Running Renaissance: Road to Paris 2024

Des Moines Women’s Race 10K Recap

This was the third race in my spring season and only twelve days since the most recent. There are not a lot of 10Ks in my area so I jumped at the chance to try to break 50 min again. I had attempted this last summer, but the long course and humid conditions resulted in an official finishing time of 51:29. My training plan indicated a finish time of 48:05 and my most recent 5K converted to 47:30 but I was not in peak 10K conditions, so would I be able to pull it off?

Before I get ahead of myself, let’s talk packet pickup. I went to collect my race swag on Saturday afternoon. There was a yoga session happening on the lawn of the hosting winery and I immediately regretted not joining even though I’m not that into yoga. It just looked like a great relaxing way to get ready for the race weekend. They also had a braid bar with tips supporting a local charity. Sadly there was a long line so add both of these to things to check out next year. The actual collecting of my things was a bit confusing because instead of handing me things, I just got pointed to a table to pick them up myself. The confusing part was that the swag was different depending on your race distance so hopefully I grabbed the right things 🤷‍♀️

This local race company does a great job with their stuff and I was pleased with the 1/4 zip. I already forgot what I did with the wine glass 😆

I went to bed around my normal time and was not happy when Hattie woke me up around 4a. Fortunately, I did manage to fall back asleep but was awake again at 5:30 and decided that I might as well get up. Upon entering the living room, my windows were all the sign I needed to know it was still humid out.

That, my friends, is what 100% humidity looks like. I googled how to adjust for T+D and saw it was about 5 seconds/mile so I set myself a boundary of going no faster than 7:40.

I was actually quite surprised at how chilly it felt during my dog walk and thought maybe the weather wouldn’t be so bad 🤣.

The race start/finish was 1.75 miles from my house. Parking was offsite and required a shuttle so I flip flopped between running there or riding my bike. Ultimately, I decided to ride my bike because my partner would be riding his to the finish and that would make it easier to get home afterward.

The race was scheduled to start at 8am and I was arrived and pottied by 7:30. My legs felt a bit like jelly after the short bike ride and I was worried I had made a mistake. My quick warm up eased that concern as my legs felt fine. However, my warm up also made me realize that the humidity was going to be a HUGE factor so I revised my goal of pacing between 7:50-8:00. I knew as long as I averaged below 8 that I could reach my goal.

I arrived back at the start line around 7:50. There were a couple of pace signs indicating where to line up and the 8mm was basically right at the start line 😮. I lined up just behind this sign and tried to stay loose.

After a small delay for the parking shuttles, we were off! I kept an eye on my effort and pace because I knew it would be easy to go out too fast for the conditions. I was very surprised by the number of hills since I regularly run in the area and rarely see a hill. There were only a few but the 70 ft elevation change in the first mile is about the same as my typical 6 mile run so I made a mental note that I should do some training on the route this summer to address that weakness of mine.

The Mile 1 sign was slightly ahead of my garmin and I assumed someone had just placed it incorrectly. 7:56. Bullseye 🎯

The second mile was full of spectators and so much fun. There were lots of families and children out cheering for the women in their lives. I wasn’t expecting many spectators at all so this was a nice surprise.

The Mile 2 sign was also ahead of my garmin but not too bad. Was I not supposed to be taking the tangents? Literally no one ahead of me was doing a good job at it. All just keeping to the left side of the road. 7:51. Another bullseye 🎯

The third mile was mostly uneventful but I knew my partner was going to be at the end and I could hear the drum line. I don’t even remember passing the Mile 3 sign because I was so distracted by all of the amazingness. 7:51 🎯
There was even a unicorn character stop! I was on a mission but super impressed that my partner got my photo with the backside of a unicorn 😁

I started the 4th mile off a bit quick because of all the hype and knowing I was nearly halfway but I quickly settled back down as I entered the familiar territory of my regular running route. We entered the park where I run nearly everyday and the family spectators were back. 8:01. A bit slow but still on track.

To exit the park, there is a tunnel underpass and there were children cheering making our very own scream tunnel. I loved it 🤩. This was followed by a quick uphill and a tour through the arboretum. No time for photos though, I’m on a mission!

Just before the Mile 5 sign was a live spin class on the course cheering us on. Their energy was electric and my favorite cheer section of the race. The mileage sign was over a 1/10th of a mile before I expected it and this was when I realized it was very likely the course would be short. 7:54 🚞 back on track and time to go!

The runners were mostly strung out by this point but still reasonably close to one another. This was another point in the race where it was apparent that no one else knew about tangents. I had passed a few runners just by taking the shorter route. However I had no idea if they were half marathon or 10K runners. The split point was just barely before the Mile 6 sign and that was the first indication of who was running what. There was also a half marathon relay but I wasn’t worried about them. There was only one runner in my view after the split and way too far ahead for any moves.

I made the turn toward the finish and had hardly anything left. I was really happy to not be running the half in these conditions. There was a small uphill and then a really lovely downhill toward the finish. I blasted past the finish line because the course was in fact short and I wanted that 10K time. Clock time was 48:15. Garmin says 49:14 but either way I got my sub 50! 🥳


I made my way back to the finish to collect my medal and then explain to my partner what happened. Apparently the medal volunteer tried to chase after me. This is probably a sign I take my hobby jogging too seriously 😅

I headed toward the post race snacks and to check the results. My partner told me that I was in the top 10. Turns out, I was 9th overall which is likely the highest overall that I’ve ever finished. Thanks in part to the fact that there weren’t any fast men at this race 😄. I also finished second in my age group but apparently he’s no longer impressed by that sort of thing. Anyway, I’m getting off topic, the point is that this race had the best snacks.
Cookies, fruit, and chocolate. 🥰. All participants also got one free wine.

Overall, I really enjoyed the atmosphere of this race. The organizers did a great job at on course entertainment, swag, snacks, and a post race concert. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t great. Last year I volunteered at a water stop and the race was delayed then shortened due to thunderstorms. I’ll definitely be back but not sure if I can ever make this my goal race due to the weather instability this time of year.
Des Moines Women’s Race 10K Recap
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This was the third race in my spring season and only twelve days since the most recent. There are not a lot of 10Ks in my area so I jumped at the chance to try to break 50 min again. I had attempted this last summer, but the long course and humid conditions resulted in an official finishing time of 51:29. My training plan indicated a finish time of 48:05 and my most recent 5K converted to 47:30 but I was not in peak 10K conditions, so would I be able to pull it off?

Before I get ahead of myself, let’s talk packet pickup. I went to collect my race swag on Saturday afternoon. There was a yoga session happening on the lawn of the hosting winery and I immediately regretted not joining even though I’m not that into yoga. It just looked like a great relaxing way to get ready for the race weekend. They also had a braid bar with tips supporting a local charity. Sadly there was a long line so add both of these to things to check out next year. The actual collecting of my things was a bit confusing because instead of handing me things, I just got pointed to a table to pick them up myself. The confusing part was that the swag was different depending on your race distance so hopefully I grabbed the right things 🤷‍♀️

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This local race company does a great job with their stuff and I was pleased with the 1/4 zip. I already forgot what I did with the wine glass 😆

I went to bed around my normal time and was not happy when Hattie woke me up around 4a. Fortunately, I did manage to fall back asleep but was awake again at 5:30 and decided that I might as well get up. Upon entering the living room, my windows were all the sign I needed to know it was still humid out.
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That, my friends, is what 100% humidity looks like. I googled how to adjust for T+D and saw it was about 5 seconds/mile so I set myself a boundary of going no faster than 7:40.

I was actually quite surprised at how chilly it felt during my dog walk and thought maybe the weather wouldn’t be so bad 🤣.

The race start/finish was 1.75 miles from my house. Parking was offsite and required a shuttle so I flip flopped between running there or riding my bike. Ultimately, I decided to ride my bike because my partner would be riding his to the finish and that would make it easier to get home afterward.

The race was scheduled to start at 8am and I was arrived and pottied by 7:30. My legs felt a bit like jelly after the short bike ride and I was worried I had made a mistake. My quick warm up eased that concern as my legs felt fine. However, my warm up also made me realize that the humidity was going to be a HUGE factor so I revised my goal of pacing between 7:50-8:00. I knew as long as I averaged below 8 that I could reach my goal.

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I arrived back at the start line around 7:50. There were a couple of pace signs indicating where to line up and the 8mm was basically right at the start line 😮. I lined up just behind this sign and tried to stay loose.

After a small delay for the parking shuttles, we were off! I kept an eye on my effort and pace because I knew it would be easy to go out too fast for the conditions. I was very surprised by the number of hills since I regularly run in the area and rarely see a hill. There were only a few but the 70 ft elevation change in the first mile is about the same as my typical 6 mile run so I made a mental note that I should do some training on the route this summer to address that weakness of mine.

The Mile 1 sign was slightly ahead of my garmin and I assumed someone had just placed it incorrectly. 7:56. Bullseye 🎯

The second mile was full of spectators and so much fun. There were lots of families and children out cheering for the women in their lives. I wasn’t expecting many spectators at all so this was a nice surprise.

The Mile 2 sign was also ahead of my garmin but not too bad. Was I not supposed to be taking the tangents? Literally no one ahead of me was doing a good job at it. All just keeping to the left side of the road. 7:51. Another bullseye 🎯

The third mile was mostly uneventful but I knew my partner was going to be at the end and I could hear the drum line. I don’t even remember passing the Mile 3 sign because I was so distracted by all of the amazingness. 7:51 🎯
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There was even a unicorn character stop! I was on a mission but super impressed that my partner got my photo with the backside of a unicorn 😁

I started the 4th mile off a bit quick because of all the hype and knowing I was nearly halfway but I quickly settled back down as I entered the familiar territory of my regular running route. We entered the park where I run nearly everyday and the family spectators were back. 8:01. A bit slow but still on track.

To exit the park, there is a tunnel underpass and there were children cheering making our very own scream tunnel. I loved it 🤩. This was followed by a quick uphill and a tour through the arboretum. No time for photos though, I’m on a mission!

Just before the Mile 5 sign was a live spin class on the course cheering us on. Their energy was electric and my favorite cheer section of the race. The mileage sign was over a 1/10th of a mile before I expected it and this was when I realized it was very likely the course would be short. 7:54 🚞 back on track and time to go!

The runners were mostly strung out by this point but still reasonably close to one another. This was another point in the race where it was apparent that no one else knew about tangents. I had passed a few runners just by taking the shorter route. However I had no idea if they were half marathon or 10K runners. The split point was just barely before the Mile 6 sign and that was the first indication of who was running what. There was also a half marathon relay but I wasn’t worried about them. There was only one runner in my view after the split and way too far ahead for any moves.

I made the turn toward the finish and had hardly anything left. I was really happy to not be running the half in these conditions. There was a small uphill and then a really lovely downhill toward the finish. I blasted past the finish line because the course was in fact short and I wanted that 10K time. Clock time was 48:15. Garmin says 49:14 but either way I got my sub 50! 🥳

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I made my way back to the finish to collect my medal and then explain to my partner what happened. Apparently the medal volunteer tried to chase after me. This is probably a sign I take my hobby jogging too seriously 😅

I headed toward the post race snacks and to check the results. My partner told me that I was in the top 10. Turns out, I was 9th overall which is likely the highest overall that I’ve ever finished. Thanks in part to the fact that there weren’t any fast men at this race 😄. I also finished second in my age group but apparently he’s no longer impressed by that sort of thing. Anyway, I’m getting off topic, the point is that this race had the best snacks.
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Cookies, fruit, and chocolate. 🥰. All participants also got one free wine.

Overall, I really enjoyed the atmosphere of this race. The organizers did a great job at on course entertainment, swag, snacks, and a post race concert. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t great. Last year I volunteered at a water stop and the race was delayed then shortened due to thunderstorms. I’ll definitely be back but not sure if I can ever make this my goal race due to the weather instability this time of year.
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GREAT job! Looks like so much fun and wtg on the race!!!!!
Congrats! You've had such a fantastic spring racing season. I am beyond impressed.
Congrats and great job!! Looks like an awesome capstone to your season. Also, I concur - more post-race fruit (not just bananas)!
Des Moines Women’s Race 10K Recap
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This was the third race in my spring season and only twelve days since the most recent. There are not a lot of 10Ks in my area so I jumped at the chance to try to break 50 min again. I had attempted this last summer, but the long course and humid conditions resulted in an official finishing time of 51:29. My training plan indicated a finish time of 48:05 and my most recent 5K converted to 47:30 but I was not in peak 10K conditions, so would I be able to pull it off?

Before I get ahead of myself, let’s talk packet pickup. I went to collect my race swag on Saturday afternoon. There was a yoga session happening on the lawn of the hosting winery and I immediately regretted not joining even though I’m not that into yoga. It just looked like a great relaxing way to get ready for the race weekend. They also had a braid bar with tips supporting a local charity. Sadly there was a long line so add both of these to things to check out next year. The actual collecting of my things was a bit confusing because instead of handing me things, I just got pointed to a table to pick them up myself. The confusing part was that the swag was different depending on your race distance so hopefully I grabbed the right things 🤷‍♀️

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This local race company does a great job with their stuff and I was pleased with the 1/4 zip. I already forgot what I did with the wine glass 😆

I went to bed around my normal time and was not happy when Hattie woke me up around 4a. Fortunately, I did manage to fall back asleep but was awake again at 5:30 and decided that I might as well get up. Upon entering the living room, my windows were all the sign I needed to know it was still humid out.
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That, my friends, is what 100% humidity looks like. I googled how to adjust for T+D and saw it was about 5 seconds/mile so I set myself a boundary of going no faster than 7:40.

I was actually quite surprised at how chilly it felt during my dog walk and thought maybe the weather wouldn’t be so bad 🤣.

The race start/finish was 1.75 miles from my house. Parking was offsite and required a shuttle so I flip flopped between running there or riding my bike. Ultimately, I decided to ride my bike because my partner would be riding his to the finish and that would make it easier to get home afterward.

The race was scheduled to start at 8am and I was arrived and pottied by 7:30. My legs felt a bit like jelly after the short bike ride and I was worried I had made a mistake. My quick warm up eased that concern as my legs felt fine. However, my warm up also made me realize that the humidity was going to be a HUGE factor so I revised my goal of pacing between 7:50-8:00. I knew as long as I averaged below 8 that I could reach my goal.

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I arrived back at the start line around 7:50. There were a couple of pace signs indicating where to line up and the 8mm was basically right at the start line 😮. I lined up just behind this sign and tried to stay loose.

After a small delay for the parking shuttles, we were off! I kept an eye on my effort and pace because I knew it would be easy to go out too fast for the conditions. I was very surprised by the number of hills since I regularly run in the area and rarely see a hill. There were only a few but the 70 ft elevation change in the first mile is about the same as my typical 6 mile run so I made a mental note that I should do some training on the route this summer to address that weakness of mine.

The Mile 1 sign was slightly ahead of my garmin and I assumed someone had just placed it incorrectly. 7:56. Bullseye 🎯

The second mile was full of spectators and so much fun. There were lots of families and children out cheering for the women in their lives. I wasn’t expecting many spectators at all so this was a nice surprise.

The Mile 2 sign was also ahead of my garmin but not too bad. Was I not supposed to be taking the tangents? Literally no one ahead of me was doing a good job at it. All just keeping to the left side of the road. 7:51. Another bullseye 🎯

The third mile was mostly uneventful but I knew my partner was going to be at the end and I could hear the drum line. I don’t even remember passing the Mile 3 sign because I was so distracted by all of the amazingness. 7:51 🎯
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There was even a unicorn character stop! I was on a mission but super impressed that my partner got my photo with the backside of a unicorn 😁

I started the 4th mile off a bit quick because of all the hype and knowing I was nearly halfway but I quickly settled back down as I entered the familiar territory of my regular running route. We entered the park where I run nearly everyday and the family spectators were back. 8:01. A bit slow but still on track.

To exit the park, there is a tunnel underpass and there were children cheering making our very own scream tunnel. I loved it 🤩. This was followed by a quick uphill and a tour through the arboretum. No time for photos though, I’m on a mission!

Just before the Mile 5 sign was a live spin class on the course cheering us on. Their energy was electric and my favorite cheer section of the race. The mileage sign was over a 1/10th of a mile before I expected it and this was when I realized it was very likely the course would be short. 7:54 🚞 back on track and time to go!

The runners were mostly strung out by this point but still reasonably close to one another. This was another point in the race where it was apparent that no one else knew about tangents. I had passed a few runners just by taking the shorter route. However I had no idea if they were half marathon or 10K runners. The split point was just barely before the Mile 6 sign and that was the first indication of who was running what. There was also a half marathon relay but I wasn’t worried about them. There was only one runner in my view after the split and way too far ahead for any moves.

I made the turn toward the finish and had hardly anything left. I was really happy to not be running the half in these conditions. There was a small uphill and then a really lovely downhill toward the finish. I blasted past the finish line because the course was in fact short and I wanted that 10K time. Clock time was 48:15. Garmin says 49:14 but either way I got my sub 50! 🥳

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I made my way back to the finish to collect my medal and then explain to my partner what happened. Apparently the medal volunteer tried to chase after me. This is probably a sign I take my hobby jogging too seriously 😅

I headed toward the post race snacks and to check the results. My partner told me that I was in the top 10. Turns out, I was 9th overall which is likely the highest overall that I’ve ever finished. Thanks in part to the fact that there weren’t any fast men at this race 😄. I also finished second in my age group but apparently he’s no longer impressed by that sort of thing. Anyway, I’m getting off topic, the point is that this race had the best snacks.
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Cookies, fruit, and chocolate. 🥰. All participants also got one free wine.

Overall, I really enjoyed the atmosphere of this race. The organizers did a great job at on course entertainment, swag, snacks, and a post race concert. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t great. Last year I volunteered at a water stop and the race was delayed then shortened due to thunderstorms. I’ll definitely be back but not sure if I can ever make this my goal race due to the weather instability this time of year.
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Congratulations 🎉
I appreciate that future goals for a given race are adjusted based on probable weather. You did amazing, especially considering the 100% humidity.
Great job!! The conditions did not look so terrific. I am ok with hot (more than most people) but humid, even if cool outside is disgusting.
GREAT job! Looks like so much fun and wtg on the race!!!!!
Thank you!

Congrats! You've had such a fantastic spring racing season. I am beyond impressed.

Amazing job! What a fun race!
Congrats and great job!! Looks like an awesome capstone to your season. Also, I concur - more post-race fruit (not just bananas)!
There were actually bananas but I left them on the table 😅
Awesome job!
Thank you!
Great job on the sub 50!
Wooo! 6 years in the making and finally got it!
Way to adjust to the conditions and still rock past the goal!
That adjustment was key and not something that I’m historically good at.
Congratulations 🎉
I appreciate that future goals for a given race are adjusted based on probable weather. You did amazing, especially considering the 100% humidity.
Thank you! Sometimes it’s okay to do races just for fun 😁…even though I’ll still probably give it my all.
Great job!! The conditions did not look so terrific. I am ok with hot (more than most people) but humid, even if cool outside is disgusting.
I’m a big wimp with heat and humidity! But I agree that heat is the lesser evil.
Spring Training - Phase 2 - Week 3/6

Hi friends. It’s still spring here and I still have several weeks to go in my spring training. I must admit that I’m looking forward to the break after my race in a few weeks, but for now I have to keep on keeping on.

Monday - Easy 3 2.25 - not mentioned in my race report was the fact that I was suffering from a sore throat on Sunday afternoon. 😩 it was still there on Monday and I wasn’t sure if I should go to GOTR or not. This season we only have two coaches on Mondays and I did not want to leave the other coach with 15 10 year olds so when my COVID test said negative, I decided I should go. I didn’t have much extra energy so I wanted to run my easy 3 miles with the girls. Should be no problem in the 45 minutes we had for running. Obviously, it was a problem 😆. I only made it just over two miles because of all the time I had to spend motivating the girls and convincing them they were not grass or wildflowers. Anyway, certainly didn’t have the energy after that so 2.25 miles it is.

Tuesday - Easy 6 - I still wasn’t feeling great and decided for the rest. My resting hr was still 10% higher than usual so something was definitely going on.

Wednesday - Rest - no surprise runs this week. It was our practice 5K for GOTR but I got to serve as cheerleader and that worked just fine for me.

I also got to go pick up my age group award from the 5K a few weeks ago. It’s looking quite nice next to its corresponding medal 🤩

Thursday - HM Cut - I had to go into the office this day so I planned to wake up and run before work. I didn’t realize that it was such a long workout though and didn’t wake up in time. I debated cutting it short but decided I could just try after work. That was sort of okay except for all the rain and it was somehow still very humid and hot. The run started out okay but I wasn’t able to keep up the pace and I certainly wasn’t able to “cut” the pace so I ended up calling it and only managed 7 of the 8.8 planned miles.

Friday - Easy 6 - It was still hot and humid. I sincerely debated skipping after the previous days debacle but luckily my brain reminded me that something was better than nothing. I headed out the door unsure how far I would go and surprised myself when I finished the whole thing 😊

Saturday - Easy 6 - This one started out real slow but I was able to find my groove and knock out the miles.

Sunday - Long 11.5 - Eeeek. My first double digit run since January 😬. I was worried about this one. There’s something scary about running 10+ miles the first time in a while. It was still annoyingly humid so I started out nice and slow, slowly sped up to near long run pace and then finished nice and slow. I forgot how exhausting long runs can be and I was definitely ready to be done about 7 miles in. I knew I could cover the distance though and kept going. A bit nervous about what this means for my endurance. To be fair, I’m four months removed from my marathon and have been focused on speed not endurance. It will come back…I hope. 🤞

Not a great start to the week, but a good finish. Just need to keep up the momentum for a bit longer.

Happy running y’all!
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I've never heard of this type of workout. Out of curiosity, what's a HM Cut?
I’m not the expert here and merely do what I’m told but it appears to be a workout that starts at HM+10s and works its way to HM-10s. This week it was 1mi WU + 3 @8:15 + 4min rest + 2 @ 8:05 + 4min rest + 1 @7:55 + 1mi CD. I managed 3 miles @ 8:37 + 1 @8:24 and then decided it was time to go home because the individual miles were actually getting slower.

The same workout is on the schedule this week with only 3 min rest. I’m hoping for better weather and better execution 🙃
I’m not the expert here and merely do what I’m told but it appears to be a workout that starts at HM+10s and works its way to HM-10s. This week it was 1mi WU + 3 @8:15 + 4min rest + 2 @ 8:05 + 4min rest + 1 @7:55 + 1mi CD. I managed 3 miles @ 8:37 + 1 @8:24 and then decided it was time to go home because the individual miles were actually getting slower.

The same workout is on the schedule this week with only 3 min rest. I’m hoping for better weather and better execution 🙃

It helps simulate the rigors of a race. As the end of the race/workout gets closer, the effort needs to go up. So as the HM Cut workout progresses you have to increase pace, but for a shorter period of time.
Spring Training - Phase 2 - Week 4/6


If my seasonal allergies are any indication, spring has definitely sprung. I had foolishly thought that maybe I had outgrown them but then they came back with a vengeance.

Monday - Easy 6 - the aforementioned allergies got the best of me. The weather was forecast to be better on Wednesday so I decided to swap the rest day.

Tuesday - Block - This workout started with a mile warm up and then progressed in speeds every 7 minutes from Easy to T. I had a range of emotions during this run. First I thought it was annoying and dumb trying to run precisely the easy pace. As the paces increased, it started to be a lot of fun. By the time I got to T I could tell it was getting harder but thought I still had another rep to go. I was kind of sad when it was over. All in all, a good effort and I did pretty good on the pacing.

Wednesday - Rest Easy 4 - as mentioned, I swapped my rest day but then Wednesday ended up being very busy and I only had time for 4. Better than nothing 🤷‍♀️

Thursday - HM Cut - I really wanted to nail this one after last week’s mess. It was quite warm so I opted for the treadmill to keep cooler and on pace. This was going okay but my shorts would not stay put and I was having major chafing issues. A real bummer since these are brand new shorts that I had successfully worn before. They just could not handle the higher speeds. I was not prepared to destroy my thighs so I called the workout at the same time as last week. If anyone has any favorite women’s shorts with pockets that stay put so I don’t chafe, I’m in desperate need!

Friday - Easy 6 - my allergies got the best of me again. I am not proud of this because I definitely could have run. Just keeping it real I suppose.

Saturday - Long 13 - officially this was on the schedule for Sunday but I knew that I wouldn’t feel like doing it on Sunday after my Saturday shenanigans. Making it more complicated was the GOTR 5K in the morning so I had to wake up at 5:30 to get this one done. The run went much better than last week. Things still hurt at the end but it was more familiar.

Sunday - Easy 6 - very surprised at how well this went. I assumed my legs would be dead after 13 miles + 5K + dancing all night to emo music (def not linkin park @striker1064 😆). It was also quite warm but just took it easy.

Two more weeks until the end of my season! Really looking forward to a break and taking it a bit easy for a few weeks. Someone remind me that training for 19 weeks straight is too many weeks.

Happy running y’all!
If anyone has any favorite women’s shorts with pockets that stay put so I don’t chafe, I’m in desperate need!
I got these for Mother's Day and just wore them today. They stayed put and the fabric felt nice and the pockets were good for my phone. I also have several of these Cadmus brand shorts and they're extremely light weight, don't ride up, and the pockets are nice. They're my go-to brand for solid colors.
I got these for Mother's Day and just wore them today. They stayed put and the fabric felt nice and the pockets were good for my phone. I also have several of these Cadmus brand shorts and they're extremely light weight, don't ride up, and the pockets are nice. They're my go-to brand for solid colors.
Thank you! The first link makes me nervous because it looks like they’re mostly cotton but I’m going to check out the other ones.

I had to throw out two pairs of shorts in the last year and I didn’t realize how limited my selection was until it started heating up again. I’ve got two pairs right now that are working okay but one is pretty thick so I don’t usually wear them when it’s above 40.
Thank you! The first link makes me nervous because it looks like they’re mostly cotton but I’m going to check out the other ones.

I had to throw out two pairs of shorts in the last year and I didn’t realize how limited my selection was until it started heating up again. I’ve got two pairs right now that are working okay but one is pretty thick so I don’t usually wear them when it’s above 40.
The second set I linked (the Cadmus) feel very lightweight to me. And it's always hot where I am. :)

I just checked and the first pair (the galaxy print) are 75 percent polyester and 25 percent spandex.


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