04-30-08 - Pete, how are you doing?

Another voice added to the mix. Pete I've been thinking about the entire crew most of the day. I can't imagine what your all going through. My prayers are with you
Thank you Alex. Sending virtual hugs for the podcast team. I am sure it is tough on all of them.
Thank you, Alex, for letting us know they're okay. I think you know how important they all are to us here. Keep us updated, if you can, and thanks again.
Just wanted to express my concern for Pete and Julie, as well as the rest of the team. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, as well as a million virtual hugs! :hug:
Pete I've been thinking about the entire crew most of the day.

I, too, have been unable to shake my thoughts of the crew and Diana all day today. It is so sad not to be able to comfort the people you want to comfort. I will keep praying for Pete and the crew and Diana and family and hope that they feel the comfort even from this far away. :grouphug:
Hi everyone;

Thanks for your concern - I really appreciate it. I'm holding up pretty good. I decided to decend into the pits of hell and completely re-wire my A/V system in my office. This is no small task - I have A LOT of electronics in this office. I will confess that I did a LITTLE retail therapy yesterday, so I've been trying to keep myself busy.

I have Bob's last show half edited on my machine -the Disneyland show. It was so weird - I edited the show Thursday night and it corrupted during the mixdown. That happens once in a blue moon, and basically means I have to go back and re-edit the show. However, it happened three times over the weekend and on two different machines. I don't know...I'm just sayin'....

I will eventually put that show up, but I'm not sure when at this point.

As for the show, I've decided that when all five of us individually feel ready to come back to the table, we'll resume our schedule. No idea when that will be.

I really want to thank all of you for your outpouring of support. You have no idea how much it means to all of us. I look forward to seeing some of you on Sunday.

I'm happy to hear that you're doing okay, Pete. We all completely understand that y'all need time. We'll be here once y'all are ready, whether it be weeks or months.

Retail therapy helped me when my grandmother passed. Just being out and away from everything helped clear my head...and wallet. Needless to say, I came to my senses before I purchased the $300 Armani belt. I say that was my Catholic grandmother scolding me for spending my money so foolishly. :rolleyes: However, I did spend about an hour at the Disney Store (not at all hard for me) and some time at Coach.

Again, I'm glad you're doing okay. Take as much time as you need. And take care of yourself.
Nice to hear from you Pete. My husband ( Farmboy) and I have been thinking of you all. Sounds like you have been able to keep yourself busy and thats good to hear. Take all the time you need before doing another show. We wouldn't want it any other way. :grouphug:
Hi everyone;

Thanks for your concern - I really appreciate it. I'm holding up pretty good. I decided to decend into the pits of hell and completely re-wire my A/V system in my office. This is no small task - I have A LOT of electronics in this office. I will confess that I did a LITTLE retail therapy yesterday, so I've been trying to keep myself busy.

I have Bob's last show half edited on my machine -the Disneyland show. It was so weird - I edited the show Thursday night and it corrupted during the mixdown. That happens once in a blue moon, and basically means I have to go back and re-edit the show. However, it happened three times over the weekend and on two different machines. I don't know...I'm just sayin'....

I will eventually put that show up, but I'm not sure when at this point.

As for the show, I've decided that when all five of us individually feel ready to come back to the table, we'll resume our schedule. No idea when that will be.

I really want to thank all of you for your outpouring of support. You have no idea how much it means to all of us. I look forward to seeing some of you on Sunday.


Good to hear from you Pete :hug: There is no hurry for you to come back to the table - we will all support you whatever decision you make :hug:

Take care of yourself and the others
Hi Pete,
Thanks for giving us an update, all us mother hens were worried about you. You guys just take all the time you need, we will be here when your ready. Lots of love.....:grouphug:
Thanks Alex for updating us..

My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Varley family and the podcast crew :hug:
It is good to hear you're doing well Pete. Take as much time as you and the rest of the crew need. We'll all be here waiting when everyone is ready.
It's good to hear from you, Pete. I'm glad you're holding up OK.

That is spooky about the file corruption.

You know we'll be here, ready to listen when y'all are ready to resume. Take your time. We understand that it may take a while to sit at the table again.
Sooooo good to hear from you Pete. Glad you are finding ways to keep busy and take care of yourself. Take your time!
Pete and Podcast team - Please know we are all thinking of you. You have gone from our imaginary friends to people we truly care about and get concerned about when we don't here from you. Please know that while our pain doesn't run as deep as yours since we didn't know Bob as well, we are hurting with you. It must seem so strange for you guys to have this rockstar status with all of us and then some really weird one-sided friendship (on our end) but for us listeners, it is perfectly normal. You are all part of our every day (I believe I speak for most of the regular listeners) and we laugh about things you've said and retell funny stories you've told. And in times like this, we share in your pain. For you guys, it's like having hundreds, if not thousands of friends you never knew you had. I guess what I'm trying to say is, we are out here for you, thinking about you all, and praying for each and every one of you. Take care, friends.
Glad to hear you're doing okay, Pete. Good luck with the A/V system. Take care. :hug:


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