10-14-2006 Cruisetoberfest IV

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Wow, with all these people going they will have to make elephant stew again this year, it's really good and goes around when large crowds are expected. they will probably serve it on the island. here is the receipe,

Elephant Stew
1 Elephant [ medium size]
2 Rabbits [optional]

Cut elephant into small bite size pieces. This should take about two months. Add enough brown gravy to cover.
Cook over kerosene fire for about four weeks at 465. This will serve thirty-eight hundred people. If more are expected two rabbits may be added, but do this only if necessary as some people do not like to find a hare in their stew. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
WDWCrazzyCunninghams said:
eye RN, We'll be staying at Ron Jon's too!! Plans are to have dinner at Grills. I hope to meet you there!!! :thumbsup2 :cool1: :banana: :Pinkbounc

We are doing a big "lunch" at Dixie Crossroads (I'm hooked on rock shrimp, hush puppies and sweet tea) but will try to get over to Grills in the evening. Can't wait to see old friends and meet new.
disneydestination said:
Hi, Jennifer:
We're from Maple Grove, MN (just outside of Minneapolis) and we're going on the cruise too. Daughter and granddaughter - age 7 and grandson - age 5, Daughter from Houston and some of her NASA friends. Then we are staying through Tuesday to go to MNSSHP. Too bad it's going to be cold here while we're gone!

I have a seven year old girl as well. PM me your room number (or I'll look up mine, I don't have it at my desk).

(And we live in Maplewood, Minnesota - our party guests sometimes call us from Maple Grove wanting saying "we can't find McKnight...."
WDWCrazzyCunninghams said:
Hi Jennifer! Glad you found us!
My boys are 9 and 11! They will be looking for kids to hang out with! Congrats on your pregnancy!
See ya' real soon! :cool1:

And I have an eight year old boy, too. Can you PM me your room number (not sure if I'll make it to the meet - I may be too busy dancing.)
Jennifer_W said:
Hi! We recently booked this cruise & I just found the DIS boards! Thanks to Michelle for directing me over here! I had been studying the Passporter boards only, before. Wow, how exciting there is a whole thread dedicated to the Oct. 14th cruise! And I guess it's been going for quite awhile, huh? We booked last minute because I am about 3 months pregnant & realized we probably can't do much after Christmas. February would be a better time to get out of Duluth, Minnesota, but we are thrilled we are pregnant & are soooo looking forward to this cruise! And I am NOT walking around WDW 7 or 8 months pregnant in the HEAT, thank you very much!

This will be our first Disney Cruise! Me, my DH, & our 2 sons--ages 12 & 10. Anyone else with boys this age?

How dressy is the formal night, exactly? What would be OK attire for the boys?

Jennifer :yay:
who is hoping real, live people go on these cruises & not just the models who populate the Disney DVD

Hey, Jennifer! Welcome aboard. I have a son that's 10 also. Looks like there's going to be plenty of buddies for your boys so no need to worry about that. Congrats on your pregnancy, too. :teeth:

Hyandui - That's just funny! :rotfl:

Just got my docs into today so I'm a happy camper...err, I mean cruiser. :banana: One week from now we should be on a plane heading to Orlando. :yay: :dance3:
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! What a cool board. I am glad that formal night is not all tuxes, etc. We, also, are not a dress up family. Where is the cruise meet going to take place? I heard during the castoff party (?wrong term, I think), but where?

I just went to target & spent $$$ on little bottles of every possible medicine we might need on the cruise, mesh bag for the beach, underwater cameras, etc. Finding that summer stuff in MN past August is impossible! I did find a Coleman mesh bag for camping in the (what else) camping section for $2.99. No need to carry sand back to the room.

I will try to read a lot of the previous posts to glean some more wisdom from you all. I don't think anyone could read them all if they started today, since you guys have been going since, what, 2004? Hey what is MNSSwhateverwhatever?

Jennifer in Duluth (Hermantown), MN :)
I just read back several pages & noticed Eric talking about a master list. does it have everyone's names & locations on it? Is there a link to it? I realize a few others & I joined after he had left for the US, but it'd be to see at least a partial list.

Jennifer in Duluth (Hermantown), MN :wave:
Welcome Jennifer and other newbies! Eric and his lovley wife were he visiting for 10 days. We had a blast with them! I can not help you with a list as my darling daughter UNINSTALLED my AOL and as a result I have LOST ALL my mail, lists, e-mail addresses, Buddy list, favorites......ect. I AM SO UPSET. I just have no idea what the heck she was thinking!!???
I have a son 12y/o, (2 weeks shy of 13y/o).
I think Eric and his wife and my hubby and me are the only ones who have been on all 4 Cruisetoberfests.
You will love sailing with this group!
Can't wait to see everyone.

Tracy...I just today saw your PM from December!!! :confused3
VAgal76 said:
Just got my docs into today so I'm a happy camper...err, I mean cruiser. :banana: One week from now we should be on a plane heading to Orlando. :yay: :dance3:

I seem to remember you mentioned you were still doc-less a time or two. Getting your docs is definitely dancing banana worthy. So glad they finally showed up!

Boy, was there a special deal on this cruise for folks from Minnesota?
If so you all better let us in on it, don't cha know. ;)

I'm with you on not being able to find summer stuff.
I pulled out all of my DD's capris the other day and it appears she's had quite the growth spurt.
No problem, I was planning on hitting the mall today anyway so I figured I'd pick up a pair or two. Nope, If I had wanted sweaters and big heavy winter coats I would have been fine - but capris - no luck... and the average high has been hovering around 97 degrees here all week.
Go figure. :confused3

btw, it certainly looks like plenty of boys onboard - we're bringing along a DS who just turned 11

MNSSHP = Mickey's not so scary Halloween Party
It's an after hours hard ticket event at WDW
I've probably only posted here a handful of times and now I'm posting up a storm. What can I tell ya - I'm a last minute kind of gal.

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a game of Dis tag?
If enough folks want to play I'll whip up a 'tag' and get it started around on Saturday.

We played on our last cruise and the kids were always thrilled to come back and find the tag on our door. I think even my older girls, who feigned indifference, were excited when their door got hit.

If you're not sure exactly what Dis tag is...

I'll make up a special tag magnet. It will have the room #s and Dis name of everyone who is playing on the back. When you find it on your door just check next to your name on the back and pass it along to someone else as soon as you can.
No hard and fast rules about how quickly it needs to be passed since we all understand that sometimes you might be able to pass it along right away and other times it may have to wait a bit. I'm picturing the Carlos and Charlies contigent staggering back to their rooms - not even able to see the tag, much less pass it on. :rotfl:
But the quicker you pass it, the more folks who get a chance to play.

We got hit several times last cruise. (disclaimer: last cruise was 14 days - so more time for tag)
But if it gets passed fairly quickly we should be able to do a respectable job with 7 days as well.

If you're interested you can either send me a PM or just post your stateroom number here.
WDWCrazzyCunninghams said:
eye RN, We'll be staying at Ron Jon's too!! Plans are to have dinner at Grills. I hope to meet you there!!! :thumbsup2 :cool1: :banana: :Pinkbounc


The food is Yummy!! here is the coupn for there!
Peter! Thanks for the coupon! Evety little bit helps!

The Cunningham Boys from West by-God Virginia are in 7504 & 7506 and would LOVE to play tag too!

To the Willoughby's; Howdy Neighbors! I am SURE we'll see you on board!
Az Pirates said:
Boy, was there a special deal on this cruise for folks from Minnesota?
If so you all better let us in on it, don't cha know. ;)

Its the week of our educators conference (MEA)....the kids all have Thursday and Friday off - so this is the "pull for three, get nine" week. (And lots of schools give them Wednesday off as well - because so many kids are gone on vacation that they give the teachers their mid-semester catch up day then - ours are off the following Monday - not as useful for the cruise, but useful for the unpacking). Fares are cheaper than summer or Christmas. Weather (barring hurricanes) is lovely. You'll see lots of Twins jerseys and Vikings hats at WDW this week too. Its the Minnesota version of Jersey week (but there are fewer of us).

A few years ago I went to WDW only to run into the guy who sits seven cubes away in the cube farm fifteen minutes from walking into the first park we walked into. Get off the plane, check into the hotel, walk into Epcot, "Hi Ed!"
We are in for the tag too! We are the Lauter's in 6600 and 6602. Sounds like fun!!! I know our friends would like to do the tag too. I'll post their info shortly!
We'll get in on the tag game too. We're the McGill's in 7512. Our 11 y.o DD will probably like finding the next cabin to tag.

Next week is also our Teacher's Convention week here in Vermont.

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