Something About Nothing............ #14

Sitting at SeaTac waiting for connection to MCO! Flight boards in 30 min. Waiting for food at airport kiosk.
Almost missed flight this morning. I set my watch for 2 am. Must have slept through it yikes. A first. Next time I’ll use phone. Got to airport 70 min before flight. Good thing my airport is empty.
My airline is offering up to $450 to change flights. I’ll do it only if I can still get there in time for dinner on Friday.
Don’t do it
Not worth it charade
Once you give up your seat you could not change it back
Unknown how many hour wait you will have when you do the buy out and get reassigned a flight

could be a long wait or night flight you would be reassigned
Ack Sue! Glad you are again on your way soon! Safe flight.

Charade, hope you are on your flight now. See ya soon.
Good Thursday morning Sans family :wave:



Gorgeous night was had for HHN. Was very busy, and had a great time on Patty’s private tour. Saw all the houses and some we repeated, scare zones, some repeated too, snacked and rode mummy and grigotts twice. By the time we got back, close to 2 am. We did not want to close the park down. We were tired, but great fun with all that was with us.

Sounds like a wonderful tour. Patty and Joe are wonderful hosts and she plans out tour so well. Seth is awesome.

Have a lovely weekend and I`ve been so enjoying your TR....... :wave2:

Thank you Carole.

Hope you get your strength back soon Robo. I agree travelling is harder to recover from as we get older.

I’am getting things in order at home little by little. I really enjoyed my vacation.

I’ve been back up with my friend in Yorkshire and felt bad to leave her on her own last night though she does have lots of other support. Took some prepared meals up and trying to encourage her to eat a little more. Sadly still no death certificate so we couldn’t start on the plethora of paperwork but we will get there.

So nice you are there for your friend. I hope all needed paperwork falls into place so the death certificate can be completed.

Hope all are doing rest today. And good to hear trip back was okay, Robo. That is a long drive. Was nice to enjoy some coffee and talk with you. Hope to see ya again, next year.

I enjoyed our visits too Lynne. It would be nice to visit again next year if our travel dates align.

Yay for getting in visits with Bobbie & Lynne. Always fun to connect in person! That sounds like a wild storm, did they close the walking path? I know at HRH we always cut through the path in the Butterfly garden. It’s mulch pathway. Would be a shock to sink down!
Glad you made the drive back safely. How long does it take? I had to look up on map where the state is in relation to Florida! It’s further North than I thought.

About 14 hours if I leave to go back to Southern Indiana from Orlando and about 16 hours if I leave from my home in Vero Beach.

Traffic and stops for gas, welcome centers (for bathroom breaks and walking) and food breaks can all play into making it longer at times.

I try to leave very early in the morning 3:30 or 4 am to try and get through the most difficult areas Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlanta.

Tomorrow going to go through things I have set out to pack, and note what else I need. Decide on flight clothing etc. Also go get my Yams & pineapple to make my Thanksgiving casserole, make and freeze it.
Tuesday I have covid test booked then hair appt. Wednesday is packing day, and make sure electronics are charged and ready. Have to be up at 2:30am :( Thursday for 6am flight. Plan on getting to airport at 4:00. I think that’s when security opens. Not much point getting there earlier.

Safe travels Sue and enjoy your vacation.

Kyle is back to the office today....with real people again, so he is quite happy, we have some things to do around town and pick up a few things we`ve ordered and hopefully not need fuel as we are having a panic buying crisis here......everyone has been told not to panic and it`ll be fine, but of course, people panic. I think our tank is full as we usually don`t let it go below 3/4 tank. Some places were limiting purchases to around £40 each, that would barely be a drop in our tank. But, hopefully it`ll sort itself out.

Glad to hear Kyle is back in the office. I think it has been hard on the young ones during Covid office closures. Social interactions in the work place are Important to them.

Glad you're home safe!

Cinnamon pecan rolls, yum!!

Thank you. Now just getting caught up on a few things now that I’am home.

We had a busy and fun weekend! On Saturday, DH and I met friends at a local Oktoberfest celebration. We watched the Dachshund races, and boy were they adorable!!! Ace Skywalker won the race! He was such a cutie! We enjoyed some German drinks and food....and listened to a couple polka bands. A really nice time!

Sounds like a fun time. This area of Indiana was settled by predominantly German people so we have a big German Volkfest every year with German food and music. It’s in October. I haven’t check to see if they are having it this year or not. Hubby is 100% German.

Plus, I have diverticulitis. When I eat a lot of garbage, especially bready things, I end up paying for it. I am hoping now that I am no longer working that I can exercise more and be able to not always have to eat so healthy. If we can get out of Covid Stage 5, I will go back to the gym, and then if lower, yoga. Exercise really helps my health issues too.

Sorry to hear you have to deal with diverticulitis. That is so painful.

You know those funny magnifying glasses with a light on the top that dentists wear? They're called Loupes. DD had to order a pair yesterday to use in dental school, since they will begin some patient contact next month. Almost $3000!! And that was the student rate! Thankfully they will last her all 4 years of dental school....

I didn’t know what those glasses were called. WOW that is expensive. I remember while I was in Nursing School nothing was cheap as far as the equipment we needed to purchase. Even the books were very expensive. No complaints though. It was what was required.

Hi all- popping in after a long time away again! Came back to say we had a SUPER HHN tour! Thanks to @LynneG and @Monykalyn and family for joining us!

Patty what a lovely group you had for your HHN TOUR. So nice to hear you all had a great time.

Quick stop in before I start cooking supper. Chicken parmesan, pasta, salad on the menu tonight

That sounds yummy.

They would not want me on that jury either. I have zero tolerance for drunk drivers. Many years ago 2 of my cousins were killed by a drunk driver. They were children. Riding bicycles.

Such a tragic thing to go through. I’am sorry you lost your young cousins.

Boat ride back, after a very filling Bread Box late dinner. Switching hotels tomorrow, as getting to the end of my stay. Have had some great meet ups with MonyK, Patty, Robbie and Bobbie. Soon to say hello to Charade and Sue. Have enjoyed the parks, some pool time, and just relaxing.

With that, hope all have a good night sleep. 💤

Lynne hope you got to sleep ok and hope the transition to SF goes smoothly.

I enjoyed our visits too.

Enjoy your visits with Mac, Sue and Charade.

Morning break after 6 rides in less than an hour.

You are a commando on the rides in the morning. You did get a lot done.

Doing the 6 house tour and have a lunch break
Yes only 10.30 but have a 45 minute break

Mac hope you enjoyed your 6 house tour. It really makes those houses more enjoyable knowing a lot of the back story on them.

Friends had given us an overnight stay with dinner as a joint birthday/anniversary gift for a country house hotel we love about 2 hours away from us. But, trying to get it booked was difficult as they are more or less full from now till Christmas. But, they called us yesterday to let us know they had a last minute cancellation......could we make it there......5 minutes later I had our overnight bag packed and practically sitting in the car waiting to leave.

What a nice gift. So glad they called you back and you were able to make your trip. Sounds like you had a lovely time.

Sone great costumes on the walkers. Was way too crowded for a Wednesday, and with all the walking, soaking my feet. On way back from boat, met 2 TMs. Kinda made sense, as they said tonight was the only night TMs were allowed to go.

Great pic Lynne. Yep the feet do take a little bit of a beating with all the walking. Prop your tootsies up and relax.

So nice that Universal sets aside some time for TM’s to enjoy HHN

Added people to my RIP tour and requested Seth. I hope I get him again.

I hope you are able to get Seth for your tour.

Terrific Thursday homies.

Have a great Thursday Lynne.

Nothing like an earlier morning:

Breakfast with a fire breathing Dragon sounds nice 👍

Look at the wait times, Dino coaster 20 minute wait! Single rider on Hagrid’s wait: 10 minutes. How nice is those wait times?

Sounds like a good day to be in the parks.

Hanging with a Dino:

Nice pic Lynne.....Bet you didn’t pet him or her ......LOL

Having my morning coffee and looking out the window. We had a few days of warm temps here up to 90 degrees. It is slowly tapering into the low 80’s again.

We fired the lawn company we have use for past 4 years here. They have slowly killed areas of grass in our yard. Whoever the franchisee is they have let their business slip severely.

We hired our neighbors company and they were out and aerated and seeded our lawn yesterday.

I need to get up in my office today and go through some paperwork that is mounded on my desk. I also need to look at Christmas presents I bought and figure out who else I need to buy for on my list.

Our older grandson is coming in for a visit for a couple days. He will be here this evening. He and his wife and our cute great-granddaughter live in Kentucky. I will freshen up the guest room he likes to stay and in.

We always enjoy anytime we get to spend with family.

Hard to believe I was on the road back to Indiana this time last week.

I had such a nice visit with my niece when she flew in Sunday through Thursday at the beginning of my trip. She is so fun to be around. I think it is fun to look at the world from a younger ones eyes. It forces me to be more adventurous in my choices of food and drink. I enjoyed spending time at the pool with her and shopping. We had a great time at HHN.

It also gave her some time to getaway and enjoy a little vacation time. She has a happy, busy little toddler who we all adore J. His birthday celebration is Saturday and we shopped some fun things for him at Universal.

I usually watch little J every Friday morning. He is the Apple of his Aunt Robbie’s eye for sure. He is adorable.

I’am enjoying doing the trip report. It was a wonderful vacation. I’am reminded how much is involved in taking the time to do them, but I’am enjoying looking at the pictures again and laughing about the fun things.

I really enjoy reading others reports and looking at the pictures they take.

Carole I hope you and Tom are able to make your trip over soon so we can all enjoy one of your trip reports. I do believe you have inspired many to take a step out of their comfort zone and write a trip report.

Tom’s great photos on the reports have helped me look more closely at the photos I choose to take. You have both inspired me. Thank you both. I do need a gentle nudge out of my comfort zone every now and again.

Safe travels Sue as you travel to Sunny Florida today. Enjoy your vacation.

If I remember correctly Charade you are flying Saturday. Have a safe flight and enjoy your vacation.

Lynne enjoy the remainder of your vacation and your meet ups with the Sans family members.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.
Good Thursday morning Sans family :wave:

Thank you Carole.

Glad to hear Kyle is back in the office. I think it has been hard on the young ones during Covid office closures. Social interactions in the work place are Important to them.

What a nice gift. So glad they called you back and you were able to make your trip. Sounds like you had a lovely time.

Having my morning coffee and looking out the window. We had a few days of warm temps here up to 90 degrees. It is slowly tapering into the low 80’s again.

We fired the lawn company we have use for past 4 years here. They have slowly killed areas of grass in our yard. Whoever the franchisee is they have let their business slip severely.

We hired our neighbors company and they were out and aerated and seeded our lawn yesterday.

I need to get up in my office today and go through some paperwork that is mounded on my desk. I also need to look at Christmas presents I bought and figure out who else I need to buy for on my list.

Our older grandson is coming in for a visit for a couple days. He will be here this evening. He and his wife and our cute great-granddaughter live in Kentucky. I will freshen up the guest room he likes to stay and in.

We always enjoy anytime we get to spend with family.

Hard to believe I was on the road back to Indiana this time last week.

I had such a nice visit with my niece when she flew in Sunday through Thursday at the beginning of my trip. She is so fun to be around. I think it is fun to look at the world from a younger ones eyes. It forces me to be more adventurous in my choices of food and drink. I enjoyed spending time at the pool with her and shopping. We had a great time at HHN.

It also gave her some time to getaway and enjoy a little vacation time. She has a happy, busy little toddler who we all adore J. His birthday celebration is Saturday and we shopped some fun things for him at Universal.

I usually watch little J every Friday morning. He is the Apple of his Aunt Robbie’s eye for sure. He is adorable.

I’am enjoying doing the trip report. It was a wonderful vacation. I’am reminded how much is involved in taking the time to do them, but I’am enjoying looking at the pictures again and laughing about the fun things.

I really enjoy reading others reports and looking at the pictures they take.

Carole I hope you and Tom are able to make your trip over soon so we can all enjoy one of your trip reports. I do believe you have inspired many to take a step out of their comfort zone and write a trip report.

Tom’s great photos on the reports have helped me look more closely at the photos I choose to take. You have both inspired me. Thank you both. I do need a gentle nudge out of my comfort zone every now and again.

Thank you, he is loving being back in the office.....yes, they do need that connection with others more than we do I believe.

And thank you for the TR report compliment.....I`m enjoying your a lot and will pass on the compliment to Tom......:)

Hope the new lawn firm are better. What a shame the other one let you down. Our gardener is basically a one man band with an apprenticeut my goodness he works his socks off and is working to build his business into a bigger one, but with Covid it has delayed his plans a little. He promises not to forget the ones who gave him a chance now though, I`d hate to lose him. Fingers crossed this one is better for you.

Sounds like some lovely family time with your niece and your grandson`s visit, that`ll be lovely. And your little great nephew too....hope the celebration goes well tomorrow, they are adorable at any age really!

Yes, I hope the border announcement is soon too, for so many people.

Have a lovely weekend.....

Everything is packed except for a couple of medications I need in the morning. I’ve done online check in for the flight and hotel. My alarm is set for 5:00. I’m ready to go.

In honor of my flight tomorrow.

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Charade, hope you have a safe flight and a wonderful trip...... :wave2:

Been a busy few days here with our little mini break and yesterday one of my cousins who lives on the outskirts of Manchester spent the day with us. She works for the police in CID and was down this way for an event, so took an extra day to see us. She always has the best stories! Had a lovely day with her and took her to lunch and dinner yesterday before dropping her at her hotel, she`s leaving early this morning to travel back up, but another nice little surprise for this week.

Also spoke to my cousins who were both at RP over the last few weeks, they had a blast and happy to report no bad issues anywhere and both of them enjoyed our suggested restaurants, they had lovely evenings at The Palm which I was so pleased about and the only place they didn`t enjoy was Big Fire.....I did tell them not to go there as so many folks who I trust with their opinion said not to bother. But happy their trips were a success. One is back next week, but trying PB as her niece is now working there as part of her training.

Today weather looks sucky.......high winds are hitting us now and again and some rain, but weekend looks mixed, but getting much cooler.

Going some clothes shopping this morning and hope to find some new boots, yes, it`s that time of year...... and maybe walk this afternoon once the wind dies down and sun is due to pop up.






Happy October 1st and Happy Friday 🎃👻
Good morning! Waking up in Orlando! Flight was great! Free upgrade to premium economy ThanKyocera Alaska! And middle seat was empty! Took Universal shuttle over. Left airport at 7:00pm. Sat 30 min waiting for passenger. I’m used to that with Disney shuttle.
SF is nice, what I’ve seen of it. Room very comfy. Walked over to Cabana Bay food court for dinner.
Busy day today. Time to get rolling!
Hi Sue, I’ve been up, but not moving fast. Give a text if like to meet up in parks. And yay, both at SF, with Charade close behind.

Yay, first of October it is Schumi. Nice to get away, family visit, and maybe did some boot shopping today. Hope the weather cleared for a walk this afternoon.

And so, my tea is done. May try to start getting ready. Another 91 degrees partly cloudy day, with no rain in forecast. Perfect for my last full day here. The time has flown by, and I leave tomorrow. But have had a great time meeting homies, sharing meals, chatting, and enjoy the parks during the day, and nights.

Fabulous Friday feeling homies. Yay!
Checking in

our room view at BWV was

Got a kick out of watching where 2 eagles would perch

Harmonious at Epcot preview Disney started to get wildly busy Wednesday

Moved over to HRH yesterday. Just dawned on me I haven’t looked out the window, yet


long day yesterday, nice early dinner at finnegans. Lots of walking at HHN. Did see all the houses. Jury is definitely out for all of us there. Hoping for better timing on scares tonight. Planning on a dip in pool when I can rouse the mr Well before jr awakens & hustles us to parks

feet don’t fail me now!:p


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