2012/2013 Beach and Yacht FAQ- Closing Soon- New Thread Started- Don't Post Here

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Aidanself said:

My sister and I will be going to the Beach Club next week and have upgraded to the Club Level. You can't imagine how excited we are. I emailed the IPO yesterday and let them know some of the reservations we had made, I made a couple simple requests, and then one bigger one...

We're celebrating our birthdays because we don't see one another very often and my sister positively loves the Mickey head rice crispy treats. I wanted to arrange to have some in our room during our stay as a surprise for her. I was told they sell them on the first floor or I could contact Disney florists and get an arrangement delivered.

Is this the norm? I was expecting them to ask me for my cc number so they could arrange the surprise. Was I wrong in that? I don't mind going and buying them, but we're always together and the whole point was that it was going to be a surprise. (This was actually my second email to them. My first one listed our reservations and the person actually tried to make them for us again...after I'd mentioned that they were already booked. Too busy to read the entire email maybe??) :confused3

Any feedback would be great! Thanks!! :love:

Welcome to the Disboards!

Yes....I find this strange. Instead of emailing, I would call and restate your request. I have only stayed club level a couple of times, but both times I had IPO pick up a couple of things to be in my room from the marketplace as surprises.

As a fellow fan of Mickey treats...I hope this works out :)
Congratulations, Mickey T!!!! :cheer2:

We have drove both directions to the beach. We have gone to Cocoa Beach and the Space Coast- nice, quick straight ride.

We actually had a better time going west to the gulf coast- north of Tampa/St. Pete. A state park called Honeymoon Island. It was absolutely awesome. It was a very pretty beach. We drove from Orlando on a freeway but drove back through local roads. We met someone on the beach and he recommended stopping in the fishing town of Tarpon Springs on the way back - known for its sponge fishing. Natural sponges of all kinds- very interesting. It also had the best greek bakery. We stopped there and bought a bunch of pastries. Also stopped at a Mango farm which was seeing the real Florida. It definitely would take a whole day to do all of the above.

I agree with the "head west" advice! But I should explain. I'm originally from California and then moved to the east coast. Can't beat the Pacific, so I'm not a huge Atlantic fan! My parents have a condo on the gulf coast side and my favorite gulf coast beach is probably Clearwater - fun town with powdery sand, a nice playground, Frenchy's restaurant and a wide, long beach.

Having said all that, we'll give the Atlantic another shot in March when we spend a couple days in Vero Beach (Kimpton not Disney) and then head over to the gulf side. So either way is fine, but I prefer the gulf coast.

We're celebrating our birthdays because we don't see one another very often and my sister positively loves the Mickey head rice crispy treats. I wanted to arrange to have some in our room during our stay as a surprise for her. I was told they sell them on the first floor or I could contact Disney florists and get an arrangement delivered.

Any feedback would be great! Thanks!! :love:

I think this response is now the norm, and it's the one I initially received when I wanted IPO to help plan an in-room celebration a while ago. When I got that response, I just replied that I know of others (actually, it's others on this board - Disneymomx7 and YCFAN) who were able to arrange it through IPO and that's the direction I would prefer to go. So they agreed and were WONDERFUL. Omar was particularly helpful. We did a customized pirate celebration and I sent a list of items that I wanted to include. They worked on the list with me - recommending additional items and checking prices. I provided my credit card info, they double-checked the list and then a CL CM arranged the surprise in our room. (We had to be checked in first before they could set it up, but I just arranged to get lunch so they would have time.) They left all the receipts in an envelope in our room, and WOW did they go all over WDW to get the stuff. I assumed they would just pick it up from BC Marketplace or Screen Door, but I had receipts from MK and Epcot in that pile! Our boys were thrilled and I thought it was the outstanding guest service. But again, this was not IPO's initial response, so Robyn (Disneymomx7) recommended that I try again and it worked!
I think this is the thread that has the most info about BC deluxe rooms. Some of the room listings have pictures of the view. Some don't. But I think it is safe to say that 1557, 2557, etc. would have the same general view.

Beach Club Deluxe, Suites, VP and Presidential Rooms

If it is unclear what the view is for a particular room, go to the Disney Zone map, which shows room locations. This was posted a few pages back and is also on Page 1, the Beach Club Room post.

Thanks. I'll try the thread out. And by the way, Atlantis was AWESOME! I had PM'd you about the dining plan a while back. We did not end up getting it and pretty glad we didn't. Thanks again! ;)
We are booked in a standard room Club level at the BC for the week of labor day. Does anybody know if any of the standard rooms on the Club level have balconies? I don't care about the view -- I could look at an air conditioner or a roof and drink my coffee and not mind it. I'm a grump in the morning, so having a private spot would be nice to sip coffee while everybody else is getting ready. Possible to have a balcony, or not?
The following post is a continuation of a Beach Club -centric trip report. It is purely for your enjoyment. No animals were harmed in the writing of this trip report although a couple of teenage boys may have been on the receiving end of a dirty look or two.

To continue.... I almost forgot to tell you about a little problem we experienced with our TV after those storms from the prior day. As the boys were doing their homework I settled in to veg out and watch me some Stacey!


Stacey is perfect for when you are in your “Kingdom Coma” and you just don’t have the energy to change the channel and watch something else. We are talking dog tired, tour the parks until you drop, tired! You’ve probably seen people who barely make it back to the hotel room, promptly collapse on the bed and don’t even have the energy to moan or whimper about how EXHAUSTED they are! They just lay on the bed at an odd angle and look like a homicide victim from a CSI episode. My husband is the designated Disney Homicide victim in our family.

For those of you who are blessed and don’t know, Stacey is the hostess with the mostess and star of the WDW infomercial that runs nonstop on the first channel that you see when you turn on the TV. She is great because she is so hyperkinetic you feel like you are actually touring the parks with her, when all you are doing is lying on the bed and trying not to move. It’s like a two-fer because you are resting AND touring the parks with Stacey at the same time. It really appeals to the OCD, "I MUST get my money's worth out of a Disney Vacation" types.

Anyway, I turned on the TV and no Stacey. Now I know Disney is cutting back, but I never thought Stacey would be in the cross hairs of a layoff. That women has been around practically since the "bedazzeled" jeans of the 80’s, the Mom jeans of the 90’s and the skinny jeans of the 2000’s. What new Stacey fashion trends would I be missing now that SHE was missing from my channel line up. Strongly in denial about her absence, and fearing a kidnapping, I dialed that call center in Brazil that masquerades as the Front Desk when calling from a resort phone. Babbling furiously about how my Stacey was missing from the TV did not inspire any comprehension from the “Front Desk” staffer but she did promise to send out a repair crew and a bottle of Xanax.

Sometime later two repair guys, whom I shall call Chip and Dale, showed up at my door. I guess Jim Carrey was off that night and they sent these two over to fix my cable. Chip and Dale did an admirable job of tracking down the burned out relay and swapping it out for a new one. I could tell it was mission accomplished when Stacey popped back on the TV in all her frenetic glory. I tried to win over Chip and Dale and make them Stacey converts but Chip said she made him tired just from watching her and Dale was wise enough to make a hasty exit from the room as soon as her majesty reappeared. Upon hearing Stacey’s voice my husband rose from the dead and yelled “make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!!!” so off she went, left to loop on her own channel, endlessly, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The next day was Animal Kingdom park in case you hadn’t figured it out and we were blessed enough to get out of the room on time again because I discovered the magical powers of torturing bed huggers with the Stacey channel. “Look at what you are Missing!!” I would yell as their minds slowly resumed consciousness and they heard her agitated roar emanating from the TV. A quick pastry and hard boiled egg run to the lounge kept us on schedule and we arrived at AK just in time for rope drop.

We race walked over to Expedition Everest with the rest of the park. We all rode Everest, over and over, until Mom turned green and said enough! Then the boys had the bright idea to drag me over to Prime EVIL whirl, which I had never been on and had no idea what it was about. After exiting that ride I thought a Chiropractor with a CT scanner could make a lot of money if he had an office right at the exit to that ride. In revenge for all the “Mom friendly” rides I dragged the boys off to Finding Nemo and the Festival of the Lion King. In between we had lunch at Pizzafari which was pretty good.

Later on that evening we had reservations at Flying Fish. I know some people rave about it but for the price we thought it was just ok. I wanted this to be a special family dinner but it had more of a couples night out feel so consider it if you are going for a date night as the bar scene there was especially lively. The food I’d give a solid B grade but for the prices they charged the food should have been an A!

We then caught the boat from the Boardwalk to Hollywood Studios to see the Osborne lights. I fully expected the boys to ditch us and head for the rides but they stayed with us and wandered around slack jawed at all the colors and decorations. I told them about the Black Cat Halloween decoration and they never did find it. I only found it and I was chagrined to discover that it was right at the exit.

The next day would be another early day. What new temptation would I have to come up with to get the boys to rise on time? Tune in later for the next, somewhat exciting, installment of my trip report!

I think this is the thread that has the most info about BC deluxe rooms. Some of the room listings have pictures of the view. Some don't. But I think it is safe to say that 1557, 2557, etc. would have the same general view.

Beach Club Deluxe, Suites, VP and Presidential Rooms

If it is unclear what the view is for a particular room, go to the Disney Zone map, which shows room locations. This was posted a few pages back and is also on Page 1, the Beach Club Room post.

Just to add onto this...

If you go to that link and scroll down to post 6 you can see that the view from 3691 has a lagoon view through some trees. Those photos are taken from the full balcony that faces the courtyard, so it's off to the right. That room also has a standing room only balcony that directly faces the lagoon, the other photos are from that balcony. Lagoon straight ahead (through trees) and the pool to the right.

The original post in that thread says that room 4681 is also a Deluxe room but I think that might be a typo and it's really 4691. They also say that 4691 has a standing room only balcony but I'm looking on Bing Maps and I think maybe it has two standing balconies. One toward the lagoon and one towards the courtyard.

So also in that post you'll see that 3557 has a standing balcony that has a nice straight on view of the lagoon.
I think this is the thread that has the most info about BC deluxe rooms. Some of the room listings have pictures of the view. Some don't. But I think it is safe to say that 1557, 2557, etc. would have the same general view.

Beach Club Deluxe, Suites, VP and Presidential Rooms

If it is unclear what the view is for a particular room, go to the Disney Zone map, which shows room locations. This was posted a few pages back and is also on Page 1, the Beach Club Room post.

Just to add onto this...

If you go to that link and scroll down to post 6 you can see that the view from 3691 has a lagoon view through some trees. Those photos are taken from the full balcony that faces the courtyard, so it's off to the right. That room also has a standing room only balcony that directly faces the lagoon, the other photos are from that balcony. Lagoon straight ahead (through trees) and the pool to the right.

The original post in that thread says that room 4681 is also a Deluxe room but I think that might be a typo and it's really 4691. They also say that 4691 has a standing room only balcony but I'm looking on Bing Maps and I think maybe it has two standing balconies. One toward the lagoon and one towards the courtyard. So...same view as 3691 but maybe a tiny bit better since it's up a floor higher.

So also in that post you'll see that 3557 has a standing balcony that has a nice straight on view of the lagoon.
Ninja Mom, so glad to hear that Stacey is safe and sound! She is the subject of much controversy in our family because the boys and I prefer not to watch any TV at Disney other than Stacey. But for some reason, my husband has a different view! How odd!
MickeyT said:
At Cape May with the crew. Race tired and sea food ready. I earned these calories.

Enjoy! I've loved reading your reports. :)
Ninja Mom said:
The following post is a continuation of a Beach Club -centric trip report. It is purely for your enjoyment. No animals were harmed in the writing of this trip report although a couple of teenage boys may have been on the receiving end of a dirty look or two.

To continue.... I almost forgot to tell you about a little problem we experienced with our TV after those storms from the prior day. As the boys were doing their homework I settled in to veg out and watch me some Stacey!

Stacey is perfect for when you are in your “Kingdom Coma” and you just don’t have the energy to change the channel and watch something else. We are talking dog tired, tour the parks until you drop, tired! You’ve probably seen people who barely make it back to the hotel room, promptly collapse on the bed and don’t even have the energy to moan or whimper about how EXHAUSTED they are! They just lay on the bed at an odd angle and look like a homicide victim from a CSI episode. My husband is the designated Disney Homicide victim in our family.

For those of you who are blessed and don’t know, Stacey is the hostess with the mostess and star of the WDW infomercial that runs nonstop on the first channel that you see when you turn on the TV. She is great because she is so hyperkinetic you feel like you are actually touring the parks with her, when all you are doing is lying on the bed and trying not to move. It’s like a two-fer because you are resting AND touring the parks with Stacey at the same time. It really appeals to the OCD, "I MUST get my money's worth out of a Disney Vacation" types.

Anyway, I turned on the TV and no Stacey. Now I know Disney is cutting back, but I never thought Stacey would be in the cross hairs of a layoff. That women has been around practically since the "bedazzeled" jeans of the 80’s, the Mom jeans of the 90’s and the skinny jeans of the 2000’s. What new Stacey fashion trends would I be missing now that SHE was missing from my channel line up. Strongly in denial about her absence, and fearing a kidnapping, I dialed that call center in Brazil that masquerades as the Front Desk when calling from a resort phone. Babbling furiously about how my Stacey was missing from the TV did not inspire any comprehension from the “Front Desk” staffer but she did promise to send out a repair crew and a bottle of Xanax.

Sometime later two repair guys, whom I shall call Chip and Dale, showed up at my door. I guess Jim Carrey was off that night and they sent these two over to fix my cable. Chip and Dale did an admirable job of tracking down the burned out relay and swapping it out for a new one. I could tell it was mission accomplished when Stacey popped back on the TV in all her frenetic glory. I tried to win over Chip and Dale and make them Stacey converts but Chip said she made him tired just from watching her and Dale was wise enough to make a hasty exit from the room as soon as her majesty reappeared. Upon hearing Stacey’s voice my husband rose from the dead and yelled “make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!!!” so off she went, left to loop on her own channel, endlessly, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The next day was Animal Kingdom park in case you hadn’t figured it out and we were blessed enough to get out of the room on time again because I discovered the magical powers of torturing bed huggers with the Stacey channel. “Look at what you are Missing!!” I would yell as their minds slowly resumed consciousness and they heard her agitated roar emanating from the TV. A quick pastry and hard boiled egg run to the lounge kept us on schedule and we arrived at AK just in time for rope drop.

We race walked over to Expedition Everest with the rest of the park. We all rode Everest, over and over, until Mom turned green and said enough! Then the boys had the bright idea to drag me over to Prime EVIL whirl, which I had never been on and had no idea what it was about. After exiting that ride I thought a Chiropractor with a CT scanner could make a lot of money if he had an office right at the exit to that ride. In revenge for all the “Mom friendly” rides I dragged the boys off to Finding Nemo and the Festival of the Lion King. In between we had lunch at Pizzafari which was pretty good.

Later on that evening we had reservations at Flying Fish. I know some people rave about it but for the price we thought it was just ok. I wanted this to be a special family dinner but it had more of a couples night out feel so consider it if you are going for a date night as the bar scene there was especially lively. The food I’d give a solid B grade but for the prices they charged the food should have been an A!

We then caught the boat from the Boardwalk to Hollywood Studios to see the Osborne lights. I fully expected the boys to ditch us and head for the rides but they stayed with us and wandered around slack jawed at all the colors and decorations. I told them about the Black Cat Halloween decoration and they never did find it. I only found it and I was chagrined to discover that it was right at the exit.

The next day would be another early day. What new temptation would I have to come up with to get the boys to rise on time? Tune in later for the next, somewhat exciting, installment of my trip report!


Loved it! Thank goodness Stacey was able to be "resurrected" on your TV!!!
Aidanself said:

My sister and I will be going to the Beach Club next week and have upgraded to the Club Level. You can't imagine how excited we are. I emailed the IPO yesterday and let them know some of the reservations we had made, I made a couple simple requests, and then one bigger one...

We're celebrating our birthdays because we don't see one another very often and my sister positively loves the Mickey head rice crispy treats. I wanted to arrange to have some in our room during our stay as a surprise for her. I was told they sell them on the first floor or I could contact Disney florists and get an arrangement delivered.

Is this the norm? I was expecting them to ask me for my cc number so they could arrange the surprise. Was I wrong in that? I don't mind going and buying them, but we're always together and the whole point was that it was going to be a surprise. (This was actually my second email to them. My first one listed our reservations and the person actually tried to make them for us again...after I'd mentioned that they were already booked. Too busy to read the entire email maybe??) :confused3

Any feedback would be great! Thanks!! :love:

I stayed at the YC cl last May. I ordered each of my daughters a basket from the Disney florist . I had them include mickey treats, gummy mickeys, specific plushes, etc. Although it would have been nice if the IPO had offered to do this for me, it was probably easier for me to customize and order the arrangements myself. By the way, they did a beautiful job. I hope you have a wonderful visit and enjoy the BC as much as we enjoyed the YC.
Aidanself said:

My sister and I will be going to the Beach Club next week and have upgraded to the Club Level. You can't imagine how excited we are. I emailed the IPO yesterday and let them know some of the reservations we had made, I made a couple simple requests, and then one bigger one...

We're celebrating our birthdays because we don't see one another very often and my sister positively loves the Mickey head rice crispy treats. I wanted to arrange to have some in our room during our stay as a surprise for her. I was told they sell them on the first floor or I could contact Disney florists and get an arrangement delivered.

Is this the norm? I was expecting them to ask me for my cc number so they could arrange the surprise. Was I wrong in that? I don't mind going and buying them, but we're always together and the whole point was that it was going to be a surprise. (This was actually my second email to them. My first one listed our reservations and the person actually tried to make them for us again...after I'd mentioned that they were already booked. Too busy to read the entire email maybe??) :confused3

Any feedback would be great! Thanks!! :love:

Just to clarify, I have had the same response on a number of occasions. I think it's just a matter of who you talk to. I've had those that volunteered to send a runner for shopping; I've had those that told me to order something from the Disney website and mail it to them for them to put in the room; I've had those who directed me to the Disney florist. The very large Pirate in room celebration we had done though was done through Disney events because we were doing a weeklong celebration with numerous special events booked like an Illuminations party, etc. just didn't want you to think IPO did that. :) it was actually one of our events and rather expensive. We had a person assigned to us to coordinate all of this through their sales office.
I stayed at the YC cl last May. I ordered each of my daughters a basket from the Disney florist . I had them include mickey treats, gummy mickeys, specific plushes, etc. Although it would have been nice if the IPO had offered to do this for me, it was probably easier for me to customize and order the arrangements myself. By the way, they did a beautiful job. I hope you have a wonderful visit and enjoy the BC as much as we enjoyed the YC.

I'm so glad it worked out! I'm sure we'll enjoy it - it is Disney! :) Thanks for the info! I'll look into the Disney florist!
MickeyT, if you have a moment to report on Hurricane Hanna's status, we'll be very interested! Arriving in two weeks for our Poly/BWI split stay, but Luna Park will be down during our stay and we'll be over at SAB!
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