“IT’S OUR MOTHER DAUGHTER TRIP!” Our Spontaneous Getaway - April 2011 COMPLETE 9/13

My mom and I absolutely LOVE the fountain of nations :) My mom and I always take time each day to listen to and watch the fountain. We usually do that as we are leaving Epcot after illuminations. I use to not like sitting there just to watch the fountain but with in the past couple of years i have really come to enjoy it :)

I'm excited to see that you went back to via napoli :) I haven't been there yet but I am going in January and am SOOOOOO excited!!!! My mom and i decided we would both rather go there than back to rose and crown. I know that I defintely want some of those zeppoles! That looks exactly like a dessert I would enjoy!!!!! 2 bad your crust was a little burnt! The pizza looks great anyway!

Can't wait for more :) popcorn::
Via Napoli looks so good! I'd love to try the pizza and the zeppoles, especially now that I'll know the correct pronunciation.

I love your new dresses. They're so cute and I bet they'd be really comfortable for touring.

What I loved about college at first, is that everyone is new. There's so much potential- new friends to be made, new activities to try, new places to go and new things to learn. It's not long before you feel at home and the first few weeks when everything was hard is nothing but a blur.

I'm so excited for you going to Disney at Christmas! That's always been one of my favorite times to go. I love the Osbourne Spectacle of Lights, Holiday Wishes, the Christmas parade at MK, and the Celebrate the Season show.

There are a few other Christmas things that I like that you don't hear as much about, like the character Christmas trees at Camp Minnie Mickey. There are Christmas trees with decorations themed like a certain character. It's fun to guess which character the tree is for.

I'm not sure if they're coming back this year, but I loved hearing Joyful perform at Epcot last December. Joyful is a group of extremely talented musicians and singers and they perform gospel-y Christmas music.

My all time favorite Christmas show is sadly no longer performed- the Country Bears Christmas Special. It was discontinued in 2005, I think, and I've been hoping it'll come back every year since then. It's probably a long shot, but if they have it, it's a fun show.

Haha yes, I'm sure you would love them both!
Thank you! Yes they're extremely comfy!
I can't wait until these few weeks seem like a blur... they've been really rough :sad2:
Thank you! I'm so excited too! I will put all of those ideas on the list!
I hope they do that Camp Minnie Mickey Christmas Tree thing! I would love to go see that!
Joyful sounds like something my Mom would like! Where is it performed in Epcot?
Aww is it discontinued!? I just told my mom how I wanted to see it :rotfl: Oh well. Shows how long it's been since I've been there at Christmas time. I think the last time was in 2003.

I love all of the Epcot pictures!!!

And your dinner looked really good! Just one more place to add to my "want to try" list! :thumbsup2

Thank you! And yes, definitely put it on your list! It's a great one!!

Hi! I love reading your trip report! I think I commented on your report a bit before my own recent mother and daughter trip in August, but reading about yours is so fun! I'm a senior in college this year and I was trying to think of any wisdom to impart and here's the biggest thing I thought of: So your first week or two of school you meet a million people, everyone at freshman week activities, everyone on your dorm floor, everyone in all your classes and people make bonds super quickly and you get a bunch of "bffs" very quickly. My advice is, don't feel so attached to the first people you meet that you don't branch out to meet new people throughout the entire year! And if it turns out after a couple of weeks that you decide some of these new friends aren't really your style, that's ok! Don't feel guilty about moving on! Anyways, I didn't hear about the Disney College program until last semester! I'm going to be done with my student teaching in December of 2012 and I'm considering doing the CP the semester after I graduate since you can still do it then. Wouldn't it be funny if we ended up doing it at the same time? Sorry for writing such an essay!

Thank you so much! I hope you had a great Mother Daughter Trip!
Thank you for taking the time to give me advice :) It helps. That's really good advice.. because I feel like everyone is doing that now - just latching on to whoever will talk to them haha.
Oh my gosh yeah we might end up doing it around the same time! I hope you get to do it- I know it's one of my biggest priorities of college! I'm glad you found out about it!!
And haha no problem! I love comments! Thanks for reading!

Well if I've got the information, might as well share. I definitely want to help my dis-friends through the craziness that is Christmastime at WDW.

Do I want to get there right at sundown for the beginning of it?
I've been there right at sundown (by accident) when they first turn them on, but it's not a big show. I would wait until a little later in the evening to walk through the lights. They run all the way through park closing & sometimes they'll let you stay in the lighted area a little longer just to walk around.

Okay that's good to know! I wasn't really sure of how the whole thing worked. Ugh it's gonna be busy but I HAVE to see them. I bet they're amazing!​

I booked a Candlelight Processional Package at Teppan Edo because I figured the package would be the way to go after hearing about the insane waits. I am excited to see that - I bet it'll be great! My Mom loves the Christmas story so I'm sure it'll be beautiful!
Oh, Teppan Edo sounds wonderful right now! With the Japan pavilion's location being relatively close to the American Gardens Theater that will be a great place to relax and eat before the show. Another tip would be to bring something soft (like a blanket or another jacket) to sit on during the show. The America Gardens Theater seating is all metal benches like you would find at a football stadium. Those can get rather uncomfortable during a long show & cold during the "Florida winter".

Oh yay! Then I'm glad I booked it there! That's a really good tip.. I will mention it to my Mom. Is it in the theatre where the flower power concerts were playing in my last update?​

Magic Kingdom Christmas Parade-
Yeah I haven't seen it, so I will make sure I do! How early should we line up for that? And is Main Street the best place to see it?
Especially during the Christmas week when you plan on being there, I would imagine the crowds are going to be flocking to watch this parade. I can't say for certain how early you should be lining up, but if you want to watch on Main Street I would grab a snack from the bakery and find a seat maybe an hour before the parade is scheduled to start.

Haha okay sounds like a good plan! That's what I'll do. I have a feeling that'll end up being just me and my Mom because my Dad and brother won't have the patience.​

Also, double-check where the parade is supposed to start (sometimes Main Street & sometimes Frontierland). If it is going to start in Frontierland sitting on Main Street closest to the entrance and train station is best. If the parade starts on Main Street than sitting closer to the Castle is preferred. My family normally picks to watch the parades in Frontierland near the Country Bear Jamboree. The crowds are usually lighter because everyone is drawn to Main Street. This location is also great if you plan on hitting a ride (like Splash or Big Thunder Mountain) immediately after the parade.

Those are REALLY good suggestions. Thank you so much! I'll have to see where my Mom wants to watch the parade haha​

One last thing: You can check the official Disney website for parade times during your stay. Sometimes if the Magic Kingdom is open late (like they will be on Christmas) there will be an early parade followed by fireworks and a second parade. Both parades are the same and crowds have usually gone home after the fireworks. So finding a good seat is usually easier.

Ahh yes very good thinking! I will check on that for sure! Thanks!​

New Years Eve-
That sounds really cute! I made an ADR at Ohana 7:35 pm... so should we venture out into the parks? We're staying at BLT so I don't know if my family wants to go out into the parks... but I sort of want to to get the experience. Haha we'll see. What happens at Magic Kingdom for the countdown?

Actually, O'hana will be a great place for dinner that night. If I remember correctly The Polynesian & The Contemporary stream in the Magic Kingdom firework music. So if your family does not wish to venture into the park you can comfortably view the fireworks and hear the music from either resort. BLT, the bridge that connects it to the Contemporary, and the viewing platform outside the Contemporary are all prime viewing locations for the fireworks (so don't be surprised by a crowd).
The Magic Kingdom's New Years Eve celebration is a basic countdown with fireworks, but I know every year they change the show a bit based on the "year's theme" (i.e. Celebrate Today, Year of a Million Dreams).

Okay! So wherever we are, we'll end up having a good view. So that sounds good! Thank you SO SO SOO much for your help again!​

So I finally got caught up after being away for a bit (but since part of my absence was in Disney, I figure that's excusable) and I can't even remember all the stuff I would have commented on. But basically...

Love the dresses that you got. Super cute.

I am sitting here drooling with my stomach rumbling over all of your yummy food pics.

Wow, your dorm room looks so nice! My dorm room was not nearly as spacious, definitely didn't have air conditioning, and I had to share a bathroom with half the girls on the floor. Kickin' it old school style. Love how you decorated it. It's great that you get along with your roommate. One of my absolute best friends (who has made an appearance on my TR) I met while a freshman at college - she lived next door.

I don't know how big your college is, but I went to a HUGE university and I was totally homesick for a while (and I went 8 hours away - by car). But I have made some lifelong friends, some friends that just made appearances in my life, and some better left forgotten. Enjoy your time, it flies by. And I agree with someone else, if you want some care packages, let us know! I'd totally love to put together a Disney themed care package for you! ;)

Can't wait to hear about the surprise trip too! Yay for more frump adventures!

Haha that is a very acceptable excuse! I hope you had a lovely time in Disney!
Thank you, I love the dresses too!
Haha I understand... food pictures make me hungry too!
Thank you! Yeah, my dorm is my favorite part about this whole college thing so far haha. And aww that's so good to hear! I hope I make some lifelong friends in college too!
Oh wow... yeah I'm at a smaller sized school and I'm only one hour away... so I guess that's okay! I'll stick it out and hopefully it'll get better really soon!
And aww that's so nice :hug: Thanks for the offer!
And I am excited to share about that too! Yayy!

First of all, the Disney dress is way too cute! I'll have to order one next spring!:) Via Napoli looks sooo good! I think DH and I are def. going to have to try that one next time! The flowers are oh so pretty as well! It looks like you had a wonderful time with your mom!

Thank you! That's a great restaurant.. I'm sure you guys would love it! And yes we did! We loved our trip and had a great time! :)

Great Epcot pics - can't wait to spend lots of time in that park! :thumbsup2

Your VN pics are making me hungry! Glad you enjoyed your meal.

Thank you!
Haha I understand... the meal even looks delicious! Thank you!

My mom and I absolutely LOVE the fountain of nations :) My mom and I always take time each day to listen to and watch the fountain. We usually do that as we are leaving Epcot after illuminations. I use to not like sitting there just to watch the fountain but with in the past couple of years i have really come to enjoy it :)

I'm excited to see that you went back to via napoli :) I haven't been there yet but I am going in January and am SOOOOOO excited!!!! My mom and i decided we would both rather go there than back to rose and crown. I know that I defintely want some of those zeppoles! That looks exactly like a dessert I would enjoy!!!!! 2 bad your crust was a little burnt! The pizza looks great anyway!

Can't wait for more :) popcorn::

Yes, that's how I am too! I feel like when you're a kid you're too focused on getting all of the rides done... but as you grow older you learn to appreciate things like that fountain!
BE EXCITED! It's great!! I haven't gone to Rose and Crown so I don't know which is better.. but I know you're gonna love Via Napoli! I'm sure you'll love whatever you order!
Your dorm is so big! And your own bathroom? So jealous! We shared two (large) bathrooms to a wing. The best thing that my freshman roommate and I (more her, because I am introverted to the max) did the first year was to have a "sleepover" in our room for the girls in our hall. We covered the floor in our room with mattresses (not hard, it was pretty small) and put on movies and music and ate tons of ice cream and cookie dough and whatever else people brought. My roommate and I had gone to a different orientation (our academic college versus the honors college for everyone else) and it was a pretty fun way to 'catch up' with everyone else.

That's good though! At least you knew people!! I know no one and it drives me nuts!! Freshman year is a pain... I hope I reflect back on it fondly someday. We'll see... (probably not LOL)
I'm taking Research and Writing, Computer Generated Art, and Understanding Scripture. I'm undeclared right now so I'm getting the core classes done.
Those are great goals!! I would love to do all of those things as well!
Haha ostriches remind me of that too!
And yeah the Disney lamps are always perfectly themed! I haven't been to La Hacienda yet but I want to go! It's worth it just to see the decorations LOL
Thank you! I agree - EMH are the best!!
Taking five million random classes was the best! I had practically an entire liberal arts degree in addition to my real degree (meteorology).

I'm positive you'll back on it fondly - at least at my college, most people moved off-campus at junior year and no one had as much time for clubs and eating meals together in the dining hall. So much more grown-up feeling later on in college versus the super fun times in freshman year! Clubs are the best, especially student council (which is really odd for me to say because, well, introvert!)

The tea pot set in Yak and Yeti is so adorable! I don't like (hot) tea (iced tea is a WHOLE other story) but I can't resist tea pots. Cute dresses too!

Very silly, but I couldn't figure out what the sign in front of the Tigger topiary was saying. Couldn't decide what the 'double-GA' was referring to (leading idea was double Georgia for some reason) and then I remembered the song. Never figured it was spelled 'ga'!

Those zeppoles look amazing, though anything covered in powdered sugar is usually pretty tasty!
Via Napoli sounds delicious! I've been wanting to eat there since it opened. And looking at the zeppoles makes me hungry (and it's only 8a.m...yikes:laughing:).
I also thought it was kind of cool you got to sit by a window, despite the seats being tucked away in a hidden corner.
Your dorm is so big! And your own bathroom? So jealous! We shared two (large) bathrooms to a wing. The best thing that my freshman roommate and I (more her, because I am introverted to the max) did the first year was to have a "sleepover" in our room for the girls in our hall. We covered the floor in our room with mattresses (not hard, it was pretty small) and put on movies and music and ate tons of ice cream and cookie dough and whatever else people brought. My roommate and I had gone to a different orientation (our academic college versus the honors college for everyone else) and it was a pretty fun way to 'catch up' with everyone else.

Taking five million random classes was the best! I had practically an entire liberal arts degree in addition to my real degree (meteorology).

I'm positive you'll back on it fondly - at least at my college, most people moved off-campus at junior year and no one had as much time for clubs and eating meals together in the dining hall. So much more grown-up feeling later on in college versus the super fun times in freshman year! Clubs are the best, especially student council (which is really odd for me to say because, well, introvert!)

The tea pot set in Yak and Yeti is so adorable! I don't like (hot) tea (iced tea is a WHOLE other story) but I can't resist tea pots. Cute dresses too!

Very silly, but I couldn't figure out what the sign in front of the Tigger topiary was saying. Couldn't decide what the 'double-GA' was referring to (leading idea was double Georgia for some reason) and then I remembered the song. Never figured it was spelled 'ga'!

Those zeppoles look amazing, though anything covered in powdered sugar is usually pretty tasty!

That is such a cute idea :) It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! That was probably a great way to get to know people!
Haha I know... we have to take a bunch of "core" classes so i'm sure I'll have tons by the time I'm done. Unfortunately this understanding scripture class is a killer :headache: But I hope the term will go by fast!
I haven't been a huge fan of freshman year/college in general quite yet... but I hope that my opinion changes soon! I really want to look back on it and be able to say I loved it... but it's just taking a while to get used to :rolleyes:
Haha I love those tea pots! And thanks about the dresses!
Hahaha :rotfl: That's so funny. I would totally do something like that too. Don't worry - it happens to the best of us!
And mmm they were delicious!!

Via Napoli sounds delicious! I've been wanting to eat there since it opened. And looking at the zeppoles makes me hungry (and it's only 8a.m...yikes:laughing:).
I also thought it was kind of cool you got to sit by a window, despite the seats being tucked away in a hidden corner.

Mmm it is :cloud9: You'll have to go soon! And hahaha do not worry... I am hungry at all hours of the day, every day :lmao:
And yes, I sort of did like that! It's a whole different experience every where you sit in that restaurant!! I have lots of funny stories about Via Napoli that you'll get to read about in the next trip report ;) Whatta restaurant.​
Chapter 19 - Our Magical Finale
April 10th, 2011

We exited Via Napoli and were in the Italy Pavilion just as IllumiNations was starting!

Okay... I have to admit this isn't your typical spot. However, if you have the chance to watch IllumiNations semi-regularly, watch it in Italy! It's such a great place! You see basically the entire show, it's just a different view. It's so magical there!


The Pavilion is so empty, yet it feels so full of life while the show's going on. This was one of my favorite Disney moments. It was so simple, yet I was extremely happy. It was a wonderful place to end up on our last night!


We were standing right behind the two pillars to watch the show, which gave us a unique view. We were in a prime location, and Italy was SO beautiful to be in the country when it lit up.


So I have a recommendation for anyone who is going on their honeymoon or a date night while in Disney... GO HERE and watch IllumiNations from Italy! It could be such a precious romantic setting! (even for a proposal... hint, hint, future husband, if you ever read this. ;) hahaha just kidding. Anywhere in Disney would be perfect.)



So after that tear-jerker of a show, we exited through the Beach Club, again!

YES... we pulled a double fireworks night two nights in a row!

We entered the Magic Kingdom while Wishes was going on. The guy at security was checking us all in so fast because he didn't want us to miss the show. As he checked everyone's bags he was like "Have fun! Have fun! Have fun! Have Fun!" haha I love cast members during the fireworks. Don't they seem like... even more cheerful!?

We got into the Magic Kingdom and decided, since we saw the show last night, we should meet the princesses! There was no wait and we haven't been to this greeting area yet!

The Cast Member doing Photopass was SOOO funny! She had us pose like princesses and was just having so much fun for herself.


Since I'm the princess, my Mom always loves it when the Cast Members or Princesses call her the queen. Haha how precious.

We were chatting away, and while on the subject of royalty, the CM was talking about how the Queen of England can do whatever she wants. She said "what if one day the queen just came out in sweatpants!?" Haha she was awesome. And crazy!

See? Happy Disney Cast Members during the fireworks point proven.


Our first princess we met was Belle, and she was so cute!


Then Cinderella was next, and she told me she liked my dress!


After our meet and greet, we went to the Haunted Mansion because we wanted to see the new queue!

At the time, I thought it was slightly unnecessary because it just lengthened the line. However, now that I know there is a regular line to bypass the interactive part, that makes it better. Sometimes I just want to get on the ride, but other times I'm up for the queue. I think that Disney could have spent their time elsewhere and done something more productive... but hey, it is fun after all.

I mean, I did think it was cool. I liked the one that you pressed to play the music.. and it looks all nice and refreshed now. So, it is enjoyable. But again, I need to specifically want to see the queue line if I'm ever going to go in there.

While we were in line, we talked to this girl who was on a trip with her Dad. He was very old but they were having such a fun trip together. They were so cute! She told us how she went to her friend's wedding at the Wedding Pavilion. Her friend took Cinderella's Coach (which is unbelievably expensive!) and had her reception at the Grand Floridian. Talk about a Dream Come True! I guess that's why they're called Fairytale Weddings!

After moving to the "dead center of the room," we hopped on our doom buggy. This was the first time I went on the Haunted Mansion with the newly enhanced hitchhiking ghost mirrors. I thought those were AWESOME!! We got the one where they switch our heads, and that is just too cool!! I think it creeped Mother out a little bit.. but that effect is fantastic. I didn't even realize they were revamping it when I was there in February! I completely forgot! So it was a big surprise to me. LOVE that!

After the Haunted Mansion, we went on It's a Small World.

Why I always take pictures of this ride? I don't know. It's like a problem.

I.. just.. can't.. put.. my.. camera... AWAY!

We took a bunch of animal pictures this time.

A Lamb:


Panda Bear. My friend Ellen always says "I like Panda Bears!" in a british accent. It sort of makes my day.


A Tiger:


A Pink Camel:


My Nana owns a produce stand, so Mother wanted me to take a picture of this:


I took this picture because every time I pass by the Platypuses throwing the eggs, I think of Kara. (MarietheCat) Why they do that? The world may never know.


Then we went on Snow White's Scary Adventures. I thought it was my last time riding... but it wasn't. I went on it again in August. When is it actually closing? Does anyone know...?



We went on Winnie the Pooh after that! It kept breaking down throughout the ride though! We stopped right near the door where the rain starts and the lighting flashes. It was stop and go for the rest of the ride.

After our bouncy adventure, we went to Tomorrowland and went on the Indy Speedway. The wait was only 10 minutes! We got in car #16. Mother and I had a blast for ourselves. It was so hard to drive the car and I kept hitting the middle rail. (nothing has changed between ages 8 and 18 hahaha) We were just all over the place.


Then we went more into Tomorrowland and "joined star command on a daring space mission to save the universe from the Evil Emperor Zurg!" Yeah, I still haven't gotten over the fact that the TTA voiceover is gone. *sigh*


We got stopped for a minute at the beginning, but other than that we continued on smoothly to aid Buzz Lightyear.

And guess who tonight's Galactic Hero was?

MOTHER!! She got 999,999 points! Woohoo!


We went on the PeopleMover after Buzz, but I was getting tired.

So we grabbed Smoothies from Auntie Gravities. I, of course, forgot to take a picture of them though. Sorry about that! I got Strawberry Banana and Mom got Tropical Fruit.

We took our smoothies and we walked to the bridge that connects Tomorrowland and Main Street. We decided just to sit for a bit and look at the castle.

It really is beautiful. I could stare at it all night. I love how it changes colors and basically is an icon of happiness. Walt Disney would be so proud if he could see all that has come of his dream.


I wish I could stay in the castle... Does the castle suite ever get used anymore? Because if not... I would gladly help change that! hahaha just kidding. But I wish I could just SEE up there. It is like a hidden mystery to me. I bet it's beyond incredible.


We relaxed on that bench for a good while, just talking, reflecting on the trip, and dreaming about what it would be like to stay in the castle. It's nice to just take time to sit back and relax. That's the beauty of Disney at night - you can just sit there without insane crowds and just look at the amazing atmosphere around you.


After a good while we got up and went to the Emporium. I impulsively bought a 40th Anniversary Crew Neck because I was a little chilly.

Okay, I'm positive that it's a Small... but it is GIANT! It must be a men's sweatshirt. However, I'm SO glad I bought it because it's the most comfortable sweatshirt EVER. I can wear it with leggings and be a total frump. It's also perfect for the winter!

I'm glad I bought it, too, because the bus ride home was cold!

That's right... it was unfortunately time to leave my favorite place on earth. We got to go back to our home at Kidani for one last night.. but I am pretty sure we went right to sleep. We were tired out! All in all, though, it was a great day and a wonderful trip!

Coming Up Next is the Last Update! Stay Tuned!

Continued in Next Post
Italy really did look beautiful all lit up during Illuminations!

Wow your mom was a Buzz champ!!!! Our scores are always so low! :lmao:

I love the Princess and Queen photos...so precious!

I didn't realize Snow White was still open either...hmmm....now I'm curious as to when it closes! (Or if it did now?) :confused3
I'm glad to see your report on Via. We booked that for our CLP in Dec and I still haven't eaten there. So far, we've done Teppan Edo, 9 Dragons, and Chefs so we'll be trying something new and I'm excited for it! I'm not sure how it will compare to last year's epic meal at Chefs but we'll give it a shot!!

So sad that your trip is over but your Xmas one is right around the corner!
Oh noooooos it's almost over!
Your dorm is cute as, I love that it is plastered with Disney posters and your photos. The perfect thing to wake up to! And hooray for a nice roomate, it really does make all the difference when there is such a huge chance of ending up with a psychopath in your room. Yah it's so weird in the beginning of college how people are awkward and don't really mingle. It's also hard to approach people to try and make friends without seeming overly eager. Ahh soon it passes though and you can laugh at how things were when you started.
So I tried to look at your last update on my phone but it wouldn't show all the images, so when I read the comment about the evil bear I was pretty confused trying to figure out which bear is evil...ugh haha such a dork.
Although can something really be evil when it smells like strawberries?
Your photos made me super hungry...and envious...but mainly hungry ;)
I really think more people need to bust out dresses in epcot, it's really the place for it...everyone should wear their "taking a leisurely stroll around Europe" outfits. None of this intense army looking getup with hiking shoes and camping backpacks with ponchos and litres of water hanging off by various hooks. Nah jk I do like a good poncho now and then :love:
Sad it's almost over! Wahhhh
Hi there! I have been working to catch up on all of your updates, but I just read your post about college/Christmastime and I wanted to comment on that first! :)

Last year John and I went to Disney from December 26-January 1. We weren't technically there on Christmas but all of the Christmas stuff was still in full swing while we were there. We didn't do the candlelight processional because we weren't really interested in the celebrity narrator, but I hear it's a beautiful show!

My favorite Christmasey thing was the Osborne Family's Spectacle of Dancing Lights! :lovestruc It was GORGEOUS! Whatever you do, don't miss that! Just be prepared for some pretty intense crowds because I think it's one of the more popular Christmas attractions.

John and I went to FW one night and did a private "sleigh" ride which was really fun. We got to cover up with a blanket in the sleigh and the horse had jingle bells on his harness so we really felt like we were "dashing through the snow..." :rotfl:

As far as New Years Eve goes, we decided to do our best that day avoiding the crowds. We went to Animal Kingdom that morning and it was completely dead. Everyone else was already filling up MK and Epcot, I think. That night we had dinner at Ohana, and we watched the fireworks from the Poly. It would have been fun to be in MK, but I just don't think I could have handled the crowds! They reached capacity before 11am that day!

I know this doesn't really have to do with your question, but make sure you pack LOTS of warm clothes! We were sooo not prepared for how cold it would be when we were there. I think it was kind of a fluke weather thing, but it was only in the 40s pretty much our entire trip! I didn't back a good jacket so I was miserable until I got one! I had to buy gloves there too!

Now, back to your dorm room. I love it! :thumbsup2 It looks like you've made it your own. I think a really important thing about dorms is to make sure they feel like home. It's so great that you like your roommate! That will make life a lot easier. College is so overwhelming at first, but you're going to do great! :hug:

I will end this novel of a comment now, but one last thing...I CAN'T BELIEVE THE FRUMPS WERE BACK IN DISNEY TOGETHER! YAAAAAY! I can't wait for that TR! :banana:
Watching Illuminations from Italy is a good tip, thanks! I hadn't decided yet what location we were going to watch it from in October.

The end of the last day. Always bittersweet. I'm always happy to go home because I miss people from home, but then I'm sad because I don't want to leave. Kind of all over the place I guess. ;)

Awesome your mom got 999,999 points on Buzz! I'm thoroughly impressed. :rotfl:
I've seen Illuminations twice from the little bridge in front of Italy, but I've never watched it from inside a pavilion. That's such a good idea! Your pictures looked great.

I also like how you took pictures of animals on It's a Small World. Usually people (myself included) will only take pictures of the people.
Italy really did look beautiful all lit up during Illuminations!

Wow your mom was a Buzz champ!!!! Our scores are always so low! :lmao:

I love the Princess and Queen photos...so precious!

I didn't realize Snow White was still open either...hmmm....now I'm curious as to when it closes! (Or if it did now?) :confused3

I'm glad you agree!
And haha yes, now we can say that there are two galactic heros in the family!
Haha I thought it was going to close much sooner than this!

I decided to do some research on Snow White's Scary Adventure's, and according to this thread it is set to close "Early 2012"...


Which means we can ride it one more time in less than 2 weeks! ;)

Good to know! Looks like I'm gonna get in one last ride at christmas maybe!

I'm glad to see your report on Via. We booked that for our CLP in Dec and I still haven't eaten there. So far, we've done Teppan Edo, 9 Dragons, and Chefs so we'll be trying something new and I'm excited for it! I'm not sure how it will compare to last year's epic meal at Chefs but we'll give it a shot!!

So sad that your trip is over but your Xmas one is right around the corner!

Oh I'm sure you're going to like Via Napoli! It's great! All of the other restaurants you went to are wonderful, too, though haha.
And yes that's definitely a good thing! And the new Frump TR will be starting ASAP once this one is done!

Oh noooooos it's almost over!
Your dorm is cute as, I love that it is plastered with Disney posters and your photos. The perfect thing to wake up to! And hooray for a nice roomate, it really does make all the difference when there is such a huge chance of ending up with a psychopath in your room. Yah it's so weird in the beginning of college how people are awkward and don't really mingle. It's also hard to approach people to try and make friends without seeming overly eager. Ahh soon it passes though and you can laugh at how things were when you started.
So I tried to look at your last update on my phone but it wouldn't show all the images, so when I read the comment about the evil bear I was pretty confused trying to figure out which bear is evil...ugh haha such a dork.
Although can something really be evil when it smells like strawberries?
Your photos made me super hungry...and envious...but mainly hungry ;)
I really think more people need to bust out dresses in epcot, it's really the place for it...everyone should wear their "taking a leisurely stroll around Europe" outfits. None of this intense army looking getup with hiking shoes and camping backpacks with ponchos and litres of water hanging off by various hooks. Nah jk I do like a good poncho now and then :love:
Sad it's almost over! Wahhhh

I know! It's so sad :(
Thank you! And I agree about the roommate! We're always like... thank GOD we got put together! That couldn't have worked out better! And yeah, everyone is still like that now. I hate it! But it'll get better I'm sure! It's a really overwhelming adjustment!
Hahaha well you're right... Lotso: the evil bear. :laughing:
Food pictures make me hungry, too!
Hahaha very good analysis of Epcot clothing. So true!
And I know it's sad! But don't worry... a new one will be starting right after!

Hi there! I have been working to catch up on all of your updates, but I just read your post about college/Christmastime and I wanted to comment on that first! :)

Last year John and I went to Disney from December 26-January 1. We weren't technically there on Christmas but all of the Christmas stuff was still in full swing while we were there. We didn't do the candlelight processional because we weren't really interested in the celebrity narrator, but I hear it's a beautiful show!

My favorite Christmasey thing was the Osborne Family's Spectacle of Dancing Lights! :lovestruc It was GORGEOUS! Whatever you do, don't miss that! Just be prepared for some pretty intense crowds because I think it's one of the more popular Christmas attractions.

John and I went to FW one night and did a private "sleigh" ride which was really fun. We got to cover up with a blanket in the sleigh and the horse had jingle bells on his harness so we really felt like we were "dashing through the snow..." :rotfl:

As far as New Years Eve goes, we decided to do our best that day avoiding the crowds. We went to Animal Kingdom that morning and it was completely dead. Everyone else was already filling up MK and Epcot, I think. That night we had dinner at Ohana, and we watched the fireworks from the Poly. It would have been fun to be in MK, but I just don't think I could have handled the crowds! They reached capacity before 11am that day!

I know this doesn't really have to do with your question, but make sure you pack LOTS of warm clothes! We were sooo not prepared for how cold it would be when we were there. I think it was kind of a fluke weather thing, but it was only in the 40s pretty much our entire trip! I didn't back a good jacket so I was miserable until I got one! I had to buy gloves there too!

Now, back to your dorm room. I love it! :thumbsup2 It looks like you've made it your own. I think a really important thing about dorms is to make sure they feel like home. It's so great that you like your roommate! That will make life a lot easier. College is so overwhelming at first, but you're going to do great! :hug:

I will end this novel of a comment now, but one last thing...I CAN'T BELIEVE THE FRUMPS WERE BACK IN DISNEY TOGETHER! YAAAAAY! I can't wait for that TR! :banana:

Welcome back!
That's basically when we're going to be there! Except we're arriving a couple days earlier and leaving a day later. So I'm glad you have some advice!
We're doing a CP Package and we're seeing the Osborne lights! I'm super excited for that... even though I am bracing myself for crowds. :headache: When do you think we should go to the show? Right before it opens or more in the middle of the showing?
I actually remember reading your TR and a booked a sleigh ride for the four of us after our dinner at Whispering Canyon! Your review was great so I am glad I booked it! I'm sure it's going to be wonderful!
That sounds like a nice relaxing night for New Years Eve. We might end up doing that. How crowded was the Poly Beach? And how early did you get there?
Thanks for the tip! I hope our trip is a little warmer because last year it seemed to be very cold!! But I guess we won't know till we get there!
Thank you about the dorm! Yeah, it's quite the adjustment... I didn't know what to expect so it is difficult adjusting. But I hope I'll be loving it soon!
YAYY I can't wait to share that TR with you all! It's gonna be a good one! Only one update and the wrap-up to go!
Watching Illuminations from Italy is a good tip, thanks! I hadn't decided yet what location we were going to watch it from in October.

The end of the last day. Always bittersweet. I'm always happy to go home because I miss people from home, but then I'm sad because I don't want to leave. Kind of all over the place I guess. ;)

Awesome your mom got 999,999 points on Buzz! I'm thoroughly impressed. :rotfl:

It's definitely a different spot... but if you're looking for a unique view, this is a good one! It is a whole different experience than watching it right near the water.
That's how I always feel too! But in the end... I'd just rather be in Disney :rotfl: So I just end up going back.
And haha I was proud of her, too!

I've seen Illuminations twice from the little bridge in front of Italy, but I've never watched it from inside a pavilion. That's such a good idea! Your pictures looked great.

I also like how you took pictures of animals on It's a Small World. Usually people (myself included) will only take pictures of the people.

Haha oh thanks! We just ended up being there and it worked out really well!
And oh thanks! Yeah I thought we could spice it up a little bit this time.​
I LOVE watching Illuminations from Italy! It's something I'll always remeber from when I was little. It's such a great spot! :thumbsup2

Double fireworks again!? You girls are on a roll!

Haha aww the Queen and the Princess. :goodvibes How precious.

What an amazing wedding! I wish I could afford that someday. Oh well. I'll just do a regular carriage ride instead. :)

HAHAHA I like panda bears! Love herrr.

That ride just never closes. One day when it actually does I will be shocked.


YAY Mother for being a galactic hero! :banana:

I want to stay in the Castle SO BAD. Doesn't everyone?

I love just sitting on Main Street on the last night. It's the best place to be.

I LOVE that sweatshirt. It's so huge! But so comfy.

Oh no. The last update. :( Well, on the bright side, it means the August one is coming soon!!!!! :cool1:
I LOVE watching Illuminations from Italy! It's something I'll always remeber from when I was little. It's such a great spot! :thumbsup2

Double fireworks again!? You girls are on a roll!

Haha aww the Queen and the Princess. :goodvibes How precious.

What an amazing wedding! I wish I could afford that someday. Oh well. I'll just do a regular carriage ride instead. :)

HAHAHA I like panda bears! Love herrr.

That ride just never closes. One day when it actually does I will be shocked.


YAY Mother for being a galactic hero! :banana:

I want to stay in the Castle SO BAD. Doesn't everyone?

I love just sitting on Main Street on the last night. It's the best place to be.

I LOVE that sweatshirt. It's so huge! But so comfy.

Oh no. The last update. :( Well, on the bright side, it means the August one is coming soon!!!!! :cool1:

It's such a cute spot, isn't it?!
Yeah yeah! We take Disney very seriously.
Haha the royal family.
I know.... it sounds heavenly :cloud9: But I'm sure the orher rides are super cute and romantic too! I don't know if it's worth paying that much for Cinderella's Carriage... because the ride isn't even that long!
Haha "I like Panda Bears." Best line ever.
I know right?! It's indestructible.
Key words: "the wait was 10 minutes." hahaha you know my rule :rotfl:
Yay Mother!
And yeah... probably. But it's just so amazing... I want to see it so bad!
And yes, I agree. It's a magical way to end any trip!
I know... it's the frumpiest sweatshirt of all.
And YAYY for August! I am so excited to start that TR!

P.S. I think I'm gonna do an update today! :woohoo:

Thank God!! I need something to read besides text books over here :rotfl:
Catching up...

Your dorm room looks great! Glad to see you've settled in well. Definitely good to have a nice roommate when your stuck with her for a year or years depending. But I'm sorry to hear it's hard trying to fit in, but I'm sure you will after refreshing yourself by being home for awhile :thumbsup2

I've never been to Disney during the Holidays, but I know I've heard about a few things. There is MVMCP, which I'm sure you know about, with the Christmas Parade and they have the rare characters come out too in Holiday attire. I've also heard they have a lot of Christmas displays in places like the Grand Floridian, the Beach Club, the BoardWalk and a ton other deluxes (Oh I forgot Contemporary too). Also, they have at the Streets of America in DHS is The Osbourne Dancing Spectacle of Lights, which looks fantastic and I think it snows sometime. There also is the Holiday Storytellers around EPCOT... yeah, maybe I know too much for someone who has never gone to Disney during Christmas. Hope this helps :-)


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