What would you have done?

Do you feel this time was less severe than the time you had it before?
Yes it was. I had it for the first time last August and there I actually had a fever for a day, took a great nap though, and had a bad cough - symtoms last longer.. I wouldnt event say I had a cough this time. was more mild sore throat, the post nasal drip and coughing from that. A real cold is worse that this one.. Worse was maybe the jetlag on top and one night I couldnt sleep from post nasal drip on the throat.. A bit of nasal conjestion, but my nose was never completly closed. DD claimed she couldnt taste food, but all good now.. her nose and cough were a bit worse. What was crazy is how EVERYONE got it from the one night either sharing hotel or hanging out. but then DD and I didnt pass is on when we were most contagious, though we didnt test anyone else who was exposed, but they had zero symtoms.. Everyone who caught it had mild symtoms.
in hindsight happy I got it now.. As I am on longer cruise in October, 11 nights and the last Covid I got was from a cruise. So I hope I am good to go.. just my mom is the issue, she might boost before we go. but I believe it doesnt have this strain.
in hindsight happy I got it now.. As I am on longer cruise in October, 11 nights and the last Covid I got was from a cruise. So I hope I am good to go.. just my mom is the issue, she might boost before we go. but I believe it doesnt have this strain.
Having just been boosted, the doctor mentioned another booster strain protocol is coming out in September
Who does Covid tests anymore? I would have gone without a second thought.

I swear the Dis is an anomaly. I know no one in real life that still tests for Covid.
We do. I don't test before and after we go out of town every time like we used to but we do still test. We tested ourselves when we arrived in Venice last month, we had tests with us for our cruise (and masks just in case the occasion arose). I also went on a cruise (and was gone for 2 weeks from our house) and yes people were still caring. Some wore masks on the ships, people on the FB pages discussing covid on the ships and some being positive and needing to isolate, etc. I saw some people in various cities on our Med cruise with a mask. Was it a lot? No but there were still some, def. a few servers at some of the restaurants in ports were, saw some people walking around too.

Discussing the extremes (more speaking about DCLMP not mi*vida*loca here) doesn't really help. It's not so much that people are testing for every sniffle but rather there are still instances, reasons and situations that people do still test. And that's not a reason to mock people. Our tests we have in the pantry are nearing their expiration dates (I'll check again to see if they've been extended again) and these were ones given out by the state for free. I assume there are more people like me than one may realize. They aren't testing every.single.time they feel off, but there will be situations where a relatively easy access to a test can be done. As the years go on expect this to fade, that's understandable. But we tend to keep cold medicine, ibuprofen, Neosporin, band-aids, etc in the pantry it's not a burden (any longer on a general level) the idea of testing, seems pretty easy to just have a few tests on hand to add to what's in the pantry for the foreseeable future. If it's a burden to you, it's a burden to you, but most aren't going to see it as a huge issue.
We do. I don't test before and after we go out of town every time like we used to but we do still test. We tested ourselves when we arrived in Venice last month, we had tests with us for our cruise (and masks just in case the occasion arose). I also went on a cruise (and was gone for 2 weeks from our house) and yes people were still caring. Some wore masks on the ships, people on the FB pages discussing covid on the ships and some being positive and needing to isolate, etc. I saw some people in various cities on our Med cruise with a mask. Was it a lot? No but there were still some, def. a few servers at some of the restaurants in ports were, saw some people walking around too.

Discussing the extremes (more speaking about DCLMP not mi*vida*loca here) doesn't really help. It's not so much that people are testing for every sniffle but rather there are still instances, reasons and situations that people do still test. And that's not a reason to mock people. Our tests we have in the pantry are nearing their expiration dates (I'll check again to see if they've been extended again) and these were ones given out by the state for free. I assume there are more people like me than one may realize. They aren't testing every.single.time they feel off, but there will be situations where a relatively easy access to a test can be done. As the years go on expect this to fade, that's understandable. But we tend to keep cold medicine, ibuprofen, Neosporin, band-aids, etc in the pantry it's not a burden (any longer on a general level) the idea of testing, seems pretty easy to just have a few tests on hand to add to what's in the pantry for the foreseeable future. If it's a burden to you, it's a burden to you, but most aren't going to see it as a huge issue.
How is that extreme? I really had no idea anyone tested anymore. I can't even remember the last time I heard someone bring up Covid. Most people have moved on to worrying about other things like gas prices and inflation.
As far as the OP's question I would have done the same in this situation.

FWIW my husband was just telling me yesterday that they had a guy who they were trying to get come in for an interview and the first time around which was early last month called about an hour before (really should have called much earlier) stating he had covid and needed to reschedule. While they were annoyed he didn't call sooner they were glad he called. This is a situation where testing and then taking precautions is appreciated. Coming into an office full of people to be that close and be positive...yeah...
Just a word about what we are seeing in the hospital these days.

A spike in Covid cases among patients and staff.

Visitors bringing Covid in to patients, who then have to remain on isolation due to a known exposure. That makes it extra hard on hospitalized patients, just fyi.

People need to use common sense, still. If unwell, do us all a favor and try not to infect the rest of us. Please!
I do not think COVID is a big deal anymore but I also fully realize that a hospital is a very different situation. If you even have a minor cold then you should not be going to the hospital or take major precautions as there are very vulnerable people there. This should not be the case for going out in regular public.
Me! Home from travel earlier this summer and came down with a mild scratchy throat and chills a few days later. Didn't seem major, but I wanted to get together with family that is immune compromised. Took a test, negative. Not a big deal, not an inconvenience, not any hardship at all really to make sure I'm not exposing family to something that could cause them real harm (they were out of commission 2 months when contracting it previously). But, that's just me - I'm sure plenty of people wouldn't consider others' health to be worthy of spending a few seconds to swab their nose and a few minutes to wait for results.
To me this is also a special case. I don't have any immuno-compromised friends or family. If I did I would take special precautions but I do think this is more a rare case than the norm.
To follow CDC guidelines you would need to push it out 10 days. And for those 10 days wear an N95 mask, not a procedure mask, not a homemade mask, but an N95 mask for the entire 10 day period.

Would any of the people who said they would not have gone follow the CDC guidance?
My thought is the CDC has lost most, if not all, credibility with me and a lot of the public. They are not following the science and it has been proven that they lied about the vaccines when they knew they did not prevent getting or spreading COVID. I don't follow them and think their guidance is a joke. Not surprised most of us have no idea what the current guidelines are.
I don't see it as part of the rules anymore. It must be a recent change.
They got rid of the no COVID talk a while ago. Not sure the exact time.
I went in August of 2020 it was brutal. That being said it was a great trip. When I look at pictures from that trip I can't believe how empty the parks were.

Maybe time for a new avatar?
I went in late September/early October that year and it was still hot but I would think August would be brutal.

Yeah, I need to find a good pic to add. I just didn't even remember that I still had a mask on in this photo...
They got rid of the no COVID talk a while ago. Not sure the exact time.
I guess that means people have moved on. I haven't seen any threads on it. Let's hope this thread is an anomaly. Testing and vaccine requirements for cruising went away about a year ago, and masks longer than that, but it seems like another lifetime. It hasn't been a topic on the cruise forums.
How is that extreme? I really had no idea anyone tested anymore. I can't even remember the last time I heard someone bring up Covid. Most people have moved on to worrying about other things like gas prices and inflation.
It's not that exact particular comment, it was your comments in their entirety on this thread, which we'll add the above in there as well.

I worry about gas prices (especially as I need to fill up but don't want to with this incredibly high heat) and def. inflation (I mean my homeowner's insurance policy for next month is being insured for $123K more in large part to an inflation guard) but those are irrelevant to this thread. I can be concerned with those and still have various aspects of covid to think about. And it was very much in the forefront of my mind with going to Europe. It'll be on my mind when we go to Vegas in less than 2 weeks too but on a different level. I'm still out here enjoying my life, traveling and such.
How is that extreme? I really had no idea anyone tested anymore. I can't even remember the last time I heard someone bring up Covid. Most people have moved on to worrying about other things like gas prices and inflation.
I know quite a few who test still. Normally we wouldnt have tested but since a friend did and was + we tested. Glad we did, DD was suppose to leave on a bus with 45 other teens for a 2 week camping trip on Sunday. 14 hours bus drive. Thanks God we tested as had I put her on that bus, it could have been a miserable experience if suddenly 45 kids are sick, even with mild symptons. Like I posted before from 6 of us 5 got covid from one evening, ( the 6th most likley had it 3 weeks before anyways). My DD is now neg and will fy tomorrow to meet her camping group. With a good conciense I could never have put her on that bus.

We take tests with us on cruises, we cruise alot, we got covid once on one and know for each cruise group a significant group get covid. It's nice to know if you have it or not.
It's not that exact particular comment, it was your comments in their entirety on this thread, which we'll add the above in there as well.

I worry about gas prices (especially as I need to fill up but don't want to with this incredibly high heat) and def. inflation (I mean my homeowner's insurance policy for next month is being insured for $123K more in large part to an inflation guard) but those are irrelevant to this thread. I can be concerned with those and still have various aspects of covid to think about. And it was very much in the forefront of my mind with going to Europe. It'll be on my mind when we go to Vegas in less than 2 weeks too but on a different level. I'm still out here enjoying my life, traveling and such.
Are you sure? Are we allowed to care about more than one thing?! Hard to tell these days with so much advice on what we should/shouldn’t worry about - it’s all very confusing - maybe it’s just an anomaly?
not a medical expert, but have been told my many ( my DD's cardio for example) even asympotmatic or mild it's good to know if it's Covid vs the cold etc.... as with covid even if 100% "recovered" you should still take it easy.. Many think ok I had a mild case it's over,, but with Covid sometimes it can still linger and cause issues..So dont go out and do the heavy workout once you feel great, but to give yourself a week or two after systoms are gone.. to give your heart muscle time to recover.

this is why testing is good, so you know.
I'd honestly be very concerned if I had a PCP who prescribed an antibiotic to treat a virus.
Absolutely! I would question the doctor. It's actually negligent if the patient is older or has other health issues not to prescribe an antiviral!

Our trip to Disney last summer was a disaster. My younger daughter's whole family tested positive hours before our trip and they had to cancel. My husband and I both tested positive for covid within a few days of arriving in Disney. Our NP put us both on antivirals, my husband Lagevrio and me Paxlovid. They both worked like a miracle! We are both over 60 and my husband has heart issues.
Fast forward to this summer, and we just came back from vacation locally at the Jersey Shore. Putting our grands on boardwalk rides, there was a wall of people on top of one another! My husband tested positive on Sunday and again our NP put him on Lagevrio. Within 2 doses it started working and his fever was gone. He is still sick but getting better. He feels like this covid strain is slightly worse than the one he had last summer. So far, I am okay but am being careful, wearing a mask and waiting. I am trying to be considerate and not possibly infect anyone else.
Basically the cause for the increased cases is human behavior. No one is taking the precautions that they did in the past, masking in crowded areas, eating in outdoor restaurants, etc. Extreme heat and rain in parts of the country have driven people inside where they are more likely to spread the virus.

Bigger problem is no one tests themselves anymore. I happen to have a bunch of tests at home. I ordered them free from ones sent by the government. That ended in May, so if people don't have the tests at home, they don't go out to buy them.
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Are you sure? Are we allowed to care about more than one thing?! Hard to tell these days with so much advice on what we should/shouldn’t worry about - it’s all very confusing - maybe it’s just an anomaly?
That wasn't what I said at all. I said I don't hear people talking about it or worrying about it. Maybe in your circles, you do. You are certainly entitled to worry about whatever you want to worry about. I also said maybe this thread is an anomaly...nothing more than that.
That wasn't what I said at all. I said I don't hear people talking about it or worrying about it. Maybe in your circles, you do. You are certainly entitled to worry about whatever you want to worry about. I also said maybe this thread is an anomaly...nothing more than that.
I don't see 2020 levels of worry, but I have heard of a lot of people getting covid lately. One acquaintance's baby was just hospitalized for it after it ran through her older sister and both parents.
How is that extreme? I really had no idea anyone tested anymore. I can't even remember the last time I heard someone bring up Covid. Most people have moved on to worrying about other things like gas prices and inflation.
Nobody I associate with in our area is testing or discussing covid either. It is business as usual in the town and schools. Our town facebook page talks about gas prices a lot though :rotfl2:
That wasn't what I said at all. I said I don't hear people talking about it or worrying about it. Maybe in your circles, you do. You are certainly entitled to worry about whatever you want to worry about. I also said maybe this thread is an anomaly...nothing more than that.

I would take your response at face value, but all your words and posting frequency in this thread and in context to people’s comments (not the ones you are choosing to use now with me) convey something far different.

It’s clear you have strong opinions as do I - and I support anyone’s right to share a view and take a passionate stance - but to take the extra and repeated steps in expecting people to conform to one’s belief system (as the only truth) while being intentionally dismissive of others and the way they choose to live their lives as an anomaly - seems to me a step beyond just an opinion or exercise of free discourse.


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