2008 Epcot Food and Wine Festival Reviews

A few thoughts...

I have been at Food & Wine since Sunday.

1. Reasons they don't have more seminars on Monday and Tuesday... Maybe becasue they are tired of the same guests? I went to the last seminar yesterday. As soon as the one prior got over approximately 90% of the guests got RIGHT BACK in line. And of course they would only send ONE person in line so that if you were walking by you thought "still lots of room" NO! I was shoved aside probably 20 times by people "joining" thier friend. So ONE person was in line and 5 of his/her buddies joined him/her. The "host" didn't even bother to introduce the speaker since "Everyone has already heard who it is" NO, EVERYONE HAD NOT! SHEESH! I will be pointing this out.

2. Why would the distributors want to do more seminars? If they just get to try to sell to the SAME folks over and over and over again. And the presenters know it! This could be why there is a reduction

Sunday there were mild lines for the booths, yesterday practically no lines. Not sure how much I will be over there today. I actually have to work! (GASP!)

If you want to "pretend" you went Saturday, they have souviners for sale in the Festival Center! LOL!
A few thoughts...

I have been at Food & Wine since Sunday.

1. Reasons they don't have more seminars on Monday and Tuesday... Maybe becasue they are tired of the same guests? I went to the last seminar yesterday. As soon as the one prior got over approximately 90% of the guests got RIGHT BACK in line. And of course they would only send ONE person in line so that if you were walking by you thought "still lots of room" NO! I was shoved aside probably 20 times by people "joining" thier friend. So ONE person was in line and 5 of his/her buddies joined him/her. The "host" didn't even bother to introduce the speaker since "Everyone has already heard who it is" NO, EVERYONE HAD NOT! SHEESH! I will be pointing this out.

2. Why would the distributors want to do more seminars? If they just get to try to sell to the SAME folks over and over and over again. And the presenters know it! This could be why there is a reduction

Sunday there were mild lines for the booths, yesterday practically no lines. Not sure how much I will be over there today. I actually have to work! (GASP!)

If you want to "pretend" you went Saturday, they have souviners for sale in the Festival Center! LOL!

That is HORRIBLE! I would be SO mad if people cut in front of me and then I didn't get to go in.
I'm also guessing that if it's true that Disney increased the fee to appear by tenfold, that may have also kept some companies away.
I wonder why the low crowds for the booths. I guess it's still 'low' season and will pick up starting next week?
A few thoughts...

I have been at Food & Wine since Sunday.

1. Reasons they don't have more seminars on Monday and Tuesday... Maybe becasue they are tired of the same guests? I went to the last seminar yesterday. As soon as the one prior got over approximately 90% of the guests got RIGHT BACK in line. And of course they would only send ONE person in line so that if you were walking by you thought "still lots of room" NO! I was shoved aside probably 20 times by people "joining" thier friend. So ONE person was in line and 5 of his/her buddies joined him/her. The "host" didn't even bother to introduce the speaker since "Everyone has already heard who it is" NO, EVERYONE HAD NOT! SHEESH! I will be pointing this out.

2. Why would the distributors want to do more seminars? If they just get to try to sell to the SAME folks over and over and over again. And the presenters know it! This could be why there is a reduction QUOTE]

And we were there last year on a Monday it seemed we were like the only people under 75 lol - it's like they bussed them in from the local senior center - probably not the demographic the presenters were looking for.
WOW!! I just had the time to look through Cheryl's pictures! Oh my that must have been an amazing experience! :goodvibes

Cheryl, Thank you so much for posting them!!! :goodvibes

:sad2:Very disappointed to hear how crowded the seminars are & how difficult it's been to get in!!! I'm really sad, I've been raving to family about F&W for two years now. Because of this, my DD & SIL will be joining us this year. As will my BIL & SIL! I'm hoping they will not all be very dismayed & disappointed, wondering what the heck we've been talking about!
WOW!! I just had the time to look through Cheryl's pictures! Oh my that must have been an amazing experience! :goodvibes

Cheryl, Thank you so much for posting them!!! :goodvibes

:sad2:Very disappointed to hear how crowded the seminars are & how difficult it's been to get in!!! I'm really sad, I've been raving to family about F&W for two years now. Because of this, my DD & SIL will be joining us this year. As will my BIL & SIL! I'm hoping they will not all be very dismayed & disappointed, wondering what the heck we've been talking about!

You are welcome, yes we did have an amazing experience.

Your family will not be disappointed by food/wine fest. We found it better than ever, the great changes in the wines available, the food portions we tried were huge, much larger than previous years.
A few thoughts...

I have been at Food & Wine since Sunday.

1. Reasons they don't have more seminars on Monday and Tuesday... Maybe becasue they are tired of the same guests? I went to the last seminar yesterday. As soon as the one prior got over approximately 90% of the guests got RIGHT BACK in line. And of course they would only send ONE person in line so that if you were walking by you thought "still lots of room" NO! I was shoved aside probably 20 times by people "joining" thier friend. So ONE person was in line and 5 of his/her buddies joined him/her. The "host" didn't even bother to introduce the speaker since "Everyone has already heard who it is" NO, EVERYONE HAD NOT! SHEESH! I will be pointing this out.

Why is returning to the queue such a big deal? Each seminar is different, so it's not like people are returning to the same presentation? I do think that having a group of people join you is pretty bad, but I never had a problem when a husband or wife come into line because they went to get a glass of wine to bring back to the person in line.

I did think the Disneyland festival seminars had a much better method of queues. They had a stack of laminated number cards. They would hand each individual a number, and you couldn't hold onto numbers for your friends or loved ones. This helped the cast know when the seating was filled, and nobody could hold spots for people.

However, when I was in a queue at the DL festival alone, and my friends joined the back of the queue and got their number cards, I started to hold myself back to have my friends join me. But other guests said that my friends can come to me. That's a first!

And I agree it was sloppy on the announcer's part to skip the introduction.

2. Why would the distributors want to do more seminars? If they just get to try to sell to the SAME folks over and over and over again. And the presenters know it! This could be why there is a reduction

As I said, it's not the same seminar each time. If I travel 1000 miles to come to the festival, and others do the same, don't we all have the same rights to attend the seminars we wish to attend? Or is this gripe about the locals you see? I don't get it. I think there are plenty of locals that enjoy the food and wine festival and buy new wines. I already know a few that do.

I believe there's no corrolation between the reduction of the presenters to the repetitive visitors to the seminars.
We will be there starting on Friday and I considered having my Dad stand in line for seminars for us. He always has a book with him and would not mind at all. But then I remembered that when we were there in 2006 there was a cast member who was counting the number of people in line and cutting it off at a point. She told those of us near the end that she didn't turn away that there was a possibility we might not get a seat. I really appreciated this. Who wants to stand in line for no reason? Considering this, I've decided that we won't have Dad wait for us.

But is it really "cutting" if one person waits while the others buy snacks, use the restroom etc, if they let the cm know how many is in their group? Is that any different than someone saving seats for the rest of family at Fantasmic or some other theater? I am not trying to start an argument or upset anyone (hate it when people get into arguments with people they don't know online). I am just genuinely curious what your opinions are.
But is it really "cutting" if one person waits while the others buy snacks, use the restroom etc, if they let the cm know how many is in their group? Is that any different than someone saving seats for the rest of family at Fantasmic or some other theater? I am not trying to start an argument or upset anyone (hate it when people get into arguments with people they don't know online). I am just genuinely curious what your opinions are.

When hubby and I are attending seminars, signings etc, we both get in line together. Then, we will let the people around us know, one of us is heading to get water or go to the restroom, etc. Only one of us leaves at a time. The people around us are always just as relieved, they say thank goodness, we want to do the same thing. We make sure the castmember sees us both and knows we are both there before we ever leave the line so the count is correct as far as people getting in.
You are welcome, yes we did have an amazing experience.

Your family will not be disappointed by food/wine fest. We found it better than ever, the great changes in the wines available, the food portions we tried were huge, much larger than previous years.

Thanks, that makes me feel better!!!:goodvibes

Last year, when we stood in line the CM would go up & down the aisle asking how many in the party & clicking a counter. They didn't seem to have a problem with "holding spots". After all people stood in lines for up to an hour for some seminars. They did tell you when the seminar was close to full and you might not get in.
When hubby and I are attending seminars, signings etc, we both get in line together. Then, we will let the people around us know, one of us is heading to get water or go to the restroom, etc. Only one of us leaves at a time. The people around us are always just as relieved, they say thank goodness, we want to do the same thing. We make sure the castmember sees us both and knows we are both there before we ever leave the line so the count is correct as far as people getting in.
We do the same thing.. most people around us follow the same situation! Besides .. when you see someone come back with a nice glass of wine for themselves and their spouse it's only fair to not let them drink alone!:rotfl2:
We do the same thing.. most people around us follow the same situation! Besides .. when you see someone come back with a nice glass of wine for themselves and their spouse it's only fair to not let them drink alone!:rotfl2:

:laughing: Potty & a glass of wine! For some reason I seem to need lots of "in queue" potty breaks.:confused3 ;)
I thought I read somewhere that Disney was asking that you could save for 1 person but not more. I just can't remember where I read that.

Last year, I went to one seminar. The CM would ask how many in the party as he went down the line with a "clicker". I really only saw a couple of people taking turns in line so they could go "potty". I don't have a problem with something like that or if one member can't stand for long periods of time. I know I sat on the floor while I waited in line as I can stand in one place for a long time.

I'm going down in two weeks so I'll have to see what I find at the one seminar I know I want to attend (Bunratty). I love the reviews so far and I hope more are posted.

And we were there last year on a Monday it seemed we were like the only people under 75 lol - it's like they bussed them in from the local senior center - probably not the demographic the presenters were looking for.
Ahem, cough , cough and what kind of demographics would the presenters be looking for? Those of us over 75 do have the disposable income to purchase fine wines (and not so fine) and I believe that is the demographic any sales person is looking for - the spending kind. We're just smart enough to be bussed in and not drink and drive. ;)
Ahem, cough , cough and what kind of demographics would the presenters be looking for? Those of us over 75 do have the disposable income to purchase fine wines (and not so fine) and I believe that is the demographic any sales person is looking for - the spending kind. We're just smart enough to be bussed in and not drink and drive. ;)

Sorry if I offended you - it was not my intention...just talking to some of the folks and seeing their reactions to the tasting I just got the impression that they were not particularly wine affectionados...and the older folks were definitely the majority at the few tastings we went to...obviously this doesn't apply to all...heck I'm AARP eligible myself and I certainly know seniors as a group have more disposable income.
Not to pick a fight here But, are you implying that those of us who plan each year to attend the festival are not entitled to attend as many of the "free" seminars as we can get into? For the past several years my Mom & I have spent two weeks at WDW during the F & W festival. We see a lot of familiar faces each year. We spend a good deal of money to travel to & stay at WDW during those two weeks. We plan what events & seminars we wish to take advantage of. There are many days that we spend the entire day tasting different wines, that is how we choose to spend many of the days of our trip. We become very familiar with the CM's running the Seminars & controlling the Que lines. We rarely will repeat a seminar though. We check what wines are being offered and choose what we will attend accordingly. We also try to not plan to attend too many on Saturday or Sunday because they are more difficult to get into due to the larger crowds of locals. If I could afford to be there for the whole festival I would and I would attend every seminar I could during that time. But no I would not attend every different seminar offered every time it was repeated.
Due to the severe IMO cutbacks in the free seminars and the seeming repetitive offerings we probably won't be attending too many of them this year. Maybe we will get to do some of the food ones instead.

I'm not saying that there aren't obvious problems with the way the que lines are handled or the Guests who drink & run at the seminars so that they can get into the next one. One of the presenters last year was very outspoken last year about the drink & runners but I noticed that it didn't deter him from returning this year. By the way, he is very technical & long winded so we may pass on his seminar this year even though his wines were very good. I would think that the limited seminar offerings this year would lessen that issue anyway since there are no longer overlapping Wine Seminars. I also have a problem with the large number of repeaters that travel in groups who send one person to wait in the que for an hour to hold spaces for everyone in the group that only joins the que a few minute before they actually seat everyone. I guess now that there is less to choose from the system abuse of some is becoming more obvious to those who didn't notice it in past years. I think that they should possibly offer a fast pass type deal so that more people get a shot at the available seminars each day. Unfortunately they should also possibly limit the number of "free" seminars that one could attend on any given day based on anticipated crowd levels. Monday & Tuesday have always been the slowest days so you tend to see the same people at many of the offerings on those days. Since I am only there for a limited amount of time I wish they would offer a similar amount of seminars each and every day of the festival. I have plenty more personal gripes about how things are handled during the festival but I choose to make the best of it while I am there.
Dh and I can't stand lines, so in 10 years of Festival attendance, we've never been to one free wine seminar. I recall a month ago that many people posting here said they didn't care that the Exquisite Evenings (our favorite event) were eliminated since they didn't attend them anyway.

I guess it's my turn now to say we don't care that the number of free seminars have been seriously reduced. We don't attend them anyway.

The whole saving places in line, potty breaks, etc., and just waiting in line an hour is just too miserable in order to get a couple of swallows of middling wine. We're on vacation and don't want to deal with it.
Thank you ElizabethB appreciate your way of thinking i'd rather BUY a glass or two of wine rather than wait and perhaps get annoyed a wee bit here and there in long lines-- hope to attend next year--cross your fingers for me:worship:
Dh and I can't stand lines, so in 10 years of Festival attendance, we've never been to one free wine seminar. I recall a month ago that many people posting here said they didn't care that the Exquisite Evenings (our favorite event) were eliminated since they didn't attend them anyway.

I guess it's my turn now to say we don't care that the number of free seminars have been seriously reduced. We don't attend them anyway.

The whole saving places in line, potty breaks, etc., and just waiting in line an hour is just too miserable in order to get a couple of swallows of middling wine. We're on vacation and don't want to deal with it.

I have to agree about the wine seminars-never seemed worth it to me. DH has attended one of the beer ones, but that was only while me and the kids shopped and he did it to stave off boredom. I too miss the exclusion of the Exquisite Evenings this year. Regardless, we are very excited about the festival.
Your photos were so much fun to see, and I truly loved reading your review!! What an incredible event- I don't know if Disney will ever host it again, but I plan on being there if they do! :thumbsup2

What exactly did you get in perks by using AMEX?
I went back again this afternoon and the "repeat" occurance at the tastings didn't seem as bad.

They are now giving out tickets while you are line. The "hostess" says "don't you think the tickets are an improvement"? HUH??? I don't get the point of them at all except that it means the CM doesn't have to "click" on the counter. Once she/he gives out the tickets they are at 100. Not sure how as a guest that's an "improvement"????

Just strange.

Not sure where the "high cost" rumor came from. I was speaking with one of the presenters and he gave no impression of that.

As for the over 75 demographic... Let's just put it this way. One guest questioned the presenter on the "quality of jug wine" Somehow I don't think that's someone they really view as a potential customer!:lmao: I have no idea how old this person was. Some of the "repeat" members with thier 10 friends were WELL below 75... Probably well below 50 LOL! They had folks "running" to get them more wine and food.

I like the wine seminars, but it does remind me of some of my work seminars. You know how you have the co-worker who ALWAYS has to ask LOTS of questions to "prove" how much they know.... You always get those at these things LOL! Some presenters are better then others at "dealing" with these off topic "experts" LOL!

I have enjoyed both of the ones I went to this week and hope to do a couple of others. The lines haven't been that long and actually the most annoying part to me is the "hostess" (I hope I am not insulting someone's friend, but she has been very unprofessional and unprepared. She is 2 for 2 in HORRID introductions of the presenter. Today we did get a name, but that was about it. Luckily the guy told us some info. However she is more then happy to rant about the Red Sox! I just want to tell her to SHUT UP!)


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