~ °O° ~ Any Single Disney Men Out There?? ~ °O° ~ Part 3

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Hey all!! Got home really late last night, but happy to see my kiddies this morning...my little guy started crawling while I was gone! Had a really great time, but I'm glad to be back home with my boys.

So nice meeting you all!! Char, we will definitely have to keep in touch. Mel, thanks for hanging out with me at MGM. Sha, thanks so much for inviting me for tea, definitely doing that with my mom in Nov. Tracy, my wonder twin, next time we will hang out more. Angy and Randy, I just never knew when it was safe to knock!! Jill and Shawn, you guys look really good together. I'm so happy for you! Theresa, John, John, Cait and Bob, Patty and Jeff, it was really great meeting all of you! And Darcy...you did meet me, but it was in France, and it was around 4pm, and the tower was pretty big by that point...:rotfl: Robin and Leo, sorry I missed you guys, but the pic under the big wheel was too funny!!:laughing: Hope I didn't miss anyone.

I'm back to work tonight, so hopefully I'll get to my pictures at some point. Good times. Some sad times for me, but a necessary evil at this point in my life, and I did come home feeling better than when I got there (although I too have this darn cold...did someone lick my cup when I wasn't looking?!?)

K, I'm gonna go hunt for some caffeine.

Tracey we defiantely have to keep in touch it was nice hanging out with you.
Dang people, move this board along already. . .

I think we're still recovering from that awesome WDW trip! :thumbsup2 It's only been a few days ago since some of us got back.
I'm sure this thread will get movin' along...there's still plenty of stories, jokes and incriminating photos that will be surfacing as the days go by...:rolleyes1
Welcome back to all the Disney travelers! I am finally getting to posting after recovering from vacation...and I have been challenged by trying to get the trip reports censored down to a G rated version--even PG...:lmao: Considering the company I kept, that may be near impossible :)

Tracy--you are the most fun person to sit by the pool with healthy vitaminwater alcohol drinks, watch speedomen and listen to 80's tunes! I think we need to visit your pianoman again at Sloppyrolls :)

Darcy--you are the best Cali girl that I have ever met! I have fond memories of doing those Jagerbomb shots in the room with you and pics :)

Leo--it was nice to "meet you" too and get run over by the big wheel with;)

Patty--I am so glad I got to spend some quality time with you drinking, eating, and at the parks! Can't wait to meet up again:)

Timeless (Jeff)--Next time I will be there before the tower reaches 5 feet!lol Your photos tell quite a story and I am glad I was there for at least some of it.

Angy and Randy--I am glad that we were able to meet. I was going to knock a few times, but well...the lights were off ;) You make a cute couple

Superduckie and Shawn--Next time we need more time to get into trouble together. If your room # was known, we would have had you with us for late night lawn stunts with the giant icons :)

Tracey(connorsmom)--Where the heck were you?lol I recall waving from the pool area with you on the balcony after some poolside drinking with Tracy.

Char and Teresa--I would have liked more time to meet you both! Next time I won't take the last plane in

Sha--I was beyond words about all the work you put into the welcoming packets! Thank you so much. I even lit the tealight one night in the room :)I was hoping to meet you in person but will have to wait for the next meet.

To all the Dispeople I didn't meet--there will be more good times in the future

Stories and pics to follow soon........
BV-Tom--I almost forgot you!lol Just wanted to say that it felt like you were there with us in spirit or through the many drunk dials. Either way, it was good to share our adventures with you. Next time plan to be there in person:)
Sha--I was beyond words about all the work you put into the welcoming packets! Thank you so much. I even lit the tealight one night in the room :)I was hoping to meet you in person but will have to wait for the next meet.

Am glad you liked it! It was no trouble to do that. Sorry I didnt get over to meet you. I spent time with disney friends and friends from high school that were in the area :goodvibes and then the weekend was gone :) but there will be other times I am sure.

Hope all the post cards got mailed out. I have received word from one of the ones I sent (Charlene) that her children loved it and asked a lot of questions. Its awesome to make the kids smile from Fairy God Mail. Please let me know when those of you get some for your children and I will post about the others. I dont know who mailed which ones to which child, I didnt think to add it to my mailing list. But its appreciated!
I need a slushie...Darcy is it your turn to buy a round? Oh and how is the abrasion doing? Jill and I can't wait to do it again :lovestruc

Probably my turn to buy. . .lol. And the abrasion is much better, thank you.

Yeah, maybe we can hang a bit more. Had fun when we did and the pic on test track is PRICELESS. . .lol.
My little girl got her Fairy God Mail today and she flipped out. It was great!

Robin has outed my crush on the pianoman..lol What can I say? Men who sing get me goin ;)

I feel the need to post pictures of the havoc caused by a giant big wheel after a full night of drinking and singing along at Sloppy..errr I mean Jellyrolls...lol POP at 3am is nice and quiet...lol


Welcome back to all the Disney travelers! I am finally getting to posting after recovering from vacation...and I have been challenged by trying to get the trip reports censored down to a G rated version--even PG...:lmao: Considering the company I kept, that may be near impossible :)

Leo--it was nice to "meet you" too and get run over by the big wheel with;)

I agree, it's difficult to keep the trip reports censored at a 'G' rating...even though we were at 'G' rated parks! :lmao:

It was nice 'meeting you' too...we had some great 'talks'...;)
BV-Tom--I almost forgot you!lol Just wanted to say that it felt like you were there with us in spirit or through the many drunk dials. Either way, it was good to share our adventures with you. Next time plan to be there in person:)

Thanks Robin! No worries! :). I had a great weekend doing my show here and getting reports from the World from time to time. I'm looking forward to my first official dismeet.. can't say when, but it will involve the French pavilion, Jellyrolls, and the AC and I will have a great time :).
Thanks Robin! No worries! :). I had a great weekend doing my show here and getting reports from the World from time to time. I'm looking forward to my first official dismeet.. can't say when, but it will involve the French pavilion, Jellyrolls, and the AC and I will have a great time :).

Yeah Tom, maybe it will involve a little chitty chitty Bang Bang too! LOL Can't ask for anything more!!!

:goodvibes :lmao:
This is my first attempt at posting from my Palm. It is great to waste time at work this way!!
Tom, don't act too innocent, lol you know you love some Chitty Chitty Bang Bang LOL

And Darcy I miss your Southern Californiaishness lol There is not enough of that up here.
I don't know, you easterners were pretty fun. . .

And to all my good dispeeps, good morning. . .I am finally taking some time to go through my pics. . .hope to get some of them up before long. . .

T - your pic is ON THE WAY. . .

Tracy and Robin, well, lets just say next time we need to take MORE pics and not leave it ALL up to Jeff. . .lol

Pattie, try to have fun at your daughter's wedding. . .remember, this too shall pass. . .and that Thelma and Louise trip is just around the corner. . .lol

Jeff, well, get busy and post the rest of your pics. . .I know there are more. . .if you need preapproval for some of them then ask. . .you know I cant' stop.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank those of you that signed my card... it was so nice to receive. :cloud9: Noah loved his postcard as well. "Momma, how is it that Mickey keeps remembering where I live?" :rotfl:

Also, thanks so much for all the prayers, PM's, calls, etc... about my Uncle. I am so glad that my Brother and I could make the trip down to KY. It was a lonnnnngggg drive... I spent 22 of 48 hours in the Jeep but I wouldn't have traded it for anything. I was able to pay respect to my Uncle, support my cousins, spend time with my Dad and those 22 hours with my older brother... well, let's just say he reverted to being 15 and I was 7. Why is it that grown men still think it's funny to pass gas in a closed up vehicle????? :scared1:

Glad everyone made it home safe and sound. Looks like it was an awesome trip!
Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank those of you that signed my card... it was so nice to receive. :cloud9: Noah loved his postcard as well. "Momma, how is it that Mickey keeps remembering where I live?" :rotfl:

Also, thanks so much for all the prayers, PM's, calls, etc... about my Uncle. I am so glad that my Brother and I could make the trip down to KY. It was a lonnnnngggg drive... I spent 22 of 48 hours in the Jeep but I wouldn't have traded it for anything. I was able to pay respect to my Uncle, support my cousins, spend time with my Dad and those 22 hours with my older brother... well, let's just say he reverted to being 15 and I was 7. Why is it that grown men still think it's funny to pass gas in a closed up vehicle????? :scared1:

Glad everyone made it home safe and sound. Looks like it was an awesome trip!

I am glad you were able to make it down to be with your family. I am so sorry for your loss.

And I still don't understand why anyone would want to smell their own funk just to laugh at someone else being forced to smell it! I just don't get men, my ex used to do that too. Apparently watching me turn green and gag is funny. I don't see why he couldn't just roll down the window and stick his butt out of it to do his business. lol
Well by the looks of it it's time for John Sebastians' famous song - Welcome Back!!!!

Seems that the trip to the world and the meeting of the DIS'rs was a success....from what I've read good thing everyone stayed on the property (I think) considering the height that the towers got, and that nurse darcy was having memory and abrasion problems???? :rotfl: :rotfl:

Just sorry that I couldn't have been there :sad1:
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