Running Renaissance: Road to Paris 2024

I like Athleta - they make the only tight shorts I have found that don't give me sausage thighs. I also like their loose shorts but they're not as good for pockets, although they can hold like keys and a card.
I about only wear the Base Pace High-Rise Shorts from Lululemon. They're more expensive than others but I find they're 100% worth the money. They don't ride up like other tight shorts I have. And I have pretty strong thighs
If anyone has any favorite women’s shorts with pockets that stay put so I don’t chafe, I’m in desperate need!
I have never had problems with any shorts or capris so my answer might not be the best indication. These days I wear shorts with pockets that I bought at Winners. I think that it is their home brand: RBX. They are ok, a bit thick maybe.
I found some Skechers shorts and capris last year and they’re great. Pockets big enough for my phone, but tight enough that I’m not worried about my key fob escaping during a run. Looking at their website, it looks like they’ve got 6, 8, and 10 inch lengths.
I fully agree with Athleta shorts - I have the Ultimate Stash and the Salutation Stash - love the pockets and they've never chafed. The first version I bought back in 2018 and I'm still wearing them today.
Spring Training - Phase 2 - Week 1/6


And now back to the somewhat regularly scheduled training journal updates. I made the decision early on to mentally split my training into two blocks and we’ve officially made it to the second stage! Race season!!🥳

Since I’ve already recapped Monday & Tuesday and Wednesday was a rest day, we’ve got a short week this time around. But don’t worry, I’ve got some bonus content at the end about how my year is going 😁

Thursday - Easy 6 - I was still feeling the races in my legs and thought about taking an extra days rest, but I knew I could do the easy miles as slow as needed. Much to my surprise, my first mile clocked in at 9:30. I didn’t feel like I was going that fast and my hr was still in the easy range so I kept going. It wasn’t until I got the second mile alert that I realized the distances were off. Initially, I assumed that garmin was having a bad gps day but after looking at my watch screens, I realized that I was doing a treadmill run 🤦‍♀️. I ran to where the two mile mark actually was, stopped the workout, and started a new one. This time using gps 😁.

Does this happen to anyone else? It’s happened to me enough that I’d like to think it’s not a user error but I’m guessing it probably is 🙈.

Anyway, rest of the run was uneventful. I stopped to take a photo of this construction sign because I thought we all could use the reminder.

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You’ve come a long way.

Friday - Easy 6 - My legs still weren’t 100% but it was nothing that impacted my running form. It did make me nervous for Saturday’s run though, my first with actual paces since the races.

Saturday - 10K 16x400 - As mentioned, I wasn’t so sure how this would go. My volunteer shift at the zoo started at 8:30 and we were going to the Drake Relays afterward so this was an early morning run. The good thing about that is I had no time to stress about the run 😆. It was also very good running weather. Much better than the weather at the track later.

Anyway, after a mile warm up, it was time for the first 10K repeat. This was my first time running this pace, so of course it took some time to find. Also, I really thought my rest intervals were 2 minutes so imagine my surprise when I only got 15 seconds after the first interval. The goal for each 400 was 1:55 and I actually did much better than I expected. Second differential was -1,-1,0,+3,+3,-2,-3,+1,-1,0,-1,+1,+4,+1,-3,0. Particularly proud of that last one 😁. It was also good to try out what 10K pace should feel like ahead of my race. I’m still not so sure that 15 seconds counts for a rest interval but I’m also really bad at focusing on pace for much longer than 2 minutes, so I guess this is a good option for me.

Here’s a photo of the very wet track.
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Like I said, very happy that I didn’t run in that. You can see the women’s 1500 lined up about to start in the top left but this photo is actually of the shot put competition. I know very little about field events but the athletes make it a lot of fun to watch.

Sunday - Easy 6 - I felt very good during this run despite the 30mph winds with 50mph gusts. I’m sure I’d be singing a different tune if it was some sort of paced workout, but for an easy run where pace didn’t matter it was manageable. I was also extremely thankful that the wind had disappeared for my races the few days prior.

And now for the bonus content 😆. We’re officially 1/3 of the way through 2023. I don’t know if I ever officially typed up my goals for the year but they are as follows

1. Set a new mile PR ✅
2. Run 1500 miles this year
3. More strength training

Item 3 needs some work. I started off really strong but then was impacting my running so I completely stopped. The plan is to start small again after my race this weekend then really bump it up this summer. It still won’t be anything crazy, but enough that I can continue running injury free.

Item 2 is on track. Numbers wise it looks a bit behind, but I took two weeks off in January for marathon recovery. And my mileage will most certainly ramp up this fall when I start marathon training again.

Below are a few fun graphs to see how my running has progressed the last few years. Quick reminder that I was training quite a bit in 2016-2018. Then I injured myself and took a couple of years to really get back into it. In 2021, I set myself a goal to run 1000 miles to have some consistency again and I haven’t stopped since 😊. This is easily the longest period of time that I have consistently trained. It’s been a lot of fun and I think I’ve found enough variety to keep going.

Jan-April Comparison
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I’ve ran more miles each month in 2023 than the previous two years. I expect this to continue for the next month and then we’ll have to see what summer brings. The mileage will likely dip down for a bit as I focus on base building & strength training.

Year over year, my increase in mileage is obvious. It’s up +50% compared to two years ago! Just a hare under the 500 miles but still in good position to hit 1500 for the year.
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That’s all for now folks. I hope you are progressing on your running goals. Have a great week!
I recently did a nice run on the greenway only to see Garmin record it as a treadmill run. I leave my glasses in the car when I run, so maybe it was a user error.

As for strength training, since I now work from home, I have some handweights sitting next to the desk and I will do upper body weights while on long conference calls without video on
Spring Training - Phase 2 - Week 5/6


It's finally race week! Woo hoo! I have no idea my plans for the race, so stay tuned for that... Maybe 🙃.

Monday - Easy 6 - I did this one in the morning because I had to pickup my rental car over lunch and then leave town right after girls on the run. My legs were really tired which surprised me since Sunday wasn't as bad but I guess it just took a couple of days for the long run on Saturday to make an impact.

Tuesday - Block - Same workout as the week before. I had to set my alarm to wake up early since I had a full day of meetings and evening networking duties. This run went really well and I was spot on with my paces🥳.

I chose and out and back route on the river path near my hotel and just as I was finishing up, "In the Mirror" by The Interrupters started playing. This gave me a good chuckle

No matter how far I run, I always end up back here
No matter how far I go, I always end up back here

Wednesday - Rest - No running but another all day meeting followed by a 3 hour drive and our final girls on the run practice. This was after not getting much sleep and I was completely wiped out which leads me to Thursday....

Thursday - HM Cut - I really wanted to do this but I ended up taking a long nap instead. Whoops. At least I consistently screwed this one up? 🙈

Friday - Easy 6 - I felt really good after two days off and had to force myself to slow down.

Saturday - Long 9 - Like last week, this was supposed to be on Sunday but it worked better with my schedule to wake up early and just get it done. My race is actually on Saturday this week anyway so hopefully my body will appreciate the shift. It took me a few miles to get going, but felt good but the end.

Sunday - Easy 6 - I was visiting a childhood friend about 5 hours east of where I live. We're still in the same time zone though which meant that the sun rose 30 min before I expected. I pretty much can't sleep once the sun is up so it was another early run.

Everything was still achy and I kept getting lost, but I made it.

It probably goes without saying, but I'm excited for my race on Saturday and the subsequent break. I've been suffering a few niggles and my body is ready for the rest. Weirdly nothing hurts while running but something is definitely going on with my left knee and right hip.

Happy running folks!
Spring Training - Phase 2 - Week 6/6


One final training recap before the race! I'm planning to do a full retro of my spring training in the next couple of weeks so let's just get into the details.

Monday - Easy 6 - I was still out of town but I didn't get lost or need to reference my map this time. Everything was also much less achy. Win! 🏆

Tuesday - Mini Progression - I was back home but after a busy weekend, I was not waking up early to get this done. Then it was way too hot and humid after work. I thought about doing this on the treadmill but decided to just delay it a day instead.

Wednesday - Mini Progression - a bit better rested so woke up early to get this done before work. The T+D was already nearing 130 but the pacing was manageable. The weather did make me nervous fort the race though. I am not a warm weather person.

Thursday - Easy 5 4.5 - I had every intention of doing this run before work but it was storming. When it started storming again after work, I nearly called it off. Eventually I talked myself into the treadmill and that was fine. As you can see, I did cut it a bit short. My show was over and I was starting to chafe. At this point, the extra half mile wasn't going to matter add I just wanted to preserve my skin.

Friday - Easy 3 - Snuck this one in just before lunch and dang was it warm.

So that's it. Training is complete. Currently sitting on the dam waiting for the big show. My plan for the race? Try not to die 😅

DAM to DSM Race Recap
We finally made it. The final race in my spring season. 🏁 I decided to do this race mostly out of convenience and because I like the race day atmosphere. It’s a point to point course starting at a dam and ending in downtown DSM (Des Moines). The photo above is from the dam with the city skyline in the distance.

Most of my spring was focused on speed so this wasn’t an “A” race. Regardless, I wanted to see what I could do. I set a new HM PR in 2022 of 1:48:03. Because of my recent 5K time, I thought that I could beat my PR if the conditions were right.

Pre Race
Early in the week I received an email from the race explaining the packet pickup and bus options. There’s no parking at the dam so all participants must ride the buses which depart between 5-6a. Gives the race a bit of a runDisney vibe 😆

Later in the week I received another email about the race but this one was quite different. It warned of the predicted warm conditions and advised undertrained runners to switch to the virtual. This took me by surprise as I’ve never experienced a race telling runners they shouldn’t run. 😮 That was when I first realized that the weather was likely to be a factor.

Anyway, let’s flash forward to race day ⏭️. I was very confused why my alarm was going off at such an hour. Fortunately I remembered before turning the darn thing off. I rolled out of bed, stumbled my way to the bathroom, and got dressed for the race. Along the way I noticed how foggy the windows were, not quite as bad as the 100% humidity 10K last month, but still pretty bad ☹️. I was still half asleep and questioning my life decisions as I headed out the door. Even Bucky thought it was too early to be bothered.

It was about a 10 minute walk to the buses and I was loaded and on my way by 5:20. It was a half hour bus ride and I was at the dam and pottied by 6a which gave me an hour to figure out a better race strategy than “try not to die.”

My training plan had included a hm pace of 8:05. Just like I had not followed the few workouts with HM pace, I also would not follow this pace. 🫣 My 5K indicated a pace of 8:00 could be possible. To make matters worse, I recently watched an Instagram video from someone I trust telling me to try a new strategy for my next 5k. The strategy was basically go out fast and see how long you can hang on. A 5K != HM but it still made me want to try.

Fortunately, I came to my senses. Even if 8 flat was possible, the T+D was near 140 and I needed to adjust. Based on this, I decided to aim for 8:10. This would give me a PR and hopefully help me avoid multiple miles of suffering at the end.

Race Time!

I was lined up on the dam with 3000 of my closest friends. Since I had arrived so early, I was pretty close to the front. I was actively trying to not be at the front but the race announcer kept telling us to ignore the pace signs and come make friends with the fast runners.

Per usual, there was lots of jostling at the start. I did my best to just go with the flow and not go too fast. My first mile flew by in 7:58. I knew I needed to slow down or risk blowing up. Mile 2 - 7:21 😬 Whoops! It included a 100ft descent so not quite as bad as it looked but still needed to step on the brakes. The next three miles were mostly flat and mostly on target.

Mile 6 included a small hill which reminded me once again that I really need to find some hills for training. 😳 I really don’t remember the next few miles much. Mile 8 had a 70 ft ascent and my pace dropped to 8:53. By mile 10 I was pretty well over it. I sincerely considered just stopping and walking it in. Then I passed a spectator holding a sign offering to call me an Uber. Why didn’t I think of that? 🤣

I walked through the next water stop and was able to find a tad more energy. At the end of mile 10, I was greeted with a gentle downhill. I used gravity the best I could to keep moving along. Another runner passed me in this section (one of many tbh) and told me that my form looked great. 🏃‍♀️ This gave me the reminder that I needed that I was strong and could keep pushing.

At mile 11 and for the first time all race, I took a look at my elapsed time and realized that if I could run 8:30 the rest of the way I could get my pr. With my eyes on the prize, I managed an 8:12 for mile 12. That may have been a touch fast and I started running out of steam. Plus the course took a cruel path as we literally ran under the finish line and then out half a mile before returning.

Seriously, why’d they do this? Anyway, I knew I was almost there and had to keep pushing. I couldn’t see a clock so I had no idea if I was going to make the PR but I wanted to give it all I had. In this case, that meant a max speed of 7:29 for about the last 10 feet. 🥵

1:47:35 🥳🥳🥳

Post Race Thoughts

Wooooo! I’m so proud of myself for grinding this one out. It was hot and uncomfortable for most of the race but I still managed.

That said, I don’t think I’ll be running this next year. (I’m fairly certain I said the same last year so don’t make any bets 😆). It’s pretty much always warm and humid. The timing isn’t great for my other race plans either.

But for now, that’s a future problem. I’ll be enjoying a couple of weeks off with minimal running and maximum touristing.

Happy running y’all!
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Congratulations on the PR! 🎉

Having lived in WDSM for a few years, you have my respect. That summer heat can be nasty. Seriously well done!
Congratulations 🥳
Thank you!

Congrats! Awesome job and a PR in brutal conditions!!
Thanks. I always feel a bit whiny when I complain about the heat but we are not friends.

Congratulations on the PR! 🎉

Having lived in WDSM for a few years, you have my respect. That summer heat can be nasty. Seriously well done!
Thank you! The worst is that it just sneaks up. One week it’s 50 and then all of a sudden, BAM, it’s 80.
Do you have any race recommendations? I’m pretty new to the area and haven’t found any must do races yet.


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