The ABCs of Greece & Italy! X, Y, and Z, and that Friends is THE END!!! :) See you in Asia and Australia, Join Me THERE!!

K is for: Killin’ More Time In Rome

The Vatican was all I’d ever hoped for and so much more. It’s definitely on my “I’d-Go-Back-Again” List; my own personal opinion is that it’s done best in small chunks- say 2-3 hours at a time. More than that, and it’s just overwhelming. We hadn’t even touched the gardens either which was also included in our tickets. But the afternoon was marching on, and it was time to head back towards our Airbnb and find some dinner as well.

I took my last photos at the Vatican at 5:00:




and this one, back on the Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II, at 5:30.


Clearly, we had a better sense of direction headed BACK to our digs. Don’t worry, our victory in successful navigation was short-lived. Things are a bit fuzzy this far out now from this trip, but if memory serves (it does not serve well) I think we stopped back by our apartment to regroup, reload dinner directions, and take care of “business”. Trust me on this (it’s my #1 piece of travel advice- Never, EVER pass up an opportunity to “do business”. We may or may not have even laid down for a short bit.

Regardless, I’d picked a place out for dinner that had gotten loads of great reviews, but more so because it was tucked in a cute little alley and off the beaten path. The weather was so perfect, and I was happy to take any opportunity to dine al fresco!

Our inept navigation skills continued and here are the maps of the route we should have taken:


And the route we actually took: (notice the wrong right turn towards Largo...)


On the bright side, had we not taken a little "detour", we'd not gotten to see the evening light on the Campo di Fiori Market flowers and that was something pretty special!



Asking for directions from locals will get you absolutely nowhere. But I had my heart set on the place I’d chosen, so we kept at it and finally found ourselves here:


La Montecarlo is a cute little café with tons of tables set up for some Romanesque al fresco dining. The weather was perfection, so we sat outside. Naturally.


(I think the waiter assumed Anara was going to drink wine, so I helped her out a bit. That's what moms do.)

We got there, by European standards, on the early side (at 7:15) so the service was a little more personalized and the waiters used the opportunity to practice their English. I used the opportunity to order some wine and we were also talked into ordering a plate of deep-fried goodies. Some were arancini, some were potato balls, others were veggies. All were excellent.
But hugely filling so we each had a couple then saved the others to be taken home for breakfast.


Meanwhile, a very sweet couple of ladies with a beautiful dog were seated next to us and we spent the next 20 minutes or so sipping wine, chatting about dogs and hometowns, and life. It was a moment of human existence perfection. No hurries, the commonality of that shared space with no pretention… just good food, warm air, and conversation. The way meals are meant to be taken.

We placed our orders as the Roman sun set making way for the warm glow of strung lights and laughter with new acquaintances. I got a plate of pasta and Anara ordered a pizza. When they arrived, I was absolutely delighted, Anara was not. It just wasn’t what she’d expected, but she managed to eat a healthy portion anyways, and seemed satisfied. I think maybe she expected the veggies to be different kinds, or chopped up more finely, or red sauce…? No idea. I just remember the look of disappointment and that made me a little sad. I offered to share but if memory serves, she stuck with her pizza.



The restaurant by now was standing room only and there were quite a few folks waiting for seats; the staff had even started setting up more tables deeper into the alleyway, and we knew it was time to take our leave. I asked for the check and the server asked if we’d like our food boxed. Saying, “sure!”, I picked up the plate of fried balls and to my horror realized they, you know, roll. A few, 2? 3? Rolled right onto the ground to which the server shot right back, “They aren’t THAT bad, are they?!” We all about died laughing and I was grateful for the witty comeback to ease my utter embarrassment.

It was such a fun meal despite Anara’s mis-ordering. That will happen when traveling overseas anywhere you go and is something to be expected. Overall, we’d had far more hits than misses!

The way home was much easier to find and before too long we were lounging in bed scrolling on our phones connecting with family and friends and reviewing our photos from the day. We’d made memories that will last a lifetime, and even now, over a year later, I’m so thankful for the chance that Anara got to see such a rich, amazing city. Much, MUCH more was waiting for us the following day with loads more sights to see. Stay tuned….


(Evening, somewhere in Rome.)


As you may have guessed, classes have started up for me again, and I'm taking every spare moment to study Pediatrics. I'm determined to try and pass it before I leave for Tucson, and then finish my next class before I head to the Philippines, Bali, Australia, etc... It'll be tight and a miracle if I can manage it, but I'm giving it my best shot which means less time here and more in the books and readings. :) Wish me luck!!
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Still reading along. You made lovely memories with your daughter. Can't wait to read more but please take your time and take the time for you. We can wait.
When is your trip to the Philippines and places?
I wish your good luck on your studies.
Well, that's unfortunate. Too bad it wasn't a little bit more intuitive.
That was definitely a frustration. I'll write more about that in the next update.
I think you chose wisely. ::yes::
I did!
Wow! So lifelike! That's pretty amazing art.

Like that one, huh? I really thought it was a fun, fortuitous shot.
Like the soft focus on this one. :)
It really was a "dreamy" scene looking across the river.
:laughing: Well... when in Rome? Literally?
I wonder when that term would be thrown into the pot. ;)
That's a very eye-catching shot. Good on you!
I do try to travel on the shoulder seasons. Better weather and less crowds (usually.)
And less expensive too!
Even for domestic travel, I do this.
I'm a believer in this now!
Nope. Maybe before my time.
Then again, and this is a gigantic generalization, you did all the planning for your family trips, and guys probably don't think about cutsie, decorated binders.
After seeing all your photos... I believe it!
:) Lots to see!
Little confused by this. You said you could spend "days... weeks... in there"... but then you say 2-3 hours was enough?
I guess what I meant, was you could spend hours upon hours in there, but it's best to break it up into 2-3 hour chunks over several weeks. Years? It's honestly a little overwhelming.
Mosaic??? :worship:
They offer tons of mosaic classes nowadays and I considered taking one. I'd go back to do one in Rome.
The detail is incredible!
Love the colour and detail of the wood.
So rich and intricate. Bali, I hear, is absolutely renowned for its wood carvings. I can't WAIT to see it in person in a few months. I have a couple of cultural museums on my list to see some.
The amount of work required to create something like that... let alone the skill!
And time....
can't think of a better description for good art.
:) It really did feel like that!
Perhaps not...
Still... that painting is entirely too captivating.
Definitely very striking. If it's the one you referred to, that's a tapestry!!
It's been... hmmm... on the edge of my bucket list?
But... like you said... here you are, going. :)
Sometimes, travel just sort of organically falls into your lap and happens.
Whelp... everything here is covered in about a foot of snow... so... no more fall hikes for me!
Well, that was rather abrupt!
I didn't realize that they were contemporaries. Both artists did fabulous work.
They were, although as Raphael gained popularity, Michaelangelo started to fade. Raphael was the new "pop star" getting more commissions, much to Michaelangelo's despair. But yes, both so incredibly talented with amazing works!
The tapestries are gorgeous. It looks like you could spend days looking at the artwork. The detail of everything is amazing.
I think I enjoyed this museum even ore than the Uffizi in Florence. There seemed to be so much more art and the pieces, at least for me, made me slow down and be more contemplative. Next time I will try to get in without a tour and do things at my own pace.
I had started this TR back when you were planning it and lost track as I was off the Dis for a while and then rarely on the TR board. I saw the recent title of the Vatican museums and skipped to the last few posts and then will go back.

Hubby and I were just on a Med Cruise and in Rome Oct 3-5th with the cruise leaving late on the 5th. We did a Vatican tour on the 5th Thursday. We were late for our original tour because we couldn't get an Uber but they were able to get us into another one. Which was different than the one I booked but I was glad they were able to accommodate us even though it was a larger group and we had booked a "Small group" one. There were about 20 people and our guide wasn't the best about making sure we were all together. It was so hot and crowded that day and I was not feeling 100% to begin with and all the stress of trying to keep up with the group added to being tired and hot (partially from not feeling good---turned out to be for female reasons, ugh...) and all those darn steps, ohh man, it felt like there were constant steps, up, down, up, down and my knees don't like steps (out of shape at age 50 with almost 30 of those years as a nurse will do that to a person, LOL) I barely felt like I could enjoy it. I have looked back at my pics and at least I think I got some good ones but I have no idea what most of it is.

I did love those 2 hallways with the maps and the tapestries but I was loving the ceilings more, so gorgeous.
I see you're making your way through bit by bit and hope you're enjoying the trip! :) It's great to have you back and I sure enjoy your comments!!

Wasn't Rome nice?! I really loved it!

The Vatican was soooo crowded and I imagine it's just always like that unfortunately. I wonder how many just join a group and then just ditch it and finish on their own. I liked the explanations and I did get more out of what I was seeing that way but had I to do it over, I'd just download a Rick Steve's Audio Guide and do my own thing at my own pace. Yes, those steps!!! OH!!! I need to go back and tell a little story on this last chapter about steps and walking... ;)

As for knees and walking? Yep, 100% a nurse thing. My feet have developed some VERY bad neuropathy and it's really making it hard to sleep. They burn and tingle all night long and I almost have to hang them completely off the bed to make it calm down. Someone gave me some peppermint foot cream to use and it has definitely helped, but ouch!!! My knee will never be the same after I tore it up in my move to Bowling Green and surgery... c'est le vie. :(
Still reading along. You made lovely memories with your daughter. Can't wait to read more but please take your time and take the time for you. We can wait.
When is your trip to the Philippines and places?
I wish your good luck on your studies.
Hey Judy! :) We really did, and guess what?! She's going with me for most of my trip to Asia as well and we've done some really nice planning together. Heh, if that what it takes for her to talk with dear old mom, I'll take it.

I'm sorry my TR's are like slow boats to China, Italy, Australia.... wherever, but that's how I roll. ;) I'm so glad you're still here and cheering me along.

We leave on the 21st of February and we'll be gone a month. My middle daughter (Mikki, who was on the Greece portion of this last trip) is getting married south of Manila on the 24th, then I'll have 5 days in Bali, then, while I'm in Bali, Anara will join her dad and stepmom to see a bit more of the Philippines. Then, we'll meet up again in Adelaide. We'll go to Kangaroo Island, then onto Tasmania, then to Alice Springs to see Uluru and finish in Cairns with 3 days on Fitzroy Island snorkeling. :) A month in total.
The Vatican was all I’d ever hoped for and so much more.
I'd love to see it some day, and your photos have got me wanting to even more. :)
It’s definitely on my “I’d-Go-Back-Again” List
Definitely a good sign that you loved it.
Like this shot. :)
Nice shot of Anara. She looks very relaxed.
but if memory serves (it does not serve well)
and take care of “business”
Gotta make sure to keep on top of those finances. ::yes::
Trust me on this (it’s my #1 piece of travel advice- Never, EVER pass up an opportunity to “do business”.
Yep. Don't want to miss paying a bill or something.
And the route we actually took: (notice the wrong right turn towards Largo...)
On the bright side, had we not taken a little "detour", we'd not gotten to see the evening light on the Campo di Fiori Market flowers and that was something pretty special!
Happy little accidents are the best kind.
La Montecarlo is a cute little café with tons of tables set up for some Romanesque al fresco dining.
I took a look at the link you posted. It looks really tiny!
(I think the waiter assumed Anara was going to drink wine, so I helped her out a bit. That's what moms do.)
Some were arancini, some were potato balls, others were veggies. All were excellent.
Lots of fried food. Not too heavy? (Yes I know you didn't eat it all.)
Suuuuuper cheesy!
Meanwhile, a very sweet couple of ladies with a beautiful dog were seated next to us and we spent the next 20 minutes or so sipping wine, chatting about dogs and hometowns, and life.
Where they from the States too?
It was a moment of human existence perfection. No hurries, the commonality of that shared space with no pretention… just good food, warm air, and conversation. The way meals are meant to be taken.
Anara ordered a pizza. When they arrived, I was absolutely delighted, Anara was not. It just wasn’t what she’d expected, but she managed to eat a healthy portion anyways, and seemed satisfied. I think maybe she expected the veggies to be different kinds, or chopped up more finely, or red sauce…? No idea. I just remember the look of disappointment and that made me a little sad.
That's too bad. I'm sorry to hear that.
I picked up the plate of fried balls and to my horror realized they, you know, roll. A few, 2? 3? Rolled right onto the ground to which the server shot right back, “They aren’t THAT bad, are they?!” We all about died laughing and I was grateful for the witty comeback to ease my utter embarrassment.
:laughing: Whoops!
Makes me think of that song "On top of spaghetti..." You know it?
We’d made memories that will last a lifetime, and even now, over a year later, I’m so thankful for the chance that Anara got to see such a rich, amazing city.
Wonderful. :)
Much, MUCH more was waiting for us the following day with loads more sights to see. Stay tuned….
MUCH??? How much more much can you have than the Vatican??
That's... kinda creepy.
As you may have guessed, classes have started up for me again, and I'm taking every spare moment to study Pediatrics. I'm determined to try and pass it before I leave for Tucson, and then finish my next class before I head to the Philippines, Bali, Australia, etc... It'll be tight and a miracle if I can manage it, but I'm giving it my best shot which means less time here and more in the books and readings. :) Wish me luck!!
Good luck!
Like that one, huh? I really thought it was a fun, fortuitous shot.
The bird is the word
I wonder when that term would be thrown into the pot. ;)
Had to happen sooner or later. It's a rule.
And less expensive too!
That too!
Then again, and this is a gigantic generalization, you did all the planning for your family trips, and guys probably don't think about cutsie, decorated binders.
And this is a gigantic generalization... we don't!
I guess what I meant, was you could spend hours upon hours in there, but it's best to break it up into 2-3 hour chunks over several weeks. Years? It's honestly a little overwhelming.
I get it now. :)
Bali, I hear, is absolutely renowned for its wood carvings. I can't WAIT to see it in person in a few months. I have a couple of cultural museums on my list to see some.
Looking forward to that TR!
Definitely very striking. If it's the one you referred to, that's a tapestry!!
I went back and looked and saw that! :faint:
Well, that was rather abrupt!
The Vatican was all I’d ever hoped for and so much more. It’s definitely on my “I’d-Go-Back-Again” List; my own personal opinion is that it’s done best in small chunks- say 2-3 hours at a time.
I think 2-3 hours is the absolute most I could do. My brain would overload if I did more than that. :)
Anara ordered a pizza. When they arrived, I was absolutely delighted, Anara was not.
The pizza looks bland and flavorless. It is like they didn't want to bother making it delicious.
It was such a fun meal despite Anara’s mis-ordering.
I love the setting. You look like you belong in a Van Gogh painting, without the wild colors. :)
It'll be tight and a miracle if I can manage it, but I'm giving it my best shot which means less time here and more in the books and readings. :) Wish me luck!!
Good luck with your studies. Of course you will make it. You might not get any rest, but you'll make it. ;)
Wasn't Rome nice?! I really loved it!
Did you and Anara have any trouble with the men in Rome? My daughter was in Rome with her high school Latin class and some of the men were very aggressive.
We leave on the 21st of February and we'll be gone a month.
It looks like a wonderful trip!
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I'm determined to try and pass it before I leave for Tucson, and then finish my next class before I head to the Philippines, Bali, Australia, etc... It'll be tight and a miracle if I can manage it, but I'm giving it my best shot which means less time here and more in the books and readings. :) Wish me luck!!
If anyone can do it, YOU can!!! I look forward to reading more whenever time allows you to come back here, but just know we're all rooting you on here in the background!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Never, EVER pass up an opportunity to “do business”.

This is most profound and life-affirming piece of travel adivce I have ever encountered.

I pause now to ponder and reflect...




Thank you.

The pics were great and the dinner sounds like it wound up beeing a downright hootenanny!
I'd love to see it some day, and your photos have got me wanting to even more. :)
I hope you get to someday!
Right?! Most elaborate one I think I've ever seen.
Like this shot. :)
I wish I'd had a drone to take it from straight down and centered. I'd imagine drones might be a bit frowned upon there though. ;)
Nice shot of Anara. She looks very relaxed.
I think after her little break from the shoes.... oh! I forgot to write about that!! Next chapter I'll add it.
Gotta make sure to keep on top of those finances. ::yes::
Which in this case, "much" meant about 1/2 a mile.
Happy little accidents are the best kind.
They truly are, and especially when traveling.
I took a look at the link you posted. It looks really tiny!
The outside def was, but the inside while a bit bigger, wasn't much.
Where they from the States too?
I honestly don't even remember!
:laughing: Whoops!
Makes me think of that song "On top of spaghetti..." You know it?
... all covered with cheeeeeese..... 🎶🎵🍝
MUCH??? How much more much can you have than the Vatican??
Just wait!!
That's... kinda creepy.
I thought so too. Kinda like a Twilight Zone prop or something.
And this is a gigantic generalization... we don't!
Nailed it!
Looking forward to that TR!
I hope I can do one. Wth Clinicals shortly following, I may have even less time!
I think 2-3 hours is the absolute most I could do. My brain would overload if I did more than that. :)
The pizza looks bland and flavorless. It is like they didn't want to bother making it delicious.
I thought so too. If it'd been my dinner I think I'd have been pretty disappointed as well. :(
I love the setting. You look like you belong in a Van Gogh painting, without the wild colors. :)
It was very lovely for sure!
Good luck with your studies. Of course you will make it. You might not get any rest, but you'll make it. ;)
I just took my practice exam for this class (Pediatrics) and did fairly well. I should be able to sit the exam in a couple of weeks.
Did you and Anara have any trouble with the men in Rome? My daughter was in Rome with her high school Latin class and some of the men were very aggressive.
No, really not ever. I can't think of a time either of us were even flirted with. Which is def a good thing.
It looks like a wonderful trip!
I sure hope so! :) Lots of really wonderful nature-centered things to do for sure.
If anyone can do it, YOU can!!! I look forward to reading more whenever time allows you to come back here, but just know we're all rooting you on here in the background!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Still plunking away at the material and trying to put it all to memory. Every class is just so much! But I should be able to test in a few weeks. Hopefully before I head to AZ just after Christmas.
Hi Liesa!!! Just popping to say that I'm reading along and I miss you lots! Sending all the good vibes your way ♥️
Oh!!! It's so wonderful to see you back here!! I just don't have it in me to be very active here during my school stuff, but I AM trying to finish up this TR. I'll be heading to Asia in Feb and would love to do another TR for that. BUT!! I'll be in clinicals that term (May-Nov) and may have even LESS time. Thanks for the good vibes, there's def light at the end of the tunnel!!
This is most profound and life-affirming piece of travel adivce I have ever encountered.

I pause now to ponder and reflect...




Thank you.

The pics were great and the dinner sounds like it wound up beeing a downright hootenanny!
You are most welcome! I mean... I'm here to serve and protect, after all!

Hootenannies? I live for them.


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