“Bubble” - licious – A Northern Family's Disney Tale! UPDATED 8/27/09 (LAST CHAPTER)!

What a trip you have had so far! First all that snow traveling to MN and then your long first day - what troopers your girls are :thumbsup2

Don't you just love that feeling you get inside when you first see the Castle? :love: No matter how many times I visit, I still get goosebumps. Great report so far popcorn::
Great updates Kim! I hope to someday eat at CRT. In all of my trips, I've never been there!
What a trip you have had so far! First all that snow traveling to MN and then your long first day - what troopers your girls are :thumbsup2

Don't you just love that feeling you get inside when you first see the Castle? :love: No matter how many times I visit, I still get goosebumps. Great report so far popcorn::

Yes,, the first 48 hrs of our trip were VERY busy! Almost TOO busy. :upsidedow Yes my girls are good little troopers! They regularly walk to school in the winter time in -30 degree celcius weather! We live about a half mile away from our school! Wimps, they are NOT!

I'm subscribing! popcorn:: Love it so far, looks like you guys had a great time!

This is only the first day! :cool1: We still have 9 more days to go! :thumbsup2

Great updates Kim! I hope to someday eat at CRT. In all of my trips, I've never been there!

Meghan! :hug: CRT is so wonderful is every way! We all enjoyed it so much! Definitely worth the 2 credits! Maddy would love the princesses! princess:
Calling all LURKERS!!!!!

I know you are there! 1, 470 views tells me that a lot more people are reading than posting! :goodvibes Please don't be shy! Let me know that you are there! Don't be afraid to just say hi! Hope you enjoy reading and that my commentary and pictures are helpful! :thumbsup2

Stay tuned Everyone! The next chapter should hopefully be ready to go by this evening! I have a sickie kiddo at home today! Em has a bad cold and didn't feel up to going to school today! :upsidedow
Sorry I've been lurking not posting. I don't always have time to post between customers. Great trip so far. Enjoy the fact that your girls still like Princesses wait till they hit age 11 then it is "so not cool" to even acknowledge them:rolleyes2.
Sorry I've been lurking not posting. I don't always have time to post between customers. Great trip so far. Enjoy the fact that your girls still like Princesses wait till they hit age 11 then it is "so not cool" to even acknowledge them:rolleyes2.

Snowbird Alert! :goodvibes Hi Kayte! :hug: How are you? How's business? Thanks for reading! I really appreciate all the support from all my Snowbird friends! Hope you are having a super day! :goodvibes
Chapter 7: Morning in the Magic Kingdom

Date: January 20th
Time: 9am
Place: Fantasyland, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World!!!!

When the rope was dropped we dashed like mad fools over to that fantastic flying elephant Dumbo! We secured our places in line, I believe we were the 3rd or 4th family in line! A minute later an unfortunate announcement was made that Dumbo was not quite ready to fly just yet and that we should check back in a bit! Oh well, I had my plan in my head and I knew where we were off to next! Peter Pan!

We rode PP and the kids loved it so much that we grabbed some FP's to ride again in a little while! Then we noticed that Dumbo was flying so we went and got a place in line! This time with success! So cool! Natalie was soooo excited to finally be riding Dumbo that she flipped the toggle switch a little too much and we pretty much stayed close to the ground the whole ride! Darn!

Off to Pooh Bear next! Wow! I hadn't ridden this one yet as the last time I was in WDW it was still Mr. Toad's wild ride! What an amazing ride! We all adored it so much that we grabbed FP's on the way out for another ride later on! Next we rode Cinderella's Carrousel! We tried to get to Cindy's horse but were beat out by a very fanatic mother trying to secure it for her toddler! Oh well, the girls were just happy to be on the ride! After riding the pretty ponies we decided to try to remove the sword from the stone!



It was nearly 930 at this point and I knew that Ariel would soon start receiving guests to her Grotto so we headed over to get a place in line! I am totally honest in saying this...Ariel's was the THE LONGEST LINE WE WAITED IN OUR WHOLE TRIP! We waited for nearly 30 minutes to have the pleasure of meeting this fin tailed princess! The girls were absolutely thrilled to meet Ariel and we were able to start our photopass at the same time! We got some very nice pictures!




After seeing Ariel, we headed back to Peter Pan to use our FP's from earlier. By now, the girls were feeling brave so we decided to head into Liberty Square to see the Haunted Mansion! There was no line to speak of so the girls and I browsed in a shop while Ken ran all the way over to Splash Mountain to see if he could aquire some FP's for a later ride! Twasn't necessary! The crowds were so non existent that Splash wasn't even handing out FP's yet!

So we boarded our doom buggies and sang along with some grim grinning ghosts! Something very interesting happened on this particular ride. My very brave 8 yr old was too scared to watch and my normally a fraidy cat 5 yr old couldn't get enough! I loved it and am sad to say that this was the only time I was able to ride HM on this trip!

Please accept my apologies fot the lack of pictures in this chapter! I was sp thrilled and excited to be in my favourite place that I once again forgot to take any pictures!

We went and got some FP's for BTMRR and then Emily and I went on Splash Mountain! It was as wonderful as I remembered it was! This is definitely one of my favorite rides in the Magic Kingdom! We then used 2 of our FP's for BTMRR as Natalie was refusing to ride anything that went fast! Emily loved it and was begging to go again! We contined on our way into Adventureland and saw that Pirates had no line whatsoever. Natalie was still being obstinate so Ken and Emily went see Jack Sparrow!

While they were on the ride, Nat and I found and used the washroom and then called WL to see if our room was ready. It was! We went and found the other half of our family who were ready to do pirates again as there was still no line up! I saw that there was a photopass person near Pirates with no line so I called to my pirate lovin' buccaneers and we went over and had some pics taken!



After this we parted ways. It was about 1130am and Nat was exhausted.. Poor chickie! We rode the boat over to WL and went to our room! We quickly checked it out – VERY SWEET! My girlie was hungry so we went down to Roaring Forks and picked her up a kids CS meal. Smuckers Uncrustables, applesauce and pudding! A great lunch for a tired and hungry kid!

Nice updates. What an awesome morning you had at MK. You accomplished so much that morning. Lovely January with no crowds. Can't wait to read more!
Hey girlie! Lovin' it! I hope your sweet baby girl is feeling better by now. My older one is having a sore throat today as well. I know his is allergy/sinus related, so we don't have to do the Dr. thing with that. Just some home meds!!! He just feels yucky, tho'. Don't you just looooove the Haunted Mansion!!!! I have hear the one at disneyland is better because it's longer and more rooms---I am tempted to go there just to check it out!!!!

Well, keep it comin'!! You are doing great.
Nice updates. What an awesome morning you had at MK. You accomplished so much that morning. Lovely January with no crowds. Can't wait to read more!

The crowds were rather sparse that day! I guess we did get to do an awful lot in a short time! :cool1: It was a nice day out too! :thumbsup2

Hey girlie! Lovin' it! I hope your sweet baby girl is feeling better by now. My older one is having a sore throat today as well. I know his is allergy/sinus related, so we don't have to do the Dr. thing with that. Just some home meds!!! He just feels yucky, tho'. Don't you just looooove the Haunted Mansion!!!! I have hear the one at disneyland is better because it's longer and more rooms---I am tempted to go there just to check it out!!!!

Well, keep it comin'!! You are doing great.

Thanks so much Shawna! Yes Em is feeling better! I think she just needed a "Mental Health Day"! ;) She does have a cold complete with cough and runny nose but I think she just needed a day to lay around and be lazy! She spent the morning in bed reading and drinking apple juice! princess: After I put my little daycare girl down for her nap, Em came downstairs and watched her fave movie while lying on the couch! :sick:

I think that the HM is in my top 5 fave rides at WDW! It is so well themed! My other faves are ....Splash Mountain, Toy Story Mania, Soarin' and Winnie the Pooh!


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