“IT’S OUR MOTHER DAUGHTER TRIP!” Our Spontaneous Getaway - April 2011 COMPLETE 9/13

Oh, whoever didn't like your sweats can look the other way! It's not like you had a choice.

The food looks so good! And how awesome they were still able to make you the filet and mac 'n cheese.

Zebra domes = :lovestruc!!!!
:flower3:i just had to pop on to say how much i enjoy reading your reports!...i found the one with you and your friends a few weeks ago, and now im reading this and your family trip at the same time! Keep up the awesome work, cant wait to read more!
YUMMMMMM Zebra Domes. I was finally able to try one of those little beauties this year during our dinner at Boma. De-lish. :thumbsup2

However, the sprinklers came on and scared us! It was dark out, so you can't blame us!
:rotfl: That happened to Mom, Katie, and Wade during our trip. They went for a late-night snack and were instead terrified by the late-night sprinklers.

Your room looks so cozy. I love all the pillows on the bed. And, of course, the Hidden Mickeys. The rooms at AKL all look so welcoming. I absolutely must stay there someday.
YUMM!!!! Zebra Domes!!! Haha that is funny (to me anyways!) because I have never had them! lol But I have heard so much about them. I had that on my list of foods that we must get on our trip a few weeks ago......but omg don't get me started on the RAIN that ruined my eating of different foods. lol It just isn't as much fun getting soaked and sitting on busses, soaked, if you don't absolutely have to. Ok I digress....this is your TR not my pity party. LOL

The room is so nice, I bet you guys loved it!! The decor is fantastic, and the hidden mickey carved into the entertainment stand is precious!!

Can't wait to read about your first full day at the parks. Wonder which one you will go to.....??:confused3 :banana:
Wow, those Zebra Domes look good! I think I've heard enough about them, by now. I must buy them! Another thing on my list of things to do at Disney... I think I'll need another twenty trips to finish it off Hehehehehe LOL @ the CMs wanting them.

There's a walkway between Jambo House and Kidani? How did I not know this? Uggghhh... I was there for SIX DAYS! And had NOO clue that I could've gone over to check out Boma or something to use up or CS credits for breakfast. Urrrggghhh... LOL @ the sprinklers coming on. I just imagine you getting sprayed, but apparently not, boo Haha JK

What is with you and all these CMs talking to you about the DCP? This has been a trend throughout your TRs... hopefully that will happen when I go for the senior trip I've already started planning... 3 YEARS IN ADVANCE!! Yeah, I know I'm crazy. :P Deal with it! Haha

Your room looks great! A bit different from the room I stayed in, but I was with my whole family (Two annoying sisters, one anti-Disney father and one lovely mother ) Aren't those rooms just so pretty? And lucky you for getting towel animals. I seem to just keep on getting bad mousekeeping at Disney. If I don't see ANY towel animals on my next trip, I may cry.

Can't wait to read more!

Darn you should have gotten them when you stayed at AKL! Oh well, just another reason to go back! And haha oh those CM's. You can tell how good zebra domes are by their reaction!
And yes there is a walkway! It was cute! I'm surprised they didn't tell you! They probably just told us because we were eating at the opposite building of our room when we had luggage.
And I'm sure it will! It'll probably happen before then! And lol don't even worry.. I'm pretty sure that I thought about my senior year trip way back in freshman year. And now it's over... :(
And yes it was beautiful! I love the rooms there! They're so authentic! And aww you never got any? :( Make sure you check your room once you get there next time and hopefully one will be waiting for you!

I'm glad I DEMANDED that you watch Stacy that night. It's just not arrival day without her.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the room! Oh how I miss AKL. I love it so very much. The hidden Mickeys everywhere, the beautiful rugs outside the lobby (like WHY can I not have one of those at my house!?!?) the smell, the music. Ahhhh I just adore it all. I'm so glad you guys loved it! That room location seems mega convenient. Ours wasn't all that close, but we enjoyed the walk, even after a long day.

Zebra domes are Animal Kingdom holy food. They are a gift from the Lodge gods.

I agree.. it's really not. I love stace :lovestruc She's the definition of hanging out in the hotel room at disney. And of course, you know I love to listen to my relaxing resort music on the "What's Going On Today" station while I try and fall asleep. Such wonderful stations they have at Disney.
AKL is really a beautiful resort. It's absolutely fantastic!! I love all of those things you mentioned!
And LOL so true! Love me some zebra domes :love:

Wow your room is gorgeous, I think AKL is such a gorgeous resort.

Yay for Zebra domes and Stacey, she's always what makes it finally feel like being there for me.

I love the towel animals, the mousekeepers are so creative with them.

Can't wait for more

I couldn't agree more! :goodvibes
And yes, I always get SO excited the first time I turn stacy on TV! It always marks the beginning of the trip... whether I watch all the way through or I just have her on in the background.
And I know aren't they precious!? I love those!

Those zebra domes look delicious! Your room looks really nice, and I love all the Hidden Mickeys spread throughout.

Mmm they were! And I loved that too! It really added SO much magic to the rooms! :wizard:

Yay on finally getting your hands on some Zebra Domes - am glad you enjoyed them and did not part with any of them!

Love your room pics - I would love to stay at AKL one day

Hahaha I was so happy! And I'm glad that I kept them all to myself! (well and I shared some with mother haha)
And thanks! I hope you get to - it's fantastic!

Another trip?! You are officially the luckiest person ever!

It is cool that you are staying at different resorts each time. The room looks great!

And I totally would have showed up to Jiko in sweatpants, too.

Haha aww thanks. I really am so happy I have the opportunity to go on these trips... they make me SO beyond happy!
And thanks! It's my life goal to stay at every resort so I try to spice it up. Thanks - it was super beautiful!
And hahaha I'm glad I'm not the only one! :lmao:

Not a fan of those zebra domes - why do they give you an odd number - what if you were sharing....oh wait, nevermind that statement.
What a lovely room - thanks for taking so many pictures!
Wonder what park you will start with? hmmmmm

Haha well... I don't know! Thankfully Mother is a very generous person and let me have the extra one. :rotfl: What a kind woman.
And no problem! I couldn't help but take pictures - it was beautiful!
And hmmm you will have to wait and see! :)

Haha, it's okay! I'm going to assume they're normal napkins then! And bread is the best! My favorite is Cuban bread with mango butter. So good!

AKL is really bright! So many patterns! I love beds that are high off the ground - it feels so luxurious, especially if those little steps are needed.

Haha okay! Yeah I'm really not sure - wish I could help more! And mmm that sounds fantastic! Is that from Jiko?
And yes it is! I like it! And it really does. It's just a wonderful treat to get to stay in a hotel like that!

Mmmm zebra domes! They look so good. I keep showing my parents pictures of amazing Disney food that we haven't tried yet to convince them to go back. No luck yet though :rotfl:

And your room looks gorgeous! I love all the different hidden Mickeys throughout.

Mmm so yummy! I have convinced myself to plan trips based on looking at food pictures... maybe just make them sit through a few pages of the Food Pictures thread and see if you can persuade them :lmao:
And aww thanks! I loved that too! Wonderful Disney touch!

Wow, yet another TR from you! Yay, I'm excited to read along again. Sounds like an absolutely great way to leave school a bit early. Great arrival day and that food looks delish. Looking forward to the rest of your trip.

Haha yep, I'm here again! Thank you for being here as well :) It was wonderful to just take a quick little trip! I can't wait to share the rest with you!

Oh, whoever didn't like your sweats can look the other way! It's not like you had a choice.

The food looks so good! And how awesome they were still able to make you the filet and mac 'n cheese.

Zebra domes = :lovestruc!!!!

Hahaha exactly! I'm glad you understand :laughing:
It was fantastic! And I know... that was so nice of them!
And YUM!

:flower3:i just had to pop on to say how much i enjoy reading your reports!...i found the one with you and your friends a few weeks ago, and now im reading this and your family trip at the same time! Keep up the awesome work, cant wait to read more!

Aww thank you so much! I'm glad you have found the reports and have been reading along... it's lots of fun to relive the trips along with you guys! :goodvibes I'll update soon, I'm sure!

YUMMMMMM Zebra Domes. I was finally able to try one of those little beauties this year during our dinner at Boma. De-lish. :thumbsup2

However, the sprinklers came on and scared us! It was dark out, so you can't blame us!
:rotfl: That happened to Mom, Katie, and Wade during our trip. They went for a late-night snack and were instead terrified by the late-night sprinklers.

Your room looks so cozy. I love all the pillows on the bed. And, of course, the Hidden Mickeys. The rooms at AKL all look so welcoming. I absolutely must stay there someday.

Hooray! I have never had dinner at Boma - I can't wait to read your review!
And hahaha oh my gosh really? That's so funny! They definitely can take you by surprise!
And aww it was! I loved that room. And yes you must! You would love it! :)

YUMM!!!! Zebra Domes!!! Haha that is funny (to me anyways!) because I have never had them! lol But I have heard so much about them. I had that on my list of foods that we must get on our trip a few weeks ago......but omg don't get me started on the RAIN that ruined my eating of different foods. lol It just isn't as much fun getting soaked and sitting on busses, soaked, if you don't absolutely have to. Ok I digress....this is your TR not my pity party. LOL

The room is so nice, I bet you guys loved it!! The decor is fantastic, and the hidden mickey carved into the entertainment stand is precious!!

Can't wait to read about your first full day at the parks. Wonder which one you will go to.....??:confused3 :banana:

Haha well I'm glad you can already tell that they are delicious!
And oh NOO I'm so sad for you :( :( That's terrible. Stupid rain. And don't worry... you can rant whenever you want! Do you have a trip report going of that trip?
And haha I can't wait to share it with you! You will see soon!
Oh those zebra domes look amazing!!! And your room looks fabulous! Can't wait to hear what your first full day has in store!!!!:surfweb:
Your trip sounds amazing. I am going to keep reading and go back to the other two soon. I hope you had a great time.
I missed the new post! :eek: But I got it now :) Those Zebra Domes look deeeelicious!!!!! I wonder how all those cast members know you're into the internship thing! They must all talk, "oh that Jess girl..." :laughing: Hopefully cast members tell me all about it too, because I want to know how awwesome it is! You're awesome at finding those hidden Mickeys! I always get so excited when I find them, then debate whether or not they were intentional, LOL. 3 full days left for me!!!! :banana:
Those zebra domes look delicious!!!!! I have never gotten a chance to try them but i hope this trip we will be able top stop in the mara to get some despite the fact we aren't staying there. also love how you were watching stacey before bed. I always watch stacey first thing in the room as we are unpacking. It always makes disney feel official. I wish there was a real world channel to go to when one is homesick for disney. I was reading a article in the celebration magazine that interviewed her and thought about everyone on the DIS who enjoys her channel.
I'm all caught up. I didn't know you had this TR going. I was laughing about your hamlet story. When I was in high school we read a Shakespeare book every year and I never understood them! When I got to my senior year we had to read hamlet and my teacher was nice enough to give us the books that the one side of the page had the Shakespeare version and the other side had the English version. I loved Hamlet!!! I probably would have liked all the others too if I would have understood them better. Your trip is off to a great start! We ate at Jiko last October and that was around the time they took the filet with mac and cheese off the menu but our waiter told us that you can always ask for it because the mac and cheese is still on the kids menu. Glad you like Kidani, we stayed there in February for a short weekend trip and thought it was beautiful! Can't wait to read more!
Hi! I'm in! My daughter and I take tons of "mom daughter" trips to the world! May be going again next week! :) My daughter also just finished the college program and had the time of her life! Are you thinking of doing it? She worked at Cinderellas Royal Table!!
Chapter 4 - "Our First Stop is Disney's Polynesian Resort!"
April 8th, 2011

We woke up to the sound of the phone ringing, and a little wake up call from Stitch and Mickey! There's no better way to say "Good Morning" because it really means you're in Disney!

We took showers and got ready! One thing that was sort of annoying to me was that the sink with the mirror was in the same room with the shower. So while my Mom was showering, I was trying to put makeup on and the only mirror was the one in the main area of the room. And the table blocked me from getting close to the mirror, so that was sort of inconvenient. :headache: I like when the sink and mirror are outside of the bathroom.

Anyways... I looked out the window and checked out our view! It wasn't savannah view, but I didn't really care at all! This was still pretty nice!



And here's our little porch:


Fantastic!! The view doesn't really matter to me haha. As long as I'm in Disney, I'm a happy camper!

We talked to my Dad on the phone and then left to get on the bus! Here's some pictures of our walk:


The buildings at Kidani:


The bus stop:



We arrived at the bus stop and guess what happened....


Why does that always happen to me?! hahaha

Here is Mother waiting patiently for the next bus:


And here I am all ready to go! It was so beautiful outside... the weather and the scenery!


We waited like 15 minutes, and finally the MAGIC KINGDOM bus arrived!!

I love entering the Magic Kingdom! Passing through those gates just makes me SO happy!! I was so glad I was there!

We got off and headed straight towards the monorail! (Did you catch the monorail quote being the title of this chapter? ;) )We took a ride over to the Polynesian to have breakfast!

There were a few issues with the monorail we were on.. there was a traffic clearance stop on the way and the doors didn't open for a minute or two when we got there. But nothing too serious!


We got to the Polynesian and walked in!



We were right on time for our 9:35 am reservation at one of our new favorites... KONA!


Mom went to the bathroom and I grabbed our table. We were seated within one minute! Fantastic.

Here's our Lilikoi juice, Syrup, and Strawberry Sauce. (that is used for Tonga Toast):


I ordered Tonga Toast.


Mom got the Macadamia Nut Pancakes.


And we split them!!


We both wanted some of each... they're just so GOOD!

Our waiter's name was Andrew.

The girl sitting next to us was actually a Cast Member! Ahh so cool! She worked at Flame Tree Barbecue! She was there with her husband. She told us about her experiences at California Grill and Sanaa, and how as a cast member you get passes for guests to the parks! That was so cool to talk to a CM!

What a sweet beginning to our trip!


Overview of Kona Dining Experience
Food: Amazing!! Unbelievable. My favorite breakfast place in the world!! 5/5
Order: Tonga Toast (5/5), some of Mother's pancakes (5/5), and Lilikoi Juice (4/5 - very sweet, I can never finish it!)
Waiter: Andrew
Service: Good! Our waiter was a little quiet at first, but after our meal he talked to us for a longg time. 4/5
Overall Experience: Fantastic! I will definitely continue to come here! 5/5

Continued in Next Post
Subbing!! Great TR so far!

I love that pic of the palm trees and the runway when your plane touched down -- SO Florida-ish! My fam loves the AKL, Kidani is our someday-stay list -- loved all the pics, it looks beautiful! The Kona breakfast looked really fun! Lilikoi is such a pretty name for a tropical juice -- do you know what the flavor was, was it POG juice (pinapple orage guava)?
I really am liking your TR!! I read the Port Report one and LOVED it as well. :love:
Mother daughter trips are fun, aren't they? My mom and I always just go together. :flower3:
mmmm Kona's breakfast also looks so good, I definitely want to try it sometime.

Booo about the bus pulling away just as you were getting there, I hate when that happens.

I love the view you guys had from the balcony, it must have been nice for peoplewatching.

Can't wait for more:goodvibes
Ok, I think I beat Kristen this time! CHYEAH! :-) Hehehehe

I love the balconies at AKL! I didn't have a Savannah view either when I was there, but one day we saw Hot Air Balloons out our window! How cool is that?! So, yeah, the views there are good anyways. And I loved walking out onto the balcony every morning :goodvibes

Awwww... sorry about the bus! This seems to happen frequently to you. Hopefully it isn't a recurrence for future trips. Waits can drive people crazy, that's what FPs are for :thumbsup2 LOL

So, you took a bus to MK and didn't go into MK? ... Okay. :-) Wow! Kona again! You seem to really like it there. Maybe I'll have to make an ADR there. Sounds very cool, if it was a recurrence between two TRs! And we seem to have similar tastes, too and I think those Tonga Toast and Lilikoi Juice are calling to me :teeth:

I'm pretty sure now you are a CM magnet. They seem to show up out of nowhere and talk to you. And this one has good taste (Sanaa=Amazing) I can't wait until I start the DCP... free park passes :goodvibes Have we discussed this already? LOL

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum
Kona is definitely one of my favorite places to have breakfast. What a great place to start!

You and your mom do exactly what my mom and I do. Order two things we both want and split them. We do it constantly! We both have the same tastes, so we end up winning in the end.
The Poly is just so beautiful! Kona looks amazing, it's definitely at the top of my Disney bucket list! lol Both the tonga toast and the macadamia nut pancakes look delicious.
That's really cool that you sat next to a CM too. I love talking to them, they always have the best stories!


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