16 month old at Fantasmic


You can't always get what you want, but if you try
Mar 14, 2002
For those of you who have taken little ones (DD will be 16 months) to Fantasmic, how have they done? Did they enjoy it or was it too scary.

I'm trying to gauge my daughter based on past experiences, but kids grow and change so much, I'm not sure what to expect!! She slept through Illuminations at 9 months. At 11 months, we took her to a local Japenese restaurant where they cook at your table. The chef lit a fire on the grill that was pretty big (and very hot) and she was terrified.

I'd love to hear your experiences and suggestions- we missed it last time and I REALLY want to see it this trip.
It's hard to say, as all children are so different. My nephew at 3 was scared of NOTHING and at 5 is terrified of everything. I think when they're so young that they don't really "get it" that they tend to be less scared. Sort of like they don't "know" they're supposed to be scared.

I went to Fantasmic Jan. 2002 with my 6 year old goddaughter and she was pretty scared. Needless to say, on my trip this Oct. with my 5 year old nephew, we're not even trying Fantasmic.

But different children are scared of different things, so it depends on your child. Have you seen Fantasmic yourself? It is dark, scary at times with the villans and loud when the fireworks go off.

Good luck!
I took my DD to see it last year when she was 6. She hated it. It was too scary for her. We just came back Sunday & didn't even try to see it this year. My DS who was 9 last year liked it, though.
All children are different but here's our experience. Last Nov. DD was 15 months and she did fine with the fireworks at MK, so then we took her to Illuminations the next night. Not good! We had a great view which didn't help her any because as soon as she saw the first fireburst she started screaming and we had to hightail it out of there! We didn't even attempt Fantasmic.

Good luck with your decision!
Ds will be 14 months when we go in Dec.
He watches wedding fireworks that go off regularly at a hotel near to our home, and he loves them :D
I'm a little worried that Fantasmic may be a little too intense for him. We're going to give it a go and see how it goes, if we have to leave, then we have to leave.

:jester: 108 to go :jester:
We took my DD when she was 2 and easily scared. The show is wonderful and while it does have scary parts, most of it is fine for little ones. My DH simply held DD and turned her away from the show while I disctracted her during the scary parts. She thouroughly enjoyed it!

How loud are the Fantasmic fireworks?
Is it a constant barrage of fireworks like IllumiNations?
My DD was 18 months when I took her. She LOVED the show. The only thing she didn't like was when a CM came over to tell everyone to move all the way down to the end of the row. He stood right by us and shouted it out for everyone to hear and she wasn't expecting it and it kinda scared her. She was mezmorized by it and she called it the "water show" :)

The fireworks, to me, aren't as loud and there aren't as many as in the other firework shoes so it's not too bad.
Our DD, who's afraid of any dark rides/shows, loud noises, and fireworks was afraid both times we took her.

She was 14 months the first time and 2 years old the last time; both times she cried and hid in my husband's shoulder.

She wasn't hysterical or bothering anyone but my husband so that is why we chose to try again. We have an older DD now 6 who loves it so we keep trying.

We will probably try again this year...she'll be 3 years old. She's braver now so we're hoping for the best!

Every child is different; only you know what kind of child you have and how she may react.

Good luck!
We will probably be skipping it unless we get a babysitter for the twins one night and go back with 6 yr old DD alone. I think she would love it but the little ones hate the car wash, the vaccum cleaner,etc... they are very noise sensitive and I'm concerned they would just scream and ruin it for everyone. I think we WILL try Illuminations but we will try to be at the back of the crowd and only see the sky stuff in case we need to make a break for it if they go crazy! I don't think the MK fireworks will be a problem because they are pretty far back behind the castle if I remember correctly.
Hi Lisa :D
What sort of stuff do you plan to do with the twins.
My ds will be 14 months when we go, and I'd like some other ideas on things to do with him.

:jester: 106 to go :jester:


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