‘We’re gonna need WHAT?!’ Our Hot Chocolate & Sweatshirts Trip Report *4/4*p14*pixs!

Awesome fireworks pictures!! :thumbsup2
43 degrees! Yikes! We went at the end of Jan. in 2000 and it was that cold and rainy one day. I ended up buying a sweatshirt at AK and actually found a sale rack! The best part - empty parks!!:woohoo:
Beautiful pics!!

Don't you just love WDW in the freezing cold!? Our first night in March the themometer on DS's stroller said 42!!! And it was terrible windy! And we went to the Luau! OMG! It was sooo cold!! It was warmer in NY!!!
Love the pictures!!
So glad you got everyone to stay for the parade!
Awesome fireworks pictures!! :thumbsup2
43 degrees! Yikes! We went at the end of Jan. in 2000 and it was that cold and rainy one day. I ended up buying a sweatshirt at AK and actually found a sale rack! The best part - empty parks!!:woohoo:

Sale Rack :worship: :worship:

Beautiful pics!!

Don't you just love WDW in the freezing cold!? Our first night in March the themometer on DS's stroller said 42!!! And it was terrible windy! And we went to the Luau! OMG! It was sooo cold!! It was warmer in NY!!!

other than the day of MNSSHP it was warmer in PA for the rest of the week than in FL, they were getting snow on the 28th up in PA........:sad2:

Love the pictures!!
So glad you got everyone to stay for the parade!

::yes:: they were all glad they stayed too.....:rolleyes1
Great update PAD :thumbsup2 I love your fireworks pictures :love: I know all about those chilly Disney nights (and days) :cold:
hay guys!! glad you had a nice time!! great trip report, if children and youth knock on your door, i called them, dressing the kids in penn state stuff? :lmao: how long did it take to get the boo to you song out of your head? my dw got me the cd last year for christmas since i wouldnt stop whistling it! anyway, glad you had a good time and hope your trp report isnt done!
hay guys!! glad you had a nice time!! great trip report, if children and youth knock on your door, i called them, dressing the kids in penn state stuff? :lmao: how long did it take to get the boo to you song out of your head? my dw got me the cd last year for christmas since i wouldnt stop whistling it! anyway, glad you had a good time and hope your trp report isnt done!

Thanks for checking in, we had a great trip.
I loved the Boo to You song.
I went to U Tube just so I could hear it again.
Maybe if I am a good boy DW/PADISFAM/Mrs. Claus will get me it on CD for Christmas.

Speaking of PADISFAM she needs to get to work!
We need an update, I believe Animal Kingdom is next.
Thanks for checking in, we had a great trip.
I loved the Boo to You song.
I went to U Tube just so I could hear it again.
Maybe if I am a good boy DW/PADISFAM/Mrs. Claus will get me it on CD for Christmas.

Speaking of PADISFAM she needs to get to work!
We need an update, I believe Animal Kingdom is next

::yes:: I agree
What an unbelievably cold day! The Sat before the MNSSHP, dd9 got sick from all of the heat, and then that day it was like someone turned the thermostat to liken a freezer!

I hate we missed you there!

Dh says next time we go, we all are going to wear Patriots' jerseys. :rotfl:
hay guys!! glad you had a nice time!! great trip report, if children and youth knock on your door, i called them, dressing the kids in penn state stuff? :lmao: how long did it take to get the boo to you song out of your head? my dw got me the cd last year for christmas since i wouldnt stop whistling it! anyway, glad you had a good time and hope your trp report isnt done!

Hey stranger! glad you came along! :wave:

Thanks for checking in, we had a great trip.
I loved the Boo to You song.
I went to U Tube just so I could hear it again.
Maybe if I am a good boy DW/PADISFAM/Mrs. Claus will get me it on CD for Christmas.

Speaking of PADISFAM she needs to get to work!
We need an update, I believe Animal Kingdom is next.

hmmm.......a good boy..........:scratchin

comin' up! :thumbsup2

What an unbelievably cold day! The Sat before the MNSSHP, dd9 got sick from all of the heat, and then that day it was like someone turned the thermostat to liken a freezer!

I hate we missed you there!

Dh says next time we go, we all are going to wear Patriots' jerseys. :rotfl:

is right! I wish we would have seen you too........:sad1:


A beautiful sunrise to start our morning & we are off to Animal Kingdom :woohoo:



We are there of course for rope drop-:laughing: -a lovely little show to :welcome: us to Animal Kingdom…….sleep is for wimps………you can sleep at home --- not Disney World! :scared1:



Off to Everest & to get FP for the Safari----no talking DS6 into EE though……….next year Mom……….:rolleyes:

Soon it is time for Breakfast with Donald :yay: JAMBO!





Everything was soooo good! :worship:




Off to KS----of course my father can’t possibly understand ‘why can’t they just stop so people can get some pictures?’……:sad2: ………yet we would certainly not hesitate to fuss about long waits…….:rolleyes1




Pt2 in a moment………..I’m gonna get fussed at for too many IMGs……….
Nemo is just as cute as always…….DS6 loves……….:music: ‘in the Big Blue World’ :music: just sings right along…….


Jammin’ Jungle Parade----



while we were waiting for the parade........DH, DS11 & DS6 headed over to KRR.....'not the Momma' (;) )...........to chilly for me to get wet!:scared1:

& we are off & running to FOLTK

& we made it!


Shortened hours & we still made it for everything we wanted……….a little commando-ish .............:rolleyes1

We headed to DTD for a bit o'shopping & the beginning of some long waits for the buses……..including one where I threatened to show leg if we didn’t get a bus soon! :lmao:

We had dinner at Earl of Sandwich………..no pictures……:confused3 ….I must have been slackin'…….but everything was ummo!

Bus to return to AKV from DTD…….we waited 45 minutes………people we in front of us & said they had already been there for a half hour :eek: ………….they had gone to ask for some help prior to us getting there……….when the bus did arrive they came in a pair……….not sure if it was for a witness :laughing: or cause they knew they would fill up two buses…………..which they did. ::yes::

Home & to bed............:cloud9: ..............this was supposed to be our

Up next MK EMH AM :woohoo:


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