Something About Nothing............ #14

I'll weigh in on the brussel sprouts. We love them in our house. Dh and I...not the ds's. Dd, sil and gd love them as well.

I love them best roasted or air-fried. With a little avocado oil salt, lemon pepper and garlic powder. Yum!!! I have also made them with bacon which is scrumptious, but also with a spicy honey glaze....yum as well!!!!
Thanks Lynne! I’ll look that up. I know last time I think I went through their FB page and searched Amazing Pictures, nothing.

Metro, fun license plate!

Paris glad you’re elk steaks came out well! The Apple/oatmeal cookies look delish!

Schumi dinner sounds great. Yup my mom used to boil everything to death yuck. I don’t think sauté or roasted veg was a thing back then!

Charade nope not too early to pack lol. I have things in suitcase already. My travel size skin care, hair products like leave in, and styling cream. I use hotel shampoo, Universals is quite good IMO. Also have my AP mug and popcorn bucket packed, a couple of sling bags and drawstring backpack. Bathing suit and cover up! I think I’ll go through my Universal tees today and put out!

We have nature vanity plates here, very pretty. Some of Bears (of course) some of mountains/forests. I like the one of the Spirit Bear, a rare white bear, subspecies of the black bear. But only thing I don’t like is every year you get dinged an extra $ for plate. It used to be a one time fee. Now you pay the fee plus every year when you renew insurance 😕
Florida liquor laws are a bit crazy though! Carding someone who doesn’t remotely look younger than 21. I was in my 50’s and was carded at a liquor store. At first I thought the clerk was joking! My kids were rolling on the floor laughing!

Pumpkin nooooo, it’s way to early for temps to drop that low. I’m not ready to let go of summer. Our heat hasn’t come on yet. We just leave thermostat set to 20 year round.
Helped daughter this morning with her vaccine passport, very quick. I should have waited a couple of days to do mine! I had a 50min wait online. But was cooking dinner so just periodically went to check status. Husband phoned the number, he isn’t very tech savvy and didn’t want to bother with downloading to phone. He’s getting a card. I may also phone and request one because what if you forgot to plug in phone, and it’s dead. It happens!

Keisha yikes. That’s way too close for comfort! Especially since you don’t know if hairdresser is vaccinated or not. Here masks are mandatory inside. For a brief shinning moment they weren’t for fully vaccinated but we all wore them anyway. Glad hairdresser took the hint from you wearing your mask. Did you like your cut? It’s so traumatic to have to find a new hairdresser. Especially when last one did a good job. I found many didn’t know how to cut bangs!

I‘m happy kids aren’t allowed in pubs here! And when mine were little I used to get annoyed when they were in a nice restaurant and not behaving. We went out to escape kids and have a nice meal, hired a babysitter. Not to hear others children acting up.

Well yesterday was beautiful, hot & sunny. Today overcast and won’t get up much past 70.
Must go get milk for my coffee. I used to only get a litre, but daughter has been drinking it so will get 2litre carton this time. We need more eggs. Sadly no farm eggs for awhile. Our friends have taken their motor home on a road trip up to the Yukon.
I'll weigh in on the brussel sprouts. We love them in our house. Dh and I...not the ds's. Dd, sil and gd love them as well.

I love them best roasted or air-fried. With a little avocado oil salt, lemon pepper and garlic powder. Yum!!! I have also made them with bacon which is scrumptious, but also with a spicy honey glaze....yum as well!!!!
I have yet to get one of these air fryers! Never knew what you can cook in them. I don’t eat fries or chicken wings lol. What do you cook in them? Is it the same as a convection oven?
Sue hope you get some reply’s about the air fryer
I have zero idea on what all are talking about also

I only cook for Mr Mac and self
Usually just basic cooking for us but we do order out a lot
No more papers to shuffle today. Trying to come up with my grocery list for out weekend shopping...and also fit in a few freezer meals as well. It's easier for dh and ds's when I have something ready for them to toss into the oven or instant-pot to eat. Instead of eating toast, cereal or pizza pockets :rolleyes:

Also will be whipping up some banana oat muffins. Instead of sugar, they have dates in them. They are sooo quick, easy and delicious. I just soak the dates first them toss them into my blender with all the other items....then of course add chocolate chips :o because if I toss chocolate chips into any baking, they eat it. I'll probably have to make 2 batches and freeze some for another day.

Cheers!!! That looks delicious!!!! Enjoy that beverage
I have yet to get one of these air fryers! Never knew what you can cook in them. I don’t eat fries or chicken wings lol. What do you cook in them? Is it the same as a convection oven?
Yup...essentially it is a small convection oven. Only uses less power and generates less heat in your house (during the summer). I use mine probably for at least 75% of our meals. I will cook most of our meats in it for sure. I also like to use it for our veggies as well - especially any root veggie. Our favorite is a meadley of sweet potato, carrots and beets tossed with a little avocado oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and thyme. Soooo yummy. Also brocolli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts...and asparagus is really good (and quick too) in there. to make more of a list...and my meal list I want to accomplish as well.
I have yet to get one of these air fryers! Never knew what you can cook in them. I don’t eat fries or chicken wings lol. What do you cook in them? Is it the same as a convection oven?

I had one Sue, lasted less than a week in our house. Gave it away to a friend who also got rid of it.

I just prefer regular oven/grill/slow cooker/AGA/steamer/stove top/any other method. I found they didn’t hold a whole lot if I wanted to make a lot of food. I didn’t think they cooked any better than regular methods of cooking.

Many love them, not for me.
Good evening everyone. It's another quiet evening of watching mindless TV for me.
Since I am home alone, I don't want to cook full meals. I have been surviving on sandwiches, frozen meals, and plain pasta all week. Today I decided to order some different food even if I can't taste it. I wanted Chick-fil-A, but I am out of the delivery area. I decided instead to order from Panda Express. it was my first time ordering through Door Dash and it was a very good experience. The best part however, is that I think I can almost taste the food. I think maybe my senses are slowly starting to return.

My one big disaster a while back was when I tried a was devoured with relish, but did not look like it was supposed to.....more like an avalanche...
I had to look that up. I don't think that is anything I am brave enough to attempt.

YAY for the TSO tickets!! I hope you love it! Good idea to stay over....when DD saw them, they played for over 3 hours with only 1 short break.
I went to a concert in 2017 and loved it. They happened to be in Orlando when I was there in December and the performance was also on my birthday that year.

I had the Jamestown plate when I lived there. They have a lot of different ones as does Florida.
My previous plate was the Natural Bridge.

Beautiful day here. It was very cool this morning - not much above freezing.
I'm looking forward to cooler weather, but not that cool.

He doesn't have a favorite driver right now. He was a Jimmy Johnson fan...and we were supposed to go see him last fall in one of his last races. He retired last year. He is cheering for both the fords and chev's. I found Aric Almirola ( chev #10 ) Hubby always comments about him. Also I seen that Jamie Little - she interviews the drivers in pit row, track and medic stations. I would love to have Kurt Bush send him a message...,but for $300.00 (plus exchange) it is a little out of my price range of what I had budgeted for his birthday surprises.
Yeah, $300 is a bit steep. I might would consider paying that if I could have gotten Bobby Bowden (former coach of Florida State football) to record a message for my husband. Unfortunately, he passed away recently.

Kids in bars.....I remember one evening we were sitting at the bar in Cowfish, one couple sat their 4 kids along the bar with an electronic game thingy each......ordered them water and they sat with whatever they had......taking up 6 seats and the bar staff were annoyed. Then they didn`t tip correctly....there`s another tale!! I agree, leave bars/pubs for the adults......
Gotta love entitled people. B never liked (and still doesn't) restaurants with a bar like atmosphere. I think they are too noisy for her.

If we ever do a sans potluck dinner as a group, I’ll remember not to bring Brussels sprouts as assume I would be the only one that would eat them
Add me to the list of people who will eat Brussels sprouts.

Charade nope not too early to pack lol.
Well, to early for me to pack. I usually pack the night before. I do have some travel sized toiletries in a bag ready to be put into the suitcase. I bought myself a little TSA approved clear travel bag. I got tired of running out of zip lock bags.

Tonight's fortune cookie. Let's hope this is true.


Quiet night for me too. Made chicken tacos, soft tacos. I must say, I cooked the chicken perfectly. Was so tasty, for dinner tonight.

And so, cup of tea, and yeah not much on the tube tonight, so I’m with ya on that Charade. And yay, good to hear that your taste is starting to return.

Was a nice day, older one found some items he wanted, picked up my order, and we enjoyed lunch out, well, in the car.

Up tomorrow, as still to be a beautiful sunny day, a yard work day. Bushes need trimming, and have to repair our fence, as seemed to been beat up enough, we will get another panel and replace the one that has seen much better days. And may pick up some more cement mix while getting that panel, as think when we set the pole next to it, we did not secure it with cement.

But as a Friday night, alarm is off and hope my DH does not wake me at 5 am again tomorrow, as lhe did this morning.

Have a good night homies.
Since I don't cook I really like my Ninji grill...I have cooked steaks many times on it. Carole is a gourmet chef so she wouldn't need one. :)

lol......nothing wrong with the Ninja grill.....they seem to cook steak perfectly. When my friends son moved into his new home, we got him one with the temperature probe as a moving in gift......yes, he loves it!

Lush steaks........::yes::

Good evening everyone. It's another quiet evening of watching mindless TV for me.
Since I am home alone, I don't want to cook full meals. I have been surviving on sandwiches, frozen meals, and plain pasta all week. Today I decided to order some different food even if I can't taste it. I wanted Chick-fil-A, but I am out of the delivery area. I decided instead to order from Panda Express. it was my first time ordering through Door Dash and it was a very good experience. The best part however, is that I think I can almost taste the food. I think maybe my senses are slowly starting to return.

I had to look that up. I don't think that is anything I am brave enough to attempt.

I went to a concert in 2017 and loved it. They happened to be in Orlando when I was there in December and the performance was also on my birthday that year.

My previous plate was the Natural Bridge.

I'm looking forward to cooler weather, but not that cool.

Yeah, $300 is a bit steep. I might would consider paying that if I could have gotten Bobby Bowden (former coach of Florida State football) to record a message for my husband. Unfortunately, he passed away recently.

Gotta love entitled people. B never liked (and still doesn't) restaurants with a bar like atmosphere. I think they are too noisy for her.

Add me to the list of people who will eat Brussels sprouts.

Well, to early for me to pack. I usually pack the night before. I do have some travel sized toiletries in a bag ready to be put into the suitcase. I bought myself a little TSA approved clear travel bag. I got tired of running out of zip lock bags.

Tonight's fortune cookie. Let's hope this is true.

View attachment 603839

Good to hear you thin your tastes are coming the time your trip comes around you should be able to enjoy those lovely meals.

It certainly was a little bit of a disaster, I may try it again one day as it is a gorgeous dessert, or maybe I`ll just order one if I need one. It was funny though as about 10 of us stood still while watching it sink further down.

Have a great weekend, hope more taste buds spring back.

Just like that Tuesday morning, it is supposed to be a beautiful day in NY on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

This was a series of photos taken by my neighbor from our local park that we can see the NYC skyline from.

View attachment 603931

Started out with such a beautiful morning...

I don`t think there`s anyone alive that will ever forget that day. Certainly a day for reflecting.

Robbie.......hope you`re having a lovely time on your trip........

Another very weird dream night!

Dull but warm Saturday morning, soon as the sun is up it`s going to be beautiful, sunny all day today.

Walk early this morning before the heat builds, then home for rolls with bacon for all of us. So I doubt we`ll need lunch. Supposed to be a few coming to joiin us this morning, but for most of them.....I doubt we`ll see them, we walk far too early apparently. Best part of the day.

Still deciding what to do tonight.....stay in or go out for dinner or get take out and watch another Scary movie. We bought the new Conjuring dvd so may watch that and have a quiet Saturday night in.




Have a fabulous Saturday......... 😁

KStarfish82 those images stay with us all. I was off from work on that day and watched in tears as the events unfolded. It will stay with us all forever and I send thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by those events.

Pumpkin I have bought a Ninja air fryer ready for the caravan. Not opened the box yet but as soon as I use it I will be asking for your suggestions. Those veggies sound really good. Just thought it would reduce the need for frying in the van but time will tell.

Up early as replacement damaged item was due for delivery. Well it arrived but box is really bashed again. Took photos in front of the driver and also pointed out it had arrows on to keep it upright - which were upside down. Will unpack it shortly!

Kev is going up to DS to repair his lawnmower cable for him as he sliced through it this week! Em has errands to run with the children and then taking J to a games shop where he can swap or buy a used game. He loves to go there.

So if there is an empty house I’m going to carry on with my piece for the pilgrimage coat. I’ve used fabric from old clothes of the children but need to get it finished. Will watch the ceremony from NY and reflect.

Hope Charade slept better and everyone has a peaceful day.
Such a sad day, Kfish. Tears down down my face, holding my 14 day old baby, watching it enfold on the television. A day, never to be forgotten, nor the ones we lost.

And so, a quiet morning for me too Julie, sounds like a busy enough for the family, and hope the replacement was not damaged. Yeah, sometimes delivery workers have no clue as to keep an item upright, that should be set upright.

Robo, hope your travel was uneventful, and hope you are having a fabulous time while there.

Schumi, a night in, watching a movie does sound like a nice way to spend tonight. And ooh, always got me reading when bacon. Those bacon rolls sound lush. But you know me, tea it is. And maybe some bacon and eggs again for our breakfast.

Have that super happy, luxuriously relaxing Saturday.
Metro, fun license plate!

lol......nothing wrong with the Ninja grill.....they seem to cook steak perfectly. When my friends son moved into his new home, we got him one with the temperature probe as a moving in gift......yes, he loves it!

Lush steaks........::yes::
Cool...I haven't been very adventurous yet but I can cook a steak. ;)

Such a sad day, Kfish. Tears down down my face, holding my 14 day old baby, watching it enfold on the television. A day, never to be forgotten, nor the ones we lost.

And maybe some bacon and eggs again for our breakfast.
That's what I'm going to make.

Today is a sad day and you are right Lynne....we should never any of the lost.
No more papers to shuffle today. Trying to come up with my grocery list for out weekend shopping...and also fit in a few freezer meals as well. It's easier for dh and ds's when I have something ready for them to toss into the oven or instant-pot to eat. Instead of eating toast, cereal or pizza pockets :rolleyes:

Also will be whipping up some banana oat muffins. Instead of sugar, they have dates in them. They are sooo quick, easy and delicious. I just soak the dates first them toss them into my blender with all the other items....then of course add chocolate chips :o because if I toss chocolate chips into any baking, they eat it. I'll probably have to make 2 batches and freeze some for another day.

Cheers!!! That looks delicious!!!! Enjoy that beverage

Yup...essentially it is a small convection oven. Only uses less power and generates less heat in your house (during the summer). I use mine probably for at least 75% of our meals. I will cook most of our meats in it for sure. I also like to use it for our veggies as well - especially any root veggie. Our favorite is a meadley of sweet potato, carrots and beets tossed with a little avocado oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and thyme. Soooo yummy. Also brocolli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts...and asparagus is really good (and quick too) in there. to make more of a list...and my meal list I want to accomplish as well.
the muffins sound yummy! I got curious about air fryer because a few people I know rave about it. But jury is still out!
We‘ll just forget you mentironed the beet word. Ha

Good evening everyone. It's another quiet evening of watching mindless TV for me.
Since I am home alone, I don't want to cook full meals. I have been surviving on sandwiches, frozen meals, and plain pasta all week. Today I decided to order some different food even if I can't taste it. I wanted Chick-fil-A, but I am out of the delivery area. I decided instead to order from Panda Express. it was my first time ordering through Door Dash and it was a very good experience. The best part however, is that I think I can almost taste the food. I think maybe my senses are slowly starting to return.

I had to look that up. I don't think that is anything I am brave enough to attempt.

I went to a concert in 2017 and loved it. They happened to be in Orlando when I was there in December and the performance was also on my birthday that year.

My previous plate was the Natural Bridge.

I'm looking forward to cooler weather, but not that cool.

Yeah, $300 is a bit steep. I might would consider paying that if I could have gotten Bobby Bowden (former coach of Florida State football) to record a message for my husband. Unfortunately, he passed away recently.

Gotta love entitled people. B never liked (and still doesn't) restaurants with a bar like atmosphere. I think they are too noisy for her.

Add me to the list of people who will eat Brussels sprouts.

Well, to early for me to pack. I usually pack the night before. I do have some travel sized toiletries in a bag ready to be put into the suitcase. I bought myself a little TSA approved clear travel bag. I got tired of running out of zip lock bags.

Tonight's fortune cookie. Let's hope this is true.

View attachment 603839
So glad to hear you’re getting your taste and smell back.

well my eyes are at half mast
Charade encouraging progress fir you!
The house is smelling like fall with the first batch of cookies!
Nice. Was considering baking as jr coming for dinner. Stir fry I’m thinking? However, high 70s into 80s the next few days. Pit that idea on back burner. I like a chill in the air when making cookies for some reason
I have things in suitcase already.
Same. My idea of a bug out bag
Did you like your cut? It’s so traumatic to have to find a new hairdresser. Especially when last one did a good job. I found many didn’t know how to cut bangs!
I came hime & ahem fixed bangs.
We went out to escape kids and have a nice meal, hired a babysitter. Not to hear others children acting up.
Bonus points when they are given free reign to leave their seats to have free range in venue.
I have yet to get one of these air fryers! Never knew what you can cook in them. I don’t eat fries or chicken wings lol. What do you cook in them? Is it the same as a convection oven?
Cooks in half to 2/3rd the time. Healthy as just a spray of oil for same sort of crunch bite. There is a learning curve.

we enjoy wings, fries, zucchini sticks, crab cakes etc. hot dogs that were never requested here in past, now a nice last minute option. They come out perfectly

great for reheating leftovers including pizza.

I found they didn’t hold a whole lot if I wanted to make a lot of food. I didn’t think they cooked any better than regular methods of cooking.
Small ones basically useless, Need an 8 quart to do any serious cooking
And may pick up some more cement mix while getting that panel, as think when we set the pole next to it, we did not secure it with cement.
Oh yeah, with the ground freezing a great idea
Just like that Tuesday morning, it is supposed to be a beautiful day in NY on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

This was a series of photos taken by my neighbor from our local park that we can see the NYC skyline from.
Started out with such a beautiful morning...
Same as today. It’s a truly somber day of remembrance.

flight 93 passed slightly south of us after being diverted and went down not much further, after it cleared major population areas. RIP
Good Saturday morning Sans family :wave2:




Love the night light Robbie......and your trip is actually just around the corner.....nice....hope you have a safe journ

Thank you I love pumpkins especially Halloween 🎃.

Sounds a lovely day with your family members and some relaxation too for you, always nice to enjoy. I never get pedicures, but do love some salon time.

We had such a nice visit. I wanted to get my aunt out and she loves the restaurant we went to. It was so nice to see her smile. Losing my uncle was so very hard for her.

I do enjoy salon time too. Everyone should pamper themselves. I had the works......LOL......Hair, manicure and pedicure. Happy hair, happy hands, Happy feet. I had a Nursing Professor who said every Nurse should pamper her feet. I took her advice.

It`s shocking how many people are alone and don`t have any family members to talk to at all Robbie. And they do enjoy the chats, I listen for the most part and they all have such wonderful and sometimes sad tales to tell, but I`m glad to be doing something.

Have a fabulous trip......

You are a special lady. It is so nice you are there to listen for them.

I remember reading once that we earn the jewels in our heavenly crowns by the acts of kindness and service we do on earth.

I remember you said the sister (vegetarian) of your friend that you are not fond of thinks your a princess. Next time you hear of it tell her no “I’am a Queen and I have earned all the diamonds in my crown”.

People either have it within themselves to be kind to others or they don’t. There are a lot of kind souls on the Sans here.

Had a weird dream the Queen was a family member and not sure if she was my mother in the dream as Tom was having a laugh with her about me for some reason.......weird.

I had a dream someone broke in my house and I was frozen and could not move. I did wake up.....LOL.

Melon and grapes chopped with some pineapple and mango I think this morning and popped another batch of muffins in the oven last night, so they`ll be lovely for breakfast. Going to make some savoury muffins I think for tomorrow, I`m assured they are so good. hmm.

Sounds delicious. I like melons, mangoes and grapes. I really like pineapple, but it blisters my tongue so no pineapple for me. Muffins sound delicious too.

Robo, good to hear from you, and yay, for getting some pampering before you leave. Is is it next Thursday, not tomorrow, right? Safe travels. Lunch with all sounded quite lovely, and glad you could meet up with them for a meal before you leave. And yep, I have to stock up the kitchen for the family before I leave. And I hope you have a happy and healthy new year too. And great night light.

I left at 12:30 am Thursday morning. I’am at my house in Florida. Will go up to Universal tomorrow.

Another night of not sleeping well. Maybe I will get back to sleep later this morning. The only Covid symptom still remaining is the loss of taster and smell. Last night dh offered to bring me food from our favorite Mexican restaurant. I told him there was no point since I couldn't taste it.

So glad you are feeling better. I hope you get your taste and smell back soon.

nice. mcdonalds had a run of happy meal toys back in early 2000’s. I still have my light up madame leota one I pull out for Halloween lol. Burger King had a bunch of Simpson’s Halloween stuff too, have most of them. i’m sure my boys will inform their cardiologists that’s due to the number of kids’ meals they ate.

LOL........I remember the Happy Meal toys. I have some of the Disney glasses from Mickey D’s.

Thank you for the condolences Robo!

Neat Madame Leota ornament!

You're almost ready to launch for your trip!! I'm sure it'll be great!! Can't wait to see some of your awesome pictures!

Thank you. I’am thinking of doing a trip report. I will take lots of photos and share for sure.

Big news on the radio this morning! A new Chick-fil-A just opened about 12 minutes from me! I've only had Chick-fil-A in an airport while passing through. May wait for the hype of the newness to wear off, and then give it a try.
Does anyone have a preference on chicken places? Kentucky Fried Chicken, Church's Chicken, Zaxby's, Popeyes.......I'm sure I'm missing a few...

I like the Popeyes chicken sandwich.

Its around 86 here at just after 3.30 but in the garden we have 92 according to the temp thingy……

You are having Florida weather.

Robbie I will wave as you zoom
by on 75 !

I waved when I went by Mac :wave:

my Mum (who was in her 90’s when we lost her) was always busy on different projects. Beautiful sewing and embroidery. I have lots of lovely things. Watching a programme last weekend they read the poem “Footprints” and I remembered that in storage was an embroidered version Mum did so off I went to retrieve it! Now we know we are staying here I am putting it up in our bedroom.

What a wonderful keepsake.

Robo we have zero trick or treaters here! I remember seeing that mug in wdw! We were looking at them. There were 1 or 2 that came out that year.
Safe travels!

We still have a few Trick or Treaters

Got to talk with an old friend today. We have a setup where we FaceTime once a month. She's local but pretty far from me. Plus, she has some health issues, doesn't drive anymore, and doesn't like visiting people with covid so rampant. It's nice to complain about stuff and share things with someone who is like-minded and never judges. She's actually probably 10+ years older than me.

It’s nice to have treasured friends you can share things with.

lol.....when I was doing my Engineering Degree, one of the professors was permanently pickled.......he was like Uncle Fester in the original movie....dressed a little like him too.....but he was cool.

LOL........makes me think of a professor I had in college. She was always a little tipsy and she reeked of cigarettes and had dog and cat hair all over her polyester pants she would always wear.

And because of the announcement of the Potter night show returning the day before I

Great news. Also the Dark Arts show.

Excited about Dark Arts show back!!
And YAY it's that time of year for Robo's trees!!!

Hey! Monykalyn always like reading about your chickens. I think you have Diva Hens....LOL

Yep......trees are up. Get out the Halloween decorations. My niece said my decorations are scary and her moms are more happy decorations for Halloween.

You reminded me mentioning recycling carts......we live in a quiet village with not muh going on......two families were rowing in the street last week (I never saw it) apparently one family have started leaving their recycling/trash bins at the front of the house permanently instead of at the back.......not really the done thing here, so it became a war of words. I need to find out if they kept doing it or did the same as everyone else and kept them at the back.

We are required to keep our bins in the garage or behind the property. They can’t not be viewed from the street on none trash pickup days.

I bought a few fall decorations from Hobby Lobby last night. And brought up my big tote of Halloween/fall decorations from the basement. A few of the decorations light up and/or make noises....Our big dog freaks out easily, she's such a baby! DH was chasing her around the house with a giant spider that shakes and lights up. She barked and barked, it was funny! Secretly, she loves it....and always comes back for more!

Yeah! For Halloween decorations. Share some pics when you get done. I love looking at Halloween and Christmas decorations.

I was listening on the radio this morning and they were talking about " Cameo" where you can pay a celebrity to do a personalized message. I found a nascar driver ( one who dh likes ) and am going to get him to wish him a happy birthday and tell him about his tickets to the Daytona 500.

That is a awesome idea. You are so sweet to come up with all these special ideas for his birthday.

So disappointed we’ve just unpacked the delayed delivery and one of the mirrored bathroom cabinets is badly damaged. Now I’ve got to start the process of replacement and return. May end up just having a refund. On that note my peaceful evening is over I think I’ll distract myself with my book!

Sorry to hear you are having issues with your cabinets. It’s a big ordeal to deal with returning those things.

Couldn't resist giving the German potato salad a taste test as it came out of the oven, It smelled so good!!
For science, right? wink, wink!! (it passed the yummy test)

Sounds delicious. My hubby really likes German potato salad.

What a wonderful treasured gift to get some of your hubby’s grandmas cookbooks.

Can you take another pic of your Apple Oatmeal cookie recipe. It was not real clear. I would like to make those. They sound delicious. Thank you for sharing it.

Today I am 3 weeks away from leaving fro my trip. 🙂

It will be here before you know it.

Making some meringues for tomorrow night. Going to make individual mango and passion fruit pavlovas. The farm store had a glut of mango`s to use up, she said they`d be wonderful to pulp down, hope I can resist and there`s some left over for tomorrow.

The pavlovas sounds so good.

Also will be whipping up some banana oat muffins. Instead of sugar, they have dates in them. They are sooo quick, easy and delicious. I just soak the dates first them toss them into my blender with all the other items....then of course add chocolate chips :o because if I toss chocolate chips into any baking, they eat it. I'll probably have to make 2 batches and freeze some for another day.

Wow.......everyone is baking. Sounds good.

Just like that Tuesday morning, it is supposed to be a beautiful day in NY on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

This was a series of photos taken by my neighbor from our local park that we can see the NYC skyline from.

KStar...........I think everyone can remember that fateful day as if it was yesterday, but I know it was extremely difficult for those who live so close. Lots of hugs today all around.

Robbie.......hope you`re having a lovely time on your trip........

Thank you Schumi......official vacation starts tomorrow.

Beautiful sunny Saturday morning after a good lightning and rain yesterday evening.

I drove down to my home in Florida. Went to bed early Wednesday and I left 12:30 am Thursday morning. So I could make it through Nashville Chattanooga and Atlanta. The trip was pretty uneventful, but tiring.

I will head up to Orlando for HHN fun tomorrow.


I have some things to do today so I need to get moving.


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