Fun, Sun & Strong Water Rum...*Yo-Ho*...23 Nights @ Sapphire Falls...A May 2022 TR

Whew! Of course, I knew everything worked out fine, but it’s still stressful to imagine being in that position! Now we can move onto the fun!

We leave for Orlando one week from today! I am really going to miss universal, but we are doing Discovery Cove and a day at Epcot for flower and Garden festival. I told my husband I want to get back to Universal on our very next trip!

One week!!! Wow.....I thought it was later in the summer you fabulous!!

Sounds lovely even though you won`t be at Universal this time, but.......yes, next time you have to go back to Universal!!

Oh yes, that stress we can really do without it! Sadly, looks like testing will be around for a while......but you never know, we can but hope common sense kicks in to the CDC and they follow the rest of the world.

I`m so excited for your trip next week now........:flower1:
So excited for this report! Congratulations to your lovely Kyle on his new appointment!!!!! How wonderful for him. Ugh, the waiting on test results is truly sickening but so thankful you got the go ahead! Can't wait to read more!

Thank you....glad you`re still here!! Seems ages since this started.....and thank you on Kyle, we are so proud of him and he has already fitted in so well with this firm, good to see him settled so fast.

Oh that testing is so cruel....the day before is just crazy, it was bad enough when it was 3 days, but it`s just so last minute. Yes, we were so grateful it was negative!!
Let's Get It Started! Whee, so glad to be along for the ride! And I did say a little prayer of relief when you both tested negative. It would have just been too cruel if you couldn't come. I didn't realize we also share a love of olives! Mr. Worfie hates them so I get any that come his way as well :D

I absolutely understand not feeling like eating a meal after all that anxiety. I'm glad you were able to while away the time and start to get excited. There's nothing better than all that anticipation when you know it's happening so soon, and all you have to do is sleep first!

lol.....I did enjoy sending you 3 ladies that "we can fly" email.......

No, I didn`t know you loved olives either! Has to be the plump ones in proper olive oil......none of this brine delicious. Unlike Mr Worfie, Tom loves them too, so I have to share.......

We did love our afternoon once we had settled down a bit and could finally relax and accept that we would be flying again........champagne helps of course....🥂
Yes!!!! I am so glad to see your trip report has started! I will be living vicariously though it, as I am longing to go back again. Still crossing my finger for an early December trip.
We got into the hotel and went straight to check in although we were far too early and knew the room wouldn`t be ready, but we wanted to hand over our luggage while we went down to the Terminal to do the fit to fly test we had to face. My stress levels at this point were through the roof and thought I was going to be ill a couple of times despite Tom assuring me it would be fine and we`d be ok. I was personally terrified.
I can totally relate. We were extremely nervous as the new variant was ramping up in our area. A co-worker had test positive the week prior so I worked from home as I didn't want to have a positive result.

The relief of getting that negative result was a flood of emotions. I started crying once we got to the truck. That little test makes or breaks your trip.

I can't wait to see and hear all about your days.
Yes!!!! I am so glad to see your trip report has started! I will be living vicariously though it, as I am longing to go back again. Still crossing my finger for an early December trip.

I can totally relate. We were extremely nervous as the new variant was ramping up in our area. A co-worker had test positive the week prior so I worked from home as I didn't want to have a positive result.

The relief of getting that negative result was a flood of emotions. I started crying once we got to the truck. That little test makes or breaks your trip.

I can't wait to see and hear all about your days.

Thanks pumpkin.

It is such a relief and I`m not ashamed to admit I did shed a tear when I saw both our emails were negative results. Tom took it in his stride of course, but I think he was relieved with the result too.

As far as we were aware we hadn`t come into contact with anyone who was positive, but of course you never know. Don`t blame you for working from home before your trip.

Fingers crossed you do get an early December trip back to Universal........


We`re back and finally over the lousy jetlag......although not a complaint as we are just glad to be travelling as normal again, so we`ll take the jetlag and go with it. So, here goes........I hope anyone reading this one enjoys it!!!


The lead up to our trip had been a mix of good and some not so good stuff. We had to head up to Scotland on rather short notice for a family member who had taken ill rather suddenly. All worked out well and we did have a good giggle later when we had driven all day up to Scotland, stopped into the hospital for visiting then checked into the hotel only to realise that among the bags we had brought from mini suitcase with all my clothes in was still sitting back home on the bed!!! spare clothes whatsoever.......well, you have to laugh!!!

So, after we went out for dinner, we stopped off in a large supermarket that sells clothes and stocked up for the next few days with everything I`d couldn`t make it up, but we managed and had a good old laugh about it.

While we were in Scotland, Kyle got an email from a firm of Financial Advisors asking if he wanted to come in for a chat about a position with them which was very exciting for him. He had been looking to change firms and was over the moon with this opportunity. Kyle actually has a First Class Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, but had ventured into the world of finance when he left university which many do with that kind of degree. So this would be another wonderful career move for him.

Long story short, we found out in April he had the position with this firm and he worked his months notice and left his old job on the Friday and started the new one on the Monday. He`s into his second week now and is positively loving this new move.

So, although we knew deep down he would get the position with this firm, or certainly hoped, it was still quite nerve wracking until it was confirmed officially......and add that into the worry of testing for the flight, it all added up to a stressful time all round. And all worked out wonderfully I`m happy to say!!

Which leads us to the all important travel day........


No, we didn`t sleep well last night at all. We had enjoyed a lovely bottle of wine and hoped we`d sleep well....but of course excitement kicks in and I think we saw every single hour on the clock, nothing new there of course.

I think we were really stressed about having to do the Antigen tests for travel tomorrow too. This could be a disaster if they didn`t show a good result!! America is one of the few countries that still demand we test before flying into the country, but we do as we are told.

Finally got up at 6 and jumped in the shower, then headed downstairs as I was like the preverbial excited Duracell bunny. It was finally here. Tom got up not long after me and we both said goodbye to Kyle who was heading out with his running club. He had said he`d give it a miss and wait till we left, but no need. I think it`s easier us waving him off, as us leaving while he is home. We`d chat plenty on Skype and he has a lovely social life to keep him busy and of course had his new job to look forward to. Once we waved him off which always brings a small tear to my eye, we finished off last minute packing and tidied up our breakfast things and waited for our car service to come.

She arrived right on time and we set off for the journey up to the airport and we both actually fell asleep in the car on the way there and woke up about 15 minutes from Manchester Airport. Never done that before........

We got into the hotel and went straight to check in although we were far too early and knew the room wouldn`t be ready, but we wanted to hand over our luggage while we went down to the Terminal to do the fit to fly test we had to face. My stress levels at this point were through the roof and thought I was going to be ill a couple of times despite Tom assuring me it would be fine and we`d be ok. I was personally terrified.

Once luggage was dropped off with Bell Services, we were still too early for our appointment, but we wandered down to see if they could take us early, the Terminal is a 5 minute stroll away.....the place was deserted so there were no problems and we both had our samples taken and told we`d get the results within the hour.

Wandered back up and went into the hotel bar that had reopened for lunches, and we both looked at each other and our phones waiting for those all important emails that would decide if we travelled tomorrow or not. We both laughed as we grabbed our phones for each notification, and then we each got the emails with the results we wanted, finally............both negative. We would be flying tomorrow.....


We had only waited about 20 minutes, but it seemed like hours!! First thing I did was let Kyle know and my mum who I knew would be wondering too....Kyle was over the moon as he knew how worried we`d been. Then sent an email to mac, Janet and Maria who had all listened to my worries leading up to and to our friend at the hotel to let him know we`d be ok to travel too.

We ordered a pizza to share, but despite it being many hours since we had eaten breakfast, neither of us were very hungry......I thought we`d be ravenous but we picked at it when it did arrive and we didn`t order our usual bottle of fizz to celebrate the start of the trip!!

For some reason they brought us two portion of fries which we hadn`t asked for, and they were mostly untouched. Our tummies just weren`t settled yet.


We paid and headed to reception to see if a room was available and luckily it was, so we retrieved our luggage and headed up to get settled in.

Rooms are the same as always.......and always immaculately clean which we do appreciate and the bed is a decent size and usually very comfortable.



We hadn`t asked for a runway view this time, we said we`d take the first room available as we were so early, and we had a view of the City in the distance and part of the Skywalk down to T2. We`d have a view of the runway from the lounge, although I do appreciate an airport is not the most scenic of places, we do like it however.

The Executive rooms are all on the top floor with the lounge, it used to have it`s own dedicated check in desk, but staff shortages as they are, you just check in at the regular reception desk downstairs.




We almost immediately headed into the lounge to chill out the rest of the day once we had freshened is a nice space to spread out a little and I think we needed to calm our nerves that were still not completely settled at this point.

It is usually deserted this time of day, and today there was only one other couple in with us, and they didn`t last too long before they left, so it is very peaceful....

They have prepacked snacks and fruit laid out during the day along with some cookies and the usual teas, coffee, red and white wines, beer and liquor which used to be only available from 5pm, but we noticed on our last trip it is there for folks to help themselves with during the day too.










Yes, not the most scenic of views but we do love airports and although there`s not much flight activity in the pm, we do see some movement and usually the larger Etihad and Emirates planes moving around.


The lady who tends to look after the lounge is lovely, her name is Marta and she has worked there for a long time. There was no bubbly out when we came in so when she came in and asked if we eneded anything we asked if it was still available and she said of course, she just hadn`t brought it out as we were the first guests of the day.........

And as soon as we poured the bubbly.......we did begin to relax a little after one or two of them funnily enough :rolleyes1

I don`t think we fully appreciated just how much our nerves had been rattled by the worry of the testing and the relief was palpable now and we could really now begin to start to celebrate and enjoy the build up to the trip!


We passed the afternoon easily, ipads, chatting and there was a lovely couple who were on our flight tomorrow who we got chatting to and enjoyed their company for a while, so time passed very fast in the end.

Just before 5pm, they put out appetisers and snack style food, it`s decent and is replenished frequently. It`s not fancy but it fills a hole. Usually we go down to the restaurant for dinner when we stay here, but tonight we didn`t feel like it, so we`d make do with the snacks.....and we had the bubbly and company up here too which was very nice.



I am completely addicted olives......and these ones were very nice too. The hot options from 5pm till around 7.30 were mini steak and ale pies, mini cottage pies and either veg or chicken samosas. They`re alright, but I do like hot food sizzling hot and they are just barely warm even in the hot plates.

But, the other items included some continental meats, Brie (my favourite) other cheeses, fruit and of course the lovely olives.



So, that along with the bubbly and chatting to the couple who were on our flight tomorrow, we had a lovely relaxing evening sharing stories and worries about testing and flying, we were all in the same boat.

We headed to our room around 8pm and switched on the tv and watched some nonsense and made a cup of tea......I have no clue what we watched but we did a Skype with Kyle before we settled down to hopefully having a good sleep before our long flight day tomorrow. Today`s stresses had completely disappeared now.

Now we just hoped we`d be able to sleep!!!
Hello Carole!!! What a lovely start to your trip! Glad everything worked out with testing…. we are stressed too for our trips to the Bahamas in July and RPR in August. Hoping the USA will get rid of their testing requirements soon. Love reading all the details leading up to your arrival into the States! 🤗🇺🇸
Hello Carole!!! What a lovely start to your trip! Glad everything worked out with testing…. we are stressed too for our trips to the Bahamas in July and RPR in August. Hoping the USA will get rid of their testing requirements soon. Love reading all the details leading up to your arrival into the States! 🤗🇺🇸

Thanks Brenda… was so good to have everything fall into place.

Oh goodness, you have to test for the Bahamas too?? They really do know how to stress folks out. Yes, hope it stops soon.

One of my cousins from LI is coming over to Scotland in August and she’s worried about getting back into the USA too……I don’t think some realise Americans have to test too to get back into the country, I thought that pressure alone might encourage a change.

But, you must be so excited with two trips coming up so soon……:goodvibes
Excited to read your trip report. The pre flight testing is so stressful. I’m sure you were so relieved it was all ok. Congratulations to your son on his new job. Great that he’s enjoying it :goodvibes
Thanks so much......

And thank you on Kyle`s new job, it`s funny to see him setting off in a full suit and tie once more, as his previous firm went very casual last few years in the offices. He looks so smart in a suit, so it`s nice to see that again. But, he is loving it!!

Oh the relief.....oh yes.......then we could just go back to worrying about the normal stuff again like whether the flight would take off in time......:)
Thanks Brenda… was so good to have everything fall into place.

Oh goodness, you have to test for the Bahamas too?? They really do know how to stress folks out. Yes, hope it stops soon.

One of my cousins from LI is coming over to Scotland in August and she’s worried about getting back into the USA too……I don’t think some realise Americans have to test too to get back into the country, I thought that pressure alone might encourage a change.

But, you must be so excited with two trips coming up so soon……:goodvibes
Yes all this testing is so stressful. We were shocked that the Bahamas requires it too. At least Canada doesn’t require us to test to return home. We are hoping by the time our August trip arrives the USA will have dropped it ! Congratulations to Kyle and his new job!!
How exciting!

Monday May 2nd

We slept fairly well I have to say, which is very unusual for us, so when all the alarms started to go off, both of us were awake and watching the area around the airport fairly quickly fill up with traffic and life in general with folks arriving for work and folks like us here to set off on our vacation. But, it`s surprising how busy that road around the airport is around 4am.

I checked emails before I went for a shower, I always use the hotel products here as it saves me packing shampoo/conditioner for one night, and they are very nice products. We were fairly reserved this morning and didn`t chat much, I think we were just tired and a little concerned as is normal to think about all our documentation that we still have to show before we check in for our flight.

I had checked in online last night and completed the Attestation form, so I knew that was in order, we still had to show our proof of covid and booster info which we did have online, but we had also printed them off in paper form. The hotel had printed off our negative results yesterday too, it was easy as we just had to email them down to the reception desk and they printed them for us, so we had them to show too.

Once we were both dressed we checked out and headed down to the Terminal around 5.30am for our 10am flight.

UK airports have been struggling terribly with lack of staff and there had been horrendous scenes on tv of lines of people waiting for hours to check in/get luggage in various airports and one of them was this one. But, luckily for us our terminal wasn`t rumoured to be as badly affected. But, many were turning up far too early as they were scared of the endless lines being reported, which inadvertantly caused more issues, so we would do our usual and turn up as normal to check in.

We walked into the check in area around 5.30 and there were already around 70 folks lined up for the Virgin flight. So, we just joined on the end and waited, fortunately within a minute staff appeared and around 5.45 they opened the desks and we wandered into the Premium line which was incredibly short and met one of the staff who check your passport and Vaccination/fit to fly details are correct.

The man looked at us and said "I know you"........I must have looked shocked, but he then added, I remember you from had indeed spoke to him at Christmas, not a bad memory for someone who sees so many folks. But, we had chatted to him for a time as we waited for the line to open, it was slightly less nervous this time. All our documents were thankfully in order and he did check everything. With the tests from yesterday, he did check the date the test was taken against our passport/name and of course checked and read out it was negative.......phew!!!

We thanked him and went forward to check in for our flight. This took only a few minutes and I was surprised to see one of our cases going out was just on the limit......oops!! I think we would be glad of the extra case coming home!! Our seats were confirmed and although they weren`t our ideal seats as we had people behind us on this part of the journey, they`d be fine. I knew we wouldn`t have a window directly beside us, but we could see out of the ones in front of us easily.

Now we had our boarding cards and luggage dropped off we headed down to the dreaded security that had been reported to be so terrible recently. We had purchased Fast Trak a few months back and I had read recently they had stopped selling Fast Trak as they were just at capacity, so we had no idea what it would be like.

We saw a huge line and our hearts was mahoosive!!! And there was a rather unfriendly man shepherding everyone to that line in a rather abrupt manner....I stopped and asked him if that was the Fast Trak line.....he just pointed to a seperate line to the left where there was not a single soul in the Fast Trak.....again....phew........funnily enough a man behind us followed us and was stopped as he didn`t have FT........I don`t think he was doing it deliberately, I think he was just not paying attention.

We got straight through with our boarding cards and joined another seperate and much shorter line for the security checks......the regular line even through this side was very long, but even though I got taken aside for a seperate check, it took us less than 7 minutes from arriving at Security to getting through to the other side. Not bad at all. We spoke to someone on the plane who said it took them an hour to just get to the second side after you scan your boarding card, then another 45 minutes to get through completely.

And I have to say the man who checked our bags in the trays was very nice and explained they were trying to do their best for customers under quite tight conditions....basically they are incredibly short staffed. For us, it was fine.

Once we were through that area.......we could relax again. No matter how easy is it to go through, it`s quite stressful by nature as you are rushed through and folks are being loud letting you know you need to take laptops/electric items and so on out of their covers and it is a little manic. But, now......we were in the Duty Free area where you are immediately attacked by the infamous perfume ladies who are relentless....far too early in the morning for all that.

I did stop to spray some Chanel and this woman immediately latched on and tried to sell me something else......she was very politely told no thank you.

We were a little too early for the lounge so we sat in the area close to the escalators which in November had been almost was so busy this morning!!! There was barely a seat, but we did find somewhere and sat down for the 20 minutes or so we had to wait to get into the lounge. You can book a time so you have 2.5 hours before your flight takes off.

We sat down with a load of people around us and then I did something that horrified, beyond belief everyone that was around me....🥴

I sneezed.

7 times.


Kyle often says I don`t just sneeze`s usually 5 times, but this morning I think something just caught my nose and I was off........then when I saw folks around me slowly slide further away, I took to laughing as well as sneezing which was not a good look!!! But, sorry it was hilarious and I couldn`t even apologise as I was still sneezing and laughing.......I am so sorry if you were there!

I blame someone wearing a cheap perfume.

But, it was almost our time to go up the escalators and get into the lounge. I had stopped sneezing by now.

There are a couple of full service restaurants up there and I couldn`t believe how busy they were and the lines of folks waiting to get in was horrendous!! I`m sure some must have had to give up as they`d never eat and make their flights surely.

There was a line going into the lounge this morning. There are two lounges attached to each other but seperated by glass partitions and moveable walls, one allows families and I think is slightly cheaper. We had booked the 1903 Lounge that was supposed to be child free, but if you had booked Upper Class through your airline, you automatically get access to this lounge, so if you have kids, they get in too. I`m not sure how they get to advertise as adults only in that case, but they do.

I had read in the weeks leading up to today that many had their reservations for this lounge cancelled, including two families who had been booked for today as well as some who had booked as far ahead as July and August. We hadn`t received any such email, so we assumed it would be fine, but we did wonder. However, our reservation was still there and we made our way into the lounge.

It was much busier than in November, but not completely full, we found a seat and went to get some breakfast which we were ready for now. Although we first had a look out at the miserable grey day it was outside.....our favourite type of weather to leave the UK in as we know we are heading to some sunshine.


It is a help yourself to any type of alcohol/beer/wines and so on as well as teas, coffees and juices of all kinds and it is laid our rather nicely.




For breakfast you have a lovely assortment of cold options and baked goods including the nicest Danish Pastries, to the other side there are several hot options including bacon and little tator tots which we enjoyed a few of. You can order toast to be made and eggs of any kind......we just asked for some white toast as we are not really egg eaters, especially before a flight as they generally don`t agree with me. I think when friends or us have brunches I will eat the odd poached egg, but that`s about it. Now bacon.....that`s another story!!


I did wish they would serve pots of tea instead of popping a tea bag in a very small cup, but that`s what they offer in here so we had a couple of cups of tea with our breakfast. Teapots would be so much nicer.

Staff inside the lounge are very nice, they are helpful and friendly and there seemed to be many more of them this time around, in November I think there were only 3 of them.




The lady had just opened a fresh bottle so, it would be rude not to accept her very kind offer.

You do just help yourself but she was standing right beside us when she opened this bottle and I think she might just have guessed we do like a glass of fizz now and again....:rolleyes1



Breakfast was lovely I hasten to add......we didn`t have an awful lot to eat and had maybe 3 glasses of fizz each. I think if you go in to the lounge looking to get your "money`s worth" I doubt you would, it`s just a nicer place to spend some time before your flight away from the noise and crowds of the departure areas. And that`s why we book it. They do very nice bacon though.

It was time to wander down to see which gate we were leaving from and as we were in the nice shiny brand new terminal right now, it wouldn`t be crazy to assume this is where the departure gate would be???

Not a hope. Our gate showed as one of the original gates back in the old terminal again....same as November. It really is like walking back in time as it`s so dark and relatively unused now compared to the new terminal which is light, bright, shiny and airy.

We walked back for about 10 minutes to the old gate, fully expecting to sit in the dingy area waiting to board, but we were right at the front of the passengers walking and we were amazed to see Staff waiting to let us on the plane immediately......we didn`t even have our passports out yet as we thought we`d be sitting for 20 minutes or so. So, we scrambled to get them out in seconds and managed it, and before we knew it we were walking down the airbridge and getting on the plane.

We said Good morning to the CC and found our seats....yes, the windowless wasn`t the end of the world. We had made this flight so many times, this was our 23rd trip to Orlando since 2007 and yes, I`d have preferred a window, but to be fair for most of the journey, you really don`t see much except cloud and more cloud.

Cabin Crew are always so lovely and as soon as we settled in to our seats, one came round with an offer of either orange juice or fizzy......yes, we took the fizzy of course.


I think getting straight on the plane had caught a few folks out as it seemed to load very slow, but didn`t take very long for it to really start filling up. I quite like being among the first on as we can then sit back and`s a long flight so we do like to be settled.

We do like Premium with Virgin, seats are comfy and you do have a lot of room in them, but at the end of the day it`s still just a plane seat and a means to get where you`re going, but we always enjoy our flights generally.

We took off at 10.10am which was more or less spot on, and a very smooth take off followed and we soon levelled off and as predicted, it was nothing but cloud at 40,000 feet. We still love that take`s not as impressive as the Jumbo Jet taking off when you heard those engines rev up for take off, but it`s still impressive all the same.

We were offered drinks and a snack as soon as we levelled off and I do have to say those snacks were the worst I had ever tasted. I`m not a pretzel fan, but they used to offer a sour cream one that was quite nice.....these ones you could do someone an injury if you hit them with one!!!

Wine in a can is something that`s just not quite right.....but, for plane wine, it would do and they are very generous with handing them out.


We both found movies to watch, Tom moreso than myself....I forget which one I watched but it was dreadful so I ended up watching Harry Potter and the Philosphers Stone which is a very good movie.

They then offer you the menu for your meal and it wasn`t the most inspiring of choices, but then you never expect much anyway with airline food. To be honest, it only helps to pass some time......if you`re eating you don`t really notice the time it seems.



I was tempted by the curry, well, except until I read it was paneer which I loathe, so Tom and I both opted for the Chicken Lasagne which was different I have to say. Not awful, but not the most flavour filled dish I`ve ever eaten on a plane.

The appetiser was not good, apart from the olive, and I ate a little of the tabbouleh, the rest of it was not good. I hate chick peas so hummus is not something I eat....I did try it.......I regretted trying it. Not for me.

But, the dessert was decent.


They do bring round tea and coffee after the meal, so we both had the tea and then settled down for the longest part of the flight.......all the way across the Atlantic and down the Eastern Seaboard which can drag a little.

Once things had settled, we both used the bathroom and came back, I pulled the lovely purple blanket over me, buckled up and got myself comfy for hopefully a good sleep for most of the flight.

I did sleep soundly for a couple of hours and we had no major turbulence this flight. I think I missed the offer of an iced lolly, but sleep is often preferable to anything like that. I woke up and we were a fair bit into the journey with only 3.5 hours to go.


I used the facilities and noticed in the kitchen area what they call the Wonderwall in Premium and Upper, you can go and find treats, savoury and sweet for you to help yourself with if you feel like it. We never bother, but it`s a nice little selection and there are juices, soft drinks and always water available too if you like, always a good idea to drink plenty of water on flights.

We are served afternoon tea with around 90 minutes to go and it is nice to get a cup of tea again. The sandwiches are just ok, not for me, but the scone with cream is always lovely and the little treats were quite nice today, one was a lemon treat and the other something I couldn`t quite make out. But, nice and passes some more time again.



Again, we use the bathroom for the last time on this flight, and you honestly can feel the excitement of people as we get closer to Orlando, even though many look a little groggy it`s still exciting.

We heard some folks say this was their first flight since the pandemic, so it would be doubly exciting for them.

I think we must have been avoiding some weather as we flew in over a very unusual flightpath, but we enjoyed a very smooth landing which is always nice and we were surprised to have flown in on record time and it wasn`t even 2pm yet.

Welcome to the USA :cheer2:

Yes all this testing is so stressful. We were shocked that the Bahamas requires it too. At least Canada doesn’t require us to test to return home. We are hoping by the time our August trip arrives the USA will have dropped it ! Congratulations to Kyle and his new job!!
How exciting!

I think everyone is certainly hoping they`ll be dropped soon, makes no sense now for them to keep it up. But, glad Canada doesn`t require a test either to get home.....have to admit coming home was so much easier than the Christmas trip!!! Thankfully......

And thank you on Kyle. He`s enjoying a 4 day weekend for the Jubilee so not expecting to see him much. But he`s so excited to be with this new firm, much smaller than the previous company which he prefers :)
I think everyone is certainly hoping they`ll be dropped soon, makes no sense now for them to keep it up. But, glad Canada doesn`t require a test either to get home.....have to admit coming home was so much easier than the Christmas trip!!! Thankfully......

And thank you on Kyle. He`s enjoying a 4 day weekend for the Jubilee so not expecting to see him much. But he`s so excited to be with this new firm, much smaller than the previous company which he prefers :)
I'm a bit jealous of your calm flight lol. We had the worst flight into orlando on the 21st. I am not a huge fan of flying, but I I like to go places, so I deal with it lol. We flew out of St Louis and there was a storm in the area so we were delayed boarding by about 20 mins, then we boarded and it was about 15 min before we were cleared to take off. Then they had to take a different path to fly around the storm, so the flight took about 20 min longer than usual. Apparently we followed the storm lol. Decending into Orlando was the worst turbulance I've ever experienced, and not gonna lie, I cried a bit and was glad it was dark lol. And fortunately my kids didn't see it. They were completely unphased by the bumpy flight. Then because of the lightning in the area, they weren't deplaning anyone so we sat some more. We should have landed at 615. It was 830 before we got off the plane. But we made it. Missed our Bigfire reservation, which was the 1 I was really looking forward to, and never could get another reservation bc there were 8 of us. By the time we got to Hard Rock, it was pouring which meant the kitchens there were overloaded with everyone returning from the parks and it was 1130 pm before we got food. With 4 boys 7-13, you know we had some cranky kids lol. Thankfully, that storm on Saturday was the only bit of rain we had the entire week we were in Florida. But omgoodness, it was hot in Orlando. I kept an eye out for you Sunday and Monday, but I never saw you. Even by Velocicoaster
Oh, it is so lovely to see you have started your report! Your poor tummy was upset from the anxiety of awaiting those test results. I feel your pain!

Fast Track is something I've not heard of. Is it airport specific? I'm sure you all have Global Entry? We have TSA Pre-Check, and it is a delight to avoid the sometimes long lines. Honestly, it's nice just to be able to leave our shoes on in a nasty airport -- my husband says that alone is worth the small cost! TSA Pre-Check saved us a ton of time heading home from Honolulu. The regular security line was outside and so long!

I'm so looking forward to reading your report. Thank you so much for always doing such a wonderful job with them!


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