20 Days in Hawaii and Disneyland - Yes, we are Lucky Nuts (Updated 9/19)

Loving the trip report and can't wait to see more. I had to go back through and look for your diving videos. They are fantastic! Love all the rays above you. My family has just gotten bit by the diving bug as we just did an introductory dive class this past weekend. We are gonna try to get certified in sept. My youngest just turned 10 a few weeks ago but he took to it easier than any of us. :lmao: but that's my boy.
Sorry, Sorry, Sorry. It has been a while since an update and I apologize for that. Getting the kid ready for school and other normal life things have kept me from working on this. Have to drive the Pirate Princess to Seton Hall and have a friend coming down with his son right afterwards to go diving in Key Largo. Not sure how regular these posts will be for the next month but will give it the old college try. So where were we.

We were driving to our helicopter tour of the islands. We had plenty of time (we thought) so we went to Kawaihae which is on the coast up the road from Kona. You can see on the map how far we drove.

Beautiful water out there. Not like Hawaii had beautiful water everywhere.

There is also a harbor there and a few ships were anchored. This one looks like a military supply ship. Reminds me of the movie Mister Roberts.

I made her pose on the rocks surrounding the marina


Wouldn’t be cool to own this boat? I mean come on, owning a boat in Hawaii.

One last look at the water

Still had time before our helicopter flight (so we thought) so we went up into the mountains. Since we were diving tomorrow, altitude and flying are no noes once we get into the water (more on that later). Pooh wanted to see this ranch that was way up there and this was the only time we could do that. Drove forever up the mountain with no idea where the ranch was and how long it was doing to be to get there.

There were signs along the route to brake for donkeys and we thought that was funny. Of course, when you drive down to the Keys here, there are signs that warn of crocodile crossings. Not alligator but crocodile crossings. I am sure visitors think that is funny.

So on the way we see these watching the cars go by

STOP! So we did and the Pirate Princess took some pics. She also wanted to take them home with us but don’t think the airlines would allow us to do that.




We also saw this guy along the way

Decided that we needed to get to the helicopter place so we head there. Pull in and give the print out of the pre-paid receipt so they can look up the reservation. The staff person types a few things in and looks up at me. No problem right? Instead, she says, “Sorry, but you are in the wrong place.” “What?” “Your tour is at Hilo, not here.” “What?” “The volcano tour is out of Hilo, not here.” “What?”

Ok, after the initial shock I ask how far Hilo is from here. “About two hours.” Considering we were supposed to take off in 20 minutes I deadpanned, “So we are not going to make it right?” “Nope.”

First of all, IT WAS NOT MY FAULT. I asked at the front desk where to get to Blue Hawaiian Tours and they give me directions. I FOLLOWED THEIR DIRECTIONS. Little did I know there were multiple locations one near Kona and the other at the Hilo airport.

So what do we do now? The staff member was very helpful and we discussed options. We could go tomorrow but that means we could not dive, which was also already paid for. Left it to the kid. She was pretty adament that we were going diving and would blow off the helicopter ride. The staff member suggested we could transfer our flight to this spot. They were doing the waterfall sites, not the volcanoes but the lava wasn’t really flowing anyway. So we said sure.

This is us outside the place waiting

So we get our life vests, watch a film about how to get out of a helicopter if it crashes and wait our turn. They informed us that our flight was going to be delayed. And delayed. And delayed. I am watching off into the horizon and the weather is looking iffy.

Finally the guy that did our briefing on how to get out of a helicopter if it crashes says that they just heard from the pilot out there the weather is really bad and it was 50/50 if they were going to make it back without people jumping out of the helicopter because it crashed. So they unfortunately had to cancel our flights.

So this was the closest we got to flying

We were both bummed but it was either give up a day diving or forget the helicopter flight. They suggested we may want to try the one they had at Oahu but I wasn’t interested in seeing a bird’s eye view of a city.

So we headed back to the resort. Stopped by the lounge to drown our sorrows.

It was close to dinner time so we again shunned the buffet they had and went to this place right down the road called Huggos. Long established place that has made a name for itself for fine dining. Great location, right on the water.



DD had the Garden Fresh Penne with asparagus, Kona grown grape tomatoes, edamame, onions and feta cheese. $24

I had the Teriyaki steak. They promote it as a tradition since 1969. A flank steak marinated in their own secret recipe. $27

Both were tasty. Dinner was topped off with what I think Pooh thought was the best desert of the entire trip. Their Hot Caramel, banana, macadamia nut crisp. $10.50

Really good stuff.

Keeping us company on the rocks were these guys


Too many pics so the final ones are in the next post.
All in all a nice place to eat in a beautiful setting

Back at the hotel, I decided to have a nightcap and watch the sunset.



They were also having their luau. Thought about doing a luau while we were here but decided against it. Glad we decided against it. The food was buffet style and with not much to eat for the vegetarian in our group. The show look interesting though.



Back to the room for bedtime. First full day in Hawaii. Interesting place. And pleasing to the eye. Yes, we did not get to see it from the air but a really nice start to the trip. Dinner was great and the resort was beautiful.

Up next: Diving in the Pacific AKA: Just Keep Swimming
I got a little worried about you when this hadn't been updated in a while, so I'm glad to see you back! Much luck to your daughter on her first year of school. I'm glad you'll have some company after she leaves to ease the transition to the full-on empty nest.

A big group of us are going to be in WDW for the first week of F&W. You are welcome to join us - we spend a lot of time at La Cava! =)
Great update. Glad you aren't giving up on us. Can't wait for the next installment, when time allows. :wave2:
Bummer about the helicopter ride. I hope those people didn't have to jump out of theirs, I think that would be terrifying.

Dinner looked scrumptious.

No rush, we'll be here whenever you get back. I hope she settles in nicely, and you have fun diving :)
I am all caught up....

Alison sent me over here to read about your adventure.

Congrats to your DD on all her accomplishments.

I too suffer from PF and know exactly how you feel after the plane ride, I am constantly flexing and stretching.

Glad to see that everything is going so well during the trip and sorry that you did not get the view from above like you wanted.
Too bad about the helicopter trip, but good to know it is out of Hilo, I'm thinking of adding that one to our trip when we go. The steak looks very tasty, I bet those crabs might have been tasty too! :rotfl2:
yep, bankruptcy here too! Well maybe not as much as in the US, as tuition is mainly covered by the government, but six years of housing/living costs at London prices =:scared1:

I love the sound of the round-the-world Disney trip you suggest - that would be fantastic (won't be doing that with kids at school though) and maybe the only way we ever will get to Aulani will be by digging:)

Thought I might have missed some updates as I have been away for a bit but not to worry looks like there's more to come soon and I loved the diving pictures- just amazing.

Just paid for DD's first semester at Seton Hall so I know that pain. They charged $4,000 to live in a dorm. In New Jersey?

See I was in throes of envy and hunger that I typed Maui, not Hawaii:lmao: Thank you for being kind and not wopping me in the head for the geography goof or maybe you didn't notice;)

No worries. Did notice but it is all Hawaii anyway.

I am WAY late to the party. I forget they moved DVC Trip Reports to another section. Sounds like a great trip so far. The pictures are just beautiful.

Congrats to DD on her high school and IB graduation!! I can't wait to read more.

Thanks, thanks and thanks. She worked hard for that IB Diploma.

Tinks "SS";45739219 said:
Loving the trip report and can't wait to see more. I had to go back through and look for your diving videos. They are fantastic! Love all the rays above you. My family has just gotten bit by the diving bug as we just did an introductory dive class this past weekend. We are gonna try to get certified in sept. My youngest just turned 10 a few weeks ago but he took to it easier than any of us. :lmao: but that's my boy.

Let me know if you ever make it down here to dive. The Keys have some of the best diving in the world. Good for your youngest. DD is like a fish in the water and really took to diving. Same I guess for your son. It is a great father/daughter time with us when we go "under the sea." Love it.

Our diving adventure starts in the next update.

I got a little worried about you when this hadn't been updated in a while, so I'm glad to see you back! Much luck to your daughter on her first year of school. I'm glad you'll have some company after she leaves to ease the transition to the full-on empty nest.

A big group of us are going to be in WDW for the first week of F&W. You are welcome to join us - we spend a lot of time at La Cava! =)

Don't tempt me. Never went to F&W but it is on the to do list. Don't think I'll make it this year but you never know.

Great update. Glad you aren't giving up on us. Can't wait for the next installment, when time allows. :wave2:

Going to try to post more regularly. Busy time though.

Bummer about the helicopter ride. I hope those people didn't have to jump out of theirs, I think that would be terrifying.

Dinner looked scrumptious.

No rush, we'll be here whenever you get back. I hope she settles in nicely, and you have fun diving :)

Her biggest worry is who she is going to get for a roommate. They do this personality thing to pair up roommates so I imagine her roommate will love mirrors, not be an early riser and a bit of a slob.

No one had to jump out of a helicopter. If they did, the news forgot to mention it that night. It was a bit of a bummer not to do the trip but it was just a small speed bump in the road.

I am all caught up....

Alison sent me over here to read about your adventure.

Congrats to your DD on all her accomplishments.

I too suffer from PF and know exactly how you feel after the plane ride, I am constantly flexing and stretching.

Glad to see that everything is going so well during the trip and sorry that you did not get the view from above like you wanted.

Thanks, I think I need to hire Alison as my publicist. Sorry to hear about the PF. Didn't realize what an issue it was going to be after getting off the plane.

Too bad about the helicopter trip, but good to know it is out of Hilo, I'm thinking of adding that one to our trip when we go. The steak looks very tasty, I bet those crabs might have been tasty too! :rotfl2:

Funny you should mention about the crabs. More on that later.
Her biggest worry is who she is going to get for a roommate. They do this personality thing to pair up roommates so I imagine her roommate will love mirrors, not be an early riser and a bit of a slob.

Thanks, I think I need to hire Alison as my publicist. Sorry to hear about the PF. Didn't realize what an issue it was going to be after getting off the plane.

Funny you should mention about the crabs. More on that later.

I totally know what you mean on the roommate situation. They knew I was a music major (flute, later sax) and paired me up with a vocalist as a roommate.
Sorry to offend any singers out there, but you gotta understand this is like pairing a Disney geek with a six flags coaters freak because they both like theme parks! They had a policy of not moving anyone before three weeks to "see if we could work it out". I had my own room by the end of the week and never shared another room with someone unless we could share a plate of spaghetti and meet lips at the end of the noodle (aka Lady and the Tramp!) Sorry I've spent the last two days at a D23 Animation convention ot sort of takes over your brain!

I hope she gets a good roommate!

I'm happy to give you free publicity! It's just all of us on the AKL thread are chomping at the bit to get to Aulani, so we're real interested. I wouldn't be surprised if a few others are also lurking over here!

I'm also another with the PF, another good reason to use the scooter in the parks besides the other foot injury. Yet another thing we share Brandi!

I can't wait to hear about the crabs now!
I totally know what you mean on the roommate situation. They knew I was a music major (flute, later sax) and paired me up with a vocalist as a roommate.
Sorry to offend any singers out there, but you gotta understand this is like pairing a Disney geek with a six flags coaters freak because they both like theme parks! They had a policy of not moving anyone before three weeks to "see if we could work it out". I had my own room by the end of the week and never shared another room with someone unless we could share a plate of spaghetti and meet lips at the end of the noodle (aka Lady and the Tramp!) Sorry I've spent the last two days at a D23 Animation convention ot sort of takes over your brain!

I hope she gets a good roommate!

I'm happy to give you free publicity! It's just all of us on the AKL thread are chomping at the bit to get to Aulani, so we're real interested. I wouldn't be surprised if a few others are also lurking over here!

I'm also another with the PF, another good reason to use the scooter in the parks besides the other foot injury. Yet another thing we share Brandi!

I can't wait to hear about the crabs now!

Two Peas in a pod... :goodvibes
Great update! I'm sorry to hear about the helicopter trip, but I understand your daughter picking the dive over the air.

Good luck to her as she starts her first semester (and to you as you adjust to having her in NJ!). We did potluck for our dorms, and it all worked out. Not my lifelong best friend, but livable for a year. She'll be great!
Not sure how regular these posts will be for the next month but will give it the old college try.
Recruiting violations?:confused3

I made her pose on the rocks surrounding the marina
I'm confused by this statement. My daughter sees a beautiful vista like that and automatically begins to pose.

There were signs along the route to brake for donkeys and we thought that was funny.
Funny because they were donkeys or funny because you paid for the extra insurance on the rental car and had no intention of braking?

STOP! So we did and the Pirate Princess took some pics. She also wanted to take them home with us but don’t think the airlines would allow us to do that.
Why not - you've already got the dog that you didn't want.:stir:

So we get our life vests, watch a film about how to get out of a helicopter if it crashes and wait our turn.
That sounds like an interesting film. Any pointers?

So they unfortunately had to cancel our flights.
What a bummer. I would love to see Hawaii from the air. I guess you'll just have to go back...

Back at the hotel, I decided to have a nightcap and watch the sunset.
Your life does not suck, CJ. :thumbsup2
CJ, I didn't realize you started your TR! Anyway, just checking in. Now I'll have to go read and catch up.
Wouldn’t be cool to own this boat? I mean come on, owning a boat in Hawaii.

The staff person types a few things in and looks up at me. No problem right? Instead, she says, “Sorry, but you are in the wrong place.”
Well, at least you had the right day. :rotfl2::lmao:

So we get our life vests, watch a film about how to get out of a helicopter if it crashes and wait our turn.
Watching a film about how to escape a helicopter in a crash must be similar to watching Jaws right before you go diving.

They informed us that our flight was going to be delayed. And delayed. And delayed.
Is the helicopter operated by USAir? :confused3

So this was the closest we got to flying
I'm sorry you missed out, but if taking a flight meant no diving, then I think you made a good choice.

DD had the Garden Fresh Penne with asparagus, Kona grown grape tomatoes, edamame, onions and feta cheese. $24

I had the Teriyaki steak. They promote it as a tradition since 1969. A flank steak marinated in their own secret recipe. $27

Both were tasty. Dinner was topped off with what I think Pooh thought was the best desert of the entire trip. Their Hot Caramel, banana, macadamia nut crisp. $10.50
The thing that sticks out to me is the price. I always hear about how ridiculously expensive food is in Hawaii. Truthfully, those prices are a little bit on the high side, but they don't look out of place from any outher touristy area.:confused3 You must have found a good place to eat.

Back to the room for bedtime. First full day in Hawaii. Interesting place. And pleasing to the eye. Yes, we did not get to see it from the air but a really nice start to the trip. Dinner was great and the resort was beautiful.
Looks like a great day... despite some unexpected setbacks. :thumbsup2
I totally know what you mean on the roommate situation. They knew I was a music major (flute, later sax) and paired me up with a vocalist as a roommate.
Sorry to offend any singers out there, but you gotta understand this is like pairing a Disney geek with a six flags coaters freak because they both like theme parks! They had a policy of not moving anyone before three weeks to "see if we could work it out". I had my own room by the end of the week and never shared another room with someone unless we could share a plate of spaghetti and meet lips at the end of the noodle (aka Lady and the Tramp!) Sorry I've spent the last two days at a D23 Animation convention ot sort of takes over your brain!

I hope she gets a good roommate!!

Well I personally would love to hear the rest of that story one day. :goodvibes:lmao: Look at you. Private room.

Maybe I should come to Hawaii to get the rest of it. When are you going? Yes, I should just go catch up. That would be more respectful. :3dglasses
Finally all caught up. I'm taking careful notes because it looks like my family and I will be heading to Hawaii next summer, so I'll need all the inside info I can get!

The jet lag doesn't sound fun at all. That's got to be a tough transition. And I hear you on plantar fasciitis. Had that last year and it took 6 months to go away.

Sorry you missed out on the helicopter tour. That's a bummer. Hopefully the diving made up for it!


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