crammed in like a sardine with nowhere to run. It’s truly horrible. Then trying to leave and getting your heels nipped at by scooters and strollers 😣
Am I the only one?!

We avoid fireworks & parades in the Main Street or Hub like the plague. I will NOT deal with those crowds no matter how fantastic the entertainment may be.
We avoid fireworks & parades in the Main Street or Hub like the plague. I will NOT deal with those crowds no matter how fantastic the entertainment may be.

Same with me. The last time I sat on the curb for a parade was probably 6 years ago. I got there ahead of time and waited. Well, we all know how it goes, the closer you get to parade time, the more people that decide that they want to be exactly where you are. The amount of people that I had to tell to not step on me was shocking. I don't get how grown adults can act like this.
FWIW RNRC doesn't really go upside down. It corkscrews in a way that is different from an actual upside-down coaster. I love coasters that go upside down, and I despise RNRC because it hurts my whole body the way it corkscrews.
Um, Yes it does! Right after the launch is 2 complete inversions plus a corkscrew. It goes upside down 3 times.
If he started beating on his son first, wouldn't that have been a pretty clear case of defending someone else? Last time I looked that was legal.

Maybe. But they did nothing. So if he really was illegally "beating on his son", you should be asking the poster why he/she held back the daughter. Or why they did not notify the authorities.

But they didn't say he was "beating on his son", did they. They said he hit him "pretty hard on the chest". How hard is "pretty hard" to the original poster? I don't know. You don't know. What we know is they did nothing. So either we assume there was nothing illegal going on, or the poster was culpable for doing absolutely nothing.

And you completely missed the point that just because one's daughter maybe "proficient in mixed martial arts", it is foolish to assume that means they are capable of setting random strangers straight. The daughter's teacher should be teaching that lesson, but obviously is not since the daughter is looking for a physical confrontation with a random stranger when the parent doesn't even think anything worth reporting is going on.
I was once in the gift shop in Germany. . there was a guest with a thick accent. I don't know what she was saying - but the sales CM couldn't understand her and kept asking her to repeat herself. The guest starting yelling at the CM, saying ugly things about coming here and not speaking the language. I did step in, the CM looked to be about the age of one of my children.

Anyhow, the guest yelled at me, called me a few choice things - but left. The CM came over, threw her arms around me and started crying on my shoulder. She wondered if she didn't speak English well enough, and talked about how excited she was to come to Disney. I assured her I am born and raised in the USA and I couldn't understand the customer - and regardless no one should speak to her like that.

I'm not a touchy, feely person - so the sobbing on my shoulder was odd. But, it broke my heart that someone was so unnecessarily ugly to her.


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