Park and line etiquette


DIS Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
Not sure if this is the right forum category for this rant but...

Just wanted to express some gripes about park etiquette that I saw last week on our trip...

1. You're not gonna get that wet on Splash Mountain! Quit holding up the line to put ponchos on your kids and yourself! Suck it up, move along, and let the front tip of your hair get a little wet! Geez! People act like they're gonna get absolutely drenched on this ride, and it's never happened once on the many times I've ridden!

2. It's early entry, I get it it, you want to get to Seven Dwarfs quickly....but don't run over my damn wife's feet with your double stroller in the mad rush! Speaking of these damn double's infuriating to see how many people have their kids in these things that are old enough to WALK! Disney busses also need to have dedicated racks/shelves for the strollers so they're not clogging up as much space on the bus....better yet, have a compartment that opens up below the bus where people can stash them so more people can actually ride the bus!

3. If you're in line....STAND IN LINE! I had a group in front of me that was in line....then leisurely moved off to the side as they were yacking about something....I asked one of the fathers if they were in line....he gave me a snotty "yes". I'm sorry, but your group moved off to the side so I couldn't tell!

4. If you're not in line, GET OUT OF THE WAY! We were trying to get through to the LL line for Rockin Rollercoaster and a group of teens were just standing there blocking our path. I asked if they were in line and they were like "".....GET OUT OF MY WAY THEN!

5. I'll admit my wife pulled kind of a crappy move on a family.....a family ahead of us for Rockin Rollercoaster was checking their daughter's height for the wife, having been fed up with people for the day, proceeded to walk past them. She was done with people holding up lines.....I felt this was kinda rude on her part....but it was done and over with and I could see the frustration on her I stayed quiet.

I feel like we are a really courteous family overall...more so than many others I saw at Disney.....but even our courtesy has its limits at points...especially when with your courtesy you feel like you get taken advantage of at times.
I've seen all of the above. It drives me nuts. Just get in line, follow the line, no big deal. The line thing that makes me nuts are the interactive play areas within the line. (not sure if they're still there) but the kids would stop and play, line kept moving ahead... do you pass them? wait? meanwhile the line ahead is moving.....what to do!!!
I've seen all of the above. It drives me nuts. Just get in line, follow the line, no big deal. The line thing that makes me nuts are the interactive play areas within the line. (not sure if they're still there) but the kids would stop and play, line kept moving ahead... do you pass them? wait? meanwhile the line ahead is moving.....what to do!!!
Not to mention the adults are usually not paying attention to the fact that their kid hasn't moved forward in the line along with the rest of the party. We had this happen multiple times where we kind of had to try and get the kids horsing around in front of us to actually move forward. I felt like I was being more of a parent than the actual parents!
I feel like you always tend to see the best in people at Disney, and the worst. But sometimes, those of us who go on repeated trips get a bit overly frustrated at things that wouldn't frustrate or even occur to someone on their first trip. In my experience, if I get this angry... I take a break from the parks and have a tasty drink by the pool and remind myself how blessed I am to be on vacation in Forida.

One last note - it drives me crazy when people complain about older kids being in a stroller. You have no idea what is going on with that child. They could have a mental or physical challenge that is not visible to you - one that may make a stroller make sense for that family.
Yeah, seems that way.
Sounds like you have something more you want to say? I posted this to let out my frustrations and have a discussion here instead of blowing my lid while at Disney. I know better than to be rude while in the parks. Doesn’t mean I don’t have thoughts inside that I wanted to let out here in a discussion when I got back.
I feel like you always tend to see the best in people at Disney, and the worst. But sometimes, those of us who go on repeated trips get a bit overly frustrated at things that wouldn't frustrate or even occur to someone on their first trip. In my experience, if I get this angry... I take a break from the parks and have a tasty drink by the pool and remind myself how blessed I am to be on vacation in Forida.

One last note - it drives me crazy when people complain about older kids being in a stroller. You have no idea what is going on with that child. They could have a mental or physical challenge that is not visible to you - one that may make a stroller make sense for that family.
Or the parents just don’t want a cranky child later in the day. I regularly get 15-17K steps from a day in the park. It’s exhausting! I love today’s strollers that have a step in back for older kids to stand on and hitch a ride. Wish they’d been around 30 years ago. So I say kudos to those parents for trying to give their children a good experience on a massive outing.

This whole thing seems to fall under one man’s trash being another man’s treasure. We all get upset at different things. Heck, depending on my mood I’ll even get upset at an action that didn’t bother me earlier in the day. That’s why it is better to rant here than to lose our patience in the parks.
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Or the parents just don’t want a cranky child later in the day. I regularly get 15-17K steps from a day in the park. It’s exhausting! I love today’s strollers that have a step in back for older kids to stand on and hitch a ride. Wish they’d been around 30 years ago.
No they want to control the trip, they don't want to slow down. They have made plans & want that perfect trip according to the plan. Putting a healthy 7(6) & up kid in a stroller is about control.
1. You don't know their situation. Maybe they have a child with sensory issues and getting their clothes a little wet will be a big deal.
2. You don't know their situation or why they may need a stroller. Disabilities aren't always able to be seen.
3. If they were in line and they're off to the side a bit, I assume they're still in line. Not everyone stands in line military style.
4. People stop and stand in spots all over Disney World. I walk around them and go on with my day.
5. Yep, that was a crappy move. You cut in line and tried to justify it. Possibly more of a crappy move than the things you've accused others of doing.

Finally, I've learned that everyone always thinks that someone else is the issue. We all have our quirks and moments of impatience. Letting things roll off your back would probably serve you well. You may not have gone off on anyone in the park (other than cutting in line because you were in a bad mood) but coming on here to vent all of this just makes you look really grumpy and that maybe you need to take a day to relax in the pool or something.
100% can relate, seen it all. I can't tell you how many times my ankles have been hit by strollers and scooters. And the majority of people get extremely snotty and defensive if you dare comment. I also don't like the people who stand in front during parades only to put their kids on their shoulders. Your kids can see... they are standing in front of EVERYONE. Don't be so entitled!
100% can relate, seen it all. I can't tell you how many times my ankles have been hit by strollers and scooters. And the majority of people get extremely snotty and defensive if you dare comment. I also don't like the people who stand in front during parades only to put their kids on their shoulders. Your kids can see... they are standing in front of EVERYONE. Don't be so entitled!
Yes! The kids on shoulders thing during shows drives me nuts. it hinders every single person behind you. I've even had adults come up from behind us, stand in front of my kids, just to get pictures of something. They ended up completely blocking my kids. It's like their photo was the most important thing and it was worth completely disrespecting my kids over!
100% can relate, seen it all. I can't tell you how many times my ankles have been hit by strollers and scooters. And the majority of people get extremely snotty and defensive if you dare comment. I also don't like the people who stand in front during parades only to put their kids on their shoulders. Your kids can see... they are standing in front of EVERYONE. Don't be so entitled!

Disneyworld is basically the Olympics for entitled people. Do you know how much they paid?!?!?!? lol
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