11/27 Whispering Canyon Final Plans


A DIS Original!
Aug 17, 1999
Here's what we have planned. PandyPaws was only able to get a PS at 5:00 for 30 people. So, we took it. Everything else was booked. At last count, I have 24 on the list. I'm pretty sure there are 2 more that want to go, but haven't signed up yet. So we have room for 4 more. After we meet our quota, we'll have to close the event. I'm sorry. If you still want to join us after that, please call and make the PS for around the same time. We can always ask the servers to seat you near our group. That way we can still visit with you. Hey, even if you're close, we'll still come over and visit! Here's the final list for dinner:
disneycub (Steve)
Secret Dis'er-2
DVC-bwc (Norma)-3
Dan Murphy
Sandra B.
Bellemom (Livia)
fostrmom2mny (Gerri and 2 DD's)

Thanks, everyone! Looking forward to seeing you all there!!! :D
Thanks once again Pandy and Barb for pulling this all together! I will be there!! :)
Sandra, you were one of the ones I was holding a spot for. I knew you would already be at WDW and presumed you would be joining us. So, yes, there's room for you. :D
Just so you all know. We still have the 4 spots open. :)
Sorry, we'll miss you for this, Kim, but there'll be plenty of other things we can do together!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Barb and Pandy for making this happen. :) :) :)

I can't wait to be harassed....er, um, I mean I can't wait to meet all of you for dinner. :)

What a fun crowd we have going here.... :bounce:
Hopefully, we'll get servers that are loud and rowdy, just like us! We'll be the talk of the restaurant. LOL :D :D:p :p
I'd been holding out on this one, but since you only have 4 spots left, I'm throwing in our hats. Please count me in for three, if you still have the space. I want to come and see the Christmas decorations there anyway, so that should be as good of time as any!
DD Vicky 16
DD Samantha 13 (as of today)
Happy Birthday Samantha!

You're a Teenager now! :bounce:
Thank you Thank you Thank you! I only have one question.....who is gonna ask for ketchup??? I've been hoping to one day have my DS with us, take him to the Canyon and have him ask for ketchup...maybe my time has come! :D LOL

Can't wait to see u all!
:jester: :bounce: :jester: :bounce: :jester: :bounce: :jester:
I think I'm actually working on an itinerary now. Could I be a "commando in training"? I've got this dinner and the GF tea on my list (so far). If you need a ketchup volunteer- I'm here. I turn some awesome shades of red when I'm picked on- it could be quite entertaining :)
Ok, with Gerri, that makes the 30. We are full. I'm sorry if we missed you in this group. Please get a PS for yourself and join us in the restaurant, anyway. I doubt we'll all be at one big table, so we can try to get you close to the group. But, rule #2 is no food fights!! Right, commandos?? :D :D
I don't remember anybody saying anything about food fights...

Did we??? :rolleyes:

I promise I'll behave. :D
Now, now, Steve. How quickly we forget? Rule #2, remember?? No food fights!! :p :p
Besides, you said you'd share a skillet with me, and there's no way I'm letting you throw any food from that skillet!!!:p :D :D
So, when Barb gets a chance to update this list, it should read the same with a few extras added:

Dan Murphy
Gerri's DD#1
Gerri's DD#2

How exciting!!! :bounce:

Thank you Barb. :) :) :) ::making notes of what NOT to say, what NOT to wear, and what NOT to do:: :rolleyes:

I'm on hold with Disney right now. They're playing "When You Wish Upon a Star." ::disneycub sniffles::

OH, that's right! Rule #2. How could I forget? Actually, I've never been in a food fight. Water balloon fights, yes. But not in November..... :D
That's correct, Tia. That's our additions to the list at the top. I'll add those in a bit, so we'll all know who's part of the 30.
Steve, I love calling WDW just to hear the music! It's probably one of the few times I don't mind being on hold! :)
I am happy to see that you haven't forgotten me!!!!:bounce: :pinkbounc :bounce: I will be arriving in the morning. I will probably drop dead in my room and will recover just for that! I am saying that with the authority of someone who has travelled 30 hours from Seattle to Rio (including stops) and has headed directly to work.
Hi Steve!
It is good to be back and see all the action! As soon as I leave work, I will go home and redo my plans, now with the mini-meets in it!


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