Public restroom-be very aware of your surroundings


DIS Veteran
Dec 27, 2000
Just an experience… We just got back from Las Vegas a couple of days ago. This happened the last night we were there. Actually, we were supposed to already be home but our flight got cancelled and rescheduled for the next day. My husband and I were in a casino and we were playing a slot together. I needed to go to the restroom and let him know that I would be right back. He normally goes with me and stands outside, for safety, but it wasn’t that far away so neither one of us thought anything about it. I went in and there was no one else in there that I could tell. I had passed the girl that was working in there on her way out. This all happened in just a few seconds, less than a minute.
As I was conducting my short business, someone came into the stall next to me. There were at least 20 stalls in there so there were plenty of others to choose from. The shadow on the floor caught my eye because there was a lot of motion going on. I looked up to make sure no one was looking over. I’m not sure why, other than the shadow motions, but I felt uncomfortable. Looked up again a couple of seconds later and a man was looking over at me. I was scared to death, I think because I didn’t think anyone else was in there and afraid of what he might do. I screamed bloody murder. I have never screamed like that in my entire life. He quickly ran out. I stopped screaming for a second. The doors were not totally solid. There was a small section that was kind of opaque. I saw a shadow of someone walking by the door and I started screaming again because I thought he was back. A lady said something to me to let me know it was her out there. She had seen the young man with a backpack running out of the restroom. The lady who worked there that I had passed came in and said she had heard me screaming but thought someone at a table game had won something. I know it doesn’t sound nearly as scary as it was to me, and I’m shaking right now just remembering it. At the time, I could hardly get my words out, I was so scared. I’m pretty sure that he saw me go in and I was his target because he came in so close behind me. Not sure if his intent was to steal my purse or something else. I am an overweight 59 year old woman so I’m thinking maybe the purse, although he was looking over near the back of the stall.
When I got to my husband and let him know what happened, he immediately hunted down a security officer. I really don’t think there was a lot that they can do but they had me to write a statement and said they were searching the recordings near the restroom to see if they could find footage of the man. He said that they would send the man’s picture to all of their properties and he would get in trouble for trespassing if he ever came on any of their properties. One thing he did tell us was that, by law, they couldn’t keep men from going into the women’s restroom. He said that a big burly man with a foot long beard could go in and they couldn’t say anything. Makes me want to take my big burly man in with me every time. It scared me so much that I can not imagine how I would have felt had he actually done something to me other than looking.
Now I have decided to always go in the first (or last) stall so there is only one stall wall that can be looked over, if possible. I will look up multiple times just to make sure. And, my husband will always be stationed right outside like he normally is.

Please be very aware of your restroom neighbors.
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm always paranoid (and sadly, have come to accept it) that some creepy person has put in a camera in there. You hear stories about that on the news from time to time, so I think it probably happens more than we even know. I don't know if he was after your purse or what, but I think that would've been terrifying and I'm glad you were able to scream to scare him off and get others' attention.
And have you ever noticed most Womens Restrooms are located so that we have to walk past the Mens and we are usually next to the emergency exit door . Always makes me nervous
Pay attention everywhere.. Elevators too
I actually practice screaming on Haunted Mansion and when I am driving by myself on a road trip in car ! Haha I’m always afraid my scream will freeze when I am terrified in real emergency so I practice a lot and can scream louder and longer than the Haunted Mansion screams .
I'm so sorry to hear this, OP. That is terrifying. I've started carrying pepper spray everywhere I go, but you wouldn't think you would need it or need to be on guard in the bathroom.

I actually practice screaming on Haunted Mansion
Ah, so you're the person who was next to us screaming that scared my kid? (kidding! but also not really lol)

I hope they're able to get something from the security footage. There are definitely cameras all over in casinos, so there's a good chance!

I think we'll be seeing a change in public restrooms in new construction - places going with several single bathrooms rather than two multi-stall rooms.
How scary….I’m so glad you’re ok :hug:
I would have screamed too and then call my DH from the stall.
I consider myself pretty strong for my age, but in no way do I think I’m going to fight off a big burly man.

Thank you for the reminder to be aware of your surroundings - we all get complacent with this.
Dh and I have a trip planned to Las Vegas later this year. Thank you so much for letting us know that it is now legal for men to enter women's restrooms! When in a public area I will make sure dh stands outside if I need to use it and he will also enter if he sees a man go in. So sorry this happened to you.
This is a good idea ::yes::
I’ll start doing this too
So, to summarize, a man looked at you over the wall between two stalls.

Maybe he thought he was at the gents and he heard something unusual coming from your side of the wall and had a look. He got scared by the scream and ran out.

I never pay attention to which stalls are open and if I should take one on the opposite of the one taken. I could have taken the one next to the OP.

Question from a European: What is going on the US that adult women need a man standing guard at the restroom? Is it so incredibly common for women to be ambushed by men in a restroom?
I think we'll be seeing a change in public restrooms in new construction - places going with several single bathrooms rather than two multi-stall rooms.
I disagree. It makes more sense to increase the height (and lower the bottom) of the stall walls than to have single bathrooms. After all, what's a "stall", but a small room? The issue is the walls don't go down far enough or up far enough.

If you raise/lower stall walls, you can do more unisex bathrooms.


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