Netflix..anyone cancelling?

Travelling is not an issue unless you are gone longer than a month. You are suppose to log in at least once a month. I guess after the Month no ore Netflix. 🤷‍♀️ but I never travel that long.

I went to Seattle last month and still could use my Netflix. I am in Canada and they switched to the new rules a few month back.
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I’m fine with then restricting it to one household location. I would like that to be a limited accommodation for kids away at college, though to be fair I don't know how they would implement that without being taken advantage of.
Never had Netflix but still occasionally get some random text message which is clearly a scam saying my account has been suspended for something and wanting me to click on some sketchy looking link............never fell for that. I just the delete the text.............LOL.

Know some friends who shared a password with their parents who live in a different state. Never thought that made any sense but apparently Neflix is now cracking down on that practice.
We’re one of those rare accounts that still primarily watches Netflix content via DVD subscription. Since they announced that is ending in the fall, we plan to cancel our subscription then. DH went through our Netflix queue and figured out and made a spreadsheet of what content is available through other streaming service and whittled it down to about 20 titles that aren’t available and we are working our way through them.

My Dad has our login, which he used during pandemic, but hasn’t watched in awhile. It was marginally worth the monthly fee when he was using it. Without DVDs and more annoyances for him to watch a few things, it isn’t worth maintaining a subscription. When the final season of Stranger Things comes out, we can subscribe for a month or two and then stop again. We’ve been subscribers since 2002, so this will be a bit weird not to have it.
Travelling is not an issue unless you are gone longer than a month. You are suppose to log in at least once a month. I guess after the Month no ore Netflix. 🤷‍♀️ but I never travel that long.

I went to Seattle last month and still could use my Netflix. I am in Canada and they switched to the new rules a few month back.

But they actually haven’t switched. My brother was supposed to stop using my account, and hasn’t. We have had no issues using it at my house still too.
But they actually haven’t switched. My brother was supposed to stop using my account, and hasn’t. We have had no issues using it at my house still too.
Interesting . I thought it had switched. I know people who were freaking out and considering cancelling back then.
Interesting . I thought it had switched. I know people who were freaking out and considering cancelling back then.
For sure, and I’m sure if you ask Netflix they’d say no more password sharing etc etc. We told my parents no more as well as my brother. I paid the top tier for everyone to use it, but cut that back. And yet he can still use it. It may change if I change my password and he gets kicked out….maybe at that point it wouldn’t let another use it?
The only reason I still have it because it's free with my AT&T cell plan. The only time I watch it is for The Crown and Stranger Things.
I need more info on this.
We use it at home, at our summer house and when we travel. So, just one family using it in different locations. I will keep it if we can keep using it that way. If not, we would think about canceling.
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I cancelled all of our streaming services to support the Writer’s Guild Strike last month. I am going to look hard at renew any of them when the WGA strike is over. We have a kid at college so really resent the additional charge.
I'm not sure what we are going to do. Right now I split the cost of the account with my Mom. Mom swears when they first announced they were going to do away with the sharing they said it would be $2.99 to add someone, but the email today said $7.99. For now we are just going to wait it out and see exactly how they go about kicking someone off.
No we aren't canceling.

Then again I've been with Netflix when you had a streaming cap of like 2 hours. Still have the DVD plan (sad to see that go but I knew it would happen). So I'm clearly not the same as others here.
I would love to cancel Netflix. Sadly it is the only streaming service my husband uses, so it stays.
Well we are actually using my daughters account and she moved out a few months ago. I have a feeling we will be opening an account.

When does this take place?
I need more info on this.
We use it at home, at our summer house and when we travel. So, just one family using it in different locations. I will keep it if we can keep using it that way. If not, we would think about canceling.
I'm curious about this, too. I don't have Netflix (I dropped it a few years ago after my account was hacked by someone in another country and Netflix support was not helpful at all) but my parents do, and they spend about 6 weeks of the summer at their cottage. They just got internet there last year, and were definitely planning on streaming this summer. If they can't use Netflix there, they may as well stop paying for it. They can use their Apple TV or my Hulu.


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