mmmm that worms in dirt looks so yummy right now ,Oh i just can't wait to get there already n get some delicious disney food !!!
Great pics...and a rainbow! Epcot is my favorite park and we definitely need to spend more time exploring in the world show case. I love the CMs around the worlds, I love to meet new people and that just sounds so fun. I know it made the CMs feel good also. You get mad points in my book for that one. I do not look forward to the last night at Disney...I try my best to soak in everything especially that last night. It's so hard to not be grumpy right before bed that night.

Thank you Nikia! I highly recommend CM's Around the World as a way to make the World Showcase touring extra special. I never considered at the time that the CM's themselves might enjoy the attention. But if they did, so much the better that's for sure.

The last night is bittersweet. It's so great to reflect on all that came before plus you can use up every last bit of energy knowing you're not hurting yourself for the next day. BUT, it's also the end and that is just SO SAD!!!!!!

Ahhhh!!!!! That is spectacular!!


Oh I so agree. I was just in total awe of it's splender. After dealing with the volume of rain up to that point it was just Disney's way of saying it's gonna be alright.


Your pictures are getting me super excited to (possibly, hopefully) see the Flower and Garden Fest in person! So so beautiful.

HAHAHA, those soaps sound... pleasant?

BAHHH the rainbow. Amazing.

Great choice for your jacket! But uh, last night? Really? Boo. Good thing you're going back soon!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

OMG Marissa, you MUST!! It is truly stunning everywhere. Epcot out of "season" honestly looks bare.

Haha, they are amazing. Have you not seen them? The names are hysterical, but the actual scents are truly beautiful.

I was just... I don't even know. To see it completely over the lagoon was just beyond words. I really wish I had been able to get a wider shot. It was so amazing!

I love that Jacket too. So comfortable and I was so happy to find one with a design on the back. I mean I LOVE that it has the monorail on the front, but I just had to have somethign on the back. I think it was only $45 too, so not terribly bad by Disney standards.

Yup, last night. :sad1: BUT, I'd been trying to extend this TR just long enough so there wouldn't be a huge gap and huge sadness before I leave in TWO WEEKS!!!!! :yay:

I have to say seeing that rainbow was totally worth you getting drenched - for me!! :rotfl2: Perhaps Disney DOES have a "Rain Stay" system whereby they drive park guests indoors for periods of time to dump their pocketful of $ on rain ponchos and things to keep the kids occupied and you know a cocktail or two for the adults.... just saying, reality could be different. :scratchin

Seriously though, that is a spectacular rainbow.

Congrats on successfully completing your CM Around the World (insert trademark) tour. Instead of the KidCot stations they can have DisneyKid4Life's CM around the world stations complete with photo stamp and all. It could happen.

I can almost guarantee that you wont' have someone's kid being shoved in front of you for the Illuminations cruise. ;)

Ahahaha, to be honest Brenda, it was worth it to me too. Hmmmm, you know you may be on to something here. I never thought about that, but you're right. The ony flaw is the volume of people that run for the exits when the very first drop hits. :laughing:

OMG it was gorgeous. I wish I had been able to really capture it, but in person it was stunning.

Thank you and YES THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!!!!! And think of all the merchandise opportunities. Cha-Ching!

:lmao: and also I find it interesting that you said "almost guarantee". :scratchin You're not planning on making Em stand in front of me are you, lol? Honestly, I am SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!! :woohoo:

A rain-away system, or maybe just a giant dome. With air conditioning. IT'S GENIUS!

Congrats on completing your mission! What's the prize?

WOW what an amazing rainbow.

Noooo :( can't believe it's almost over. Then again, you have a trip coming up very very soon...

Make it happen Disney!!!

Aww thank you Courtney!! Hmm, I guess the prize is a job well done. :thumbsup2

It was spectacular! Truly glorious to see it cover the complete lagoon.

Aww haha. Yes, it had to end sometime (though I did stretch it out a bit I admit). Hopefully the next one will even better!
How wonderful to see a full rainbow at Disney World! The pictures are just beautiful :thumbsup2

Thank you SO MUCH Dawn! It was absolutely one of the coolest and most beautiful things I'd ever seen, no doubt.

That's funny that you always go straight to Canada. I go either way depending on what I feel like eating... LOL.

I always want to get photos with WS CMs... especially the attractive ones, but I feel so weird asking! I'm sure they would happily oblige but I'm awkward.

Bravo for continuing on despite the monsoon! :thumbsup2 Due to your Maelstrom riding you are probably familiar with getting drenched anyway. What a tidal wave that ride is.

Bahaha! You know, you really got me thinking and I think I have it figured out. It seems that I'm always heading to WS after leaving The Land, whether riding Soarin' or eating at Seasons. So it makes sense that I would stick to that side when heading into WS, usually using the path and not the main walkway. I think that's it!!

Oh Lia you should just do it!!! Honestly, if you tell them you're doing a photo with a CM at every pavilion (AKA CM's Around the World), it totally takes the awkwardness away. I promise. :)

Ha thank you! I was in Disney, I couldn't just sit around all day after all. :lmao: yes after Maelstrom, this downpour was nothing!

Ok, I don't know how I didn't know about the soaps in Canada but now am reeeeeally curious. Yep going to have drag my family over there in January. :lmao:

Such a magical view of the rainbow over Epcot and the World Showcase.

Oh, and the "Rain-Away System"? You have to reserve a Fastpass+ 60 days in advance to have access to it. I heard they're still working out the glitches as guests have reported not being able to locate their ressie on MDE. ;)

OMG really?? You MUST check them out. They are hysterical!!!!! And they really do smell amzing if you can get past the names.

It really was. I just wish you were there to photograph it. :thumbsup2

:rotfl: sadly, I would actually not be surprised if all of this was true.

I have really enjoyed this TR Rob! And I'm glad I could provide some laughter. I don't blame you one bit....I may just do a general "CM's That Happen to be Chicks" photo mission when I'm there in December. Definitely going back and reading again after it's done! Thanks!

Thank you so much!!! You for sure provided some laughter. Yes, that's exactly it, it was all just a coincidence. ;) And YES, please do keep the movement going when you're there.
We were in WDW in 2009 and had horrific rain similar to what you're talking about, and we were in WS too! It was like there were rivers of water just running down all of WS, it was crazy. We took refuge in Norway. Such a shame that you have to take refuge there and be forced to eat school bread. :rotfl2:

Wow, the Canadian CM's were really friendly, huh? That's so shocking! ;)

Nice that the weather cleared up like that. It's my favorite thing after really bad rain, when the skies part and the beautiful sun emerges. And that you were able to see a great rainbow? Nice.

It's unreal when it hits isn't it? The water just builds so quickly it feels like WS Lagoon has overflowed. Hmmm, I guess being stranded with schoolbread wouldn't be so bad though.

I know, I couldn't believe it.

It really did make it all worth while. Plus it was kind of a reminder about this place called Disney World. "But just when things go bad, fate steps in to see you through."

Ahh What a beautiful rainbow. It's like a reward for dealing with the torrential rain. :goodvibes

Maybe they should put a rainbow at the exit of Maelstrom so after you get drenched on the ride you can walk under a rainbow on the way out. :)

Hurray for finishing your mission!!!!! Love all the pictures with your CM's around the world. Are you planning for a Christmas edition next month??

I have been in the Canada Store many times and tried on hats and played with stuffed animals, looked at shirts but I have never come across those soaps. Going to have to look for them on my next trip. :)

Love that jacket that you found. What an amazing picture on the back!

So sad that it is your last day but happy that you will be back next month so we won't have to wait too long for a new TR! :banana:

That's exactly how it felt too!

YES, that would be a fabulous idea. All those poor little soaked people.

Ahh thank you!!!!!! Depending on how my Epcot days shape up, I may very well go another round.

OMG yes you must. They're usually in a bin located near one of the counters. Priceless.

I loved it!!! I was so happy when I turned it around and there actually was one. That almost never happens.

AWWWW, me too. Hopefully the next one will be bigger and better with lots of surprises and amazing adventues.

I'm glad to see you finished your CM around the world quest! Such a fun idea.

Your rainbow pictures came out beautiful! What a wonderful sight to see after all that rain.

Illuminations can be viewed anywhere but I do like the showcase plaza the best. Sounds like the perfect way to end the trip!

Thanks Jess. It was a whole ton of fun!

It was wonderful and truly amazing and really put everything into perspective in an instant.

It's a perfect spot. I think this is where the FP+ spot is now. I really love Illuminations. It's not Wishes, but it's still pretty spectacular and emotional.

Hooray for completing the mission, I knew you would! ;)

Wow those rainbow pics are STUNNING, absolutely beautiful!

Haha, thanks Alexis. There was no way I wasn't finishing.

It was beautiful. Rainbows are pretty anyway, but to see it over the lagoon like that was just breathtaking and just really peaceful.
Have really been enjoying your TR. Not ready for it to come to an end! The rainbow was beautiful. Epcot most often seems to be where we get caught in a monsoon as well! :confused3 I found those soaps this past summer!!! Brought some home for gag gifts for the brother and sisters! ;) Then, when DD and I were wandering the Wilderness Lodge gift shop one afternoon, we came across them in there as well! Just a little FYI if anyone is in the market for them and not headed to Epcot.

Aww thank you, that's so sweet. Haha, Come to think of it, it's either Epcot or MK for me. I don't know that I've had rain at the other 2 parks before.

Oh God those soaps are precious. I didn't know they were at WL too. Interesting and great information!!

Beautiful rainbow!

Oh my yes, it absolutely was.

mmmm that worms in dirt looks so yummy right now ,Oh i just can't wait to get there already n get some delicious disney food !!!

It was actually surprisingly good. I really only bought it because it was "Limited Time Magic", so I felt the need, lol.
I love that moose covered in lights! Way to be super cute, Canada! I've met those CMs too. They were super helpful & felt horrible when I didn't buy any of their suggestions but when you see a hockey shirt, one must buy it for her hockey loving husband. Anywho!

That rainbow is gorgeous! How perfect to see a perfect rainbow in epcot. The stuff dreams are made of.

That worms in dirt treat looks so good! I wish they had it all the time.

Oh no...the trip is coming to a close? :(
WOW!!!!! That rainbow is amazing. Soooooo pretty. I would have probably stood there and stared too.

I can't believe the trip is almost over! Luckily you are leaving soon and will have another amazing trip to share. :thumbsup2
Oh my goodness, Canada is the prettiest pavilion. I love it. I hope to be able to work in the Canadian pavilion someday. It'd be amazing.

Such amazing pictures of the rainbow. Goodness, I wish I could see Epcot like that!

Dirt cakes are always the best! Now I wish I had one.
Howdy Rob! I'm back and got myself all caught up.
Oh my word that's a lot of rain. Yikes! Glad you didn't let it get you down. :thumbsup2 Norway is a great place to wait out the rain! (Though ironically I just watched a video about flooding in the real Norway...)

It was on my way over to Maelstrom that I overheard the follow gem, keeping in mind that it had been pouring buckets for the past hour or so.

“I don’t think we should go on that… the sign says you might get wet.”


There really is just no cure for stupid.

On a previous trip we heard a family saying they didn't want to ride Splash Mountain because you could get wet... and it was pouring rain. :confused3

Simply run in and out and exclaim “It’s Day… It’s Night… It’s Day… It’s Night”.

You know I'm thinking about this guy:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ1HKCYJM5U (The first one!)

Friendly Canucks? There's a shocker. :P I love that pavilion. It's so beautiful! I also have some Beaver Butt soap. :thumbsup2

That rainbow... wow. Amazing sight over Epcot. Very, very cool.

Wow! I can't believe we're up to go home day! I'm very glad there's another trip coming up so I won't have to wait long for the next report after this one. :thumbsup2
On a previous trip we heard a family saying they didn't want to ride Splash Mountain because you could get wet... and it was pouring rain. :confused3


I've heard people say that too. It's like, um... you're already drenched. Seems like now would be the perfect time to ride! :upsidedow
Arrrrg that rainbow shot is GORGEOUS!!!
Looks like a pretty awesome last night in Epcot, I do have to agree, it is a nice walk out of there in the evening, I feel like it’s never as crowded, and after a big rain storm it definitely wouldn’t be!

Is it just me or is the Canada pavilion never busy, lol, I always spend at least twenty minutes in there talking with the cm’s lol!

I haven’t seen Illuminations in AGES, but that will change coming in Dec!! I’m actually really excited!!

I really don’t get why Disney doesn’t just engage their “Rain-away system” that I am absolutely convinced they have somewhere.

One push of a button and POOF… Sunny skies.

I know they have the money. What else do they have to spend a billion dollars on?

... Oh wait...

They were saving it for me.
I had my first Rain Free trip!

It does happen.

That I think is probably because I (for the first time) actually brought my own ponchos. And plastic bags to protect my stuff.
I love that moose covered in lights! Way to be super cute, Canada! I've met those CMs too. They were super helpful & felt horrible when I didn't buy any of their suggestions but when you see a hockey shirt, one must buy it for her hockey loving husband. Anywho!

That rainbow is gorgeous! How perfect to see a perfect rainbow in epcot. The stuff dreams are made of.

That worms in dirt treat looks so good! I wish they had it all the time.

Oh no...the trip is coming to a close? :(

Aren't they cool. This was the first time I remember seeing that and hope it's a permanant addition. I loved it too. Oh wow, you met the same CM's? That's pretty darn cool. They were great.

It really was perfect too.

I did like it (basically pudding), but to be honest, it's not something I would go out of my way for. They also sold Worms and Dirt cupcakes (I think at AK) which I probably would have preferred.

It is, but there's still a bit more before I head out to create the adventures for the next one!!!

WOW!!!!! That rainbow is amazing. Soooooo pretty. I would have probably stood there and stared too.

I can't believe the trip is almost over! Luckily you are leaving soon and will have another amazing trip to share. :thumbsup2

Absolutely!!! It was just unreal to be in the presence of something so amazing.

Haha, I figure 6 or 7 months is long enough for a 6 day trip, lol. But I am hopeful the next one will yield even better stories!!

Oh my goodness, Canada is the prettiest pavilion. I love it. I hope to be able to work in the Canadian pavilion someday. It'd be amazing.

Such amazing pictures of the rainbow. Goodness, I wish I could see Epcot like that!

Dirt cakes are always the best! Now I wish I had one.

Oh God it really is so pretty. That would AWESOME if you worked there!!!!!!

It was stunning Amber. Absolutely stunning. It really made up for all the rain.

:rotfl2: dirt cakes. That cracked me up.

Howdy Rob! I'm back and got myself all caught up.
Oh my word that's a lot of rain. Yikes! Glad you didn't let it get you down. :thumbsup2 Norway is a great place to wait out the rain! (Though ironically I just watched a video about flooding in the real Norway...)

On a previous trip we heard a family saying they didn't want to ride Splash Mountain because you could get wet... and it was pouring rain. :confused3

You know I'm thinking about this guy:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ1HKCYJM5U (The first one!)

Friendly Canucks? There's a shocker. :P I love that pavilion. It's so beautiful! I also have some Beaver Butt soap. :thumbsup2

That rainbow... wow. Amazing sight over Epcot. Very, very cool.

Wow! I can't believe we're up to go home day! I'm very glad there's another trip coming up so I won't have to wait long for the next report after this one. :thumbsup2

YAY you're back!!! And awwww, you're back :( But not only that, you're actually UP that early. Holy.
It was a ton of rain for sure, but the schoolbread helped. Aww gee,thankfully there was no flooding in the Norway pavilion, except of course the drenching Maelstrom.

I've come to the conclusion that people are stupid.

:lmao: that is it exactly!!! Or that bird is a vampire.

I know it was so odd. :laughing: The landscaping there is just so beautiful. And YAY for Beaver Butt soap.

It was so unbelievable. I so rarely ever see a full rainbow anyway, but in that location it became otherworldly.

Aww thanks Wendy!! This really was a fairly short trip. The next one's quite a bit longer.
I've heard people say that too. It's like, um... you're already drenched. Seems like now would be the perfect time to ride! :upsidedow

Haha, I now refer back to my earlier comment of "People are Stupid!!".

Arrrrg that rainbow shot is GORGEOUS!!!
Looks like a pretty awesome last night in Epcot, I do have to agree, it is a nice walk out of there in the evening, I feel like it’s never as crowded, and after a big rain storm it definitely wouldn’t be!

Is it just me or is the Canada pavilion never busy, lol, I always spend at least twenty minutes in there talking with the cm’s lol!

I haven’t seen Illuminations in AGES, but that will change coming in Dec!! I’m actually really excited!!

Oh Katt it was spectacular. I was thinking as the sky was clearing that this would be the perfect time for a rainbow and then...

Overall it was great. And even on really crowded days (apart from the small walkways out of WS on the ends which are ridiculously narrow), the walkways are so wide I never feel crowded walking out.

OMG haha, I hardly EVER see people in that store. One weird thing that may contribute is in most of the pavilions, the KidCot station is in a store. In Canada, it's in some obscure location in the back like in a cave. Makes no sense. I feel bad for that CM.

Oh God you're really going to love it because there's an added section (4 or 5 minutes) at the end just for the Holidays. It's UNREAL!!!!!!

They were saving it for me.
I had my first Rain Free trip!

It does happen.

That I think is probably because I (for the first time) actually brought my own ponchos. And plastic bags to protect my stuff.

Well first, since I think this is your first post here, :welcome:

Ahh ok, so that explains it. I've been lucky in that I've had mostly rain free trips, so I guess I was just due.
Hi Rob! I've been following along, and LOVING, this TR since the beginning but I thought that I should finally post a reply since I did send you a FB friend request... and since this TR is almost complete. I know that I can always count on your updates to get a great laugh!! :rotfl2:

And wow, seeing that full rainbow over Epcot was probably TDF!
Hi Rob! I've been following along, and LOVING, this TR since the beginning but I thought that I should finally post a reply since I did send you a FB friend request... and since this TR is almost complete. I know that I can always count on your updates to get a great laugh!! :rotfl2:

And wow, seeing that full rainbow over Epcot was probably TDF!

Hi Rachel!! I am so glad you did post so I get to give you a great big :welcome:

Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words and I'm really glad to add you on FB as well!

It was unbelieveable, it really was. It was just a perfect spot for it.
Hi Rob! How many days??? :p I've got a busy week even with it being a holiday week for us Yanks. I don't want to miss the anticipation of the trip coming up so quickly but darn if my job isn't making this hard. :lmao:

I'm back from Vegas so I'm glad that you haven't wrapped this up yet since I didn't want to miss it. :) (All selfish reasons of course.)

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

And no, Em will not be shoved in front of you in the boat so I suppose I should edit my comment to say I "can guarantee."
Hi Rob! How many days??? :p I've got a busy week even with it being a holiday week for us Yanks. I don't want to miss the anticipation of the trip coming up so quickly but darn if my job isn't making this hard. :lmao:

I'm back from Vegas so I'm glad that you haven't wrapped this up yet since I didn't want to miss it. :) (All selfish reasons of course.)

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

And no, Em will not be shoved in front of you in the boat so I suppose I should edit my comment to say I "can guarantee."

Hmmm, why it would SINGLE DIGIT DANCE TIME!!!! :dancer:

And yes it is indeed Thanksgiving week for you all. Look at it this way, with all the happenings, the week will probably just blow by and before you know it... You'll be landing at MCO!!!!

Awww you are too sweet. I'm just putting the finishing touches on the wrap up, so now that you're home I will be posting it soon. :)

Thank you Brenda. I hope you are as well. It's my last long weekend before, you know, being off for 2 weeks in, you know, DISNEY!

:rotfl2: Thank you for clarifying. I didn't want to have to get all "angry tourist". ;)
Such wonderful pictures of the rainbow!! Thanks for sharing your fabulous trip with us! Have a great return trip in a few days! Thank goodness you accepted my friend request on Facebook so I can follow along and live vicariously yet again!


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