1st time staying at WDW resort


Earning My Ears
Oct 30, 2002
My husband and I are taking our 5 year old daughter to DisneyWorld for the 1st time in June. Based on what I've read I think staying at the CBR is our best option. Are there any ways I can get special deals? Any tips for me? Thanx so much!
Go to mousesavers.com for discount codes. June codes (if available) will not be releashed for several months.
You will have so much fun and so will your daughter!

My DH and I stayed at Caribbean Beach Resort a loooong time ago for our honeymoon!LOL So I can't offer really current tips, but I do remember being surprised at how HUGE and SPREAD OUT the resort was. I would highly recommend taking a stroller for your daughter just for walking around the resort.

Our kids are 9, 6, and 5, and when we went this past June all three of them piled in the double strollers at the parks. We were there June 1-6, and we were amazed at how hot it was (97 with 80% humidity)! Apparently we hit a hot streak because we talked to several people who had been there the week before and said it had suddenly gotten much hotter:)

My best advice is to be flexible with your plan and be willing to change if need be. Our plan was to get up early, hit parks in the AM then swim and rest and go back to parks at night. My kids are NOT morning people and even with a nap could not get up early after staying up late and still be anywhere close to pleasant!! So after the first day we drastically changed and let kids sleep in every day. One day we didn't even go to the parks until 8 PM, but still had fun swimming and going to WL for lunch and hidden Mickey Scavenger hunt.

We did not get to see as much as we wanted but we had a much better time than if I had dragged them around tired and grumpy. It was just me and my kids though, so with you and your husband you can maybe take turns going back for naps.

We also ended up doing more sit down meals than I had planned, just because we all needed to sit down and rest in air conditioning. We found that Epcot and MGM were good parks on really hot days as there are lots of indoor attractions. At Epcot we could go into a pavilion and stay for a while before going outside again. There is a great water fountain at Epcot over by Test Track that your daughter can play in, but take water shoes...my 5 year old fell and sliced his toe on a grate and almost had to get stitches. (his own fault as he was jumping and running)

Okay, this was a long post and got off topic about the resort, but I hope you have a wonderful trip!!!!!
You might want to go ahead and make reservations for CBR now at the regular rate. That way you know you have a room. Then about 3 months prior to your trip check mousesavers.com and see if any of the discounts apply too you. You can then call CRO and see if any of the discounted rates are available and have them apply it to your original reservation.
I would definitely suggest checking Mousesavers.com periodically for updates on discounts as they become available. Also, keep checking these boards as you'll see it here too!

We've never stayed at the CBR, but I've heard many nice things about it - and everybody loves the pool! I have read though that it is a large hotel, so you may want to request a room close to the Main Building, bus stop and/or food court.

We've stayed at many of the Disney hotels and have really enjoy our stays. My 5 yr old DD LOVES the All Star Movies. She has so much fun "playing in Andy's room" with Buzz and Woody, and she would play like she was on TV with the puppy from 101 Dalmations! It is really a nice hotel, and even if you don't stay there, you may want to visit and see the giant icons!


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