Are They Kidding??? Some People!!!

Maybe it was for Diwali?

Rule of thumb here is out of respect not until after November 11th.
Most likely not for Diwali. That started last Monday and the lights were definitely not lit until last night.

I ride on this street practically daily and I noticed the occupants installing the lights yesterday afternoon. It was a warm sunny day and I thought they were just taking advantage of the weather.
Our Christmas lights are up already. We've turned them on a couple of nights already because we enjoy them and they're a pain to put up. I think one of our neighbors put theirs up yesterday as well.
We put ours up this weekend. The weather was very nice. We are done freezing our butts off for these lights. It takes multiple days to do and it's never fun when your hands are numb from the cold.

With that being said, we only turned them on to test them. Even if we wanted to keep them on, HOA would never allow us to light them this early.
Why can't people have lights on for veterans day? I am kinda confused why people see pretty lights as disrespectful. I love seeing the lights they bring me joy so on days of sadness you would think more light would be wanted.
That’s just the traditional thought here.
Maybe where you live is different.
While Halloween decorations are taken down, lights are going up. It's just more efficient for us that way and I like to enjoy the Holiday Decorations as long as possible. I've never understood the folks that put lights up (or a tree) 1 weeks prior to x-mas. Halloween decorations go up labor day weekend. It's a lot of work so we have to make it count!
BTW, our town has had hite lights on trees lining the main street and town circle for weeks - looks gorgeous!
That’s just the traditional thought here.
Maybe where you live is different.
Yeah, it's not widely observed as a solemn occasion in the US. Even Memorial Day (in May) is usually more celebrated as a kick-off for summer than a day for remembrance.
I'll never get people being mad about others doing harmless things like this that bring them joy. :confused3
I don’t think it really reaches anybody’s threshold of “mad” - just sort of an eye-rolly thing. I leave my harvest decor up until I decorate for Christmas in December and I’m sure some people think my scarecrow and frozen pumpkins and porch mums look dumb under a foot of snow. :laughing:
Yeah, it's not widely observed as a solemn occasion in the US. Even Memorial Day (in May) is usually more celebrated as a kick-off for summer than a day for remembrance.
Very solemn almost funeral type day here. At least it was more so in the past and until the services are over and the legions open. It is slowly changing some.
We put ours up this weekend. The weather was very nice. We are done freezing our butts off for these lights. It takes multiple days to do and it's never fun when your hands are numb from the cold.

With that being said, we only turned them on to test them. Even if we wanted to keep them on, HOA would never allow us to light them this early.
Our HOA does not permit putting up lights this early. It's more than 2 weeks early. In fact we already got the yearly reminder on October 13th "Hello, just a friendly reminder your community restrictions do not allow holiday lights until November 15th. Please do not turn lights on until November 15th and remember this for next year when scheduling to install your lights. Thank you!" So you can bet they saw someone installing that early.

It's fairly common for people to hire professional installers so there's a leeway for understanding scheduling an install but never an excuse for scheduling an install more than 2 weeks ahead (same as scheduling a take town weeks and weeks past the date). People just want to take advantage of deals installers will have is my guess. We still do our own (for now that is) and it's about a day to do it all outside.

We also try to take advantage of good weather and the HOA knows that is sometimes the case but at most it's again a few days ahead. My husband will be out of town when the 15th hits so we'll do it likely the 13th which is right there on the "well...okay..we understand" line.
Side note- All the posts saying my HOA wouldn’t allow it makes me so happy to not have an HOA and determined to never move where I must be part of one.

It’s a few pretty lights. Way too much fuss. I’m just happy when people decorate. Fewer and fewer houses around me seem to do it each year.
Why can't people have lights on for veterans day? I am kinda confused why people see pretty lights as disrespectful. I love seeing the lights they bring me joy so on days of sadness you would think more light would be wanted.
I don't get it either TBH but I'm guessing they don't necessarily overtly show the same way we do. I would never make a connection between disrespect for veterans and having lights on a house. There is where you can swap out a lightbulb for a green one for Veterans Day but admittedly I've only seen 1 house on the way to our house that has done that.

I think people in the U.S. consider them completely separate like you are more likely to have a garden flag or large flag around Veteran's Day or some other regalia in addition to lights on the house which are usually to be understood to be for some unrelated holiday. Apparently in Canada there's a strong connection to lights on a house. In the U.S. the connection isn't there, people pay homage to Veteran's Day in different ways.
Side note- All the posts saying my HOA wouldn’t allow it makes me so happy to not have an HOA and determined to never move where I must be part of one.

It’s a few pretty lights. Way too much fuss. I’m just happy when people decorate. Fewer and fewer houses around me seem to do it each year.
Meh..doesn't bother me in the least.

What would bother me is moving into an HOA where it's written in the covenants that every house does lights but I only know of one neighborhood I believe that does that. It's a tradition in the county that pulls a lot of cars to drive by. They may have loosened it IDK. But I wouldn't move into that particular neighborhood. Also ones that only allow for white/red on the trees lining the streets, in my neighborhood that's considered the unofficial color combo but it hardly matters if you do it differently, for some neighborhoods that's written in the covenants.

Regardless people who live in HOAs live in them for a reason, people who avoid HOAs do so for a reason. Just how it is and no one is likely going to change anyone's mind on that one :)
Side note- All the posts saying my HOA wouldn’t allow it makes me so happy to not have an HOA and determined to never move where I must be part of one.
Love having one! No cars parked on lawns, no garbage cans littering the street for days after pick up, no Christmas decorations still up in February, no hoards spilling out of garages and into the driveway etc.

Our former neighborhood didn't have an HOA, and some people just don't care for their property. No matter how much they paid for their house, some lived like the people on hoarders. When you live close to neighbors, you can’t count on everyone to keep their property in good shape.

While HOAs aren't for everyone, I enjoy mine (most of the time :rolleyes1).
This thread just made me realize that our HOA regulations stipulate we’re not to decorate for any holiday more than 30 days in advance, but a couple weeks ago I noticed the Christmas lights were being installed on the neighborhood clubhouse as I was driving past. So the HOA isn’t following their own rules. :laughing: (I doubt they’re turning them on this early, just getting them hung.) I’m going to try to pay closer attention to when those lights come on this year, as well as when neighbors start putting them up. Currently, it’s all Halloween and Diwali. There are tons of tree lightings and other similar events around the area and I know some of them are scheduled starting mid-November this year so I doubt the HOA would be sticklers about exactly when the lights come on in the neighborhood when they’ll be lighting up in the surrounding community prior to the 30 day window.


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