Universal now requiring documentation be sent to a third party for accessibility

Some people are awful.

I hope one day you can become comfortable enough with your disability to be able to get the accommodations that you deserve, so that you can have full, rich experiences at your favorite places.
Thank you ❤️ I very much appreciate you!
We only visited Disneyland once with my son before under the old FastPass system ended (and before they rolled out MaxPass). It didn't work well for him at all because there was no way to predict or line up the time you got with when he would actually be able to ride. They also mainly had Fastpasses for big ticket attractions, not the rides he was comfortable riding.

The current DAS system works well for him, although scheduling the advance DAS almost never works out for us (except sometimes first thing in the morning). Genie+, ILL, and virtual queues are also difficult because his ability to ride with a certain time window can be quite unpredictable.
I agree with multiple posters; for us time variability and schedule (at least for us) was better served with FastPass as opposed to the two pre-selected attractions. Although I'm appreciative of the offer, I think these selections seems to be the "bait" that is attractive to the fraudsters.
Thank you for this post - it was very helpful! I wish I was braver when it comes to my disability but it’s been such a difficult journey with a lot of very negative reactions/judgements/etc that I just can’t cope with having that info out there even if it is safe. But that’s ok - I’ll stick with grabbing a butterbeer and just enjoying the ambiance 😊

The part about accepted documents is a bit confusing and it does seem like it could open the door to abuse. I ran into a woman in a restaurant once who announced to her table mates (I was not one of them - just stuck at the next table over) that she “just says X (her son) is Autistic so they’ll give me a DAS” which began a rousing discussion among the rest of her group as to the many, many ways they attempt to cheat Disney/UO 🫣 I’m not sure how you stop abuse like that but it doesn’t seem like this card will do it. I can certainly see a person like that woman bullying a doctor into a letter/form and submitting false information to get a card but hopefully it will stem the flow of abuse a little - I just wish it didn’t come at the expense of disabled people.
Hugs to you.

My family of origin has a "suck it up buttercup" mentality, which can be super useful in many aspects of life. What has been challenging is coming to terms with disabilities/lack of perfection (it took me until I was over 50 to realize that perfection ISN'T a healthy life goal :)). 4 of the 6 of those family members are neuro-divergent/on the spectrum, but I'm the only one who will "admit" it. I cope and adapt pretty well, but now that I've acknowledged and gotten some help, it's sad/hard/interesting how much I've missed/ family member have missed over the years. I do not personally feel I need DAS accommodations, but I fully recognize that many others do, and would never resent them for their need, or over-reach on mine.

My kiddo who has a fairly recent (different) medical diagnosis necessitating a DAS struggled mightily to accept that (and still does some days). It is a process, and one that (when she was under 18) I had to almost force - we had a crisis situation and her doctor even said the DAS was necessary. Somedays she just wants to be "undercover" or try to forget that this is her new reality, and I hurt for her. So when we see people taking advantage, or gaming the process, and then in turn making it harder for those with legitimate needs, that angers this mama bear. She (I've told this story before) had a TERRIBLE phone DAS experience shortly after she turned 18 (diagnosis was at 17); she had to apply from college out of state and the phone CM literally made her cry. I clearly have lots of emotion around this issue, and have such a heart for the struggles described on these pages. As another poster said, I think most all of us here truly need these accommodations for our family members - I don't want/need MORE than anyone else, I just want a level playing field.

I remember when we first HAD to apply for a 504 so that my daughter could take medical devices in with her to take the ACT. They OFFERED extra time to test, and she was adamant that she didn't want/need EXTRA time (which would have been an unfair advantage) but only for the clock to stop in the event she needed to test and/or treat her condition). I've met very few folks with disabilities who want MORE, we just want FAIR. Hugs to all.
I agree with multiple posters; for us time variability and schedule (at least for us) was better served with FastPass as opposed to the two pre-selected attractions. Although I'm appreciative of the offer, I think these selections seems to be the "bait" that is attractive to the fraudsters.

Hugs to you.

My family of origin has a "suck it up buttercup" mentality, which can be super useful in many aspects of life. What has been challenging is coming to terms with disabilities/lack of perfection (it took me until I was over 50 to realize that perfection ISN'T a healthy life goal :)). 4 of the 6 of those family members are neuro-divergent/on the spectrum, but I'm the only one who will "admit" it. I cope and adapt pretty well, but now that I've acknowledged and gotten some help, it's sad/hard/interesting how much I've missed/ family member have missed over the years. I do not personally feel I need DAS accommodations, but I fully recognize that many others do, and would never resent them for their need, or over-reach on mine.

My kiddo who has a fairly recent (different) medical diagnosis necessitating a DAS struggled mightily to accept that (and still does some days). It is a process, and one that (when she was under 18) I had to almost force - we had a crisis situation and her doctor even said the DAS was necessary. Somedays she just wants to be "undercover" or try to forget that this is her new reality, and I hurt for her. So when we see people taking advantage, or gaming the process, and then in turn making it harder for those with legitimate needs, that angers this mama bear. She (I've told this story before) had a TERRIBLE phone DAS experience shortly after she turned 18 (diagnosis was at 17); she had to apply from college out of state and the phone CM literally made her cry. I clearly have lots of emotion around this issue, and have such a heart for the struggles described on these pages. As another poster said, I think most all of us here truly need these accommodations for our family members - I don't want/need MORE than anyone else, I just want a level playing field.

I remember when we first HAD to apply for a 504 so that my daughter could take medical devices in with her to take the ACT. They OFFERED extra time to test, and she was adamant that she didn't want/need EXTRA time (which would have been an unfair advantage) but only for the clock to stop in the event she needed to test and/or treat her condition). I've met very few folks with disabilities who want MORE, we just want FAIR. Hugs to all.
I am so very sorry to hear about your daughter’s experience! My heart goes out to her but I am glad to know she has a mama bear like you fighting for her 😊

I was actually able to attend a wonderful Accessibility Expo just a few weeks ago and it was so amazing finally finding a place I felt “seen”. There was a panel of speakers who brought up a number of issues that I have experienced or dealt with and it was mind-blowing to learn that there is terminology for these behaviors and most importantly, I’m not alone!

For years I never used the DAS because I never thought it was meant for someone like me but I was on a solo trip and had an incident that was kind a light bulb moment for me. It took quite a long time before I was able to go to Disney and ask for a DAS (and even now I expect to be rejected each time I renew — “you don’t need this/you don’t deserve this/they all think you’re a liar” — thanks brain!) Back in the day I would use Fast Pass but I never really got into stacking since I like to just pick one ride for the day and see how that goes. I do the same thing now with the DAS (one ride - sometimes even that doesn’t pan out) but I’ve never been much of a planner lol or able to do the whole rope drop to close. Like you said, I always, always want the DAS to be available so that it’s there if people need it and I never resent or judge others for using it. And I agree that the two pre-assigned rides seem to drive a lot of the animosity toward those with DAS.

My heart hurt hearing that woman speak like that and I really like the suggestion that people like that should always be seated last in a restaurant as well as permanent bans (the ban first of course, then the last seating lol!) I did notice in the fine print on the IBCCES site that there are penalties for providing false information so maybe they’ll catch her!

Thank you for your kind words! ❤️
I joined these forums just to discuss this new process. Has anyone else gotten their call from Universal yet? I know they’re swamped but I am freaking out while waiting. My IAC was approved Tuesday afternoon so hopefully I’ll hear from them any day now.

Universal is one of the only fun places I can enjoy with my disabilities. Thinking about Hagrid’s got me through some of the roughest parts of the past few years. I moved to Orlando so I can go whenever I want. I currently use the yellow pass and it’s still not easy for me but it’s doable most days with that. I have an existing case number but when I called they said that wouldn’t work anymore and there’s nothing I can do except wait for the phone call.

At the risk of sounding dramatic, I feel like I’m basically waiting to find out if I can ever do my favorite thing in the world again or if I spent all the money and energy moving here for it to be taken away. I’ve never had any problems getting the yellow card since they first recommended it so I’m hoping it will be a similarly easy process to get it for the year. Just feeling stressed reading all these stories of people having to fight and cry to get the same accommodations they’ve always had.

Thanks for reading. I’d love to hear more experiences if anyone else has gotten their phone call yet.
I am so very sorry to hear about your daughter’s experience! My heart goes out to her but I am glad to know she has a mama bear like you fighting for her 😊

I was actually able to attend a wonderful Accessibility Expo just a few weeks ago and it was so amazing finally finding a place I felt “seen”. There was a panel of speakers who brought up a number of issues that I have experienced or dealt with and it was mind-blowing to learn that there is terminology for these behaviors and most importantly, I’m not alone!

For years I never used the DAS because I never thought it was meant for someone like me but I was on a solo trip and had an incident that was kind a light bulb moment for me. It took quite a long time before I was able to go to Disney and ask for a DAS (and even now I expect to be rejected each time I renew — “you don’t need this/you don’t deserve this/they all think you’re a liar” — thanks brain!) Back in the day I would use Fast Pass but I never really got into stacking since I like to just pick one ride for the day and see how that goes. I do the same thing now with the DAS (one ride - sometimes even that doesn’t pan out) but I’ve never been much of a planner lol or able to do the whole rope drop to close. Like you said, I always, always want the DAS to be available so that it’s there if people need it and I never resent or judge others for using it. And I agree that the two pre-assigned rides seem to drive a lot of the animosity toward those with DAS.

My heart hurt hearing that woman speak like that and I really like the suggestion that people like that should always be seated last in a restaurant as well as permanent bans (the ban first of course, then the last seating lol!) I did notice in the fine print on the IBCCES site that there are penalties for providing false information so maybe they’ll catch her!

Thank you for your kind words! ❤️
I am so happy for you that you are finding your people and your voice. It certainly is a journey! I have the personality where I overplan and over-anticipate every. single. thing. that could/might/would go wrong. I'm in the season of life where I would like to solo travel/use my AP at Disney and Uni, but I have a fear that "something will go wrong" and I'll be there alone and stranded. Mind you, it's never ever happened, but it is crippling just the same.

The whole DAS/Uni pass issue reminds me of grade school, where the teacher would keep the whole class in for recess because one kid misbehaved. I always thought that was crappy, even at 6 years old, so this response (although I academically understand that these businesses are trying to reduce fraud) seems very much the same. The folks who legitimately NEED these accommodations are being punished because of the rule-breakers. Sigh. I guess the world isn't a perfect place :).
I joined these forums just to discuss this new process. Has anyone else gotten their call from Universal yet? I know they’re swamped but I am freaking out while waiting. My IAC was approved Tuesday afternoon so hopefully I’ll hear from them any day now.

Universal is one of the only fun places I can enjoy with my disabilities. Thinking about Hagrid’s got me through some of the roughest parts of the past few years. I moved to Orlando so I can go whenever I want. I currently use the yellow pass and it’s still not easy for me but it’s doable most days with that. I have an existing case number but when I called they said that wouldn’t work anymore and there’s nothing I can do except wait for the phone call.

At the risk of sounding dramatic, I feel like I’m basically waiting to find out if I can ever do my favorite thing in the world again or if I spent all the money and energy moving here for it to be taken away. I’ve never had any problems getting the yellow card since they first recommended it so I’m hoping it will be a similarly easy process to get it for the year. Just feeling stressed reading all these stories of people having to fight and cry to get the same accommodations they’ve always had.

Thanks for reading. I’d love to hear more experiences if anyone else has gotten their phone call yet.

I think I got lucky getting a call from Universal so quickly. It was like day 2 of this switch and I had registered with IBCCES on day 1. We don't even have a visit coming up or anything, so now I feel bad that people are waiting around with trips coming up.

Since you are a local, you could probably try going to the parks and should get to talk to someone in Guest Relations since you can show an approved IBCCES card. That, plus your record on file should grant you the new pass without difficulty, I would imagine.

They are likely super backed up in getting to the phone calls. They do all go through Orlando, which I found surprising. We visit Hollywood and they didn't use the same system of keeping files/case numbers on guests prior to this change. As passholders, we had to stop by on every visit to start over with a new card.
I joined these forums just to discuss this new process. Has anyone else gotten their call from Universal yet? I know they’re swamped but I am freaking out while waiting. My IAC was approved Tuesday afternoon so hopefully I’ll hear from them any day now.

Universal is one of the only fun places I can enjoy with my disabilities. Thinking about Hagrid’s got me through some of the roughest parts of the past few years. I moved to Orlando so I can go whenever I want. I currently use the yellow pass and it’s still not easy for me but it’s doable most days with that. I have an existing case number but when I called they said that wouldn’t work anymore and there’s nothing I can do except wait for the phone call.

At the risk of sounding dramatic, I feel like I’m basically waiting to find out if I can ever do my favorite thing in the world again or if I spent all the money and energy moving here for it to be taken away. I’ve never had any problems getting the yellow card since they first recommended it so I’m hoping it will be a similarly easy process to get it for the year. Just feeling stressed reading all these stories of people having to fight and cry to get the same accommodations they’ve always had.

Thanks for reading. I’d love to hear more experiences if anyone else has gotten their phone call yet.
I'm so sorry. We feel much of the same way - theme parks like Disney and Uni have been our family's happy places and this really hits differently.

I was told on the phone this week that they are VERY backed up. We had started the process for a planned/partially scheduled visit in December; but this issue will cause us to step back from any other pop up trips (I have two super cheap tickets to visit in September and October) and instead head to Disney. It's maddening when the rules change in the middle of the game, so I feel especially bad for Annual Passholders and Florida residents who had planned on the parks being a regular part of their lives.
The whole DAS/Uni pass issue reminds me of grade school, where the teacher would keep the whole class in for recess because one kid misbehaved. I always thought that was crappy, even at 6 years old, so this response (although I academically understand that these businesses are trying to reduce fraud) seems very much the same. The folks who legitimately NEED these accommodations are being punished because of the rule-breakers. Sigh. I guess the world isn't a perfect place :).
Agreed! I completely understand that for Disney/Universal this is a business/bottom line decision but I really hate how it’s forcing disabled people to jump through hoops.

I just recently read a post from a person who had recently applied for the IBCCES card and then upon speaking to Universal was turned down for accommodations and pushed toward purchasing an Express Pass until the TM found out the person was staying in a deluxe hotel with the Express Pass included and then the accommodations were granted. Those kinds of stories make me very wary even though I know just because it happened to one it won’t happen to all.

I’m afraid I don’t have any really nice solutions or ideas about how to solve this problem although I do sometimes wonder if they took the two pre-selections away if it would kind of lessen the “they shouldn’t get something for free that I have to pay for!” but also maybe people should just get over themselves and stop judging one another and realize that disabled people are not boogeymen, they are not out to get you or take advantage but like you said, we just want a FAIR playing field 😊
Agreed! I completely understand that for Disney/Universal this is a business/bottom line decision but I really hate how it’s forcing disabled people to jump through hoops.

I just recently read a post from a person who had recently applied for the IBCCES card and then upon speaking to Universal was turned down for accommodations and pushed toward purchasing an Express Pass until the TM found out the person was staying in a deluxe hotel with the Express Pass included and then the accommodations were granted. Those kinds of stories make me very wary even though I know just because it happened to one it won’t happen to all.

I’m afraid I don’t have any really nice solutions or ideas about how to solve this problem although I do sometimes wonder if they took the two pre-selections away if it would kind of lessen the “they shouldn’t get something for free that I have to pay for!” but also maybe people should just get over themselves and stop judging one another and realize that disabled people are not boogeymen, they are not out to get you or take advantage but like you said, we just want a FAIR playing field 😊
I've actually called/emailed/reached out to both Parks to advocate for my kiddo. We have a before and after to compare (and it seems they can see how/what you've done in the parks in the past, and the reality is that even with DAS, one the very best possible day when she's having no real issues, we accomplish MAYBE 75% of our old "normal". So, no advantage for us, even with DAS.

With Universal, I even explained to the person I talked to that during our year of Uni, it was our goal to experience as many different resorts as we could, and we rotate who gets to choose the resort. So we HAVE stayed at Royal Pacific, but this trip was my son's turn, and he chose Sapphire Falls because he likes their pool. I suppose that we could stay at Portofino Bay, but neither kid seemed interested, and it doesn't have the beachy vibe they prefer. Even if the application is declined, Express Pass would help, but we need a medical locker, so it's a no go for us without the pass.
Since you are a local, you could probably try going to the parks and should get to talk to someone in Guest Relations since you can show an approved IBCCES card. That, plus your record on file should grant you the new pass without difficulty, I would imagine.
Unfortunately, Universal isn't allowing this. :( They also won't put you through to anyone who can do the interview if you try to call them and explain you're going next week. You just have to wait for them to call you, and there's no way to email or call them first. They said I could get a one-day pass if I came next week as a one-time exception to their new policy.

I was told the estimated wait time is currently 2+ weeks. I really wanted to buy an HHN pass before they sell out, but there's NO way I can do HHN if I don't have accommodations, so I'm not sure what to do on that front.

I can't even be like "Well I'll just go to Disney then!" because the DAS doesn't help me at all. If all I needed was a lightning lane, I'd just buy Genie plus rather than wait in the guest relations line to get help. They won't even allow me to skip the holding rooms most of the time. On the other hand, Universal has always been amazing and helped me so much. I really really hope I can keep going.
I got a call back, my kid is on the spectrum and we got a case number. We registered 7/14. It is not easy for me to explain as english is my 3th language (Dutch is my first language). The lady calling me was friendly and helpful.
We also registered on 7/14 and haven't gotten a call yet. But I did just go back to the website and see that my son's status has moved from temporary to card holder (this morning it was still temporary). So I'm assuming we are now past the documentation phase.
Unfortunately, Universal isn't allowing this. :( They also won't put you through to anyone who can do the interview if you try to call them and explain you're going next week. You just have to wait for them to call you, and there's no way to email or call them first. They said I could get a one-day pass if I came next week as a one-time exception to their new policy.

I was told the estimated wait time is currently 2+ weeks. I really wanted to buy an HHN pass before they sell out, but there's NO way I can do HHN if I don't have accommodations, so I'm not sure what to do on that front.

I can't even be like "Well I'll just go to Disney then!" because the DAS doesn't help me at all. If all I needed was a lightning lane, I'd just buy Genie plus rather than wait in the guest relations line to get help. They won't even allow me to skip the holding rooms most of the time. On the other hand, Universal has always been amazing and helped me so much. I really really hope I can keep going.
you would think that if they had acoomidated you in the past and you already got your card then you would be accmidated
I applied on July 19th and was approved by IBCCES shortly thereafter. I never got an email saying I was approved, but when I went to download my card, I noticed it no longer said temporary.

Yesterday I received the following email from Universal.

Hello xxx,

Thank you for completing your registration for an IBCCES Individual Accessibility Card (IAC). We are excited for your upcoming visit to Universal Orlando Resort!

We would like to set up a time to speak with you so we can discuss your request for assistance when visiting our Parks. At your earliest convenience, please reply to this email and let us know the date of your planned trip so that we can reach out prior to your arrival.

If you do not have an upcoming trip planned, please let us know! We will still call you within the next few weeks to discuss your request for assistance. If you have preferred days or times for us to call, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your schedule.

Thank you, and we look forward to speaking with you!
So fortunately it looks like they're somewhat scheduling calls and trying to prioritize based on importance. My planned visit isn't until HHN so I told them that was when I had planned, contingent on being able to receive the same accommodations I've always received. It's unfortunate - I have to hold off on buying a pass now because I can't go without accomodations, and it seems like they've made the process much more complicated.

Don't get me wrong, I totally understand requiring documentation and I'm not upset about having to provide it (though I do sympathize with those who aren't able to easily get access to a doctor/people who don't have doctors that advocate for them) - but it seems to me like it should be if you get approved after showing a necessary medical need, Universal shouldn't still be screening you afterward. I thought the whole point was to streamline the process but it seems they've just decided they wanted to add another barrier to entry.
I applied on July 19th and was approved by IBCCES shortly thereafter. I never got an email saying I was approved, but when I went to download my card, I noticed it no longer said temporary.

Yesterday I received the following email from Universal.

So fortunately it looks like they're somewhat scheduling calls and trying to prioritize based on importance. My planned visit isn't until HHN so I told them that was when I had planned, contingent on being able to receive the same accommodations I've always received. It's unfortunate - I have to hold off on buying a pass now because I can't go without accomodations, and it seems like they've made the process much more complicated.

Don't get me wrong, I totally understand requiring documentation and I'm not upset about having to provide it (though I do sympathize with those who aren't able to easily get access to a doctor/people who don't have doctors that advocate for them) - but it seems to me like it should be if you get approved after showing a necessary medical need, Universal shouldn't still be screening you afterward. I thought the whole point was to streamline the process but it seems they've just decided they wanted to add another barrier to entry.
The reason that it is a 2 step process is because having a qualified disability (which the 1st step verifies) does not automatically mean you qualify for a disability pass. Every person with autism/severe bladder issues/anxiety/ADHD/IBS/type I diabetes/etc does not qualify for it because it also has to prevent you from waiting in a traditional line. That won’t be everyone (or even a majority of ) people who have a qualifying disability. So that first step process is only to weed out people who do not actually have a disability. I suspect that Universal has been accumulating enough data over time that leads them to believe that there are enough people abusing the system to justify having to use this verification step. I have no idea how many people utilize this system or how many people abuse it. But Universal knows how many people use it and probably have a decent idea of abuse rate. I don’t believe they are making this change for no reason. I know that some people have said that people who abuse it will just find a dr who will write a letter but I actually trying that is fairly low. A Dr would have to lie about a diagnosis (risking their medical license) and I really don’t thing many would go along with that. I guess only time will tell if having this second step has the outcome intended, weeding out the fakers but also providing those that need it with a streamlined process that works. The system is going to be backlogged because everyone is doing it all at once. Once this initial crush subsides, it will probably move very quickly. I’m sure that Disney is watching this unfold with much interest.
The whole DAS/Uni pass issue reminds me of grade school, where the teacher would keep the whole class in for recess because one kid misbehaved. I always thought that was crappy, even at 6 years old, so this response (although I academically understand that these businesses are trying to reduce fraud) seems very much the same. The folks who legitimately NEED these accommodations are being punished because of the rule-breakers. Sigh. I guess the world isn't a perfect place :).
I don't think they are trying to reduce fraud. I think they are trying to reduce liability by having a separate company triage the process. If there are any lawsuits, Universal will toss this company under the bus.
An IEP is offered as ONE form of supporting documentation. It's not the ONLY option.

IEPs will work for many people looking for theme park accommodations for their kids who have autism, which is one of the main conditions this type of pass was designed to accommodate ("invisible" disabilities like neurodevelopmental ones).

The other options are a doctors letter OR a letter from a government agency that states the nature of the disability.

People should be able to provide ONE of these in order to obtain a ride assistance pass. If people are unwilling or unable to do that, that's on them, and they will need to figure out how to manage at a theme park without assistance. I think the options provided are more than fair here.

People abuse these programs and that needs to stop. Not every medical condition that creates a disability will benefit from a theme park disability pass. That's why they don't grant it to everyone who asks.
Yes but not every child with an IEP needs accommodation at a theme park. IEPs deal with educational disabilities, not the ability to wait in line for a ride. These can be different or they can overlap. For example, some kids on the spectrum can't handle waiting in line without a meltdown while others can. That's why accommodation at Disney or Universal isn't automatic based on a diagnosis alone.
I think Disney will definitely be watching this very closely. Universal is likely implementing this to combat fraud and lying about disabilities to get around paying for Express. Now that Disney is also charging for their Lightning Lanes I can see them going the same route relatively soon.

I already use this system at Six Flags and it works really well, and it cut down on abuse a LOT. Wait times for the disability line were significantly shorter.
I am actually a big fan of this for my particular situation. I just asked my doctor to write me up some documentation for Universal and I am hoping it can be used at Disney as well soon.
I wonder if it's a good idea to mention it in the Disney interview for DAS.

*I do realize this makes it more difficult for some folks -- It just happens to make it easier for me -- I am incredibly hesitant about all of the stories of the pushback and hard time the DAS Interviewers are giving folks*
I applied 7/13 and was approved a day or two later but I have not heard a peep from universal. No call or email. Not worried since we have express for October trip which helps a lot. But it is odd people who applied much later are getting emails and /or calls. Nothing in junk folder either. I guess if I need to I can call close to trip just trying to decide where to book a short pre Easter week trip soon
Somedays she just wants to be "undercover" or try to forget that this is her new reality, and I hurt for her.
A little off topic, but does anyone else feel a cringe when the blue light (instead of green) lights up when you use your DAS?

Our DD is one of those with "not visible" disabilities and I feel like we get the "cheating" scrutiny from others. Maybe it's just my imagination, but why does Disney do that? Why not it be green like everyone else so you don't feel different. It's already hard dealing with the disability, but then you (and the family) are identified as disabled every time you use it.

Again, sorry, off-topic a bit, but this really eats at me.


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