1st or 2nd week in December


May 28, 2001
1st or 2nd week in December - which do you think is the best time to go, and why?
Thanks so much,
We've gone the first week of Dec twice now and again this year...

Probably because it's further away from Christmas so gives me time after I get home to have a tree, decorate and Christmas shop.

Also, the further into December, the colder it "could" get.

Those are my two main reasons.

Crowds, I believe are very similar.
I've gone the first or second week the past 5 years (3 times first week, 2 times second week) and think they are pretty much the same. Since Thanksgiving is later this year, I would go with the second week. I picked the second week last year, arriving on Friday of the first week, because I did not want to be traveling the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Weather is variable - it coud be a high between 60 and 80.
We went second week last year and we loved it so much we're doing it again this year. Our decision was based on Thanksgiving though b/c we're going Sat to Sat and didn't want to arrive the Sat after TK b/c I thought it would still be pretty crowded. There is just so much more to do in addition to all there is to do normally. The decorations are festive - special activities and shows - we loved it. Things I would differently - prepare more at home. We were super rushed to finish sending cards, wrapping, etc. so I'll do more prep work so I can enjoy WDW and the holidays!! Also we did pack for a variety of weather and are glad we did. Some days were cold, some warm, several rainy. Also - there were really no crowds to speak of.
The only thing you want to avoid is Pop Warner week. It's usually the first week of Dec., but if Thanksgiving is late, it's the second week. We hit it this past year and if you're staying at the All Star resorts, it's crazy!!!! Too loud for me!!! Mid-week we moved to POFQ and there were groups there also (but not quite as bad). You might be able to find out the dates from someone on these boards who has kids who participate in this week.

Good luck!!! :bounce:
Pop Warner week was supposedly second week of Dec in 2002 and we noticed absolutely nothing in the parks (we didn't stay at All-Stars). I think I saw three cheerleaders once.

We have gone second week the last two years but will go first week this year. ('cause our APs are still good!)


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