Genie Service

View attachment 598853 :jester:

Seriously, though... as I've alluded to on other Genie-related threads, I don't mind spending a little extra IF I get value in return (i.e., shorter waits on a sufficient number of the rides we want to ride). To me, the biggest question is whether G+ will be "worth" the $15 or if we won't get enough for our money with this new system.

It would be worth it if it included tier 1s.
My knee-jerk reaction was "oh fudge!" but after some reflection, I realized that it may not be as bad as I thought. Disney has held off for a long time not charging for FP. Now they've jumped on board like every other park. We don't know all the fine details yet so maybe there will be some onsite perks (other than the 7am thing) I'm always hopeful. We're full on planning for our next trip. And as always we'll adapt and change. There's so much to love about WDW other than the rides (actually IMO those are always secondary)

The more I've been reading about Genie (and the more I've been doing the head scratch wondering what was Disney thinking) - I'm guessing there has to be some announcement coming soon for on-site guests (or DVC). I assume there's no reason the technology can't also have some LL reservations made 30 days prior, or to allow on-site guest to make more than one LL at a time.

If it's a DVC perk, I hope it's not just for blue card members - I'm only white card :oops:

This is what I was thinking! Why pay an extra $ 15.00 to get on Haunted Mansion or Pirates or Buzz. I can get those at rope drop or at the end of the night. And FOP would be the only ride that is a must do for me. And what about MMRT, this one may be on the higher price ala carte' thingy. It all sounds more confusing than before. However, who knows maybe it will work out okay. The worst part for me is the 7 a.m. scramble. And how will it work with PH? That could put me all over the place because who knows when you'll get assigned a time. Sounds nightmarish. Ugh! I go back and forth with!

Excellent point...
I'm in the camp of not thrilled with G+ / IAS - but I suspect we'll figure out ways to make it work.
The more I've been reading about Genie (and the more I've been doing the head scratch wondering what was Disney thinking) - I'm guessing there has to be some announcement coming soon for on-site guests (or DVC). I assume there's no reason the technology can't also have some LL reservations made 30 days prior, or to allow on-site guest to make more than one LL at a time.

If it's a DVC perk, I hope it's not just for blue card members - I'm only white card :oops:

Excellent point...
I'm in the camp of not thrilled with G+ / IAS - but I suspect we'll figure out ways to make it work.

IMO, what we could see down the road is that WDW uses it as part of promotions for cash guests, like free dining. Now one pro motion might be including free Genie + as part of a package

For DVC, any type of benefit or perk would potentially offered would be most undoubtedly be associated with a blue card. And, the only thing I could potentially see is a 10 or 20% like we get for special events or merchandise purchases other than attached to an AP…which so far, they have said there will be nothing,

I think FL residents would be the first ones, besides cash guest promotions, that would be considered for any discount.

Did your favourite restaurants, local butcher, and big box stores get cheaper over the pandemic? Are you boycotting them?


I'm so glad you added this because it alone reinforces the point I've been trying to make to you. Of course the prices have risen. On almost everything. We won't get into the "why" of that but I'm willing to concede it because it's an agreeable concession. What my local butcher hasn't done is blatantly started charging me for wrapping my steaks and roasts in addition to what he charges per pound. Thank you for pointing that out.

And my favorite restaurants still don't charge me for the water. :)
Of course the prices have risen. On almost everything. We won't get into the "why" of that but I'm willing to concede it because it's an agreeable concession. What my local butcher hasn't done is blatantly started charging me for wrapping my steaks and roasts in addition to what he charges per pound.
Maybe I am missing something, but I am confused…

You agree prices have risen across the board on account of Covid and you seem fine with that in the analogy of the butcher.

The difference that seems to upset you is that if the price of wrapping the steak has increased; as long as the wrap charge is baked into the steak $/lb(or AP/ticket price) your happy to pay it, but if there is a separate line item on your receipt for wrapping(Genie+), that’s upsetting to you? Especially considering the Genie+ is an optional surcharge and the wrapping isn’t.

I understand your opinion is in the majority here it would seem, but it’s just so perplexing to me how upset this makes you and many others.

You wouldn’t bad mouth your butcher before giving his service a chance. Why so sour on Genie+ already when no one has even tried it?
There are also associated costs with things like food and fuel... but... its not like Disney had a reason to raise prices other than making sure the profit stays high enough. Enough being the key word. They arent paying staff more. They arent paying as many staff. They arent offering more. This is literally a because we feel like jacking prices in the middle of a pandemic fee. Well so much for those core company values they teach at day 1 training!

They are carrying billions more in debt because of the pandemic. Their movie industry is making ridiculously low numbers. Their cruise ships are sitting mostly idle. You realize that, right?
HE KEPT DEPLETING THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE ALL THE WHILE THINKING THAT HIS CUSTOMERS WOULDN'T NOTICE and would still continue to patronize the place because it was oh-so popular (when he took over)

Not to point out the obvious, or defend anything here, but this is totally an apples to oranges comparison. A local business (whether that be a restraint or a merchant) is entirely dependent on repeat business (as you point out - he was focused on bringing back his current customers). As such, you are correct - it costs (on average) 5x more (or depending on your business even higher) to bring in a new customer as it does to bring back a returning customer for a local merchant.

As has been pointed out many times already, WDW's primary demographic as a destination resort is NOT repeat customers despite what DVC would have you believe. Do not confuse the two very different models.

Disney is creating a class system; but not in the way people would automatically think.

Creating???? They have had one since they started. What do you consider Club 33? How about VIP tours? Heck, what's DVC? Disney is not creating anything. The only difference here in the scale.
As has been pointed out many times already, WDW's primary demographic as a destination resort is NOT repeat customers
Yes, I've read this many times on forums and such. Do we have any actual evidence that WDW doesn't need, seek out, or value repeat customers? Just wondering on what is this hypothesis based? I mean, just cuz it's being said on the internet, doesn't make it fact.
It's been my experience that WDW does seek me out and makes efforts to get my family to return. They have done this in the form of "bounce back offers", postal mailings and emails with non-transferable room/package promos.
I'm not questioning you, I just want to know where this idea comes from, as it seems to be counterintuitive.
Recently in Forbes: "When it comes to creating an amazing customer experience, all companies can learn from the Happiest Place on Earth. With its magical and personalized approach to customer experience, Disney and its theme parks have created a passionately loyal fan base, welcoming 157 million visitors in 2018 with an amazing 70% return rate of first-time guests.
Disney is regularly recognized for its magical approach to customer experience. Here are five lessons every company can learn from Mickey Mouse himself."
Ironically, this article goes on to explain how WDW has attained this amazing return rate by providing a wonderful guest experience..... the very thing MANY loyal fans have been saying is being eroded of late.
Yes, I've read this many times on forums and such. Do we have any actual evidence that WDW doesn't need, seek out, or value repeat customers? Just wondering on what is this hypothesis based? I mean, just cuz it's being said on the internet, doesn't make it fact.

Yeah, I don't understand the line of thought of not wanting repeat visitors. Isn't that exactly the purpose of DVC? I doubt Disney designed DVC to be an income generator for members renting their points and competing with their cash resorts. And when you consider the sheer number of onsite DVC rooms, the thought of them not wanting repeat business makes no sense.
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It would be worth it if it included tier 1s.
As I mentioned on another thread, I wasn't at all surprised about the G+ announcement... EXCEPT for the fact that some of the headliners are NOT included but available for yet ANOTHER additional fee! That detail was a real gut punch to me.

It would have been preferable for the G+ cost to be slightly more per day but include everything. Of course, that would presumably result in less profits for Disney than charging extra for the most in-demand rides.
Not surprisingly, my extended family of die hards (around 30 of us, many DVC members) are not happy. That’s to be expected because we spend 10+ days on site at deluxe/mods every year, and were able to take advantage of FP+. But what is surprising, is my casual Disney friends - off-siters who usually don’t follow any Disney news - are very up to date on Genie + and are not happy either.

These are families who did Orlando in general and would spend a day or two at Disney. A few I have spoken to said they just won’t bother doing Disney this time around because they aren’t interested in all the extra fees and it just seems like “too much hassle”. I would have thought the offsite crowd would be happy because they finally have a shot at Slinky, FOP - FPs they were previously blocked out on getting because all of us on-site guests snagged them at 60 days. So if the on site crew isn’t happy, and the offsite crew isn’t happy…. The die-hards and the casual guests are disenchanted … who is this move for and will it have the goal Disney was hoping for ?
Yes, I've read this many times on forums and such. Do we have any actual evidence that WDW doesn't need, seek out, or value repeat customers? Just wondering on what is this hypothesis based? I mean, just cuz it's being said on the internet, doesn't make it fact.
It's been my experience that WDW does seek me out and makes efforts to get my family to return. They have done this in the form of "bounce back offers", postal mailings and emails with non-transferable room/package promos.
I'm not questioning you, I just want to know where this idea comes from, as it seems to be counterintuitive.
Recently in Forbes: "When it comes to creating an amazing customer experience, all companies can learn from the Happiest Place on Earth. With its magical and personalized approach to customer experience, Disney and its theme parks have created a passionately loyal fan base, welcoming 157 million visitors in 2018 with an amazing 70% return rate of first-time guests.
Disney is regularly recognized for its magical approach to customer experience. Here are five lessons every company can learn from Mickey Mouse himself."
Ironically, this article goes on to explain how WDW has attained this amazing return rate by providing a wonderful guest experience..... the very thing MANY loyal fans have been saying is being eroded of late.
Well said.
And we have actually proof thet Disney want reperat customers, in the form of APs. An AP is a discount on tickets for people who visit multiple times per year. And not only that, but Florida residents, people who more likely are able to use a AP for the highest number of days, can pay LESS for an AP, not more.
Not surprisingly, my extended family of die hards (around 30 of us, many DVC members) are not happy. That’s to be expected because we spend 10+ days on site at deluxe/mods every year, and were able to take advantage of FP+. But what is surprising, is my casual Disney friends - off-siters who usually don’t follow any Disney news - are very up to date on Genie + and are not happy either.

These are families who did Orlando in general and would spend a day or two at Disney. A few I have spoken to said they just won’t bother doing Disney this time around because they aren’t interested in all the extra fees and it just seems like “too much hassle”. I would have thought the offsite crowd would be happy because they finally have a shot at Slinky, FOP - FPs they were previously blocked out on getting because all of us on-site guests snagged them at 60 days. So if the on site crew isn’t happy, and the offsite crew isn’t happy…. The die-hards and the casual guests are disenchanted … who is this move for and will it have the goal Disney was hoping for ?
I’m hearing from the casual, not-a-Disney-fan, infrequent visitor friends, and co-workers alike that this just sound like so much more last minute hassle. I can’t imagine anyone looking forward to waiting until the day of, then hope their already made reservations will mesh with park & ride availability. Personally, I’m salty…we’re going to try it both ways and see how much impact has on the way we visit parks. I think maybe summer vacations might focus more on the water parks and pools than before. Maybe take advantage of rope drops or extended hours and enjoy resort hopping and pools more. I have always liked pre- planning. We do spreadsheets and itineraries that we flex as needed. I really don’t want to feel like it’s day 60 every morning of my vacation. This Genie+ leaves too much until last minute. This does not sound like a relaxing getaway and further reiterates how little value there is in being a cash on-site guest.
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Not surprisingly, my extended family of die hards (around 30 of us, many DVC members) are not happy. That’s to be expected because we spend 10+ days on site at deluxe/mods every year, and were able to take advantage of FP+. But what is surprising, is my casual Disney friends - off-siters who usually don’t follow any Disney news - are very up to date on Genie + and are not happy either.

These are families who did Orlando in general and would spend a day or two at Disney. A few I have spoken to said they just won’t bother doing Disney this time around because they aren’t interested in all the extra fees and it just seems like “too much hassle”. I would have thought the offsite crowd would be happy because they finally have a shot at Slinky, FOP - FPs they were previously blocked out on getting because all of us on-site guests snagged them at 60 days. So if the on site crew isn’t happy, and the offsite crew isn’t happy…. The die-hards and the casual guests are disenchanted … who is this move for and will it have the goal Disney was hoping for ?

I think it remains to be seen, but I believe the goal is Disney’s bottom line and executive compensation. May end up though being the death knell for certain guests’ “happy place.”
The information you have is what I saw as well. You can simply get the next one as soon as you use the first.

That is why I see many deciding to forgo the park hopping option…or at least not purchase in advance…since you pay for the day and what better way to get your money’s worth then by sticking with one park.

And who knows, maybe that is part of the plan so they can leave hopping at 2 pm.
I did read that you can add another Genie + after two hours, whether you've used the first or not. But...the concern I have with park hopping is whether anything would be available once I hop at 2 p.m. When we had the FP system and you searched for anything else, there was nothing left in the afternoon or evening that you needed it for.


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