2008 Epcot Food and Wine Festival Reviews

At Sam Adams beer tasting rt now not crowded at all. Free wine seminars yest were great & uncrowded -walk right in. Tonite is pfts-can't wait
At Sam Adams beer tasting rt now not crowded at all. Free wine seminars yest were great & uncrowded -walk right in. Tonite is pfts-can't wait

Weird- post #396 and post #401 are the same post.

In any case, how did you like PFTS last night?

From what I've seen posted here about the menu last night, I'm glad I was there last week instead. Much more to my taste in food.
Just got back from our F&W trip. We were also at the PFTS on the 18th and agree it was WAY too crowded. We probably won't do this again (it was our second) unless Disney limits the ticket sales to fewer guests. I won't delve into the review for that as it has been well covered here.

We went to the City Tastes even on the 24th and it was fabulous! I haven't seen a review of it here, so here goes...

It's in the World Showplace and is set up much like PFTS, but the crowd was MUCH smaller and much more enjoyable. There were tons of wines and limited, but excellent, food. On the way in we were checked in, given a glass (just generic - not a souvenir glass), a booklet listing the food selections, wineries and wines, and also a spiral notebook listing all of the wines by distributor, along with prices. There is an index in this book to look up by distributor, table number or region, and space to rate and take notes on all the wines. There were pens available at a table on the way inside. We used this book to note everything about the wines we tried - great idea!

This event used up about 2/3rds of the PFTS space with about 250 or 300 people in attendance. There was live music and Flamenco dancers appeared on the main stage. There were six food stations (including one to sample olive oils of Spain) and 33 (yes THIRTY THREE) different wine stations! Rather than type them all in, I have scanned all the pages, along with some from the spiral book.








Overall it was a much more enjoyable event than PFTS. There were empty tables all evening, which made it easy to simply wander, chat with some of the wine people and move easily around the room while stopping as we wanted to eat something or take some notes.

Our favorite dishes were the chorizo in red wine (as DH calls it - "sausage and squishy stuff") and the potato tortilla with serrano ham and manchego cheese (this was built like a lasagna or casserole). I couldn't possible choose a favorite wine but a few stand-outs were the Inspiracion Valdemar 2005 Rioja, the Marques de Riscal Reserva 2003 Rioja, and the Zapadonado 2007 Rueda Perez (a unique grape usually used in blends, tastes similar to a Savignon Blanc).

Our only complaint was it seemed some of the distributors underestimated the attendance and ran out of wines quickly, but there were only a few of them. One of them told us Disney had arranged to do this the evening of a trade event in which they invited them to expose their wines to local restaurants and stores, which would explain the amazing turnout and variety of wineries there.

We would do this event again in a second. HIGHLY recommended!
Well, as we figured earlier, it sounds like these City Tastes events are very much like the South African wine adventure from 2007. That was one of our favorite events last year. I do think there is more of an emphasis on wine, like before, so if you're not a wine drinker, it might not be right for you. But I love the fact that it's like a less-crowded regional PFTS. The booklet sounds awesome, and the only problem at the South African event last year was the placement of the food - along the walls, so it turned into one giant buffet line. I'm very glad to see they went with a PFTS-layout with stations throughout. We're finally heading down to the festival on Friday, and the Italian City Tastes will be our first event. After reading these reviews, we can't wait!
Heading to PFTS for this first time on Nov. 8. All this controversy over getting a table and what to wear actually have this Disney vet a little nervous...DH and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary, so I really want to night to be fun and special.

One questions I don't see the answer to. Do they give you the program when you check in or when you get your glass?
Don't wear heels.

They give you the program as you enter the waiting area. This is most likely after you have picked up the plate and glass.

I am going to another PFTS on 11/8 and I do not plan to use a table. Will be nice not to have to worry about that.
We went to the City Tastes even on the 24th and it was fabulous! I haven't seen a review of it here, so here goes...

We would do this event again in a second. HIGHLY recommended!

Thank you, VERY much for the great review and pics of the program. This event sounds FANTASTIC. And even though I'm more a foodie than a wine connoisseur (due mainly to my propensity of developing wine headaches) I would not hesitate to attend one of these events in the future (and would probably choose it instead of a PFTS given all the recent feedback/reviews).

Just curious, how many of the different wines were you able to sample? Thirty-three sure would have knocked me for a loop! :headache:

Well, as we figured earlier, it sounds like these City Tastes events are very much like the South African wine adventure from 2007. That was one of our favorite events last year. I do think there is more of an emphasis on wine, like before, so if you're not a wine drinker, it might not be right for you. But I love the fact that it's like a less-crowded regional PFTS. The booklet sounds awesome, and the only problem at the South African event last year was the placement of the food - along the walls, so it turned into one giant buffet line. I'm very glad to see they went with a PFTS-layout with stations throughout. We're finally heading down to the festival on Friday, and the Italian City Tastes will be our first event. After reading these reviews, we can't wait!

Enjoy your trip, and I hope your City Taste experience is as enjoyable! As always, those of us stuck at home would appreciate pics/reviews upon your return! :thumbsup2 ;)

I know that this questions has probably been asked way too much to imagine BUT I searched the forum and couldn't find the answer.

I leave in 5 days and was wondering if you can use snack credits for certain F&W samples?

Thanks in advance for answering my redundant question!:rotfl2:

You guys are the best!
I know that this questions has probably been asked way too much to imagine BUT I searched the forum and couldn't find the answer.

I leave in 5 days and was wondering if you can use snack credits for certain F&W samples?

Thanks in advance for answering my redundant question!:rotfl2:

You guys are the best!
ABSOLUTELY! It's a great use of your snack credits. There should be a symbol on the menus at each booth to let you know which ones are eligible. :thumbsup2
Just curious, how many of the different wines were you able to sample? Thirty-three sure would have knocked me for a loop! :headache:

Judging by our notes, we tasted probably half of them. I will say they did have the spit vessels at each station, plenty of water, and most of the pours were smaller than at PFTS, so I was actually coherent at the end! We also made sure to have food constantly through the evening.
City taste sounds like a decent event that might be worth trying if they offer it next year.
ABSOLUTELY! It's a great use of your snack credits. There should be a symbol on the menus at each booth to let you know which ones are eligible. :thumbsup2

All food items, regardless of cost, and nonalcoholic beverages are available for one snack credit.

City taste sounds like a decent event that might be worth trying if they offer it next year.

Watch out. If they find out people like it they will ruin it.
This was our second time at this event. Last year was our first. After last year's, I was so excited, I wanted to book multiple PFTS s each year- we loved it THAT much! This year, while not quite as perfect, was also a very enjoyable event.

Wine/Alcohol: The wine selections were as wonderful as last year. In addition to probably about 75-100 different wines, they also had a Remy Cognac table, a scotch table and two different beer tables each with 2-3 diff beers. The wines were all very good. Pours seemed maybe a little lighter than last year but no biggie because you could just get more and with so many to taste, we got plenty tipsy even with smaller pours. They also had two nice coffee bars with teas, coffees and floavored syrups. i don't remember those being there last year.

Food: The food was almost as good as last year and seemed almost as plentiful (maybe a few less stations). I enjoyed last year's food a bit better but I think this was more a function of the oferings and my taste palate than any decline in quality. I like seafood and it seemed there was less of it this year. My favorites were a seared lamb with a polenta cake, pork tenderloin with a creamy corn mash and a really nice grilled salmon. There were also two excellent cheese stations which we missed last year buyt made sure we started with this year. There were two or three dessert stations- one had choc candy (EXCELLENT! and plentiful) the others had things like ice creams, small tarts, pastries and milk chocolate three ways which was AWESOME!!!

Entertainment: Not even close to as good as last year. The music group was good (maybe the same?) but the three artists instead of Cirque du Soleil were not very good at all. A juggler (not good), two women acrobats/contortionists (decent) and a guy spinning a metal box around him (decent). It was like the budget version of Cirque. Oh, well!

Guests: Most people were dressed nicely- I would saw casually elegant. Some had cocktail dresses, a few had t-shirts and shorts (not many).

Tables & Guests- This is the #1 reason this wasn't as enjoyable this year. People, people, people, this is NOT a buffet! It is not your right to push and shove your way like animals and "save" a table for the rest of the night. (Except for the disabled and elderly, of course). Last year, we always found a high top to lean on if we needed to cut a piece of meat or just rest a glass for a second. This year, not so- people would leave their plates (the ones that attach to your wine glass) covering a whole table with one or two people "guarding it". A few times when we approached, people immediately barked at us" we're saving these seats" and shooed us away. After a few times like this, we replied with a smile and said "that's nice" and proceeded to set our plate down to cut our meat anyway. We rarely stopped for more than 2 or 3 minutes and we actually only did that 3 or 4 times. Mostly, we wandered and chatted. It was fine for the most part. But the ugly table hogs really do ruin the intent of the event.

All in all, we had a GREAT time but I would rate it a 7 or 8 out of 10 instead of last year's 10 out of 10.
I arrive late Sat. Nov. 8th. and the last day of the food and wine festival is Sun. Nov.9th (I think). We were going to probably miss out on it but I noticed somewhere that they had Tues. Nov. 11th as the last day, does anyone know if that is true?:confused3 :confused3
I think the food at the booths was even better and maybe even a little cheaper than last year. We had a great time eating around the world over the past 4 days. Some of our favorites: lamb sliders from New Zealand (although the new price of $5 each tiny sandwich was silly), the crawfish etoufee from Lousiana, the cheddar soup from Canada, the spaetzle from Germany, the Beef Empanada from Chile. Wines were nice but very overpriced for the 2 oz pours you get. the prosecos were a decent deal for $3.25 for a large glass. The beers were all $5-6 for 12 oz cups except for mexico which still has its usual Dos Equis 20 oz for $7!!! The wine seminars were okay- always kind of long but enjoyable. Had no problems attending them on Friday afternoon or Saturday (arrived 10-15 min early) but they were packed on mon & Tues (go figure- sold out at least 30-40 minutes in advance). We walked in to the Sam Adams beer tasting (twice!) with no wait at all. And we were in the right place at the right time for the Australia wine tasting (holds 24 people right at the Australia booth)- a couple was leaving and offered us their ticket.
Country entertainment was enjoyable- good bands at Lousiana & Canada. We caught two Eat to the Beat concerts. The first was Expose who we had seen last year. They were very good. They sung all of their hits (all 6 of them LOL) in the way they were recorded and they still sung pretty well. They seemed happy to be there. Then, Kool & the Gang. I didn't enjoy yhem as much. They sung mixed up, longer versions of their hits and they didn't sing them all. And either they didn't sound good or they weren't the original band members (or both). Still fun but not great.
I arrive late Sat. Nov. 8th. and the last day of the food and wine festival is Sun. Nov.9th (I think). We were going to probably miss out on it but I noticed somewhere that they had Tues. Nov. 11th as the last day, does anyone know if that is true?:confused3 :confused3

I have heard absolutely nothing about it continuing to Nov. 11. Everything I have seen has the festival ending November 9. The festival customarily ends on a Sunday.

If they HAVE decided to extend, it may be because November 11 is a holiday.
We were at PFTS on October 18th. It was a nice treat, but not having a seat all night absolutel stunk. I think they need to handle this a lot better and saw quite a few people complaining about it.

We did not worry about a table because I refused to become a part of the herd of cattle scenario right from the beginning. It was fine walking around and noshing, but we needed to sit for a few towards the end of the night. We actually sat on the edge of the back stage, but for $135 a person that should not have to be the case. All in all, we had a fantastic time despite this one issue.
Nikkibelle, I totally agree. A few times we needed a little breather we sat on the stage too. The other absolutely ridiculous thing that made it diff from last year was that the table hogs actually dragged the low table chairs around the high top tables many of which were intended to be chairless. These were the tables we leaned or put our plates down on last year and this new silly practice made that more difficult. There also weren't as many (or they were less attentive) waitstaff so not only did we have to stand to eat every thing we got but then we were stuck standing there from time to time with our dirty plates until we spotted a tray to set them on.


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