disabilities assistance Abuse

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More often than not, our tram doesn’t get the full ‘rumbling’ bridge. We do sometimes get it though - I’ve read the bridge is triggered at a certain speed; if the tram is not at the right speed at the right point, your tram just gets minimal rumbling,
My daughter happens to like being bounced, so she’s happy when we get the ‘rumbly’ bridge.

I really don't think that the bridge is working. I go to AK several times a trip and ride the safari at least 3-4 times during all times of the day. I have not had the bridge work for well over 5 years. So I don't know what is going on with it.
It’s funny. I’m worried about the perception of abuse this trip because of the announcements. Used to be DS and I. Now with a bigger family but more need - 2 kids on the spectrum, one adult with cognitive challenges, and one with a not immediately obvious physical disability. I worry people will see 6 healthy looking people and assume we’re *those* people.

Or worse, they assume we’re abusing and think, “hell, i should do that too!”

You wouldn’t BELIEVE the amount of times that I overheard parents tell their kids to “Act Crazy” so they can cut the lines.
Reading through this thread really increases my anxiety around using DAS for my upcoming trip. I don’t have a visible disability but I have 2 hidden reasons why I cannot stand (or sit ) in line. I have deep shame associated with these disabilities and I would rather struggle through and severely restrict my trip than to use DAS and risk being judged for not looking disabled enough.

I don’t deny the fraudsters but I think Disney do a good job at not making it a front of the line pass, but with the new paid Genie + I worry about the increased judgement and looks, people presuming I am trying to dodge the charge. I’d rather just suffer with my disabilities than be upset and ashamed of my disability on vacation.
I don’t deny the fraudsters but I think Disney do a good job at not making it a front of the line pass, but with the new paid Genie + I worry about the increased judgement and looks, people presuming I am trying to dodge the charge. I’d rather just suffer with my disabilities than be upset and ashamed of my disability on vacation.

Once Genie+ and the new DAS system are up and running I really don't know how anyone could tell the difference, in your case, of someone in the lightening lane with a genie return time vs. a DAS return time. Plus the return time is done via the app rather than going to the CM at the kiosk or attraction. Your situation also seems well suited to using the video chat procedure to inquire about whether a DAS can help you. If your trip is soon then perhaps write out the reasons you have trouble accessing the attractions and let the CM read it (so you don't have to discuss it out loud as much at Guest Services).
Reading through this thread really increases my anxiety around using DAS for my upcoming trip. I don’t have a visible disability but I have 2 hidden reasons why I cannot stand (or sit ) in line. I have deep shame associated with these disabilities and I would rather struggle through and severely restrict my trip than to use DAS and risk being judged for not looking disabled enough.

I don’t deny the fraudsters but I think Disney do a good job at not making it a front of the line pass, but with the new paid Genie + I worry about the increased judgement and looks, people presuming I am trying to dodge the charge. I’d rather just suffer with my disabilities than be upset and ashamed of my disability on vacation.

i have a condition that for others means they need a DAS. For me, right now, I don’t. I may in the future, I may not. If it comes to that time, I will request one but I know if that time comes, the one thing I won’t care about is the opinions of others who I will literally never see again.

We went earlier this summer. It’s really the first time we’ve waited in stand by lines because there was no fastpass. I didn’t spend a moment thinking about the fastpass line or others in it. You have no obligation to satisfy anyone else’s curiosity, sense of fairness, judgement, etc.

If you have a condition that makes waiting in the standard queue environment challenging, talk to guest services about the DAS. If a mobility device would help, use one. Your money to pay for the trip is just as green as anyone else’s. Don’t sacrifice your ability to enjoy it because some random strangers are spending too much time not minding their own business.
That actually will help quite a bit, it's better than feeling like you're doing it with an audience. (I'm sure people weren't paying attention as much as I felt like they were - but it still felt like they were... if that makes any sense.)

I do understand that. I have MS which can cause bathroom issues, also. It might be a little better now that you can do it online before going to the park and not standing in front of other people waiting in line….
Not according to a vlog posted on youtube just last night when that clearly happened. I have no problem with people using scooters...it may make the difference about whether they can handle the physical toll of a disney trip. But to say they do not get front of the line access is not always the case.....let's face it, we've all seen it done.
I use my ECV at WDW and have for @10 years - including during the GAC years - I’ve never been offered front of the line…I’ve also never expected it. I have used the alternate entrance feature for HM, IASW and Spaceship Earth which probably did and still may reduce my wait time - but certainly isn’t front of the line!
Just sayin, I’ve seen plenty of “das” families waiting in long lines for another ride while awaiting a das return time, waiting in long food lines, waiting over an hour for shows, etc. So they’re essentially treating the program like a FP program snd they obviously have the ability to wait in line.
Just sayin, I’ve seen plenty of “das” families waiting in long lines for another ride while awaiting a das return time, waiting in long food lines, waiting over an hour for shows, etc. So they’re essentially treating the program like a FP program snd they obviously have the ability to wait in line.

All standby queues are not created equal. Some are dark. Some are closed in while others are open-air. Some are configured so people are more single-file while others are built so they crowd together. Without knowing the specific needs of the person in question, you have no way of knowing which standby queues they are able to go through and which they aren’t.
Still didn't see what you claimed to have seen - but we saw a lot of plaids this trip when I've only seen 1-2 on past trips. Perhaps your influx was due to many more VIP tour groups. Also, we were not let right on in any of the queues at the merge point unless the SB queue was empty at that point (happened once at FoP because we were walking faster than the group in the SB queue). I guess your mileage may vary?
I agree with your observation about the VIP groups. We saw so many more plaids (VIP Tour Guides) during our trip in June than we have seen before.
We normally see a few in a week trip, but during the recent trip, we usually saw 8-10 in the first hour in the park.
We very often saw them as they were bringing their guests into the Fastpass entrance (the plaids didn‘t wait in line with them).
People make the assumption that anyone in the Fastpass line is using DAS, but that’s not the case. Besides guests using DAS and VIP tours, the Fastpass line is used by guests using Rider Swap, returns for ride breakdown, guest recovery and certain clubs.
During our trip, I saw some big groups coming into the Fastpass line at AK. I later found out there were some trial going on in the Fastpass line - I don’t know if it was testing of some part of Genie or just part of re-training CMs
Just sayin, I’ve seen plenty of “das” families waiting in long lines for another ride while awaiting a das return time, waiting in long food lines, waiting over an hour for shows, etc. So they’re essentially treating the program like a FP program snd they obviously have the ability to wait in line.
And, you knew they were “das families”, how?
Just sayin, I’ve seen plenty of “das” families waiting in long lines for another ride while awaiting a das return time, waiting in long food lines, waiting over an hour for shows, etc. So they’re essentially treating the program like a FP program snd they obviously have the ability to wait in line.

There are no long food lines RN as its all mobile order.

DAS guidelines suggest you combine strategies and wait in the lines you can rather than use DAS on everything. We never needed DAS until April as we used a combination of FP and paid options like dessert parties to meet our needs. Now that neither were an option DAS made it possible for our family to tour together rather than have some sit out due to certain (non visible) conditions.

So you may have seen us use the DAS on Slinky but not FOP for example due to the nature of the line.
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Just sayin, I’ve seen plenty of “das” families waiting in long lines for another ride while awaiting a das return time, waiting in long food lines, waiting over an hour for shows, etc. So they’re essentially treating the program like a FP program snd they obviously have the ability to wait in line.
Come on, this is ridiculous. I have a DAS for a legitimate, very specific reason. There are certain types of lines I can’t wait in. I try not to abuse my DAS and only use it for lines where it is needed. So you’re saying that I should just use it all the time, even when it isn’t needed?
Just sayin, I’ve seen plenty of “das” families waiting in long lines for another ride while awaiting a das return time, waiting in long food lines, waiting over an hour for shows, etc. So they’re essentially treating the program like a FP program snd they obviously have the ability to wait in line.

First you don't know who are DAS families are since it is on their MagicBand/Key/Phone just like it is for Child Swap, some Recovery tickets etc. We don't carry the big red cards anymore so no one knows who we are. And you see these same people in lines elsewhere around the parks? You are keeping track of what they are doing?

You clearly don't understand why the DAS was actually created (and has been expanded to other needs) .... It's not about length of time for most. It is more about the factors in the line that make it difficult. You aren't supposed to use your DAS unless you need it at any particular attraction.

Most often it is about the structure of the queue. My DS has become very patient in lines but it is the structure of the line and our proximity to other guests that create the issue. If it is a primarily outdoor queue where sound isn't trapped or a large indoor line with no switchbacks he does okay. But if we are always smack up against other guests in a situation where you are sardines like BTMR or Frozen or FOP, and it is difficult to escape - then he can't be trapped that long. It's not he can't wait time wise, it's he can't handle the environment - and that is what DAS is for.

So if you see DS waited longer for Slinky, Haunted Mansion, Pirates but couldn't wait for Frozen, Buzz or BTMR ... it is not that he is abusing the DAS, it is that he is actually using it the way it is supposed to be used ... only where necessary.

Perhaps since you don't know what the DAS is designed for it be best not to assume and just enjoy YOUR trip.
Just sayin, I’ve seen plenty of “das” families waiting in long lines for another ride while awaiting a das return time, waiting in long food lines, waiting over an hour for shows, etc. So they’re essentially treating the program like a FP program snd they obviously have the ability to wait in line.

Using DAS in some lines and not in others is actually proof of it not being abused.
The problem is that there will always be two camps. One is the people who legitimately need DAS. They use the system and it’s advantages to make their vacations work for them. Because many people have invisible disabilities, they take the notion of “looking like you’re cheating” very personally. Which is understandable. Because they need these accommodations, talking about the abuses within the system is always going to be hard. In order to stop the abuse, Disney would need to take away the very advantages people need and when life is already a struggle, the thought of that can be very disheartening.

Then there there is the other camp. The people who abuse the system for the advantages it can get you. If you think what amounts to an extra fast pass using the current system wasn’t going to tempt some people to cheat, I think that’s very naive. I don’t think the abuse was huge. But it absolutely happened. Once it becomes the only way to pre-book attractions, and you can do it 30 days out? That’s a major advantage. We are talking about people who used to be up at all hours to get their kid the right fast pass. People who used to hire disabled people to give them access to faster lines. The same people who made Disney redo the previous GAC system due to their rampant abuse. The reason it is encouraged not to talk about how to get a DAS on here. (They’re probably the same people who let their kid pee in line… 😜)

The thing is, I think it’s very possible to both support DAS and its accommodations, and still acknowledge that there are a lot of people who just suck who will absolutely misuse the system to their advantage. Once the changes come in, I think those numbers will increase dramatically, to the disadvantage of everyone.

I get that this is very personal to a lot of people (myself included). I also think it should be okay to discuss the fact that people misuse the system without it being seen as an attack on those who use it properly.
Just sayin, I’ve seen plenty of “das” families waiting in long lines for another ride while awaiting a das return time, waiting in long food lines, waiting over an hour for shows, etc. So they’re essentially treating the program like a FP program snd they obviously have the ability to wait in line.

Since you are such an expert on DAS, I'm surprised that you didn't remember that "food lines" are *not* applicable for DAS use - so let's remove *that* from your argument.

DAS does not offer any accommodations for dining, shopping or Resort hotel rooms at WDW. Those are all separate items outside the scope of DAS.
The problem is that there will always be two camps. One is the people who legitimately need DAS. They use the system and it’s advantages to make their vacations work for them. Because many people have invisible disabilities, they take the notion of “looking like you’re cheating” very personally. Which is understandable. Because they need these accommodations, talking about the abuses within the system is always going to be hard. In order to stop the abuse, Disney would need to take away the very advantages people need and when life is already a struggle, the thought of that can be very disheartening.

Then there there is the other camp. The people who abuse the system for the advantages it can get you. If you think what amounts to an extra fast pass using the current system wasn’t going to tempt some people to cheat, I think that’s very naive. I don’t think the abuse was huge. But it absolutely happened. Once it becomes the only way to pre-book attractions, and you can do it 30 days out? That’s a major advantage. We are talking about people who used to be up at all hours to get their kid the right fast pass. People who used to hire disabled people to give them access to faster lines. The same people who made Disney redo the previous GAC system due to their rampant abuse. The reason it is encouraged not to talk about how to get a DAS on here. (They’re probably the same people who let their kid pee in line… 😜)

The thing is, I think it’s very possible to both support DAS and its accommodations, and still acknowledge that there are a lot of people who just suck who will absolutely misuse the system to their advantage. Once the changes come in, I think those numbers will increase dramatically, to the disadvantage of everyone.

I get that this is very personal to a lot of people (myself included). I also think it should be okay to discuss the fact that people misuse the system without it being seen as an attack on those who use it properly.

this has to be the most logical and sensible post in this thread.

Look we all understand those of you with legitimate and genuine reasons for using DAS, many of which may be hidden or invisible and we all understand that it is a very personal and emotional issue when you feel judged and people think you are abusing the system. What every needs to acknowledge is that while the majority of people are genuine and using it for legitimate reasons, there are a minority who are not. There will always be people who will find loopholes, who will work out how how to game the system, just because they can and they know Disney can not question it.

How many times have all of us been at guest services to give cast compliments and seen all the people complaining to get replacement fast passes or anytime return fast passes, or free food, or all the other things that Disney does no questions asked when people complain. Again it is a minority of people gaming the system because someone with that genuine complaint got something free or extra and they want it too.

I see it just the same as the minority of people at restaurants who know how to game the system of getting free food. I used to work at Hard Rock Cafe. They had a policy of comping a guests meal, no questions asked, if the guest complained for any reason. Over the years, and I worked in 2 different Hard Rocks in 2 different countries, the amount of people who got free food was just astounding. One incident I will always remember, a customer complained that there was a hair in her food, a long blonde hair. None of the staff who had contact with her plate of food, from the chefs to the expedite staff, to the server and the manager had long blonde hair. The only person who had long blonde hair was the customer who complained, and got free food.

Iv'e seen it on public transport in my city. People abusing the free travel scheme, which is meant for old people and people on benefits, one person gets on the bus and tags on with the travel card, then throws the travel card out the window to their friend, who gets on and tags on with the same travel card.

Ive seen it on Disboards, with people asking can they get away with not getting their child a parks tickets because their child looks young and they know that Disney dont ask for proof of childs age at the entrance turnstiles.

There will always be a minority who game the system, who think that person got xyz so why cant I get xzy.
this has to be the most logical and sensible post in this thread.

Look we all understand those of you with legitimate and genuine reasons for using DAS, many of which may be hidden or invisible and we all understand that it is a very personal and emotional issue when you feel judged and people think you are abusing the system. What every needs to acknowledge is that while the majority of people are genuine and using it for legitimate reasons, there are a minority who are not. There will always be people who will find loopholes, who will work out how how to game the system, just because they can and they know Disney can not question it.

How many times have all of us been at guest services to give cast compliments and seen all the people complaining to get replacement fast passes or anytime return fast passes, or free food, or all the other things that Disney does no questions asked when people complain. Again it is a minority of people gaming the system because someone with that genuine complaint got something free or extra and they want it too.

I see it just the same as the minority of people at restaurants who know how to game the system of getting free food. I used to work at Hard Rock Cafe. They had a policy of comping a guests meal, no questions asked, if the guest complained for any reason. Over the years, and I worked in 2 different Hard Rocks in 2 different countries, the amount of people who got free food was just astounding. One incident I will always remember, a customer complained that there was a hair in her food, a long blonde hair. None of the staff who had contact with her plate of food, from the chefs to the expedite staff, to the server and the manager had long blonde hair. The only person who had long blonde hair was the customer who complained, and got free food.

Iv'e seen it on public transport in my city. People abusing the free travel scheme, which is meant for old people and people on benefits, one person gets on the bus and tags on with the travel card, then throws the travel card out the window to their friend, who gets on and tags on with the same travel card.

Ive seen it on Disboards, with people asking can they get away with not getting their child a parks tickets because their child looks young and they know that Disney dont ask for proof of childs age at the entrance turnstiles.

There will always be a minority who game the system, who think that person got xyz so why cant I get xzy.
Right. I think everyone acknowledges that every system will have some abuse. I just don’t think it’s that much compared to the people with a legitimate need. So then you have to weigh any extra security measures, and is it more likely to hurt people legitimately using the system. If the abuse is not rampant, then it doesn’t make sense to add measures that will create more harm than good.
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