Something About Nothing............ #14

love making my own stock, time consuming but so worth it
I’ve taken to Using a crockpot overnight for Turkey carcass broth

kiddo requested taco soup of all things, last minute rush. Didn’t realize I had grabbed hot variety of prepackaged taco seasoning instead of usual mild version. Mouths are still Tingling

Zoom in & Ck out the cupcake from fancy bakery near orthodontist office. Chocolate Filled with strawberry filing. Audrey fashioned from a strawberry with icing accents. Feed me Seymour

Good evening. We are so close to finishing our indoor construction projects. I think he should be completely finished tomorrow. The last thing we are going to do (aside from the floor) is replace the front steps to the house.

not unusual here to add rice instead of noodles in soup. I tend to use noodles more, but when have leftover rice, I’ll add that instead.
Put me down as a noodles person.

I just heard about this today...did anyone else hear about it or did I miss it?
I saw something about this on the UOAP Facebook page. People are crazy.

the bane of vertically challenged women everywhere. I refuse to deal with them. when selling homes actively, experienced more than a few people pass on purchasing homes because of that unfortunate placement Of MW.
I think if we can put the microwave over the stove it won't be too high for me. Unfortunately, I think that with our kitchen setup the microwave might be to low over the stove.

I love pasta...all kinds...I guess I'm part Italian.
We eat way too much pasta in my house.

I ordered something for my DH and his brother for Xmas back in August....They finally came in!! Geez, good thing I planned this out extra early....I'll run to the shop this afternoon to pick them up.
I keep hearing about supply chain issues. I've just started buying things as I think of them. DH and I aren't buying much for each other this year since we are doing the home renovations.

A quick snowy morning check in

Yup...woke up to a light dusting of the white stuff already
No! Too early for snow.

Y'all have got me craving soup now. My favorites are thick, creamy soups.
Well my pork with peppers abd rice crossed in sesame teriyaki sauce was a big hit. Well, made burgers for little one, as she’s not a pork fan.

Last of my tea, as getting close to my bedtime.

Glad to hear indoor projects almost done Charade.

Ack, I’m not ready for the cold, Pumpkin. Sending some toasty weather your way. But not quite here, as the overnight lows this week are 40 to 43. But where I’m in the suburbs, saying in the 30’s some nights. Broke down and turned on the heater this morning. House felt just too cold for me.

Ooh get ready, get a hankering for tacos, as Keisha already had her lip tingling seasoning, so a Taco Bell dinner may be in your future. 🌮
No one is ever ready for the cold weather Lynne

many of us prefer good weather where we do not have to bundle up like Eskimo’s

I got blocked today from the board yesterday
But am now ok and can participate on posting
Now and it feels good to be back here

It’s late and after I am up I will play
ketchup on the thread

sounds like All here are doing good
So will see you in the morning
Ah yes, will be having that glorious sunny day. And with a clear sky this morning, a balmy 43 out. And our more average Fall temp, is our high temp of 67. And I know I’ll be in lightweight pants, but the kids will be in shorts. As my older one said, pants are when it’s closer to the single digits and it’s wet out. And even then, maybe. Yeah, I’ll still be in my pants today. But a short sleeved shirt. Looking forward to a refreshing lunchtime walk with my shades on.

And so, hope Mac is still fast asleep, and Schumi had nice weather for a long walk this morning. With some morning tea drank too. And Metro is probably up with me, in that early week day routine starting time. And hope Paris has recovered from that fun lake weekend, and Charade has a worker in the house soon, with Pumpkin hopefully fast asleep as well. And hope Keisha doesn’t get too tired with her mini me keeping her busy.

But as it’s that second day of the week days, it’s a Tuesday. A Taco Tuesday. Yay, the day Mac and some other homies will be enjoying a Taco Bell meal today. But no matter your meal choices today, have a Terrific Tuesday.

Ooh end of post means more tea for me. 😊
I’ve taken to Using a crockpot overnight for Turkey carcass broth

kiddo requested taco soup of all things, last minute rush. Didn’t realize I had grabbed hot variety of prepackaged taco seasoning instead of usual mild version. Mouths are still Tingling

Zoom in & Ck out the cupcake from fancy bakery near orthodontist office. Chocolate Filled with strawberry filing. Audrey fashioned from a strawberry with icing accents. Feed me Seymour

View attachment 614300

Even with chocolate, that looks good!! Little one looks happy to have

I moaned for weeks (to myself) I needed a new finally got one, so I`m darned well going to use it after seeking the perfect one out!! It`s huge and ideal for making stocks......but I`ve never thought about using the crock pot overnight....that would work too.

hope the mouth cooled down!

Good evening. We are so close to finishing our indoor construction projects. I think he should be completely finished tomorrow. The last thing we are going to do (aside from the floor) is replace the front steps to the house.

Put me down as a noodles person.

I saw something about this on the UOAP Facebook page. People are crazy.

I think if we can put the microwave over the stove it won't be too high for me. Unfortunately, I think that with our kitchen setup the microwave might be to low over the stove.

We eat way too much pasta in my house.

I keep hearing about supply chain issues. I've just started buying things as I think of them. DH and I aren't buying much for each other this year since we are doing the home renovations.

No! Too early for snow.

Y'all have got me craving soup now. My favorites are thick, creamy soups.

Glad to see the work will be finished soon.....always good to see.

We ended up having the soup today after all, it was thick creamy and very warming.

No one is ever ready for the cold weather Lynne

many of us prefer good weather where we do not have to bundle up like Eskimo’s

I got blocked today from the board since early morning
But am now ok and can participate on posting
Now and it feels good to be back here

but I am back now and very happy!

It’s late and after I am
So will play ketchup on the morning

sounds like All here are doing good
So will see you in the morning

Yep, no one looks forward to cold are so lucky to be able to enjoy much milder weather than most.......

We are having very temperate weather now after being baltic on Friday. Headed out this morning when it was not quite light as rain was due around 10ish.....we passed our milkman as he was coming up our driveway, he did look surprised as we passed him.......but as it turned out we got wet.

Incredibly mild at around 60F at 7.15 this morning, but no wind so when the light rain came on it wasn`t so bad. Walked our 7 miles but it was much quieter than usual as the weather seemed to put most folks off.

Made the curried parsnip and apple soup, you`re supposed to add lemon juice, but I have Sumac in the spice cabinet as an alternative, I like it, Tom isn`t the biggest fan of citrus savoury dishes, but he enjoyed it, cleared our plates anyway!

Not sure what to do this afternoon.....but some beautiful cod loin for dinner tonight, won`t take long to cook, but, will make a butter sauce for the side and some steamed vegetables.

And sun is shining now.......
Just a quick stop in before I start the daily paper shuffle :wave2:

Still chilly here. I was thankful I'm driving dh's truck today. I really do love those seat warmers :rotfl: Crossing my fingers that the weather gets a little warmer today.

@Charade 67 it's great when the work is almost done and wrapping up. I've been slowly stocking up on a few items we use regularly due to the whispers of supply chain issues. Just wanting to stock up the pantry a little more than we have had lately. When covid struck, we had a very full pantry, and since then we haven't really restocked it like it was. It's time to stock it up a little bit more again.

@macraven You moved in the right direction!!!! Dressing for the cold weather sucks!!!!!

@Lynne G enjoy that lunchtime walk.

@schumigirl that soup sounds delicious. I'm always game to try new things like that.

Well, I should probably start shuffling some papers around and earn my keep around here.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!!!
Ran my errands, enjoying a big mug of prince of wales & considering grabbing a choc chip cookie. Appetite is decidedly off today for some reason, that rarely happens.

planning on doing much of nuthin the rest of day…hooray. Well, other than taking the pooch out to enjoy himself. Nice to be able to keep continuing to enjoy the beautiful weather here. I reserve my right to still hate fall tho:tilt:
Another slow day today. Work just drags by. We are having another beautiful day. The a/c is off and the windows are open.

We got some good news from our church today. There is a young couple in my Sunday school class who have been trying to adopt a baby. Well, their son was born yesterday. Now we need to put together a quick baby shower.

I've been slowly stocking up on a few items we use regularly due to the whispers of supply chain issues. Just wanting to stock up the pantry a little more than we have had lately. When covid struck, we had a very full pantry, and since then we haven't really restocked it like it was. It's time to stock it up a little bit more again.
Sadly, my kitchen looks like Old Mother Hubbard's place. Now that we have the kitchen mostly finished, we need to do a good grocery run.

planning on doing much of nuthin the rest of day…hooray.
Sounds like a good plan.

I need to run to the grocery and get some food for Caspian. I think we have one meal left.
Ran my errands, enjoying a big mug of prince of wales & considering grabbing a choc chip cookie. Appetite is decidedly off today for some reason, that rarely happens.

planning on doing much of nuthin the rest of day…hooray. Well, other than taking the pooch out to enjoy himself. Nice to be able to keep continuing to enjoy the beautiful weather here. I reserve my right to still hate fall tho:tilt:

Sounds an ideal day Janet......hope you feel ok later. You can share the cookies if it helps....... ::yes::

I think autumn might be my favourite of the seasons.....although I can never decide which one I really prefer after summer :sunny:

Another slow day today. Work just drags by. We are having another beautiful day. The a/c is off and the windows are open.

We got some good news from our church today. There is a young couple in my Sunday school class who have been trying to adopt a baby. Well, their son was born yesterday. Now we need to put together a quick baby shower.

Sadly, my kitchen looks like Old Mother Hubbard's place. Now that we have the kitchen mostly finished, we need to do a good grocery run.

Sounds like a good plan.

I need to run to the grocery and get some food for Caspian. I think we have one meal left.

How lovely for the couple from church. Hope the shower goes well when it happens......

Had a chatty night catching up with various one seems to be up to anything but, it`s that time of year no one really does anything much. Waiting for the festive season to be upon us I think.

It rained tonight, so hope it clears for the morning, but incredibly mild...then you read the forecast and they tell you some cold weather is on the way after thunderstorms and 50mph winds on Thursday.....lovely. I think only top end of Scotland will get snow....hopefully.

Made a batch of cherry and vanilla muffins tonight, had one with a pot of tea and might have one or two for breakfast tomorrow. Not very healthy, but nice all the same.

Not long till bedtime here.....fancy an early night.......

Aww, congratulations to the couple and hope they do have a baby shower. So nice to hear good news.

Was a glorious day for us too. That beautiful blue sky. Enjoyed my lunchtime walk enough, was hard to want to come inside.

But now it’s nighttime and relaxing us our mode.
Ah up with Metro and some other homies this very dark early morning.

And who do I see:


Ah yes, a Fall feeling camel this Wednesday.

So hope all will be enjoying this wonderful Wednesday, as get over this hump of a day, and yay, Friday will be the day after tomorrow. And another yay, as Friday means the start of my three day weekend. Just because. 😊

And so, some more glorious sunshine, with a warmer 54 degrees out right now, and that perfect Fall high temp of 75. And so, while hot tea in my cup, shorts are on. Why yes, it’s warm enough even for me, as pants will feel too hot.

Good Morning homies. Hope you are doing well, and most enjoying a good night’s sleep.
Never trust a weather much for heavy rain. We were out before full light this morning to get a walk in before the rain, and it is lovely. Well, lovely for this time of year for us. Very mild and sunny.

Enjoyed the walk, another 7 miles totted up....home, showered and out to a farm store for fresh produce. Picked up some preserved ginger she makes herself, I get that all to myself as no one else likes it.......

Some housework today and some soup for lunch, doing crab cakes for dinner tonight as it`s just us.

Missing our Wednesday couples lunch this week......

Wondering where my early morning buddy Todd is today....... :wave2:




Happy Wednesday
Good morning. I have some rare free time before going to work today.

Last night dh and I went to our favorite Mexican restaurant. While we were there some men at a nearby table started singing. They were a barbershop quartet. So cool.

Also last night I found a set of luggage for B online at Kohls for a really good price. They were also offering an additional 20% off AND I got $50 back in Kohls cash. I'm going to use the Kohls cash to buy something off her Christmas list.

How lovely for the couple from church. Hope the shower goes well when it happens......
Aww, congratulations to the couple and hope they do have a baby shower. So nice to hear good news.

They said that the birth mother has 10 days to change her mind about the adoption, so the shower will probably be sometime in November. We are all excited because this is our first class baby in several years and also the first boy.

Never trust a weather much for heavy rain.
My favorite forecast was the year we were supposed to get a little snow. The forecast called for a coating to an inch. I have a picture of me sticking a ruler into snow 7 inches deep.

Wow, I still have 30 minutes to kill before I have to leave for work. I am not used to this.


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