Disneyland Half Marathon 2024

I've seen lines way longer at the WDW 5Ks. I think part of the issue was these photographers were treating the stops like park ones rather than click and go.

I noticed them doing click and go when I went past 🤷‍♀️. I haven't done a WDW race since 2017, though, but lines felt on par with what I got used to at DLR at the time. So maybe that's changed.

The lines were horrific during this 5k when I saw them. The Goofy/Max line wrapped around that little plaza area and down to the Toon Town bridge. Only reason the others I saw were shorter was because they'd already cut them off. They were definitely click and go and were being very clear "only one photo per runner; please take photo together if you're in a group".

Who knows 🤷‍♀️. We all saw such different things happening.


Yeah it's always been a 16-minute mile pace, and at DL they have to be quite strict about sweeping because they don't own the roads. They can be much more lenient at WDW, but when Anaheim says these roads need to be open at this time, Disney has to have people through, period.

Someone on here called it way further back, but this was a growing pains weekend. It's also far from WDW races and always have been. The problem is not many active rD fans knew what to expect and only had WDW to compare. I actually like the smaller vibes and since I don't normally stop for characters, the crowding was quite small once I got into DL. I never felt congested after the 5K mark.

I'm aware. My comment about that was that there might be an additional issue of some of the participants not paying attention to that (despite claiming they've done the DLR races before as the person I read mentioning reading their comments said). It was very weird and made no sense since she seemed fully aware the balloon ladies maintain a 16 minute pace. But she acted like she's done a longer pace before and been just fine. Maybe she was part of the mile course cut that happened in 2017 😂.

Someone also said it accurately that while we all run the same race course, our race experiences are all different depending on even a difference of seconds. I was at the very beginning of the mile 3 congestion issue so while I did come to a complete stop for a moment, I managed to get through with less delay than others. The people further behind me were not so lucky 🫠

I had fewer issues than most with this weekend because I went into it knowing it was likely going to have logistical issues due to how long it had been. I was already mentally prepared for things to go sideways.

yeah I can’t remember which Tink 10k it was that there was a huge hubbub about a lot of people getting swept because of congestion right as they were exiting the park.

I want to say 2014? I think I remember reading about it happening the previous year from when I started them. And I did PDC in 2015 so that would track with 2014. I should go look it up. It was crazy reading the stories about it. People were so upset and it sounded so poorly handled on rD's part.
I want to say 2014? I think I remember reading about it happening the previous year from when I started them. And I did PDC in 2015 so that would track with 2014. I should go look it up. It was crazy reading the stories about it. People were so upset and it sounded so poorly handled on rD's part.

@StarGirl11 yup! The Tink 10k 2014 was the traumatic one when a ton of people got swept:


Also it started at 6am 🫣. No wonder they ran into issues.
The Dumbo photo op was already very long when I got there, really easy decision to skip. I dunno, maybe it was too early for that one? Not that I know a better spot. Maybe some area backstage AFTER the park portion? These photo ops act as kind of a crowd eater so you need to be smart about where you put them.

EDIT: i’ll add that when I ran by they were yelling about how it was a selfie stop and not a full photo op. At the time I was a bit confused but it seems like they were definitely aware that the line might get too long and this was a way to get more people through.
Yeah that was crazy to have it so soon. Ideal would have been backstage just before leaving the park, with a nice backdrop. Second best would have been up on that raised area of Small World mall. You could wrap a pretty long line there without being in the way.
For those of you in the Marathon Weekend thread I’m continuing my string of bad luck with planes and weather. Currently stuck on my plane in IAH due to FREEZING RAIN in Houston.

I may be cursed.

My friend's husband was supposed to fly in today to spend the week with her. His flight had been cancelled, delayed, rebooked, and cancelled so many times. At one point they said not until Wednesday.

They have a studio tour tomorrow and it's too late to change the name on the other ticket 🫠.

Stay safe!

Slightly off-topic, but my grandma and I went to Knott’s today, and it’s a MADHOUSE and I’m hating it

Thanks for the warning. I was considering going over to get a boysenberry ICEE with my drink plan, but now I won't 😂
My friend's husband was supposed to fly in today to spend the week with her. His flight had been cancelled, delayed, rebooked, and cancelled so many times. At one point they said not until Wednesday.

They have a studio tour tomorrow and it's too late to change the name on the other ticket 🫠.

Stay safe!

Thanks for the warning. I was considering going over to get a boysenberry ICEE with my drink plan, but now I won't 😂
All the thrill rides are 2+ hours
Is anyone missing race pictures from the 5k? I only have finish line photos but I know I should have more. I did submit a request to search for more. I also feel like I'm missing a lot from the 10k but I'll wait until tomorrow to submit the search request for that one.
Yep, mat was right as you went to make the left handed almost U turn to get back onto the road from the Honda Center parking lot, immediately prior to the water tables. Maybe just happened to be 15k, maybe was to ensure people didn’t skip the lot as well.

One note I haven’t seen mentioned much, as I was leaving finish area at about 2 hours 15 min after the initial start, coming in through the exit were several busfuls of HUNDREDS of people who had clearly been swept, finisher snack boxes and medals in hand, where I guess the buses had dropped them off in a segregated area just north towards the Harbor entrance, you could see all the buses through the gap in the fence. I was shocked by both the quantity of people and how early on the clock it was, but most of the conversations were “I only wanted to do the part through the parks” “I didn’t train anyway” “I just wanted the theme park pics and medals” etc. makes you wonder if they found a way to put the park miles at the end, or at least the middle, if many of the problems exhibited go away…
So I think there was quite a few people who actually just wanted just the 10k but sold out to quick... so they bought the half to just do the parks and then take the bus at the end of the parks. I heard this while waiting in my one and only character line pete... the person I was talking to said her mom did this. So her mom was waiting in all the lines and planned on just getting swept since she could not get into the 10k.
During the 10k we were in line for darkwing and launchpad and the cast member wasn’t even letting people stop to the side for selfies. She was shooing them away and telling them if they wanted a photo they had to get in the line. Didn’t notice it at any other stops but also didn’t stop much and wasn’t paying attention for it.
Ohh I heard that and then did a pic anyways... lol I follow the rules... the real rules not some made up power trip cm rules. I took a quick pic and went on my way.
Slightly off-topic, but my grandma and I went to Knott’s today, and it’s a MADHOUSE and I’m hating it
Yea I had passes for Knotts for a while. I do like it there but the problem is it's fairly cheap- at least compared to Disney, and no blackout dates so it does get very busy there especially on Holidays and weekends.
Does anyone have photopass photos from Main St from the 10k or half?
I have one from the 10K I think. The only way I can tell is I can see the trolly tracks. None from the half nor and DCA pics from the half.
1) There were no waves for corral releases, so the balloon ladies started sooner than they would at WDW and people had less of a buffer for photo lines. I think this may have surprised some people who are used to running at WDW and who know they can have more than a 16 min mile if they start early enough.

3) Related: they seemed surprised/annoyed when people were trying to take photos with non-line characters. I ran by Chip and Dale in the half and people were trying to at least stop for selfies with them and were shooed along.

4) I heard of at least one, maybe two incidences during the 10k where it seems like cast members or race staff lied (misrepresented? were misinformed?) about where the balloon ladies were in an attempt to keep people moving. This is not first hand knowledge, just my interpretation of what I heard, but if it's true using the balloon ladies as boogie men is definitely not the image those ladies want to project, and isn't a cool thing to do to back of the packers.
Yes to all of this! On point one- I thought of this beforehand and was sorta poo pooed on FB that there really would be loooooong lines and little buffer. I was expecting more characters though- allowing for people to be choosier and maybe decrease lines.

On two- that happened to me at the Chewy/Rey spot. My selfie game is not strong and my selfie with raised characters is especially bad. I was shooed along so settled for a picture of them vs a selfie.

On 4- I chatted with a couple in line for Pete and they said they were warned twice in line for Chip and Dale that the balloon ladies were close but in reality they had plenty of time. Like 20-30 minutes. They stuck it out and got it but were confused later.
Yep, mat was right as you went to make the left handed almost U turn to get back onto the road from the Honda Center parking lot, immediately prior to the water tables. Maybe just happened to be 15k, maybe was to ensure people didn’t skip the lot as well.
Ahhhh! The bathrooms were right before the tables and then I joined back in after the tables since I didnt need water. My
Mom was tracking me and got nervous when it didn’t come through!

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I had fewer issues than most with this weekend because I went into it knowing it was likely going to have logistical issues due to how long it had been. I was already mentally prepared for things to go sideways.
Wow on that line!! When I saw Pete it was at the end of that first semi circle.

Agreed on the second part. I went in with somewhat lowered expectations as the West coast guinea pigs! The only thing that truly surprised me was the lack of characters and the lack of unique characters.

Also Kender- when I ran through the Honda Center I found one of your feathers! It was after my fall so I took it as a sign of Dis Boards encouragement!

I keep replaying my fall. My phone was on the ground afterwards. I’m trying desperately to remember if I pulled it out to get a pic of the Honda center and the arches. It couldn’t have flown from my capri pocket? Maybe? Is that what distracted me to trip? Ugh! It could have been much much worse- it’s just bad road rash. I’m sure in two weeks it’ll be fine. But now I’m feeling nervous to run. Falling in your 40s sucks haha!
Slightly off-topic, but my grandma and I went to Knott’s today, and it’s a MADHOUSE and I’m hating it
Yeah I couldn’t get park res for today and part of me is sad and part of me is happy avoiding the crowds.
The Dumbo photo op was already very long when I got there, really easy decision to skip. I dunno, maybe it was too early for that one? Not that I know a better spot. Maybe some area backstage AFTER the park portion? These photo ops act as kind of a crowd eater so you need to be smart about where you put them.

EDIT: i’ll add that when I ran by they were yelling about how it was a selfie stop and not a full photo op. At the time I was a bit confused but it seems like they were definitely aware that the line might get too long and this was a way to get more people through.
Thinking about this again I honestly don’t think there is anywhere they could put Dumbo that wouldn’t have been a problem like ultimately I guess we could argue that you can put in somewhere else maybe the line will be shorter backstage, but I was at the after hours he was at, and that had him in the line for him was huge like I remembered that specifically, because I was having an issue with the line because of its set up because it was like it was during the race people still lined up for it, but it was supposed to be a selfie.

Add in the fact that this is a Dumbo double there. This is literally the race named after him and you have a situation like dopey during the marathon where anytime you get him on the course the line is going to get along even if you are in the front of the back it just, unfortunately its the nature of the character. Where they are still hard to find that it becomes naturally a long line and unfortunate, but it is what it is I don’t think moving his character stop would’ve made it any better. I think it would just put the long line somewhere else and I think because again I think we’re having this discussion about sweeping, and with them being worried if they had too many people would get swept. I don’t think that it would’ve mattered much if we had different location.

I mean maybe it would have made a difference. But there’s a chance they would have cut the line sooner than they did before. Who knows
These were facing towards the park entrance, no castle!
Oh yea I read your post wrong sorry, still tired I guess from yesterday. I do have a few main street pics from the half running next to the trolley tracks. Ill post a couple here so you get an idea.
Nothing directly facing the entrance more like side shots.
Apparently I was tired during the race too, looks like I'm sleeping chasing Pooh here. Hope I don't get in trouble for posting his pic, if so I can take it down. He- 37- ran a great race.


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Add in the fact that this is a Dumbo double there. This is literally the race named after him and you have a situation like dopey during the marathon where anytime you get him on the course the line is going to get along even if you are in the front of the back it just, unfortunately its the nature of the character.
I wonder if some of the craziness could be mitigated if they would consistently put the race “hosts“ in photo stops either before or after the race. I know logistically it would be almost impossible for Disneyland at this point but at least it’s a thought, which seems to have been lacking a bit during this weekend.
Yeah I couldn’t get park res for today and part of me is sad and part of me is happy avoiding the crowds.

Thinking about this again I honestly don’t think there is anywhere they could put Dumbo that wouldn’t have been a problem like ultimately I guess we could argue that you can put in somewhere else maybe the line will be shorter backstage, but I was at the after hours he was at, and that had him in the line for him was huge like I remembered that specifically, because I was having an issue with the line because of its set up because it was like it was during the race people still lined up for it, but it was supposed to be a selfie.

Add in the fact that this is a Dumbo double there. This is literally the race named after him and you have a situation like dopey during the marathon where anytime you get him on the course the line is going to get along even if you are in the front of the back it just, unfortunately its the nature of the character. Where they are still hard to find that it becomes naturally a long line and unfortunate, but it is what it is I don’t think moving his character stop would’ve made it any better. I think it would just put the long line somewhere else and I think because again I think we’re having this discussion about sweeping, and with them being worried if they had too many people would get swept. I don’t think that it would’ve mattered much if we had different location.

I mean maybe it would have made a difference. But there’s a chance they would have cut the line sooner than they did before. Who knows
I think u are right but then have Dumbo waving some where... like above the gates of Disneyland or at the start at the race on stage... like there are ways... just making it a selfie from a distance is the easiest way to go. I would have been happier with that than no Dumbo which is what I got since I ran by he was not there...
I think u are right but then have Dumbo waving some where... like above the gates of Disneyland or at the start at the race on stage... like there are ways... just making it a selfie from a distance is the easiest way to go. I would have been happier with that than no Dumbo which is what I got since I ran by he was not there...
Agreed!! It’s annoying they pulled him early. I was in D and fairly sure he wasn’t there for me either. I feel like we are adults and can calculate our own sweeping risk if stopping. Or put him by his ride so more of a buffer has built up.

Speaking of buffer/ did anyone report what happened with the balloon ladies at mile 3? Of they got jammed for 2 min- did they need to go a 14 min mile to maintain pace? That’d be really tough for those already worried about keeping with them. How was that handled? Anyone know?

And med tent folks/ you coulda told me my hat looked ridiculous 🤣


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put the race “hosts“ in photo stops either before or after the race. I know logistically it would be almost impossible for Disneyland
Do you mean impossible to have in the staging area before/after like WDW? That seems like the easiest answer to me, as everybody gets what they want- the photo and less crowding/line/sweeping risk on the course. Is there a (good) reason DL doesn’t do this?
Do you mean impossible to have in the staging area before/after like WDW? That seems like the easiest answer to me, as everybody gets what they want- the photo and less crowding/line/sweeping risk on the course. Is there a (good) reason DL doesn’t do this?
I'm assuming space. At WDW the post race area is huge. You can have long sprawling lines for characters and it's no problem. I feel like the space we had for this weekend would fill up pretty quickly with post race character lines. That being said, I'd still like them to try and work on a solution and bring out some post race characters.
Wow on that line!! When I saw Pete it was at the end of that first semi circle.

Yeah, Pete wasn't that long when I went past, but long enough I passed on him lol. Like getting swept danger long.

Goofy/Max was "we won't sweep you, but we will be following behind with bright lights and judging you heavily" long 👀

Agreed on the second part. I went in with somewhat lowered expectations as the West coast guinea pigs! The only thing that truly surprised me was the lack of characters and the lack of unique characters.

Yeah, and the races always had their own set of issues anyways. They never ran like the WDW ones simply because they couldn't. Add in being the first back in awhile with people out of practice and people who've never done it before 🫠

Also Kender- when I ran through the Honda Center I found one of your feathers! It was after my fall so I took it as a sign of Dis Boards encouragement!

🥺💚 That makes me so happy. And exactly what I wanted them to be seen as. A little bit of silly "you got this" magic

I keep replaying my fall. My phone was on the ground afterwards. I’m trying desperately to remember if I pulled it out to get a pic of the Honda center and the arches. It couldn’t have flown from my capri pocket? Maybe? Is that what distracted me to trip? Ugh! It could have been much much worse- it’s just bad road rash. I’m sure in two weeks it’ll be fine. But now I’m feeling nervous to run. Falling in your 40s sucks haha!

Sending you quick healing thoughts 💚
Do you mean impossible to have in the staging area before/after like WDW? That seems like the easiest answer to me, as everybody gets what they want- the photo and less crowding/line/sweeping risk on the course. Is there a (good) reason DL doesn’t do this?
That seems like a good solution to me! Maybe something with off property characters? But they own that lot… so…. Not sure!


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