POT (Proof of Time) Race Equivalency Cutoff Confirmed Times

And even then I was blocked by walkers right out of the gate.

I really wish we could submit a POT for the 10k so we could be properly seeded.
I’m surprised there aren’t accidents in the 5k and 10k because of the honor system (estimated pace). This year I was very close to the front of corral A in the 10k. A young guy next to me was trying to race it and thought he had a legit shot to win (he didn’t win but was top 20). Anyways.. 3,2,1 and the lady in front of us (starting on the chip mat) just began walking slowly to begin the race. It’s possible she is a fast runner (belonging in corral A), but without a POT needed anything is possible. Walking from the get go in that corral was her choice, but starting at the front of the corral was not the best idea. She was likely pushed and could’ve caused some tripping.
I trust that this will be an unpopular opinion, but I feel that Groups A through E should require a POT and have the last group for runners who don't wish to provide proof of time.
Depends on what they have the POT cutoff be. Anyone above 2:30? That would be a LOT of people stuffed into the last corral.
I’m surprised there aren’t accidents in the 5k and 10k because of the honor system (estimated pace). This year I was very close to the front of corral A in the 10k. A young guy next to me was trying to race it and thought he had a legit shot to win (he didn’t win but was top 20). Anyways.. 3,2,1 and the lady in front of us (starting on the chip mat) just began walking slowly to begin the race. It’s possible she is a fast runner (belonging in corral A), but without a POT needed anything is possible. Walking from the get go in that corral was her choice, but starting at the front of the corral was not the best idea. She was likely pushed and could’ve caused some tripping.
My 6yo did the 5k with me this January, and we were in corral D. He saw a girl who looked younger than him, and was placed in A. He asked me what the letters meant, so I explained that A is for the fastest runners, and since we're not as fast, we start farther back. The girls mom said "or you just say it so you can start sooner". My son was so confused. In the end, I had to just tell him that some people lie so they can start sooner.
I hope that mom at least stayed closer to the back of A with her daughter. I'd be terrified of someone trampling over my son, since I doubt people at the front are expecting there to be little people around, and the lighting isn't always the greatest.
My 6yo did the 5k with me this January, and we were in corral D. He saw a girl who looked younger than him, and was placed in A. He asked me what the letters meant, so I explained that A is for the fastest runners, and since we're not as fast, we start farther back. The girls mom said "or you just say it so you can start sooner". My son was so confused. In the end, I had to just tell him that some people lie so they can start sooner.
I hope that mom at least stayed closer to the back of A with her daughter. I'd be terrified of someone trampling over my son, since I doubt people at the front are expecting there to be little people around, and the lighting isn't always the greatest.
I do try to be aware of kids since they may not know runner etiquette, and I've seen several over the years just stopped mid stride to look back at their parents. Those going for fast times from A may not be aware of that and it could be bad.
I do try to be aware of kids since they may not know runner etiquette, and I've seen several over the years just stopped mid stride to look back at their parents. Those going for fast times from A may not be aware of that and it could be bad.
I kept having to apologize to everyone around me because he cannot for the life of him run in a straight line. Thankfully everyone was really understanding, but it's definitely something we're going to have to try to work on this summer.
If runDisney were races for time, I'd agree with most of you. But many people, even those with POTs, treat runDisney as a fun run and don't get anywhere near their POT times during the races.

Personally I think it's great that slower runners get to have more buffer (those in corral C for example that needed 7:30 to complete the marathon).
If runDisney were races for time, I'd agree with most of you. But many people, even those with POTs, treat runDisney as a fun run and don't get anywhere near their POT times during the races.
But why can't it be a race for time...? I have heard this so much in my 11 months from registering for the Disneyland Half Marathon in February 2023 and then running it this month.
This was my first non-virtual Half Marathon and I took it very seriously. I trained to get the best PoT that I could, then continued to seriously train 5 days a week, never missing a run for 4 months. I was assigned coral B based on my PoT and then I ran my best. I didn't stop for a character, a selfie, or water.

I would never spend that much money just for fun. I want an official result of how fast I can race a certain distance.

I wonder if they could add a question about if you plan to stop for characters or not and use that to help seed people.

I know the 10k doesn't allow PoT, but when I was registering my husband for the 10k, we felt like 8:00-10:00 minute miles was too large of a gap. He ended up in Coral C and finished 277. He feels like with the number of people he was passing, it would have made more sense for him to start in B. The choices could be 8:00-8:59 per mile, 9:00-9:59, etc.
If you’re in a later corral, it’s almost impossible to race for time. I wanted to race the 10k because the weather was finally favorable and I knew I wouldn’t be running that distance any time soon. I did get a PR, but I know I could have been faster if I didn’t have to weave around tons of people. Based on photos, I definitely finished ahead of people in earlier corrals. I don’t know if they lied about their times, walked more because they were doing other races, or stopped for characters. I was honest about my time (10-12 min/mile) and ended up in D, which might have been accurate based on other runners, but it felt like most people around me were not racing, so there was a lot of weaving.

Just my experience as a back of the pack runner who will probably never get a POT unless they lower the time to 3 hours. :D
I kept having to apologize to everyone around me because he cannot for the life of him run in a straight line. Thankfully everyone was really understanding, but it's definitely something we're going to have to try to work on this summer.
I think this is really common in younger kids. I see this in turkey trots and whatnot too. They don’t always run straight and they turn their heads around a lot. But I know this mostly because they take off so fast at the start of races, so this is all out in front of me lol. Sometimes I’ll let them know (if I catch them) that maybe they would be even faster if they didn’t turn around. But I don’t always do this because it’s not really appropriate for me to speak to someone else’s child. It’s more in passing so that they don’t get hurt… but I disguise it by telling them they’d be faster if they looked forward.
But why can't it be a race for time...? I have heard this so much in my 11 months from registering for the Disneyland Half Marathon in February 2023 and then running it this month.
This was my first non-virtual Half Marathon and I took it very seriously. I trained to get the best PoT that I could, then continued to seriously train 5 days a week, never missing a run for 4 months. I was assigned coral B based on my PoT and then I ran my best. I didn't stop for a character, a selfie, or water.

I would never spend that much money just for fun. I want an official result of how fast I can race a certain distance.

I wonder if they could add a question about if you plan to stop for characters or not and use that to help seed people.

I know the 10k doesn't allow PoT, but when I was registering my husband for the 10k, we felt like 8:00-10:00 minute miles was too large of a gap. He ended up in Coral C and finished 277. He feels like with the number of people he was passing, it would have made more sense for him to start in B. The choices could be 8:00-8:59 per mile, 9:00-9:59, etc.
And I want the whole experience for what I spend on a Disney race. I stop for characters and other entertainment, but I run race pace between stops. I am a corral A runner (B if I’m running the full). I should not be penalized and seeded further back just because I want to stop.
But why can't it be a race for time...?
I meant for many. I've raced at runDisney before, and I've also taken an hour+ more time than my estimate half marathon time.

This was my first non-virtual Half Marathon and I took it very seriously. I trained to get the best PoT that I could, then continued to seriously train 5 days a week, never missing a run for 4 months.
Congrats to you on a succesful training cycle and putting in all that hard work. That is totally respectable

You'll probably never read my training journal, but I also trained very seriously, running 5 times/week + lifting 2-3/week for months for Dopey. I've also worked really hard to finally get a 2:15 equivalent POT to be put into B in time for Princess Weekend. But in the end my goal for the Princess Half is not to run a 2:15. My view is that for the money I spend to fly all the way to Orlando and pay Disney World hotel prices, I want to make every mile worth my $.
I have been thinking a lot about this, and I hope that it does not come across wrong. At MW during the half-half there was a lot of congestion on the course. I was running with my daughter, who had no POT because her only other races were in HS cross-country, but she is fast! Since she had no POT we ran out of C and it was really difficult to keep any pace. But worse I heard a lot of comments like “this is a Disney race slow down” or “I hope you win” all with a judgmental and unfriendly tone.

My daughter was pretty upset. She was respectful, did not zip around people stayed to the left but wanted to go faster than most everyone around us. In the end she said her favorite part of that race was the 6 miles we did at the resort afterwards.

I share this because I think the POT are really important the help arrange us as runners. And I think instead of saying it is a Disney race so PR’s or trying to go fast are a waste, it should be about what you want and people should support each other. Do you want to stop for every picture - great! You are going to go at 16 minute pace - great! You want to go all out and try for a PR - great! But in order for this to work we need to be better arranged with faster runners going earlier in the first 3-5 corrals. Expand the POT and expand the number of corrals.

A runner going hard needs to use runner etiquette but should hear cheers and not jeers from other runners. And the current corral system kinda sets us up for the latter.
I too wonder where club rD goes, I don't really understand how that perk works.
The way it has worked in practice is that Platinum CrD members are put into B corral, unles you have a POT or estimate good enough to be put in A. Nobody really knows how many members are that level or how many are in attendance at each race, but from my observation, we don't make up a large percentage of that corral in most races.

I personally stay to the back and to the right hand side at the start, and I start out running even if I plan to do intervals or walk, and don't walk until there is space to move over safely.
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The way it has worked in practice is that Platinum CrD members are put into B corral, unles you have a POT or estimate good enough to be put in A. Nobody really knows how many members are that level or how many are in attendance at each race, but from my observation, we don't make up a large percentage of that corral in most races.

I personally stay to the back and to the right hand side at the start, and I start out running even if I plan to do intervals or walk, and don't walk until there is space to move over safely.
This me, except I try to get as close to the front, but I will run to start, and even run longer than I normally would prefer if it’s not safe to start walking. I will say that at the DL races, I was keeping pace reasonably well with most people I started near in B at the beginning.

Because I can run fast, but not for very long, I seem misplaced in any corralI I’ve been in. My run intervals are probably around 9 minute/mile pace, but my walks are 19-20 m/m pace and it averages out to around 13 m/m. When I’ve run in C, I get so frustrated by the people around me because I absolutely can’t run at my preferred pace. I’ve been much happier since I’ve been in CrD and can have more time to run comfortably before character stops drop me back into the denser crowds.
This me, except I try to get as close to the front, but I will run to start, and even run longer than I normally would prefer if it’s not safe to start walking. I will say that at the DL races, I was keeping pace reasonably well with most people I started near in B at the beginning.

Because I can run fast, but not for very long, I seem misplaced in any corralI I’ve been in. My run intervals are probably around 9 minute/mile pace, but my walks are 19-20 m/m pace and it averages out to around 13 m/m. When I’ve run in C, I get so frustrated by the people around me because I absolutely can’t run at my preferred pace. I’ve been much happier since I’ve been in CrD and can have more time to run comfortably before character stops drop me back into the denser crowds.
Ohh my gosh I feel this soo much!! And I do the same pace too and this is my issue! I have such a hard time cause my running speed is faster than the people around me running and my walking speed is slower than the people walking. I have such a hard time figuring out where I should be in crowds... just moving to the right when I walk does not work when it super crowded cause there is no space. And when I am to the far right when I am walking I cannot get over to do the run... bah... lol.
I have been thinking a lot about this, and I hope that it does not come across wrong. At MW during the half-half there was a lot of congestion on the course. I was running with my daughter, who had no POT because her only other races were in HS cross-country, but she is fast! Since she had no POT we ran out of C and it was really difficult to keep any pace. But worse I heard a lot of comments like “this is a Disney race slow down” or “I hope you win” all with a judgmental and unfriendly tone.

My daughter was pretty upset. She was respectful, did not zip around people stayed to the left but wanted to go faster than most everyone around us. In the end she said her favorite part of that race was the 6 miles we did at the resort afterwards.

I share this because I think the POT are really important the help arrange us as runners. And I think instead of saying it is a Disney race so PR’s or trying to go fast are a waste, it should be about what you want and people should support each other. Do you want to stop for every picture - great! You are going to go at 16 minute pace - great! You want to go all out and try for a PR - great! But in order for this to work we need to be better arranged with faster runners going earlier in the first 3-5 corrals. Expand the POT and expand the number of corrals.

A runner going hard needs to use runner etiquette but should hear cheers and not jeers from other runners. And the current corral system kinda sets us up for the latter.
That half o' half was awful in terms of congestion. I don't quite get why it was so terrible, since the corrals were no different than other races. Was the modified course narrower than the typical course? Did everyone just slow down that much, with PRs out of the question? Did a majority of corral A stop for characters and thus crowd the course for later corrals when typically they'd be running further ahead or not stopping? I'm just glad it wasn't my first runD experience or I would have been completely turned off. I know a lot of people who were new to runD still had a blast at that race and I'm glad they were able to have a positive experience. We started in B and and ran around a 10:30 pace and it was still soooo crowded. I think it opened up by the time we got back to Epcot but still, not great.

I don't run anywhere near my POT pace but I've always felt like I've been seeded correctly, since I think most people are like me and run closer to their easy run pace and then mix in character stops. I do usually start more towards the middle (I ended up in wave 3 every time for Marathon Weekend) and that was great. I thought running out of B was dreadfully slow at DL, way more crowded than B at WDW, but I think that was due to the lack of waves. It opened up quickly after we made that first turn to the left, but those first couple minutes had me staring at my feet to avoid tripping over anyone.

Luckily I haven't had too many issues dealing with runner etiquette thanks to getting the early start, but some of the stories I hear just sound awful. I don't get why people get angry at runners for...running! :confused3 Glad your daughter was able to enjoy the miles after the race. While I definitely could have done without the pouring rain for those extra miles, I ran them with some friends and they were very memorable, more so than the actual race for sure!
Ohh my gosh I feel this soo much!! And I do the same pace too and this is my issue! I have such a hard time cause my running speed is faster than the people around me running and my walking speed is slower than the people walking. I have such a hard time figuring out where I should be in crowds... just moving to the right when I walk does not work when it super crowded cause there is no space. And when I am to the far right when I am walking I cannot get over to do the run... bah... lol.
I just stay to the middle-ish once I settle into my intervals. When I run, I run on the right side of the left side, and I walk on the left side of the right side.

Reading that, I feel like it could be a quote from Alice in Wonderland 🤣🤣
I just stay to the middle-ish once I settle into my intervals. When I run, I run on the right side of the left side, and I walk on the left side of the right side.

Reading that, I feel like it could be a quote from Alice in Wonderland 🤣🤣
This is what I try for as well, except I ended up staying on the left so often during the 10k because it was so crowded there was no way to move over. And I ended up passing people even while walking.
Someone told me, talking about road rage, that the problem arises because everyone faster is labeled a maniac and everyone slower is being called stupid. In other words, it is when we judge people based on our perspective only that things go sour.

Please, let accept and applaud runners for being there, for trying their best, whatever their best (faster, slower or same as you) is.

Running etiquette and empathy can go a lot further than perfect seeding when sharing a piece of road with thousands of people.

I will try to preach by example, sorry if my words are not as great.
Someone told me, talking about road rage, that the problem arises because everyone faster is labeled a maniac and everyone slower is being called stupid. In other words, it is when we judge people based on our perspective only that things go sour.

Please, let accept and applaud runners for being there, for trying their best, whatever their best (faster, slower or same as you) is.

Running etiquette and empathy can go a lot further than perfect seeding when sharing a piece of road with thousands of people.

I will try to preach by example, sorry if my words are not as great.
This is very well said.

But I'll add, it's extremely annoying when people line up near the front of any race and then walk right off the bat. Don't do that, understand that some people are trying to run fast and there is no way you can not be in the way if you are in front of everybody. Only exception is if you are truly all the way on the side.


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