The Running Thread—2023

I’m mad over Garmin not giving us a Thanksgiving Day badge this year.

I ran Space Coast on Sunday as a supported training run for Dopey. I was running 2:00/:30 intervals using the workout feature on my Garmin. I should have finished around a 2:06 time. I didn’t bother once to check my overall time while I was on the course. I wasn’t there to race. I was there to put some mileage in and support my husband who was running his first half. I finished in 2:01:23 with more than enough gas in the tank. I am so mad at myself. I have run a 1:59 before during marathon training runs, but never during a race. Now I have it in my head I need to try MW and I afraid I’ll fall flat again because I have race anxiety.

This was my second time running Space Coast and it was amazing again. Course is lovely and the finish area rocks. This year we got a medal, beach towel, cooling towel and water at the finish line. In the reunion area there was chocolate milk, beer (mich ultra, mango something and one other), pancakes, hard boiled eggs, pizza, bananas, oranges, muffins and Publix was giving out a breakfast bar of some sort and keychains. We got cute cow sunglasses at the chocolate milk truck.


ETA: I saw a couple from here at the Hilton on Sunday afternoon. I am sorry, but I am horrible horrible horrible with names. I spotted you at Longboards, but you were gone before I could break away from my conversation and go over to say hello. You were wearing a runDisney princess shirt.
The things we do for stupid virtual stuff: Garmin edition ......Going out to get 10,000 steps so I can earn my final Garmin Disney badge and the extra one....even though I am exhausted and pained with my neck issue. But it's done.

So that's my (latest) to share
I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not have trotted back and forth across my bedroom right before bedtime to get my Garmin to roll over 10k steps, or the next pending increment...
A Black Friday/Cyber Monday special for everyone - Goodr has a sitewide 25% off and free shipping sale on their website. My experience is that it is fairly rare to see these one sale so I wanted to pass this one alone.

I might be spending some time tonight figuring out how many of these I "need."
Anyone have any advice in dealing with patellar tendinitis? The bottom of my knee had been bothering me here and there. Nothing major. I could feel it “grab” sometimes when I bent my knee to sit down or another similar motion. But it would go away and then come back. Sometimes when running it would start out being a little tight and then loosen up. I went on two long runs last week. First one I had no issues. My legs felt fantastic after. Then after the second one, my knee has been hurting. I am pretty sure it’s my patella tendon that is inflamed. I have a patella tendon strap that I tried to use today, but that thing is so uncomfortable with that padding pushing in on the tendon. Wondering if an actual knee brace may help. Just looking for advice from people who may have worked through patellar tendinitis before.
I’m mad over Garmin not giving us a Thanksgiving Day badge this year.

I ran Space Coast on Sunday as a supported training run for Dopey. I was running 2:00/:30 intervals using the workout feature on my Garmin. I should have finished around a 2:06 time. I didn’t bother once to check my overall time while I was on the course. I wasn’t there to race. I was there to put some mileage in and support my husband who was running his first half. I finished in 2:01:23 with more than enough gas in the tank. I am so mad at myself. I have run a 1:59 before during marathon training runs, but never during a race. Now I have it in my head I need to try MW and I afraid I’ll fall flat again because I have race anxiety.

This was my second time running Space Coast and it was amazing again. Course is lovely and the finish area rocks. This year we got a medal, beach towel, cooling towel and water at the finish line. In the reunion area there was chocolate milk, beer (mich ultra, mango something and one other), pancakes, hard boiled eggs, pizza, bananas, oranges, muffins and Publix was giving out a breakfast bar of some sort and keychains. We got cute cow sunglasses at the chocolate milk truck.

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ETA: I saw a couple from here at the Hilton on Sunday afternoon. I am sorry, but I am horrible horrible horrible with names. I spotted you at Longboards, but you were gone before I could break away from my conversation and go over to say hello. You were wearing a runDisney princess shirt.
Thanks for sharing your recap of Space Coast. An impressive time for "just" a training run! Sounds like some awesome race amenities. I'm trying to convince my husband and daughters to travel next year to do this one!
This was my second time running Space Coast and it was amazing again. Course is lovely and the finish area rocks. This year we got a medal, beach towel, cooling towel and water at the finish line. In the reunion area there was chocolate milk, beer (mich ultra, mango something and one other), pancakes, hard boiled eggs, pizza, bananas, oranges, muffins and Publix was giving out a breakfast bar of some sort and keychains. We got cute cow sunglasses at the chocolate milk truck.
Awesome job! My friend and her mom ran the half this year, too. I'm considering signing up for next year's half as a training run for the Disney marathon (if I end up deciding to register). Sounds like it was a fun way to get the run in.
Thanks for sharing your recap of Space Coast. An impressive time for "just" a training run! Sounds like some awesome race amenities. I'm trying to convince my husband and daughters to travel next year to do this one!
It’s a great weekend beach getaway! The weather was a bit chilly for me, but it was still nice to be at the ocean! It’s nicely organized and they provide transportation from the host hotels to the start. We drove to the start and had no problems finding parking.
Awesome job! My friend and her mom ran the half this year, too. I'm considering signing up for next year's half as a training run for the Disney marathon (if I end up deciding to register). Sounds like it was a fun way to get the run in.
The OUC Half in downtown Orlando is a fun one too. I ran it in 2020 so I got the stripped down Covid version of it. It’s usually the first weekend in December. I have not had a chance to run it again because something always pops up. I had planned to run it this year and, yup, I have to go out of town this weekend 👎

I forgot to mention that Space Coast has two half routes. The North course has a 4 hour time limit. The South course offers a little over 6.5 hours to finish. The marathoners run the north course then the south course and have 7 hours. The south course is also the party course. Homeowners set up aid stations with beer, food (there was bacon, pancakes and sausage at one), water and the infamous fireball shots.
The OUC Half in downtown Orlando is a fun one too. I ran it in 2020 so I got the stripped down Covid version of it. It’s usually the first weekend in December. I have not had a chance to run it again because something always pops up. I had planned to run it this year and, yup, I have to go out of town this weekend 👎

I forgot to mention that Space Coast has two half routes. The North course has a 4 hour time limit. The South course offers a little over 6.5 hours to finish. The marathoners run the north course then the south course and have 7 hours. The south course is also the party course. Homeowners set up aid stations with beer, food (there was bacon, pancakes and sausage at one), water and the infamous fireball shots.
Ha, I used to work for OUC. Too bad I wasn't a runner then because I would have gotten a free registration. :D

And wow, I had thought about doing the North Course just because of the NASA views, but now it seems like the South course is the way to go!
I’m mad over Garmin not giving us a Thanksgiving Day badge this year.

I ran Space Coast on Sunday as a supported training run for Dopey. I was running 2:00/:30 intervals using the workout feature on my Garmin. I should have finished around a 2:06 time. I didn’t bother once to check my overall time while I was on the course. I wasn’t there to race. I was there to put some mileage in and support my husband who was running his first half. I finished in 2:01:23 with more than enough gas in the tank. I am so mad at myself. I have run a 1:59 before during marathon training runs, but never during a race. Now I have it in my head I need to try MW and I afraid I’ll fall flat again because I have race anxiety.

This was my second time running Space Coast and it was amazing again. Course is lovely and the finish area rocks. This year we got a medal, beach towel, cooling towel and water at the finish line. In the reunion area there was chocolate milk, beer (mich ultra, mango something and one other), pancakes, hard boiled eggs, pizza, bananas, oranges, muffins and Publix was giving out a breakfast bar of some sort and keychains. We got cute cow sunglasses at the chocolate milk truck.

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ETA: I saw a couple from here at the Hilton on Sunday afternoon. I am sorry, but I am horrible horrible horrible with names. I spotted you at Longboards, but you were gone before I could break away from my conversation and go over to say hello. You were wearing a runDisney princess shirt.
Great job! I was there too, running the full (my very long recap is here:

And wow, I had thought about doing the North Course just because of the NASA views, but now it seems like the South course is the way to go!
I knew you were supposed to be able to see the Vehicle Assembly Building from the north course turnaround, but I was so focused on the race that I completely forgot and didn't notice it at all 😂 The south course is also flatter if that makes a difference.

Agree about the OUC half being fun, and they have great post-race snacks!
Anyone have any advice in dealing with patellar tendinitis? The bottom of my knee had been bothering me here and there. Nothing major. I could feel it “grab” sometimes when I bent my knee to sit down or another similar motion. But it would go away and then come back. Sometimes when running it would start out being a little tight and then loosen up. I went on two long runs last week. First one I had no issues. My legs felt fantastic after. Then after the second one, my knee has been hurting. I am pretty sure it’s my patella tendon that is inflamed. I have a patella tendon strap that I tried to use today, but that thing is so uncomfortable with that padding pushing in on the tendon. Wondering if an actual knee brace may help. Just looking for advice from people who may have worked through patellar tendinitis before.

Lots of possible causes for knee pain. Over the spring I went for a normal morning run, everything felt fine, and then went to walk up the stairs to work. Bam, excruciating pain in my right knee. After that runs felt fine until a couple miles in when they didn’t. I had chrondromalacia, aka “runner’s knee,” which is swelling of the cartilage under the patella, which is an overuse injury. Knee support straps don‘t have any evidence for efficacy, and like KT tape, any benefit is likely placebo. What works? Rest, ice, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, and strengthening the leg muscles (mainly quads).
I’m mad over Garmin not giving us a Thanksgiving Day badge this year.

I ran Space Coast on Sunday as a supported training run for Dopey. I was running 2:00/:30 intervals using the workout feature on my Garmin. I should have finished around a 2:06 time. I didn’t bother once to check my overall time while I was on the course. I wasn’t there to race. I was there to put some mileage in and support my husband who was running his first half. I finished in 2:01:23 with more than enough gas in the tank. I am so mad at myself. I have run a 1:59 before during marathon training runs, but never during a race. Now I have it in my head I need to try MW and I afraid I’ll fall flat again because I have race anxiety.

This was my second time running Space Coast and it was amazing again. Course is lovely and the finish area rocks. This year we got a medal, beach towel, cooling towel and water at the finish line. In the reunion area there was chocolate milk, beer (mich ultra, mango something and one other), pancakes, hard boiled eggs, pizza, bananas, oranges, muffins and Publix was giving out a breakfast bar of some sort and keychains. We got cute cow sunglasses at the chocolate milk truck.

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ETA: I saw a couple from here at the Hilton on Sunday afternoon. I am sorry, but I am horrible horrible horrible with names. I spotted you at Longboards, but you were gone before I could break away from my conversation and go over to say hello. You were wearing a runDisney princess shirt.
That was me! I’m sorry we didn’t see you to say hi. Congratulations on a great race! This was our second time at Space Coast. DH did the full both years. Last year, I was signed up to do the North course, but had to switch to the South after emergency surgery, not knowing if I would be able to finish in time or at all (I did). This year, I did the North course, but had a rough time, and finished with a lot of walking. I didn’t see the NASA stuff at the turnaround either, but maybe the fire truck blocked the view?
We went out on the beach last night for the 11:20 rocket launch. It was so cool to see it in the dark from that close! We’re driving home today. It was a fun trip, and I highly recommend that race!
Knee support straps don‘t have any evidence for efficacy, and like KT tape, any benefit is likely placebo. What works? Rest, ice, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, and strengthening the leg muscles (mainly quads).

I'm in this camp as well. At the end of my recent marathon training, I had some knee pain which presented in the manner of "runner's knee". Much experience with running injuries tells me that time is healer. I took a few days off, backed off on some of the intensity in my runs, and for jollies, did KT Tape for my final long run and the race. Since I tended to the issue sooner rather than later, it resolved quickly and I had zero issues during the race (well, knee-related, anyway!)
I've got a popping below my knee cap, and a PT and my massage therapist said it's mostly likely due to tight quads. It's not a clicking feeling or painful, so they said it's most likely NOT cartilage (phew!). I left my running and strength coach this summer to do it on my own again, and Peloton has a lot of squats and lunges. I'm trying to get back to more frequent, shorter yoga classes during the week to focus on stretching my muscles.
I just ran into someone who spotted my MCM sweatshirt and was also wearing his MCM jacket. Cool.

And now you guys have me thinking about the Space Coast Marathon. Perfect for an aerospace nerd like me, who grew up watching Apollo missions on TV, not to mention Major Nelson and Captain Healey…
You can go to the Kennedy Space Center while you’re there! The Apollo Saturn V Center and Atlantis vehicle reveals still make me cry. I used to work there in grad school in the education department and one of our programs stayed overnight under the Saturn V. We would drive out ahead of the busses to set up and I always took the job of welcoming them into the building once they got through the two pre-shows. The looks on the kids’ faces when they saw the humongous rocket never, ever got old. Even the most cynical middle schoolers couldn’t act cool about it. :)
Another week and more missed runs for me. My son came up positive for strep last night so he was out of school today, which meant no run for me. I'm still feeling nauseous, so I'm headed to the dr tomorrow morning which means another run gone. And Thursday there's a special event at school in the evening so my work hours are different than normal so that's another day gone. About a month to go and I'm starting to freak out. Praying that I get back on track this weekend and have no more setbacks.

I'm intrigued by Space Coast too now. It seems like a pretty cool race!
I got a reminder tonight why it‘s important as a road runner to run on the side that has you facing the traffic close to you: I got run off the blankedy-blank road by a postal truck! I had my Noxgear and chest lamp on, plus a neon yellow hat, and they saw another car drive around me 2 minutes earlier, yet they still stuck right along the edge of the (totally empty) road, even veering toward me a bit! I bailed into the ditch and thankfully didn’t fall or twist anything.

If they’d been coming from behind me, I might not have been able to react in time and would’ve at least been clipped by the side mirror.

I am jealous of all of you who live in civilized places with sidewalks!
You can go to the Kennedy Space Center while you’re there! The Apollo Saturn V Center and Atlantis vehicle reveals still make me cry. I used to work there in grad school in the education department and one of our programs stayed overnight under the Saturn V. We would drive out ahead of the busses to set up and I always took the job of welcoming them into the building once they got through the two pre-shows. The looks on the kids’ faces when they saw the humongous rocket never, ever got old. Even the most cynical middle schoolers couldn’t act cool about it. :)
Oh yeah. I took my younger son and myself to the KSC a few years ago and finally got to see the Apollo launch pads 39A and B, and the VAB and the crawlers. That was actually the second Saturn V that I've seen, since one is in Huntsville, but the first Saturn 1B. With that trip, I've now seen 2 of the three non-launched Saturn Vs, plus 2 of the remaining Space Shuttles. As an aside, my first job included engineering work on the second 747 shuttle carrier. One other tidbit: I'm old enough that on my first trip to Huntsville as a kid, one of the space monkeys was still alive and in the rocket center there.

I need to go back and do the tour of the vintage launch areas, plus just seeing it all again. Guess I'll be down there running in a year.
I got a reminder tonight why it‘s important as a road runner to run on the side that has you facing the traffic close to you: I got run off the blankedy-blank road by a postal truck! I had my Noxgear and chest lamp on, plus a neon yellow hat, and they saw another car drive around me 2 minutes earlier, yet they still stuck right along the edge of the (totally empty) road, even veering toward me a bit! I bailed into the ditch and thankfully didn’t fall or twist anything.

If they’d been coming from behind me, I might not have been able to react in time and would’ve at least been clipped by the side mirror.

I am jealous of all of you who live in civilized places with sidewalks!
Glad you are safe. Even with sidewalks, it can be dicey crossing (at the crosswalks no less) with all the people running stop signs. This is why I really prefer the greenway. Plus, I miss one of my former workplaces with its running path around the lake. Finish work for the day, change and go run and cool down driving home. Of course, now I don't even commute, so, tradeoffs....


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