Debt Dumpers 2021

I haven’t posted an update in quite a while but have been following along with everyone. The majority of my financial goals have been met already so there really isn’t much to update on.

2021 Financial Goals:
Mortgage: Refinanced mortgage in March to lower required monthly payments, however will continue to overpay to be mortgage free by June 2026. Latest update – this is still the plan, however a big part of this payoff plan was reliant on using a portion of my annual bonus each year. In general, this was not a stretch/wish – I’ve been with the company for over 22 years and only 2 of those years did we not get a bonus – it’s a pretty reliable source of extra income although I NEVER rely on it for normal expenses, just for above and beyond type of things. However, it was recently announced that our company is getting acquired by another and there is no guarantee that the annual bonus will continue to be a part of our compensation. That will suck if we lose it - because of my tenure and position with the company, it can be a pretty big number for me, like 5 digits that can start with a 2 kind of number - but nothing I can do about it at the moment so I will just keep to the plan until I have to change the plan.

Max out 401K contributions. Current contributions will meet this by year end. I had to up my contributions for the last 5 paychecks of the year because of a screwup with payroll when I started my new role (basically, nothing was taken out of my paycheck for my 401K contribution for my 2 October paychecks). Sucks that these paychecks will be smaller to accommodate, but not really a hardship so it’s all good. Maxing out my retirement contributions is more important to me.

Contribute $100/paycheck to my HSA. Current contributions will meet this by year endI have updated this goal to max out my HSA contributions for the year (and will keep that goal going forward into future years). My company puts in a contribution at the beginning of each year, and I have also made a small additional payment this summer, which should get me to the max once the year is completed.

Grow savings by $5,000. Will do a final report at year end on this. I should be getting a nice enough bonus to overachieve on this goal.

Other Comments: In regards to my company being acquired and my job… well, we will just see how things go. For the most part, there is almost no redundancy in the two companies – this is really a major play by them to expand their portfolio and growth. I am also in a division where they have almost zero presence in the market so I feel fairly confident that my role is safe in the immediate future. Who can say in the long term, but that can be true of any job. I am truly not dwelling on it. It will definitely be weird once this all finalizes – my company has been in existence for over 90 years and I’ve worked for them my entire career, so to be acquired and have a new name on my business cards and email and whatever else… will take some getting used to.

2021 Personal Goals:

Have a will drawn up – Not yet. Can’t seem to prioritize this. My company provides resources for this as one of our benefits, but I still can't seem to get it done.

Focus on health – Was doing really well with this and then had a work trip a few weeks ago and all my good habits went down the drain (but I did lose about 20 pounds, so great progress – unfortunately I probably still have 40ish to go). I have another trip I leave for tomorrow and will get back on track after I get back from that on Wednesday. Will allow myself to enjoy the holidays but still keep it in check. I did just buy the Wine Advent Calendar from Aldi’s this weekend. So, a glass of wine every evening in December leading up to Christmas will be my main treat. 😊
Have a will drawn up – Not yet. Can’t seem to prioritize this. My company provides resources for this as one of our benefits, but I still can't seem to get it done.
Do you know if your new company offers the same benefit? Perhaps get it done while you know the benefit is a sure thing.

Congratulations on losing 20 pounds!
we found that actually putting together our will was far less taxing than we anticipated (and that's despite having a special needs kid so there were specific provisions that had to be put in place). the service your company provides (or any good elder law/estate attorney) will have paperwork where you basically answer questions and fill in information. they put it all together for your review/revision and final sign off. the anticipation of dealing with it was much worse than the actual process. try to get it done sooner vs. later-it's the best gift you can provide those you leave behind who have to deal with your affairs.
Sooooo that 5% of me that really wanted to go to Disneyland for my birthday won out. 🙈🙈🙈🙈 My DH was able to take next Friday off, so we plan to leave after work on Thursday and hit the parks on Friday and Saturday. I was able to get a really good rate on our hotel for 3 nights and we bought 2 day park hoppers. But I plan on upgrading those tickets on Saturday to magic keys/annual passes. I justified the cost since it was announced last week that we'll be getting a $1000 bonus on our November paycheck. I'm excited to be going during my favorite time of the year.
Starting a new sinking fund: survival. The cost of meat is going up, fruits and veggies are ridiculously priced. One of hubby's friends at work is a hunter and agreed to teach me. We like venison, so I'm excited for the opportunity. A deer can fill a large chunk of freezer space. I'm learning about local fish and when those seasons run.
This season I'm mainly going to just tag along and learn since I don't own any hunting equipment. But a 5 year hunting/fishing license is $150 and something I'll probably get now. Then I can save for a bow or gun and better fishing gear.

I also just spent $50 on seeds and mapped out my garden for spring. This coming year I'm learning to can. My main goals are salsa, pickles, and pickled peppers and beets.
November check in-

° AMEX balance $8125 in January- Current Balance $278. Didn't end up paying it off- did some Christmas shopping instead- more on that below.

° Start a Roth IRA for myself. Done and same- no updates.

°Keep money in savings! Moved $500 to checking temporarily "just in case" but moved it back a few days later. I miscalculated a withdrawal and I didn't want there to be an issue.

°Purge the garage- DH moved some of his stuff around and it actually looks somewhat organized, however in the process he also buried by Halloween bins so that was a pain when it came time to put things away last weekend. It's all good now.

°Landscaping- Painting is done. Haven't added dirt or planters yet. Same.

Other things on my mind:
- Taking a look at things I have monthly subscriptions for. I feel like all of a sudden they creep up and I have things I don't need. Does anyone else have this problem? Cancelled my unlimited car wash subscription that was $20 a month, and when the 12 months is up for Philo (I think it's $21) I'll cancel that too. I went to cancel Amazon Music because I don't use that but then realized my parents do and as I have mentioned before they literally but all the groceries for the house so I think I can swing $8 a month for music for them. I'll keep Disney+, Prime, and Hulu. Oh I also have Audible which I do enjoy since I drive a ton, and my DS6 likes it too.

- I won't be getting my hair highlighted again until at least 2022 and even then IDK. I'm going gray which I am cool with and I have actually been trying to go more gray/silver. I have been to 3 different salons in the last 6 months trying to achieve the color I want. It has been a very pricey project and I am over it. I have dark hair so I know it isn't an easy ask but really I feel like I am getting nothing out of the several hundreds I spend each visit.

- Halloween trunk or treat was a great success. I actually ran out of goodie bags (made 125) and had to just go with handfuls of candy.

- Now on to Christmas! As mentioned above, I started- and finished- my shopping within a few days. I really didn't see the point in waiting. The kids "big" gift is a Springfree Trampoline that my parents and DHs mother also pitched in for. I was sort of against getting them a trampoline for the last few years but these are supposed to be pretty safe and they love to go to bounce houses and earth pillows or whatever they're called so I figured why not. It is scheduled to be installed on 12/23 so I am hoping to get the kids out of the house until it's dark so they don't see it and then at least Christmas Eve Day they can get it. Then I got them some smaller items like Lego sets (one is actually for me 😊), clothes, a few books for both, doll outfits and gymnastic leotards for DD, a remote control Jeep for DS, and an interactive globe for both. So really the kids are done and I don't buy for anyone else. There were a few things that I put on an Amazon wish list that family bought and has all arrived. Now I just need to wrap it and wait til Christmas. I feel good it's done and I am sticking with my plan to be done.

- Anyone else dislike school fundraisers? I feel like it goes on forever and even though I already gave I feel obligated to give a little more so the classes meet their goals. Ugh such a struggle.

Well I've rambled on long enough. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week.
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we found that actually putting together our will was far less taxing than we anticipated (and that's despite having a special needs kid so there were specific provisions that had to be put in place). the service your company provides (or any good elder law/estate attorney) will have paperwork where you basically answer questions and fill in information. they put it all together for your review/revision and final sign off. the anticipation of dealing with it was much worse than the actual process. try to get it done sooner vs. later-it's the best gift you can provide those you leave behind who have to deal with your affairs.

I can recommend this 140 page booklet:

5@55 5 Essential Legal Documents You Need by Age 55
Judith D Grimaldi, Esq. & Joanne Seminara, Esq.

Health Care Proxy
Living Will
Power of Attorney
Digital Diary….Electronic Information For the Executor

I only mention this because the final Digital Diary is a fairly new concept.
Your digital life will not end in cyberspace and could be complication for survivors to access . And easy target identity theft.
This coming year I'm learning to can

if you can learn side by side with someone who knows how to can and can walk you through it you will be set. once you've done it one time you will feel much more comfortable doing it. i would also suggest getting the jars, lids and rings AHEAD of traditional canning season b/c even in the best of times the supplies can get slim and if you look-most places carry them year round so if you get an ace hardware coupon every month or so like we do (or you can grab one of their free calendars at the stores cuz they have coupons as well) you can grab some periodically at a savings.

Anyone else dislike school fundraisers? I feel like it goes on forever and even though I already gave I feel obligated to give a little more so the classes meet their goals. Ugh such a struggle.

DETEST THEM!!! we got away from them for many years at our prior home-the city we lived in illegalized minors doing door to door sales so the schools initially tried doing tables in front of target and other stores but it was pretty much the death of the catalog sales.
if you can learn side by side with someone who knows how to can and can walk you through it you will be set. once you've done it one time you will feel much more comfortable doing it. i would also suggest getting the jars, lids and rings AHEAD of traditional canning season b/c even in the best of times the supplies can get slim and if you look-most places carry them year round so if you get an ace hardware coupon every month or so like we do (or you can grab one of their free calendars at the stores cuz they have coupons as well) you can grab some periodically at a savings

My uncle and extended family all can, but they aren't near me. They've all sent me links to websites and book suggestions, but man do I wish they were closer to me. I actually have a ton of jars already (with lids and rings and stuff) because I use them for all kinds of things anyway. I'll need to get more, but everything I make is going to end up in small jars because I just don't see us eating larger jars of things before they go bad and I'd hate to waste my efforts.
- Anyone else dislike school fundraisers? I feel like it goes on forever and even though I already gave I feel obligated to give a little more so the classes meet their goals. Ugh such a struggle.
Oh I can’t stand them. My kids are in their early 20’s but when they were in elementary school, the parents became so fed up with fundraisers that we were offered a vote on whether to keep them or just pay a fee per family, split into 2 payments. I think it around $60 per family per year.
We voted to pay the fee.
I was so tired of asking people to buy some ridiculously-priced candy or wrapping paper.
My mom was one of the few people who didn’t mind paying $10 for a roll of wrapping paper. Granted, it was far better quality than the stuff at the dollar store but I couldn't justify the cost.
I was so tired of asking people to buy some ridiculously-priced candy or wrapping paper.

i used to live near the warehouse for one of the biggest companies that operate those school fundraisers. once per year they did a 'by invitation only' sale of the products the school kids sell. i had a coworker that somehow managed to get on the invite list and was always allowed to bring 2 guests. we bought those overpriced rolls of wrap for $1 each, the $20 buckets of cookie dough for $5, the $50 cookie jars and other overpriced stuff for $ showed just how great the markup was and how small the amount the schools received.
I feel like I am bleeding money. All of it, or at least most of it, is planned but it just seems to be flying out! Have about 90% of my Christmas shopping done. Ordered shirts, socks, and underwear for my nephew for Disney. I had previously ordered him shorts and swim trunks but needed the rest. I want him to have a star wars shirt and a Disney Christmas shirt for the party but I think he can choose those while we are there along with a jacket or sweatshirt. I'm so excited to be in Disney in 3 weeks.

We got our new appliances delivered and installed so now I am trying to just get organized at my house. I want to put Christmas stuff up and start doing some Christmas baking ahead. My BFF and I always do a full day of Christmas baking but I always make the cookie dough ahead of time and freeze it in balls. Hoping to get that done this weekend and then next weekend make up the couple of things I made separately from her.

Only will have to mail my nephew his gifts (unless he finds something in Disney) and mail out baking. Everything else is either local delivery to people or I had it mailed straight to them. I love this time of year but it is always so busy! I'm trying to be organized and also enjoy it.
I remember doing the wrapping paper fundraiser stuff when I was little, and it was good quality but pricey. Who wants to pay heavy prices for something that will literally be ripped up and thrown out? I usually buy whatever is left over at the end of the year and use it next year.
The last school we were at did that flat rate per family thing in lieu of a fundraiser. I vote for that. This fundraiser is some kind of fun run and they ask for pledges per lap or a flat rate. I sent the link to 2 family members, gave some myself and called it a day. It goes on for like a week and a half and I feel like they guilt you into giving more because the kids get little parties or special dress down days for getting more pledges. The timing isn't great it being around the holidays and all.
i used to live near the warehouse for one of the biggest companies that operate those school fundraisers. once per year they did a 'by invitation only' sale of the products the school kids sell. i had a coworker that somehow managed to get on the invite list and was always allowed to bring 2 guests. we bought those overpriced rolls of wrap for $1 each, the $20 buckets of cookie dough for $5, the $50 cookie jars and other overpriced stuff for $ showed just how great the markup was and how small the amount the schools received.
I think the mark up is the school’s profit. I only say that because a coworker would sell gift cards for her children’s PTA. Not just a season but all through the school year. The buyer would pay the exact value of the gift card and the corporation would kick in a % of each sale. The % varied so you could choose a gift card for a more generous business if you liked. I really liked that as a buyer, I wasn’t feeling completely fleeced like I would feel after paying $7 for 3 bites of chocolate. Let the big companies be the ones to pay.
So I suggested this to our PTA and I was told the traditional fundraisers bring in a LOT more money than the gift card system.
Most of the gift card options had the company kicking in 1-10% of the price of the gift card value.

So while parents, relatives, etc all hate these fundraisers, it seems the PTA is very satisfied with them. Still I’d rather just pay the fee and be done with it. It’s easier than dragging 10 rolls of wrapping paper on the train to go to work plus carry my tote bag and lunchbox. No thanks.
- Anyone else dislike school fundraisers? I feel like it goes on forever and even though I already gave I feel obligated to give a little more so the classes meet their goals. Ugh such a struggle.
Yes, some types dislike more than others, anything where the kids are pressured to win some prize. I don't mind buying from the high school kids fundraising for band or football and have supported buying some of the time. Last time the holiday just before Covid, a pie for the holidays (didn't need, it was I think $20 for the frozen pie vs. the cheap Mrs. Smith couple dollars frozen pumpkin pie I would intend to buy on sale 2/$5, but whatever). When I was a kid it was the UNICEF box when trick-or-treating, and turn it in back in school. And then there was the infamous weeples fundraisers, I admit to being obsessed with those things.

I feel like I am bleeding money. All of it, or at least most of it, is planned but it just seems to be flying out! Have about 90% of my Christmas shopping done. Ordered shirts, socks, and underwear for my nephew for Disney. I had previously ordered him shorts and swim trunks but needed the rest. I want him to have a star wars shirt and a Disney Christmas shirt for the party but I think he can choose those while we are there along with a jacket or sweatshirt. I'm so excited to be in Disney in 3 weeks.

We got our new appliances delivered and installed so now I am trying to just get organized at my house. I want to put Christmas stuff up and start doing some Christmas baking ahead. My BFF and I always do a full day of Christmas baking but I always make the cookie dough ahead of time and freeze it in balls. Hoping to get that done this weekend and then next weekend make up the couple of things I made separately from her.

Only will have to mail my nephew his gifts (unless he finds something in Disney) and mail out baking. Everything else is either local delivery to people or I had it mailed straight to them. I love this time of year but it is always so busy! I'm trying to be organized and also enjoy it.
Christmas I am so far behind on.
Christmas I am so far behind on.

Me too. I'm just not feeling it this year. I'm still doing stocking stuffers for everyone but just giving the kids money this year. This way they have the option to save or invest it if they prefer. I've been so busy between work and visiting my dad often and dealing with his mail/bills plus our own and filling his pill organzier which is quite the adventure.
I'm still working on his slide show for his Feb 80th birthday and also trying to find a place to have his party which is still not booked yet. Also was shopping around for a fridge and finally finished that; it will be delivered Saturday. Also started shopping for our joint Christmas gift, a new living room TV. I'm going to delegate that task to dh. He is pickier than I am.

We are so insanely busy at work and they just keep adding on more patients like we can't ever just say "No, our schedule is packed." as if the whole hospital will just collapse and go bankrupt if we did.

Also we're probably going on the 5-nt cruise on the Magic from Miami right after Thanksgiving. I really need a vacation and the Magic was our first Disney cruise, back when there were only 2 ships. She has a special place in our hearts. Probably going to book that this weekend. We have airline credits that expire the end of Dec so we might as well use them up in a fun but relaxing way.

Just so much going on and not enough sleep. Got my flu shot yesterday and getting the Pfizer booster on Friday. It's still not 100% but I feel better to have that be fully effective before we cruise again. It should also still be in effect for our March 4 Panama Canal cruise.

My aunt (mom's sister) passed away and her memorial service was last weekend. I got to see my last remaining aunt then and she looks so much like my mom, it's amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. She probably thinks I am a nut job to keep looking at her face and saying how everything is just like my mom: eyes, nose, shape of her mouth. She's like a clone of my mom but with a different voice. :sad::sad::sad:
My aunt (mom's sister) passed away and her memorial service was last weekend. I got to see my last remaining aunt then and she looks so much like my mom, it's amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. She probably thinks I am a nut job to keep looking at her face and saying how everything is just like my mom: eyes, nose, shape of her mouth. She's like a clone of my mom but with a different voice.
Sorry for your loss. That must be hard yet as you say amazing the other aunt look like your mom.


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